Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse

Chapter 241: Explore the Jukou Salt Mine again (4,000 words!)

Several people mounted their mounts again and moved towards Xu Xin's protected area.

The Silver King habitually slowed down and walked side by side with the white horse.

Several people were getting farther and farther from their previous positions, and the blood lines on Yin Wang's body gradually faded as the distance increased, and finally returned to normal.

Xu Xin calculated the distance, and now it was more than ten kilometers away. It seems that the scope of influence of this unknown increase is only about a dozen kilometers around.

Now they can clearly see Xu Xin's treehouse in the distance.

"That tree house is yours, right?" Li Wenxi looked very interested, and pointed to the rich green in front of her, "I'm finally going to see your tree house, great, I haven't seen the fourth floor yet. The tree house!"

"No, I won't go to the tree house first, I'm going to a special place over there, maybe it has something to do with the abilities we have acquired." Xu Xin shook her head.

"Hey? Didn't you happen to pass by? Just go in and take a look..." Li Wenxi leaned towards Xu Xin's arms.

"No, it's already late autumn. It can be seen from the time of dawn this morning that the daytime is already very short. I'm afraid it will be dark in a few hours. We have to finish the business first and then talk about it." Xu Xin refused.

There is also Lou Feier in his tree house. If he really wants to meet, with Lou Feier's character, it may take a long time.

"Well... okay." Li Wenxi pursed her lips and compromised.

"What's so special about the special area you're talking about? Like just now, will mutant creatures become stronger?" Qi Xuefei asked Xu Xin.

She has basically gotten used to the bumps of riding now, and she doesn't feel any discomfort anymore.

"It's hard to describe, you can see it at a glance when you go to the place."

Thinking of the salt mine cave that looks like a huge mouth, Xu Xin's heart is still a little empty.

To be honest, if he was alone, he really wouldn't dare to enter it to explore again, at most he would just take a look outside.

After the defensive battle and the busy two days, this was the first time he had returned there after the red fog incident.

I don't know if the "giant mouth" is still a dangerous area, and it is possible to continue mining salt mines.

He asked on the regional channel, and no one other than him has found a salt mine, so at present, that mine is the only place where salt can be mined in the entire 188 area.

Now there is not much salt left in his hands. If they can't mine and their population continues to increase, they will really start to lack salt.

"When you've been to Xu Xin's side, you'll have to go to my side again. I also have a very strange place." Ji Chaoyang pointed to Xu Xin's treehouse, "Xu Xin's treehouse is further west. , is my tree house, not far away."

The silver king and the white horse continued to shuttle in the desolate and bare jungle, and soon, several people had already stepped into Xu Xin's protected area.

"Have you seen that hill?" Xu Xin pointed to the circle of hills to the northwest, "That's it."

"This hill is actually connected together! Is it a circle?" Li Wenxi was a little surprised, because the hills on her side were scattered, "Just looking at these hills, you can feel the special there! In a circle, how can it be like a formation..."

"The hills are surrounded by a resource area, and the mysterious altar is in the resource area surrounded by the hills." Xu Xin explained.

"What does the resource area mean..." Li Wenxi looked up and asked.

"Well..." Only then did Xu Xin think that Li Wenxi and the others did not have the ability to discriminate and could not see that the resources were more abundant there, so he explained, "It is an area with a lot of resources above the green level, and the place where you plant a tree house is a piece of resources. Area."

"Where is mine?" Qi Xuefei turned to look at him and asked, "Is my place a resource area?"

Xu Xin nodded and said, "The tree houses of the four of us are all planted in the resource area."

Li Wenxi was looking for a location based on mineral resources, while Qi Xuefei was looking for a place with abundant medicinal herb resources. The place where they planted tree houses was naturally a resource area.

"Where is the altar..." Ji Chaoyang's expression changed slightly when he looked at the hills. "The special area on my side is not very far from the altar."

Xu Xin was not surprised.

The altar is surrounded by things linked to the so-called "gods", which are naturally a little special.

"Altar? What altar?" Li Wenxi asked in confusion.

"I don't know what altar is there." Qi Xuefei couldn't understand what Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang were talking about.

"Huh? There are no altars around your tree house? After the expansion of the reserve this time, have you carefully searched the reserve?"

There have been so many things in the past two days that Xu Xin almost forgot about the altar. He and Ji Chaoyang's altar were discovered more than three kilometers away after obtaining the treasure chest and expanding the protected area to six kilometers.

Apart from them, he had never heard of anyone else seeing the altar.

But now, everyone's protected area has been expanded to six kilometers. According to the previous rules, other survivors should discover the altar one after another.

"Well... I haven't searched carefully." Li Wenxi shook her head and looked at Qi Xuefei, "What about you, Sister Xuefei?"

"Don't look at me, today is the first time I've traveled far after the expansion of the protected area." Qi Xuefei waved her hand, feeling helpless. The first time she went out, she encountered that kind of thing.

"They shouldn't have an altar." Ji Chaoyang said at this time, "I have paid attention to this matter before, and I have also observed the conversations of other survivors on the map channel. I also tested it anonymously, and none of the survivors have seen it. to the altar."

"That is to say... Maybe there is only an altar in the protected area for the two of us in Area 188?" Xu Xin said to himself.

"It should be so. Maybe it's just that the two of us are just right next to the two altars, or because... the altar only appeared in our reserve after we obtained the treasure chest and expanded the scope of the reserve. Inside." Ji Chaoyang analyzed and gave two possibilities.

"...So what are you talking about!" Li Wenxi and Qi Xuefei listened in the fog, as if they were listening to two riddlers talking.

Xu Xin explained the situation of the altar to them.

"Ah! No wonder you have such high points in the hunting activities! So you killed mutant beasts at that time! One 500, my God!" Li Wenxi exclaimed, "It's too profitable!"

"What is profitable or not, with our ability at the time, it was very difficult to kill a mid-level mutant beast." Xu Xin said to Li Wenxi angrily, he pointed to his left shoulder, "At that time, my shoulder directly I was pierced by that rabbit hole, if it weren't for the iron armor you gave you, and the blue-level hemostatic grass from Sister Xuefei, I'm afraid I'd have to explain it there."

"Sacrifice... Then the stone statue shattered and resurrected, turning into a mutant creature?" Qi Xuefei was also shocked by what happened at the altar, "What happened to you is really magical."

"You have a blue-level iron armor, which is not bad." Ji Chaoyang couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of the scene where the wild cat attacked him like a madman as soon as he was summoned.

"I didn't even have the blue-level leather armor at the time, and the white horses at that time were smaller and slower than they are now, and we managed to kill the blood-striped cat. The deep wound, without Qi Xuefei's hemostatic herb, neither I nor it would be able to live." After speaking, he touched the white horse's head.

The white horse also called out in response to Ji Chaoyang.

"Oh... I said," Qi Xuefei showed a stunned expression, "When I was talking about hunting activities, why did you ask me for so many hemostatic herbs, so it was because of this. I was surprised at the time, not even me. How did you get injured, why did something happen to you, I thought you were a person with a smarter mind but less physical ability."

"It's okay for you to say that," Ji Chaoyang smiled, "compared to Xu Xin, my combat power is indeed weaker, let alone Wen Guixin, I can't do any of the things she did. arrive."

"Sister Guixin is special. Her abilities must be in the combat department, and we can't compare. However, you were so dangerous that time..." Li Wenxi's voice was a little worried, and she touched Xu Xin's left side with her hand. Shoulder, "Is there no sequelae?"

"Of course not, the effect of hemostatic grass is still good."

Compared with the more advanced hemostatic pills that Qi Xuefei can make now, which can quickly restore the body's injuries after eating, hemostatic herbs are indeed very defective. They need to be ground and smeared, and can only be repaired for a certain wound.

But for the original penetrating injury, it was completely sufficient.

"Listen to what you said, isn't this altar a special existence? The two big bosses in your entire district are on the edge of the altar."

Xu Xin actually prefers that the two nearby altars already exist, which is a possibility.

After all, when the Changyin family came out of the ground, they wanted to find this altar. They had known from mysterious voices that there was an altar on the ground decades ago.

So the altar should not have appeared recently.

Or... sometimes and sometimes not?

At this time, several people have arrived at a position less than one kilometer away from the circle of hills. And because the surrounding trees are all bare, the sight line is much better than before, they can already see the whole picture of the hills more clearly.

"Huh?" Ji Chaoyang first made a sound of surprise, looking at the hill not far from the salt mine.

Xu Xin glanced at him out of the corner of the eye, and found that his expression was a little dignified.

It seems that he has found an anomaly.

This guy's observation ability is really strong. It took him a long time to find out. Of course, at that time, there was a dense jungle blocking the view, and the line of sight was not good.

Soon, they were within five hundred meters.

"There are a lot of metal mines here, it's about the same as mine!" Li Wenxi looked at the hills ahead.

"Metal mines? Where are they?" Xu Xin thought of something and asked her immediately.

"Well... it's a bit strange, the metal mines are not in the mountains, but underground. There are no metal mines in this hilly mountain. Why is this?" Li Wenxi was a little puzzled.

In the mountain, there is no ore, but there are...

Xu Xin's heart froze again.

He thought that during the rainstorm season, these hills had all disappeared without a trace, and they came back after the rainstorm season, and there was no change, not even the crooked-neck trees on the hills.

But now, the few crooked neck trees have all withered to bare as the weather turns cold.

These hills are really likely to be alive.

"Okay, here it is."

The silver king stopped a hundred meters away from the salt mine, and the white horse stopped along with him.

"What's wrong here?" Li Wenxi looked around. The front is the entrance to the resource area surrounded by hills, she thought she would go in directly.

"The mine in front is where I collected the salt mine before. I told you that it was very dangerous at the time."

"Ah, it's that hole! You really said, is there still danger now?" Li Wenxi asked the confused Coco while rubbing her arms.

Ji Chaoyang had already squinted his eyes and started to look at the hill.

"Ah!" Qi Xuefei also found the clue, covering her mouth and opening her eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Wenxi was a little puzzled, followed the eyes of several people and looked at it carefully: "Hmm...? Is there something wrong... Ah! Oh my god!"

Li Wenxi also discovered the situation, her eyes widened instantly, and she pointed at the hills ahead and exclaimed, " this a head?"

The three people except Xu Xin were all nervously concerned about this strange hill.

"Come on, let's take a closer look, there may be danger around here." Xu Xin rolled over from the silver king and slowly approached the salt mine.

At this time, he missed Mimi a little bit. If Mimi is there, she can let him go in quickly and take a look around.

His tree house is nearby now, but Mimi can be called over.

...Forget it, let Mimi look at Lou Feier first, that woman can't fully believe it at this stage.

Several people walked slowly towards the cave.

"...Huh?" Coco, who was held in Li Wenxi's arms, suddenly woke Looking at the familiar salt mine in front of him, it tilted its head and let out a somewhat puzzled cry.

"How about Coco, is there still danger in the mine?" Xu Xin asked Coco.

"Hey..." Coco tilted his head again, as if thinking for a moment, then shook his head, "Hey."

"What does it mean?" Ji Chaoyang has been looking at the hill, glanced at Coco, and asked.

"There shouldn't be any danger in the cave now," Xu Xin said as she touched Coco's little head, "However, you still have to be careful. Coco's general attitude means that although it doesn't feel any danger now, it is still uncertain. It's safe inside and potentially dangerous."

"This giant's head is sleeping, is that what it means?" Qi Xuefei made a joke.

Several people stopped at the entrance of the salt mine cave, looking at the entrance of the cave that looked like a huge mouth, and their hearts were a little hairy.


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