Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 117: City in the Mirror

Now that Japan's rescue fleet has completely sunk, and the port battery has been beaten, the smoke around the entire Tokyo Bay is everywhere, and the city's harbor is stricken. The battleship sunk in the port was too shallow to be completely submerged. Most of the broken hull appeared very desolate when exposed on the water.

Our United Fleet suffered no small loss. The Americans basically had few warships left, and most of them were sunk. A total of less than 200 ships followed us. My own fleet is almost the same, including the Great White Shark, which is just 101. Feng Yin Piao Miao and Yan Yu's fleet together had about 100 ships left, and the loss was not worse than mine.

According to Isinger ’s staff plan, before we left, all the sunken battleships on both sides were equipped with time-delay and mercury-balanced double-touch bombs. After we left, the bombs would explode in order, leaving no debris for the Japanese . If they dare to remove the bomb, the mercury balance contactor will definitely kill the bomber.

After a brief assembly, we evacuated Tokyo Bay in an escape-like manner, saying that the retreat was actually an escape. The fleet does not have an advantage over the port itself, and we stopped for so long just to gain some benefits. Although the Americans sank a lot of warships, according to the King of Crash, the Americans robbed the supplies in the warehouse in the ten minutes enough for their warships. Compared to Americans, I fish a lot more. What is particularly rare is that there are a lot of magic crystals in the warehouse of the Black Dragon Society. This time he put the black vault's treasury in a pot, Masamoto Matsumoto must be so angry that he vomited blood and died.

After leaving Tokyo Bay, we and the Americans said goodbye and then returned separately. The bosses of the American guild praised me for this behavior. After all, I started to land under the banner of cleaning up the portal. In fact, the Yankees are so polite because they robbed the city warehouses a lot of money this time, and the Americans who got the benefits are naturally very polite.

After the Americans left, we drove all the warships inside the Great White Shark, and after all the warships were in place, the Great White Shark began to dive. A large number of Japanese players who arrived on the coast could only watch the top of Great White Shark slowly disappearing on the sea. Their fortress guns could not attack underwater targets, and the battleships were gone.

The Great White Shark did not stop at Tianmen Island but returned directly to Isinger. Too many damaged warships must be returned for repair. Tianmen Island is only a supply station. Most of the facilities there are used for routine maintenance and are not suitable for large-scale repairs. After crossing Tianmen Island to China's territorial waters, Great White Shark floated directly to the surface to improve the degree.

I was in the Great White Shark telling the members of the Celates family about the situation of Isinger, and the King of Crash came in suddenly. "We have arrived."

I nodded and turned to the Celatis: "Let's go up and see your new home?"

"Oh!" All of the Celestis people raised their hands and cheered, as if they were going to fight.

Because there were so many people, we lifted the hull directly by the dust lift. I turned my back to Isinger to make a final publicity to the Celates. When the light bears were on us, the expressions of all the Celates people changed significantly, and all the Celates people, including the Celates, were surprised and incredible. Seeing their expressions, I laughed very proudly, and continued to explain while I turned to face Isinger. "Everyone sees Isinger, our future home. How? It ... it ...!"

My words suddenly got stuck, and a stunned class of buildings stood on the shoreline. But that was not the previous Isinger.

The destroyed Old Isinger is a very huge ground city, although quite majestic.

But it is still a building that humans can complete. Later Essinger was the fruit of magical technology, powerful but too boring. But what is this in front of me?

The lower part of this building complex is exactly the same as the destroyed old Isinger. The towering city walls stretch out in two directions on the coastline as if there is no border. The horrible giant wall can give you a kind of Overwhelmed by the horror of suffocation. Behind the city wall, I can see the half-top of the second city wall and the third city wall behind me, and what I feel most affectionate about is the Optimus Prime towering tower of congregation and the **** burning black magic flame on the top of the tower. Eye.

But there is something even more amazing above this. On the ground, there is even a duplicate of Isinger, which is completely reminiscent of the style of the past. What is even more shocking is that the above Isinger is turned upside down above this Isinger. The two Isingers corresponded perfectly up and down, standing like two ends of a dumbbell. The two Juling Towers are completely coincident on a straight line with the same length, but the middle **** eye is shared. You can think of this Eye of Hell as the part of Isinger above or the part of Isinger below.

The bottom of the Isinger at the top or the top should just touch the black death cloud in the sky. For the above Isinger, the death cloud is attached to the bottom like the ground. The two cities are standing there facing each other in unimaginable poses, and the visual impact is really powerful.

In the two walls of the three walls of Isinger, there are more tall towers than before. Although not as exaggerated as the Juling Tower, these towers are not small. The towers of the upper and lower cities correspond to each other to form a pair of twin towers. There is a small distance between the tops of each pair of towers, and a black giant crystal floats at the middle point of this distance. . These crystals are constantly releasing black arcs towards the upper and lower towers, looking powerful and mysterious.

"Zi Ri ... Zi Ri ...? What's wrong? Look silly?"

"Oh! Ah?" I was awakened by Chuang Wang and pointed to Isinger immediately. "what happened?"

"Exactly, I don't know what's going on." Chuang Wang shook his head: "I was in Indonesia at the time, and it happened after I returned. Ask your wife for the details."

"Rose?" I looked at Isinger again. "Ok."

Essinger's new image was really shocking. I, a person who often walked in Essinger, was taken aback. The Celates people have not calmed down so far, and they circle around there together and don't know what to do. The Great White Shark is too big to enter the port, so we had to interrupt the Cerathis celebration and return to the city on a regular boat.

After entering the port, the staff of the staff were already waiting for us at the dock. Rose greeted first. After seeing me, she pointed at the sky and drew a bit: "How?"

"It's so shocking. Did you get this thing out? Is it a phantom or a real building?"

Su Mei bouncing up and running over: "The one above is my latest design, and it's completely real. I'll take you up and take a look at it, I promise to scare you again."

Eagle brought Lark and greeted me and went to meet the members of the Celatis, and took them to arrange their residence and work area according to my requirements. I followed Su Mei and Rose to the Juling Tower. Su Mei introduced me to the structure of the new city: "Isinger on the ground where we are standing now will be Essinger Ground City, and the one above will be Essinger Sky City."

"What about the enclave that could be Essinger?" The Essinger above us didn't look like the flying city combined with magic technology.

Rose explained to me: "The one that moves on our ground is called the Isinger Fortress. This is the Isinger Ground City. The one above is the Isinger Sky City. The fortress is in the dark clouds of death above the bottom of the sky. Connected to the bottom. "

"So we have three Isingers now?"

"Almost." Su Mei took a plan and handed it to me: "We plan to open this ground to the outside world. Since we are going to lead the Chinese guild in the future. At least one facade project will be needed. A new city is not Great deal. The same goal can be achieved with the ground city. The Essinger Sky City on the ground is used as the guild peripheral base and the reception of the friendly guild. Our core facilities are placed in the top cloud of death. Fortress area. "

"Nice design. Take me up to see Sky City."

"this way."

Following Rose and Sumei crossed the third city wall and entered the central area near Juling Pagoda, Sumei introduced to me that this place will not be open to the public in the future, and ordinary guilds can only go to the area thought by the third city wall. Inside this third city wall there are a large number of teleportation arrays for fast up and down sky city. We used one of the cities on the sky.

The teleportation array is very common, and it is completely different from the general teleportation array. But this teleportation really surprised me. My body didn't feel anything strange after the teleportation, and the direction of gravity didn't seem to change. But as soon as I looked up, I saw another Isinger on our heads. Looking out of that Isinger, you could see the sea and the ground. The Great White Shark stopped in the sea. It looked very clear here.

I feel very weird now, and my body feels that there is no change in gravity, but reason tells me that I am actually standing upside down in the sky. From here, start enlarging the picture of Star pupil and even ears to see a lot of people walking around on the ground of Isinger above his head busy with his business. Although I felt like they were walking on the ceiling, I knew that I was actually standing on the ceiling.

"How's that? I said it'll scare you?" Su Mei asked me with a smile.

"How did you reverse gravity? Floating the city can use gravity resistance devices, but gravity reversal is another matter."

Rose opened her arms in a circle and said, "This is the magic world. What is impossible?"

"Isn't the source of technology the Dark Temple?" I don't want to owe anything to the Dark Temple.

"Half and half. Go and take you to see our new results."

Rose said that it was actually a room or a space that took me to see.

There was only one door in this place, and I fainted as soon as the door opened. The room is full of mirrors. The floor, walls, ceiling, everything is a mirror. In the middle of the room, a large non-familiar mirror is surrounded by many small mirrors and suspended in the air. That huge mill is the magic mirror I moved back from the Mother Earth Temple in Switzerland, at this time it is slowly rotating around by a small circle of mirrors.

I was about to walk in but was caught by Su Mei. "This is called cross space. What you see is not actually the real thing, or the place where we are standing is unreal. The meaning is very complicated, and it is not clear for a while. Anyway, we use the power of that mirror to create a chaos. The area of ​​space reverses the gravity of the ground. The city of Isinger, where we are now, is actually an entity created by the power of the magic mirror. It was like you were fighting with your own mirror in the Mother Earth Temple. Although these are mirror images, they really exist. The space inside is to maintain the balance point of this existence. If you go in, it will disturb the space balance, and once you go in, you will never find the exit. "

"You guys just said half and half, does the manufacturing technology for this thing come from the Dark Temple?"

Rose nodded and admitted: "The mirror is our own, but the magic principle comes from the dark temple. Although they have the technology, they cannot build this symmetrical city because they do not have such powerful artifact-level magic mirrors. This time we use one million crystal coins. This technology was purchased twice, and a secret agreement was also signed. According to the content of the agreement, our future strategic focus must make a certain tilt to the dark temple. However, you can treat him as non-existent. Because the treaty is too broad and has almost no binding force . "

"1 million crystal coins? You really want to spend money!"

Su Mei objected: "If you buy a city of the size of 1 million in Essinger, you have made a lot, and you have no output without investment. Don't be so stingy!"

"I don't care about these 1 million crystal coins, but I didn't expect Al Ni to promise you so easily. According to my idea, she won't help us so easily. I don't know why this time I changed."

Rose pushed me: "Don't make Al Ni so bad, in fact, we have been pushing her more so far. She was rescued from the Dark Temple last time, but she played a little with you and was even linked to your hometown. It ’s all blown up. If there was a decisive battle with you at the Temple of Light. "

"I have a sense. By the way, how was the situation in the Seal of the Throne during my absence?"

"Your couple are missing together. Everything happened to us." Su Mei took a report and handed it to me. "We attracted many guilds to join our organization with drugs for treating the plague, but a few of them scammed publicly and got the antidote to immediately disassociate with us. The eagle led people to give those guilds It's over. "

"How did those guilds react?"

"The attacked guilds were very unconvinced, but they made up for it. Only people called them ungrateful, and no one said that we were wrong. To deal with such rogue guilds, they must be repressed with an iron bowl policy. Give them a little hope that they will It ’s going to get even worse. "

"What about scattered players?"

"Scattered players have rated us fairly well. Our guild has recently seen a significant increase in revenue, and the guild power has expanded significantly. Last night at 0:00, our guild has 70,000 members, and it is still It ’s increasing by two thousand degrees every day. This time Essinger was so big because he had too many new people and had to expand the city. "

"It's a good thing to earn people, but the quality must be guaranteed!"

Su Mei complained angrily: "If you didn't say that you want to ensure the overall quality of the staff, you have to add zero after the increase in staff. Ninety percent of the staff have been wiped out. Do you say we are not strict enough? By the way, there are three guilds currently discussing the merger with us. If successful, our guild is expected to exceed the 100,000 mark. "

"Three? Isn't that the reincarnation of the Second American Guild that hasn't completed the merger?"

"Later, two more guilds were added. One of them was called End of the World, and they would look like you Fans."

"Ah? My Fans?"

Rose smiled. "It's the smoke-spit ring."

"Swallowing smoke?" I screamed after thinking for a long time: "That China's number one on the battle list, which is tied with the sword?"

"Do you remember!" Gai Zi laughed. "When he sees him ruthlessly, he can't stand upright."

"The ruthless kid's mouth is really not strict. He told you all about that?"

Su Mei also laughed: "It's not a ugly thing, what can be hidden?"

Rose held back a smile and said, "They're all in the reception room now, are you going to check it out?"

"Go and see."

Rose led me to the meeting room. After entering, I saw A Wei and Xiao Yao sitting facing the door, and a circle of civil servants were busy recording. Obviously negotiating. There were five people sitting on our side with their backs, and all turned back to look at us when they heard the door open.

"Boss!" The guy sitting in the middle stopped flying for a second after seeing me. "Boss, I can see you!"

"Stop!" I held back the swallow ring that I wanted to rush up. "It's you!"

"Of course it is me!" The smoke-and-spit circle was obviously over-enthusiastic. "Boss still remembered me after not seeing the Throne of Seals for a long time. It was really moving!" He excitedly said to several people around him: "Come and see, this is the boss Ziri. How about it? I am right. Isn't it more beautiful than Xiao Qing's girl? "

"Hello sister!" One of them immediately stepped out to salute me: "No wonder the boss has been reluctant to find a girlfriend!"

Gaige and Sumei turned red in order to hold back their smiles.

"Stop it." I looked at the guy in the best robes in surprise. "How do you usually introduce me to you?"

The guy immediately said: "The boss said that Zi Ri is a fairy, and blows you to the ground. There is no land in the sky. We always thought that the boss was a lie. I didn't expect to see it this time, and it really was the same as the boss said.

I looked angrily at Swallow: "Did I not explain to you that I am a man?"

"Ah?" The guy in the mage's robe looked at me in surprise and looked at the smoke and spit circle.

"Sister Ziri ... Isn't that right. President Ziri, are you a man?"

After the B13 transformation, my appearance has become masculine. However, when these people listened to the words, they thought that I was a woman, so when I saw my neutral appearance, they naturally thought that they were women.

I pulled the rose in front of me: "This is my wife, do you think I will be a woman?"

The mage looked at the smiling flushed rose and looked at Su Mei, then turned around and whispered, "Boss, it seems that you really read it wrong. How old are the children?"

puff! A Wei, who was opposite the negotiating table, was trying to steal a sip of water because the negotiation was temporarily suspended, and when he heard this, he spit all the water on the table. "Ha ha ha ha! How old are the children? This is not outrageous. You are too associative. How old are you if you don't look at Zi Ri? With such a big child, he is not going to get married when he is 11 or 12 years old?"

I walked over to Awei and drove Awei to the side and sat in the seat by myself. "Joke is almost here. Don't discuss my gender issues anymore. I believe you can also see that I am not a woman, and this time it is a blind date for our guild, not our blind date. Let me introduce myself first, I It's Ziri, President of the Frost Rose Alliance. This is my wife, the financial director of the Frost Rose Alliance. This is Su Mei, the first army division of the Association. "

Swallowing the smoke circle quickly dragged the mage just now and introduced: "This is the vice president of our guild. It's not bad. I heard that you are a professional with Ziri."

"You are also a trainer of animals?" I looked at Ben in astonishment with surprise. "There are not many tamer trainers in the zero-mile range, and it is rare to meet colleagues. If I remember correctly, you seem to be the first in the Chinese combat power ranking with the smoke-spit circle?"

"President Ziri really has a good memory." Ben Rong explained: "At first, I was tied with the first in the battle list with four people who had smoke snakes and thorn snakes, and drifted with the wind, but then our strength gradually opened up. Now, the first in the Chinese combat list is a mysterious character, even the name is hidden. The second brother is a player named Real Red. I heard that it seems to be your guild. The third player is called Crazy Dog, I have never seen Real people. I do n’t remember the order later, but half of the top 100 are your guilds. I ’m probably not even the top 10 right now, it ’s probably only in the 17th or 8th position. ”

"Seventeen and eighty is also amazing." How could a shrewd person like Rose treat their modesty as incompetent? Immediately began to fight back: "Chinese players have billions of dollars, and it is already an absolute bull who can pick up thousands and thousands of miles."

I asked, "How much do you line up now?"

It ’s not that rogue to swallow the smoke and toss circle and answer: "The boss is now in tenth place, just in the top ten."

The swallowing ring immediately shook his head humbly: "Now there are a lot of bulls, and we old rods are not good anymore. By the way, this is the thorn snake, the president of the Wandering Guild."

"Snake? That member of the standings?" I couldn't help but look at the snake.

His appearance is rather average. You just couldn't find the ground in the shame. Height is about one meter six or seven, and very thin. A black soft armor and a black cape are obviously occupations like Assassins, otherwise they are called thorn snakes.

The Hydralisk nodded in recognition of its identity. "This time, the smoke-spit circle said it would merge with the Frost Rose Alliance. We had to pull us to participate. After seeing your city, I believe you are indeed a worthy guild."

"You're in the top 20 now, right?" I asked carefully.

"This guy is a lunatic, and now he's tied for second with True Red." The smoke-spitting ring patted the snake's shoulder and showed it to us.

"It really is a master." I nodded. "What about these two?"

The swallowing circle pushed the two out. "This is the Hydralisk subway buddy drifting with the wind, and is also a master with us.

It is now ninth in the combat standings. This cool brother is the lonely moon of the guild, vice chairman of the guild. The ranking of combat power is also within the top fifty. "

Drifting with the wind is a very handsome young man. If the black wings behind it are not because the race is a demon, it must be because the profession is a fallen angel. It is hard to imagine that this young man with a smile on his face will be the ninth in the standings. As for the moon's loneliness, no matter how I look at it, I feel that this person is very similar to a thorn snake, and is probably a brother. And even the profession is the same.

After listening to the introduction, I started to greet them to sit down and talk about the merger. In fact, everyone has talked about everything in the beginning. The key now is to check some details.

Tobacco Swallowing Ring has relaxed requirements in many places because of strange feelings for me. Naturally, I'm not good at card too strict, except for the quality of personnel. Other good to say. We finally completed all the detailed planning before dark, and the Tianya League and the Homeless Guild all merged into our guild.

The End of the World Alliance is a naval battle guild. Its main forces are concentrated by the sea and there are many warships. But because their guild players are strong in combat, they are not like guild artillery battles, but they are fighting like pirates. After this merger, we took in about a third of the guild, and the guild city was not good because of its poor location. Just two-thirds of the players we did n’t want rebuilt a guild. Own this city. We do n’t need any of the guild warships. We do n’t need those wooden ships. Isinger has iron armored warships.

Hydralisk's Wandering Guild is more of an organization than a guild. Wandering is a killer organization, which has the same function as the fangs of the affiliate organization of our guild. The meeting is full of assassins and killers, and the number reaches more than 10,000. Of course, it is impossible for me to collect all of such a large killer organization. After removing some of the unreliable people, more than 8,000 are left for our guild.

The number of people determined by our guild has now reached more than 90,000. The guild negotiations for the Second World Rebirth have ended, but American players are not as good at speaking as the Chinese guilds, so the follow-up work is a bit more troublesome. If the guild reincarnated from the Second Life is also counted in, the total number of our guilds should be about 103,000 to 105,000. If we go out later, we can also say that we are a guild.

After the negotiation, Rose took those presidents to deal with the follow-up things. I took the time to go to the institute to put the space door there, and then dumped out the contents of the Fenglong space for the players who are engaged in research to analyze slowly. I myself commanded the Tyrannosaurus Knight to move supplies.

The eagle suddenly ran in. "Oh my God! Why are you still here?"

"what's wrong?"

Eagle gasped, saying, "The guild is busy, and now there are not enough people. If you have time, help out to participate in the encirclement."

"Siege?" I handed the contents of my hand to a Tyrannosaurus Rider and turned to ask: "Who is the Siege?"

"Before you went to Europe, didn't we say that we would take advantage of the spread of the plague and we have the advantage of antidote to adjust China's domestic power structure?"

"Hmm, what's up?"

"We have wiped out several guilds after you left, but it is not so easy to sort out the forces across the country. Now there are a few small guild villages that need to be wiped out. I think you need to deal with it. Your private forces Attacking small cities and villages is more than enough. "

"Why let me go? What about the others in the guild?"

"The guild merger needs to be accepted. There are more new landlords than the old members. The methodical merger is because of our strict selection. The remaining people are high-quality people. It ’s messy. How can you dare to send me out to fight in such a team? As for the army, I am now hoping to engage in a city battle with players from the ghost alliance outside the city! The guild players can't go to the eagle and have to bsp; "Are our guilds still playing a stick? Why didn't you inform me earlier?"

"I need to have time for the Seal of the Seal of God to inform you! I've been so busy these days. I'm so sloppy. Now you better go get help with these villages."

"That bsp; fighting against the Ghost League;" Vinda is directing the scene and there are hundreds of players in it, which should not be a problem. The strength of the Ghost League is not very strong, and our guard is not a miscellaneous army. We can end the battle before tomorrow morning.

But now those villages are unmanaged. Only you have idle troops here. "

"All right. I'll go. Give me the map."

The eagle was ready for me to fight, and when I heard that I wanted a map, he immediately gave me a map. "The targets are in these red circles, a total of four small villages, three large villages and a small city. You don't have to talk to them in the past, we have entered a state of war with them. You can go up."

"So much? I have to run it all over the night. How can I still have time to fight the throne?"

"I didn't say that it must be done tonight. You can do it slowly. It will be OK within three days of the War of the Seal of the Seal of God."

"Understand." I took the map and turned around to greet Skort: "Gather the team, let's get out. The space gate is here. Eagles, you let the puppets go in and carry the remaining supplies out. I will run the team myself past."

"Do not worry."

There are too many things in the space gate, and I don't want to waste the opportunity to open the door, so instead of using the space gate to transport troops, I ran directly with a large group of tyrannosaurus knights. The distance was not very far anyway.

It is now more than eight o'clock, and it is completely dark, but Isinger is still prosperous. Most players are not as long as the Seal of Thrones online for me like this. At 8 pm, the real Seal of Thrones is the peak time of games. At this time, there are most players. Because the Isinger Ground City is now fully open, the players in the city plus the original land have a lot of freedom. Now there are more people in the city than the ants. The six-lane wide street is actually crowded.

A large number of players visited the city as if they were traveling, which led to commercial exhibitions. The locations of the shops rented out by our guild on the streets have all become various stores. A large number of players enter and exit. There are even players setting up stalls along the streets, and the assortment of small commodities is better than that of large shops.

Suddenly, the gate of the third city wall clicked. Players standing by the door and tourists who were walking nearby were attracted by the sound of this mechanical transmission. The gate opened slowly, and a neat group of cavalry was waiting behind it. For the knight is me.

"Hurry up." I hurriedly urged the guards at the gate, and the soldiers turned the winch hard, but the gate was still slowly opening.

All the players outside whispered watching this picture: "Look, the cavalry of the Frost Rose Alliance is rampant."

"So spectacular."

"Fuck, it's good to have money. Look at the equipment, it's all the same."

I couldn't help hearing the argument outside, or vanity flooded, after all, was it all the result of my efforts. "Go forward." I pointed forward with eternity. Scarlett waved back and the team immediately moved. Forced by the cavalry's powerful momentum, the outsiders immediately consciously parted ways as soon as we moved.

I took the 8,000 cavalry on the avenue on the central axis of the city, trotting along all the way, leaving enough time for pedestrians to give way to the throne of the Seal of God. This is my own city, and I don't want to leave a bad impression on players who come to spend here.

When the crowds in the outer city became more sparse, we began to mention that the cavalry of the brigade roared across the gate to attract countless surprised and envious eyes of passersby. After rushing out of the gate, the team once again followed the newly opened road towards the nearest village on the map.

Due to the sharp increase in the price of the teleportation array, the road has become more prosperous than before. Whether it was a player or before. Everyone uses teleportation arrays to travel between cities. Even the hair on the road is invisible. Now everyone dare not use the teleportation team unless there is an urgent matter. The players on the road, the various teams, the teams, and even the pedestrians are almost never broken. I have been running a long way to bypass a few city streets and have fewer talents. There is no large city like Isinger to attract players. Generally, the flow of people between cities is normal.

The first reaction of pedestrians on the road when we saw them was to hide from the roadside. I heard that there are many robbers now, and they probably treat us as robber groups. As for ourselves, it is impossible for a robber to be stupid enough to come out and rob us, it would be better to commit suicide directly.

The first target is a small village. The name is Wildfire Village. Probably the guild that this village belongs to hopes that Wildfire Sugawara will use this village to develop into a powerful guild, but this time they stand in the wrong place. Pedestrians on the roads hold torches or use lighting, but my cavalry regiment consisting of Tyrannosaurus knights does not use any lighting at all, and only a long dragon composed of red highlights is seen on the dark road accompanied by neat The pace bumps up and down and moves quickly.

Four advantages of the undead army: First. Tirelessly; second, fearless death; third.

No need to eat; fourth, perfect night vision. No light does not cause us any problems.

The people of the Wildfire Village have long entered into a state of war with our guild. The other party already knew that we were going to attack, but they didn't know the time. When we arrived, the other side's defenses were fully opened, and the raid was hopeless.

The periphery of the village has a circle of soil and rock-filled earth walls, less than two meters in height. I don't know if I thought it was a courtyard. Behind these miniature walls, there are some players and players, but the number is too small to be very thin. Because they never move back and forth after standing behind the wall, and considering the rudeness of going up the wall, I guess these people may be standing on wooden platforms or something, rather than standing on the wall. The walls in front of those people were not rampant walls, but the full thickness of the city walls.

I haven't stopped since I saw the city walls, and start to summon magic pets while running. "Tank, you smashed the city wall in front. Fortunately, your four dragons supported in the air. Xiaofeng is responsible for the harassment. Don't stop when the impact strikes, just rush all the way."

The huge body of the tank rushed to the front, and the other personnel's situation immediately appeared. A flaming arrow rain flew out, but the smooth and hard shell of the tank was not at all stressed, and the arrows hit the carapace and slid to the sides without any penetration.

Four dragons glanced over the village with strong winds. All the people on the wall were swept up by strong winds, and the strong winds brought the roofs of the villages up. The tank slammed into the wall before those people reacted. The city wall was less than two meters high and was just over a foot thick. The tank rushed directly without stopping. This mud wall is no different from paper paste.

The tank rushed through the city wall and immediately turned 360 degrees in place to sweep down a large wall and rushed into the village. The hardness of the mud-stone mixed buildings couldn't stop the collision of the tank and was easily taken down. Skott led the Tyrannosaurus Rider into the village through the gap in the collapsed wall, and the rest was slaughtered.

Ten minutes later, there was almost no one in the village. I left with the team and Xiaofeng burned the whole village with a fire. In this guild, there are less than 300 players with guards in total, and they dared to sing against us with a Taiwanese opera.

The next village was less than two kilometers away, and we were all cavalry rushing to the second village in just a few minutes. The village in front of them had been attacked and they had seen it, but the strength of this village was similar to that of the first village. We only flattened this small village in just ten minutes.

Now there are two small villages, three large villages and a small city ~ ~, but there are two villages with the same distance but opposite directions. I chose to attack the larger village first. After we arrived, there was still no change, and the charge of the village was over. Such a place in a village is completely dependent on civil defense. Whether the small wall can block the bison is a problem, let alone the regular army.

We killed the same situation all the way, the last small village stayed the most offbeat. The fence here is actually made of wood, and it is only about one meter three meters high. It is said that the fence is actually similar to a barricade. What's more exaggerated is that no one in this village stands. I didn't even call the magic pet to lead the cavalry to jump over the so-called fence and burned the village with a fire. Until the end, I didn't see anyone coming out, as if the attacked village was an empty village.

All villages have been cleaned up, and finally it is the small city. It was already clear when we reached its periphery. The small city in front of it is similar to a small fortress. The width of a square city is only one kilometer, and the height of the wall is about four or five meters. The only thing that surprised me was the dense crowd on the wall. Suddenly I understood why those villages were so simple.

The other party was not without people. They did it because they knew that the village could not stop us, so they took the initiative to retreat to this small city and decided to fight against me. But they missed an important point.

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