Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 116: Tokyo raid

"The crank was blown up just now!"

gosh! Drop the chain at a critical moment. I turned to look at Fangdao, which was rushing towards us.

"Special artillery is in place."

"You want to use a puppet?" Night Son immediately asked me in surprise.

"What else can we do? The remaining firepower cannot complete the interception task at all. The chief officer ordered a special artillery fire to rob the enemy of control."

"Understand, special artillery fire."

The large-caliber special artillery gun behind the Poseidon quickly adjusted the firing direction. With a loud boom, a black spot flew out, followed by a shot of the bomber and firing again. Continuous sound, the Ministry of Motivation flew out even.

The Japanese saw that we were running but didn't hit ourselves. Instead, it was the black spots that opened the parachute. The Japanese are preparing to attack the falling black spots, and the black spots suddenly fall off by a parachute. When the sound of a demon in a squatting position, the shock was resolved and landed on the top of the second battery. The black dots at the back cut off the parachutes and landed on the ship.

The first goblin's eyes flashed red from the squatting state, and he jumped left and right. Several Japanese were rushing out of the bridge to see what was going on, but a puppet suddenly burst into the corridor. The slender railings couldn't stop the huge weight of the puppet, and they were stepped on the ground like noodles. The front Japanese quickly turned around and ran backwards. Two guard-like men rushed forward to stop the puppet from approaching.

The puppet went straight to the gate of the bridge without seeing the guard at all, and the guard immediately went up and cut it. The puppet directly raised his hand and held the blade, and the other hand grabbed the guy's neck and threw it out of the railing. The guard was thrown out of the battleship and fell into the sea. The guards behind him looked at the companion who fell into Haiti and took out a small red pill and threw it to the ground. A burst of red smoke quickly obscured the sight, while the guard himself pulled the man who seemed to be behind to turn around and ran into the bridge and closed the door.

The vision of the puppet is completed by the magic mechanism, which is actually similar to the dark vision of undead creatures such as skeletons. Relying solely on energy to determine the target position, the red smoke cannot actually affect the vision of the puppet. The puppet passed through the smoke directly to the door, raised his hands and fists, and hit the door with a sound. After all, the high-pressure door on the ship is not a wooden ground. This punch did not have much effect, but the door has slightly deformed.

The Japanese in the door hid in panic to the other side of the wall, and suddenly there was another crash behind them. A few Japanese people looked back in panic when two puppets were smashing the door on the other side. The targets of the seven puppets shot were all bridges, and they have now all climbed to the periphery of the bridge.

The doors on both sides were not broken. The glass in front of the doctor burst. Three puppets flew directly into the bridge. The guard responsible for protecting the captain immediately rushed over to this side, two of the three puppets greeted him, and the other quickly walked to the right of the steering wheel. The warship made a sudden turn and everyone on the ship was thrown aside.

When I saw the warship turning on the side of the Poseidon, I knew that the puppet had succeeded. This assault routine has not been used for the first time, and it has been relatively successful. Tail puppet is very powerful.

And the defense is high, the aisle on the battleship is very narrow. This makes it impossible for the enemy to take advantage of the number, and almost no one has ever played a monster.

The number of people inside the bridge was very small, and the puppets entered the interior one after another. Three of them sealed the three entrances, and the other four began major damage. The puppet that steered the steering wheel turned the steering wheel to the far right and kicked the base of the steering wheel with a kick. The curved base is bent together with the internal transmission shaft, which is equivalent to jamming the steering gear, and the rudder of the ship will remain full and cannot be corrected. Another puppet smashed all the seemingly useful equipment in the bridge, and finally seven puppets left the bridge and jumped into the sea at the same time. The Japanese battleship that left the water after the demon with the vertebral device in the water changed into the water quickly, and Fangdao could only spin in place because it had always been Fangman Rudder.

I ordered an artillery shot as soon as the demon left, although the ship could not sink one ship at a time, the Fangdao would only spin in place, and we could blast slowly.

Today, it may be unlucky for Japan. After the naval battle lasted two hours, the battleship group of the Temple of Neptune finally arrived, and a huge Chinese fleet in the other direction suddenly appeared in our line of sight. After the other party approached, we could recognize from the banner that this was a battleship sent by Feng Yin Piao Miao's **** alliance. It seems that the vice chairman of Hongyue is still very good, and even pulled his brother to help.

Feng Yin Piao Miao's fleet has more than 300 ships, although not many, but the Japanese and we are already fighting fast. The joining of any battleship will cause the battlefield to lose balance.

Poseidon and I sank ten more warships in these two hours, but we ourselves were blinded by hundreds of windows. I do n’t have to work so hard when Feng Yin Piao Miao comes. I decided to command a seriously injured warship to withdraw from the battlefield. The Great White Shark also rose from the sea. Now I need to return to the damaged warship quickly.

The Japanese saw Feng Yinmiao's fleet originally intending to run, but they gave up the idea when they saw the Great White Shark suddenly emerged from the water. In the previous battle, the Great White Shark continuously attacked Japanese warships. The Japanese knew that someone was setting off a cold gun, but in the melee, there was no time for me to attack. Now that such a large dock ship emerges, the fool knows what's going on. Feng Yin Miao Miao gave the battle to the deputy, and she herself came to the Great White Shark while making a boat.

I stood on the internal berth of the Great White Shark and waited for Feng Yinmiao's battleship to lean in. "It's so timely that you arrived!" Feng Yin Miu Mi shouted as soon as I got off the boat.

Feng Yin Piao Miao laughed and said, "Thank you for thanking Hongyue. The girl who ran to my guild even kicked all my people on the battleship. We were sent without understanding what was going on. To the sea. It was only on the road that I was answered. "

"Ah? Did Hongyue also follow?"

"Of course." Hongyue jumped off the battleship. "Can my Overseer go so fast without them?"

"It is indeed the vice-chairman of our guild." I gave my thumbs up in praise of Hongyue, and Hongyue even laughed awkwardly.

Feng Yin Piao Miao continued, "If it wasn't for my sister to pull me out, you would have had a bad mold today."


Hongyue replied immediately: "The Japanese knew that the situation was wrong and sent people off the assembly line to inform the homeland. The homeland of Japan sent a huge mixed fleet of 3,000 warships to come to reinforcements. What do you think you are bad for?

"What about the Japanese fleet?"

Feng Yin Piao Miao said: "The road happened to meet us, and the two sides fought. Otherwise, you would not only see 300 warships to support it. This time it is not just us. The Northern Alliance also dispatched thousands The battleships helped, and the Korean Earth and Sky Alliance sent a large number of battleships to help us attack the Japanese mainland. The Japanese were forced to transfer some of the battleships back to the rescue, so in the end you saw us instead of a huge Japanese fleet. . "

"The Northern Alliance and the Tianji League have also sent troops? No wonder they can hold the Japanese. Park Yin's girl and Yan Yu are very interesting."

Hong Yue said in a slightly angry voice: "The behavior of Smoky Rain can be understood as helping himself. The Northern Alliance has more trade in the Americas than us. The Japanese fleet is his greatest scourge. He sent troops for future security. As for Park Yin I think it may be because you helped her through the war. So this time you return the favor. The most important thing is that you can plunder supplies by assaulting the Japanese mainland, not entirely at a loss. "

"Anyway, it helped us a lot." Feng Yin Piaomiao stood out and said, "I still want to thank you when I look back. Hey, Ziri, don't you have a lot of ships coming out? Why are there a few of them? "

"The main force was stuck in the middle of the Pacific by the Japanese squadron. We came here to intercept the fleeing Japanese fleet."

"No wonder! I see things here and leave them to me. The Japanese warships don't seem to have a few good ships. I'll do the finishing work."

"Then please."

There are not many ships in Fengyin's misty ground, but their warships are intact. None of the two warships on our battlefield is intact, either with different personnel or tilted into the water, and there are some missing gun positions. The new fleet's combat effectiveness is much better than the wounded soldiers here. The Japanese fleet's warships were sunk in succession, and the entire sea was desperately frustrated by Japanese crew members.

I stood on the bow of the Daibaiyu and looked at the sea. It was already dusk at the end of the battle. The sea was dyed golden by the sun. Hundreds of Japanese warships that had not yet completely sunk formed a rather bleak picture on the sea.

"Chairman, the main fleet has arrived." A crew member came to report.

"Tell them not to stop, the Japanese rescue fleet is ahead, and immediately go to support the Northern Alliance warships."


The task of cleaning the battlefield was left to the wounded warship. The Great White Shark took the relatively complete warship with the newly arrived joint fleet and sailed towards Japan. There are only over 1,000 battleships left in the American guild, and they are almost all wounded. Terry's fleet is the most complete one. Coupled with our Great Baideng and Feng Yin Piao Miao's fleet, nearly 2,000 warships returned to support the Northern Alliance.

When we rushed to the sea off Japan, there were less than 300 ships in the smoky and rainy fleet, and Feng Yin Piao Miao was startled at that time. According to this figure, it is equal to the loss of nearly 70% of the fleet of the Northern Alliance, and the battle loss rate has reached the level of injury. In fact, Feng Yin Piaomiao's own fleet was not good. In order to ensure that there were enough warships to hold the Japanese fleet, Feng Yin Piaomiao had left a whole thousand warships, but now more than 200 can be seen.

The Japanese side is also very sad. According to Feng Yinmiao, the size of the 3,000 warships was initially dispatched, and now there are less than two thousand, and the wounded and disabled are not many good ships. Obviously, this side is more fierce than ours. Yan Yu must have fought this battle in a desperate way.

After we appeared, the Japanese fleet made a wise turn and began to evacuate. They are reinforcements to rescue the fleet of Matsumoto Masa. Now that we are here, it means that Matsumoto Masa's fleet does not exist. The rescue target no longer exists. The retreat could even get in.

Although Little Japan is wise, we are not stupid. Now the advantages are on our side, and it's a fool not to take advantage of it. There is no need to negotiate, everyone's opinions are the same. The fleet chased the Japanese rescue fleet all the way from the outer seas of Japan to the inland seas of Japan. Until the next day, we had seen the coast of Japan, and the Japanese fleet seemed to have no intention to stop.

The reinforcement fleet moved all the way south, and we pursued it. There were several small-scale brief exchanges during the night, but it soon ended. In the evening, most players took turns to take a break to take a break, and now it's dawn, we have restored our combat effectiveness.

In fact, yesterday, the Japanese fleet did not run but took advantage of it. Today, it is really a loss. The great white shark was here and was working overnight. Less severely wounded ships in the US fleet and in our own fleet have been fully repaired. Those who were too badly injured were repaired and the shelling system was ready to be used as a fixed turret. It can be said that our combat effectiveness is gradually increasing.

The Japanese reinforcement fleet retreated along the coast, and many unsuspecting Japanese players sailed to the sea to level up and unfortunately encountered us and were killed by us. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the throne of the Seal of God in Japan. The fleeing Japanese reinforcements finally stopped going south, bypassing the Boso Peninsula and started turning west into Sagami Beach and then heading north into Tokyo Bay.

As soon as our United Fleet chased them around Chikura Castle, they were attacked by artillery from Oshima Fortress. The Big Island is not actually big. But it just stuck outside Tokyo Bay, and all passing ships were within its strike range. But we did not suffer this time. The Great White Shark's long-range artillery is no less powerful than the base fort of the Big Island base. After a round of firing, the two teams approached and started the Big Island artillery battle.

After more than two hours of shelling, the Big Island base was completely blown into ruins. Only our battleship was injured and the Great White Shark was in it. This was not a loss.

When we attacked the Big Island, we had a meeting with the presidents of the United States to discuss whether we should continue the pursuit. In the end, we basically determined whether we would pursue the pursuit.

The following battles became more troublesome. Dongjing Bay is sandwiched between Boso Peninsula and Izu Peninsula like a pocket. The entrance is quite narrow and it is a natural large harbour. The fortresses on both sides of the strait were covered with large fortress guns, and they wanted to enter the Tokyo Bay and storm.

After receiving orders, our fleet began to carry two large fortresses, Tateyama Castle and Miura Castle. With the help of Great White Shark's torpedo in the port, we managed to get the two fortresses without any loss. But the rest of the journey had to be hardened. The two fortresses, Kyonan and Futtsu, are in the middle of the entrance to Tokyo Bay, where the water depth is insufficient and the Great White Shark cannot enter at all.

According to the opinions of Smoky Rain, we adopted the method of combined sea, air, and air attack on two cities. The air force of our guild was responsible for destroying the city's main defense guns and disrupting the operation. Fire suppression.

The Japanese's defense is quite crazy, and they will not retreat from morning to noon. In the end, we just flattened the city an inch before we counted the two nails. At noon we didn't take a break, and took advantage of this opportunity to immediately start to impact the inside of Tokyo Bay, but I did not expect that the harbor is worse than the outside officials. The entire perimeter of the dynamic bay is full of gun turrets, and the gun barrels are almost like spines on a cactus.

At this time, either you die or I die, there is no need to say anything. The combined fleet rushed into the Tokyo Bay with gunfire and cooperated with the 6th Air Force to start a large-scale shelling. The nearby cities were Japanese, no matter where the shells fell. Not a waste.

Hongyue contacted Isinger with a communicator to shoot all the magic arrows and asked the newly repaired Babel Tower to help conduct battlefield monitoring, so that we can deploy the overall power to achieve the maximum combat effectiveness. I was observing the fighting on the sea. Hongyue suddenly called me to pick up the communication. I ran to the front of the communication plane and the general was in the picture.

"General General? Anything else?"

The general took a document and looked at it and said, "Our interim staff has done the best configuration for you, and we have simulated the battle losses and final benefits."

"The results of it?"

"The result is profitable, but the direct benefits will not be too much. This time, it is mainly to help Americans get out of the way to improve Sino-US relations, and since then suppress the Japanese exhibition, these invisible benefits are the focus."

"What about the layout of the battlefield right now? I'm afraid we won't be able to get back to a ship if we fight like this.

Rose came out from the edge of the screen and said, "Fleet may not, as long as you can bring the Great White Shark and a few class battleships back, it is not a loss."

"Is it necessary to play this big?"

"Wealth and wealth are sought. The greater the risk, the richer the profits. You should be clear about this. The main role of the battleships in our guild is to suppress the Japanese fleet to maintain our maritime safety. Since yesterday, we have used Babel Tower to cover the entire territory of Japan. After scanning it, almost all of the entire Japanese fleet is here. That is to say, the Japanese sent nearly 6,000 battleships back and forth this time is the full power of Japan. If Japan does not have a regular navy, we do not necessarily need to maintain a very A huge maritime fleet. When Japan builds a new ship, our number has recovered, and we still have the upper hand than the manufacturing capacity. "

"That is to say, if we don't need this fleet, it won't affect future exhibitions?"

"Correct." Rose nodded. "This fleet can be considered a strategic investment. Anyway, these are outdated warships that have just lost their replacement. It is true to use them to exchange more affordable strategic materials. The Japanese The supply of raw materials has always been tight. As long as you take away their raw materials, it is a serious blow to the Japanese exhibition process. "

"I roughly understand what you mean."

The general immediately said, "That's good. In this case, you give the fighting command to Hongyue's girl."

"Then what am I doing?"

"Go ashore." Rose took out a sketch map: "This is a map of Tokyo. Do you see this?"

"I see."

"Tokyo is one of the main cities of the system in Japan, and the general dispatch warehouse of Japanese stores is here."

"You mean that point is a supplies warehouse?"

"Yes. Japanese land supplies are scarce. Unlike we can be self-sufficient, most of their items are purchased from the system store. So the system store is more important to Japanese players than the system store on our side."

"But the system warehouse must be heavily guarded, even if I go in alone. I can't get much!"

"Don't you take it. These are for Americans. You tell the Americans that they should grab them."

"What? Isn't that a cheap American for nothing?"

Rose brings the map closer to the picture. "Have you been on vacation for our staff?

Listen carefully. "Rose drew a circle on the map and connected a line to the sea." This circle is a material warehouse. You can find someone to take the American along this line I drew to grab the Japanese warehouse. After that, the guards of the system city will be concentrated here. "Rose drew a circle on the map again." The guard originally wanted to concentrate here to enter the warehouse from the back door to guard the warehouse, but we will remotely control the arrow of God to blow up the rally point when the city guards are concentrated, which is inevitable. Caused many casualties. "

"Then the Americans will completely **** the warehouse, but what can we get out of it?"

Rose drew two more circles on the map. "This assembly point is only one of them. The guards come from three directions. After we blow up one, the other two will start sending troops. We can only delay you for about twenty minutes. After that, the guards will quickly enter the defense area around the warehouse. If If the calculation is good, the American guild should have entered the warehouse at this time. The guards and the Americans will have a melee, and then more guards will be attracted here. "Rose drew a circle on another corner of the map, and then she was in New A line was drawn between the circle and the warehouse. "This place is the secret warehouse of the Black Dragon Society."

"I depend, can you all see it?"

Somei interjected and screamed, "This is the information sent back by Ryohara lurking in Japan, and Babel Tower cannot see through."

Rose continued: "When the guards have passed this line, you will attack your secret warehouse with your men. Although the Black Dragon Club is the guardian guild of Tokyo City, according to the system settings, the site of the Black Dragon Club will be attacked. Sending troops to help defend, but the warehouse is a system directly under the building, with a higher priority, the guards will definitely help the warehouse first, and then come back to control the small vault of the Black Dragon Club. "

"I see. Do you mean to use Americans to drag the guards, and then we go to the black vault of the Black Dragon?"

The general interrupted me and said, "Don't take care, it's easy to say, it's not so easy to do. It is unknown how long the Americans can stick to it. You better let the guns support the Americans from time to time, as long as they see I hope you are safe without retreating. We will use Babel towers for surveillance here. We will notify you as soon as the Americans retreat. After that, you have a very long time to safely evacuate the Throne of the Seal of God. bsp; "Willn't Americans get any good to break our relationship? "

Rose explained: "You don't have to worry about this, we have already thought about it for you. The guard will be delayed for twenty minutes after being bombed. It will take ten minutes for the Americans to get there. The throne snatched supplies. But the Americans wo n’t give up ten minutes, they will definitely greedy the ten-minute limit you mentioned, and they will inevitably contact the guard afterwards. No matter what happens after that, it has nothing to do with you, they themselves You ca n’t blame you on the Throne of the Seal of Siam if you do n’t listen to the advice.


"Of course." Rose proudly said, "Which line do you see as having such a large staff?"

"I'll do it right away."

"Remember to bring a portable communicator. Now the private chat system has only 200 meters of communication range left.

Nothing more. "

After leaving the communication, Hongyue Xun took over the command. As for taking the Americans to the warehouse, of course, it was most suitable to break into the king. These Americans defeated Matsumoto Masako's fleet yesterday with the Chuang Wang, and they are considered comrades-in-arms. He brought more appeal. But before that I had to take action. I first arrived at the Heilonghui warehouse and then told the Chuangwang to take them to action. In this way, I can save the delay time on the road, and make the best use of the time.

Put all the magic pets back into the wind dragon space, the tyrannosaurus knight and stego had returned to the space door yesterday. Bring five demon puppets from the bottom of the ship to the sea. The puppet was equipped with a water thruster to replace the motorboat.

Immediately near the coast, I stretched out half a head from the water and looked around. This is not a dock, no one on the embankment. I quickly climbed the breakwater with the puppet. Above this is a small square. Probably the place where the cargo is piled up. Behind the square is a large warehouse. I beckoned and brought the puppet to rush through this open area to the warehouse. There wasn't even a ghost in the warehouse at this time. The harbour scuffles were all concentrated there, and it turned into a no-man's land.

Moving forward from the warehouse to the other side, there is a separation wall pulled up by a barbed wire in front, and there are four bsp at the door; "Phantom. Look at you."

"Do not worry."

The phantom emerged from me and then slowly submerged into the ground. One of the guards at the door suddenly shook his body, and then pulled his head down. The guard on the side pushed him to ask what happened, but the guard suddenly slashed his companion. His companion was cut off with one arm at the time, and the other two guards came up to subdue him, but this guy had a lot of strength and twitched with the other two guys. The guard with one arm missing wailed on the ground, but the other two could not help.

Open Fenglong space. "Yueyue, the one with the spear is over to you. Emmenis, cover for illusions."

"Do not worry."

Yeyue slid silently down the ground towards the guards who were scrambled into a ball, and I leaned slowly from the other side. When I arrived next to them, Yeyue and I rushed at the same time. Yeyue's snake blade resolved the guard with a spear at once, and I used a dragon's tendon as a wire to pull the other guy's neck from behind to pull him. come out. The guards themselves may have high combat effectiveness, but we suddenly attacked them without a chance to respond. When we settled the guard we were responsible for, the guard on the ground who was also injured by the phantom was hacked to death.

Phantom and us are better than one, two, three, and suddenly left the guard's body, he was resolved by me without a word.

Throw the corpse into Fenglong space and give it to the tank for treatment, and go directly through the gate into the city. The Japanese here are sparse, most of them are irrelevant freedom. We ca n’t take the road and we have to climb the wall to climb the roof. It took half an hour to touch the location of the small vault of the Black Dragon Club. Take out the percussion machine to inform the Chuang Wang that it is ready to go.

There are too many guilds in the United States. It is impossible to sneak in secretly like me. They were found before they landed. Guard Xun began to move closer to the assembly point, and the last arrow from Isinger had been circling in the sky for a long time. At about the same time as the guards assembled, the arrow of God suddenly fell from the sky.

A big pit appeared at the rally, and the guard fell a large area.

Just like Rose planned, the other two guard towers started sending troops to stop, but the Americans arrived at the warehouse first. After robbing ten minutes of valuable supplies, the Americans did not retreat obediently, and the material in front of them was money! Even if they knew they were in danger, they were fortunate enough to urge them to stay. After that, the situation was simple. The American guild was blocked in the warehouse by the guards, and the two sides started a battle around the gate of the warehouse.

I lie in the attic of a building less than 200 meters away from the Heilonghui Small Treasury, watching the team guards leave the small vault and ran towards the main warehouse. Hehe. Go and save your big warehouse. I'll grab the small warehouse.

After the guard ran away, I suddenly led the puppet out of the hiding house and rushed to the warehouse ahead. The Black Dragon will have its own guard, but the average player is not my opponent at all. The puppet hit the front door and knocked down the gate of the yard. I flew over the head of the crowd and went directly to the door of the warehouse to put the space there. A steady stream of tyrannosaurus knights rushed out of the space gate. This small vault was usually guarded by guards. The Black Dragon will not prepare many players here at all, and now it is obviously understaffed when it is withdrawn. Easily swept away by the Tyrannosaurus Rider.

I jumped to the roof of the warehouse and shouted to the following: "Ling, you are responsible for bringing the 3000 tyrannosaurus knight team into the warehouse to carry materials into Fenglong space. Don't stop no matter what happens unless I shout. The rest The people followed me to the door to block the enemy outside. "

The following Tyrannosaurus Knight was divided into two parts immediately after receiving the order, one ran to the streets outside and began to block the road, while others smashed open the warehouse door to **** supplies.

The black dragon's small vault contains a wealth of materials, from magic crystals to various magic equipment. In the past, players had a special space for carrying items. Only items that could not be placed in the carrying space were stored in the warehouse. After this upgrade, the carrying space was cancelled, and each guild had to build a large number of warehouses to store excessive supplies. This time we attacked a warehouse where the Black Dragon would specialize in storing valuables. Tokyo is located on the east side of Japan and is relatively less threatened by China. Moreover, this is the main city of the system, and the defense is very strict. Heilong will choose to store materials here very correctly. It's just that they didn't estimate that we would attack here with the Americans, and that it was so large.

People who heard that the warehouse was attacked by the Black Dragon Club immediately rushed towards it. The guards could be restrained, but the players were not so well controlled. Matsumoto Masako has hung back long ago, and is now directing the battle here. I did not expect that I suddenly heard that his small vault had been copied, and immediately led back to kill him.

I stood on the top of the warehouse wall and pointed at the Japanese player in front: "Block the road, and don't let an enemy come over."

Skott held up his spear: "Squad. Team formation."

The five thousand tyrannosaurus knights could not spread on the narrow road at all. The Japanese side was full of land and gold. The main roads were all repaired like small alleys. The five tyrannosaurus knights completely blocked the streets. After Skott's order, the Raptors quickly split into a five-man team to form a lineup, and the extra people retreated into the warehouse square.

Matsumoto was standing on the top of a chariot, pointing at us and shouting, "I rushed over, and the top ten rushed over and I rewarded him with a high-level magic pet egg."

"Kill!" The Japanese player camp burst into a roar and rushed in crazy.

"Razor Charge." Scarlett's order was more professional than Matsumoto's Masaru, and the Tyrannosaurus Rider rushed forward as soon as he received the order.

Japanese players are too anxious to complete the team. The Tyrannosaurus Rider is indeed well-equipped and well-organized. The cavalry was already taking advantage of the infantry, the Tyrannosaurus Knight was not afraid of death, and the impact of the little Tyrannosaurus was amazing. The consequence of the collision was only the front row of Tyrannosaurus riders who were knocked over. Ground, a few Japanese players rushed to the chaos, but before they cut the tyrannosaurus knight behind, they rushed past them, and took their heads by the way.

Tyrannosaurus knights constantly change their charge position in battle. Rear and front soldiers always change positions back and forth. This is mainly to facilitate the cavalry who just finished cutting off the dead body on the weapon to improve efficiency. Because this formation is always turning. Seen from above, the blade of the box electric razor is the same, so it is called razor charge.

Mrs. Tanaka stood up from the warhorse on the side of Masamoto Matsumoto and shouted to the front, "Mage unit, use magic to open the road, don't take care of accidental injuries."

Masako Tanaka's sentence is cruel but effective, the power of the mage is very great, let alone a magic attack. A large piece of magic fell on the team of the Tyrannosaurus Knights, and the charge was completely suppressed.

Scot fired a spear: "Heavy weapon support."

All the tyrannosaurus knights suddenly flashed into the buildings on both sides of the street, and the Japanese were wondering what was going on. Suddenly there was a dazzling light on the back of a huge insect on the street. As far away as General Isingerdi, General Babel watched the returning picture. A bright purple line on the streets of Tokyo suddenly shot straight down the street, and a ground fire lit along the way.

"Zi Ri's weapon is really special."

Rose smiled, "Grandfather Wu, that's not Ziri's weapon, it's a big bug shoot."

"The worm is so powerful?"

Rose nodded: "Zi Ri's bugs are so powerful."

Go back to the Tokyo connector. At this point the tank's attack had ended. The streets that used to be only five rides in parallel have now doubled, and houses on both sides of the road have been burned, leaving no ash left.

The street across the road was already filled with dead bodies. The ground was full of burnt stumps and broken arms. The Tyrannosaurus Rider, who had flashed behind the buildings on both sides of the street, suddenly rushed out of the house farther away and returned to the street again. The tank flew away to make way for the intersection. More Tyrannosaurus Riders rushed up to completely occupy the street.

The Japanese mage team was just slaughtering the Tyrannosaurus Rider just now. As a result, the Tyrannosaurus Rider suddenly flashed away, and there was no **** left in the tank's magic light. Some Japanese players who were on the side or blocked as soon as they got out of the dead pile immediately felt the sound of rumbling on the ground.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a shining blade flying by and returned to life.

My army's cooperation is not one or two. This technique of suppressing fire before attacking has long been lost. How can the Japanese have seen such a terrible way of playing, when they reflect that their own population actually has an advantage? It has been chased for several kilometers.

After the Japanese players reacted, they immediately stopped and started rushing back. The chasing Tyrannosaurus Knight made a neat stop, and the rear team changed to the front and immediately rushed back in the opposite direction. Japanese players are chasing with enthusiasm, and the Tyrannosaurus Rider suddenly split into two teams at a crossroad and ran out to both sides. After the Tyrannosaurus Knights all turned to the side of the road, the Japanese are now a straight cavalry, and the cavalry in the front row seems rare. In fact, the cavalry that the Japanese saw was my bell knight. Scarlett let the tyrannosaurus knight chasing backwards to retreat. The cavalry charged behind the cover. The tyrannosaurus knight separated from the front and saw the Japanese. It was too late for the cavalry to rush behind. They had enough time for the front cover to get the Seal of Thrones plus, and now the cavalry has reached its maximum. The Japanese immediately collided with our heavy cavalry.

The Japanese mage team was still on the street at this time. When they saw the cavalry again, they were planning to use magic to suppress it again. However, a large number of long bows suddenly appeared in the cavalry team. A few stupid people even lost the magic to their own team.

The ringing knight team led by Scotia rushed all the way to sweep away the half-player team before suddenly turning around and running back. The Japanese thought this time they really retreated, so they started chasing again. At the crossroads where the Tyrannosaurus Knights separated last time, they suddenly separated again. Japanese players immediately realized that it was not good, but it was too late at this time.

After the team dispersed, the tank appeared at the other end of the road again, and the Japanese players immediately understood what was going on. A beam of light swept across the street again.

I stood on the roof and watched all this happening. Skott's commanding ability was really getting stronger. I was so proud that Ling Ling suddenly ran out and called me, "It's finished."

I nodded and whistled to the team: "The wind is tight, shout!"

After the Japanese players slowed down from the attack, they thought we were going to have a backlash again, but our team suddenly rushed out of the warehouse and started running towards the port. Mrs. Tanaka immediately heard: "No, they have to run."

Matsumoto Masako immediately pointed at the team of Tyrannosaurus Riders led by Skott: "Stop them."

Japanese players flocked to the cavalry brigade for their own supplies. However, our team rushed to the beach regardless of any harassment, which made Matsumoto confirm that things had been taken away by us. A large number of Japanese players chased the cavalry team and ran to the edge, but after they left, I came out of the warehouse.

These idiots, Scotts didn't take anything at all, everything was with me. I asked Scarlett to take the Tyrannosaurus Rider to the beach first, and when he was about to reach the beach, he turned to save the Americans, which not only sent Americans a favor, but also led the Japanese away.

After the team left, I gathered up the puppets and excess pets to close the space door and summoned the night shadows to run straight from the city to the sea. The reason for not flying was because the air defense equipment of Tokyo City was still alive. Now it is not a full-scale siege. I must have been sieved in the air by myself. No one on the ground blocked me. Slow down.

The way forward. When I was approaching the beach, I was bumped into a player who had just been replaced from the Japanese rescue fleet. These people saw a stun in the first place. I'm almost like a wanted man in Japan. The players who gathered here did not know my equipment, and they were a little silly after seeing me. But immediately reacted and wanted to contain me.

I simply summoned the Phoenix Dragon Space at all times. Xiaofeng, the divine feathered Phoenix, transformed into a complete form as soon as it emerged from the Phoenix Dragon Space. The huge wings spread out to hide from the sun and Feng Yu went to the ground. Shenhuo immediately raised the temperature of the ground to the ignition point of the wood, the surrounding buildings started to catch fire, and many players' clothes also burned.

With this empty night shadow jumping directly from the panicked Japanese player's head, as soon as we landed, we ran away, and it was impossible for those players to catch up with me. Xiaofeng was just above my head to clear the way, and a large-scale fire broke out in the city. Matsumoto knows that it's too late to be fooled ~ ~ Xiao Feng suddenly regains his shape and returns to Fenglong Space, and Yeying also drills back. The little dragon girl directly drilled out and took me into the sea, and the little dragon girl in the shape of a dragon took me forward quickly under the sea. Matsumoto just came and saw a white track, and he angrily jumped and bounced by the sea.

Skott led the Tyrannosaurus Rider to the area where the Americans and guards fought. The Americans first thought that they were guards, because players rarely equipped with the same armor on such a large scale.

But the Tyrannosaurus Knights and the guards made them realize that they were their own.

While Scot allowed the Tyrannosaurus Knights to use the advantage to harass the guard, he directed another part of the guard into the warehouse and swept some particularly valuable gems and then went out to run directly to the beach and drive the Americans to retreat. Some tyrannosaurus knights stayed behind the guards to pursue, and Skort led the Americans to retreat to the sea. Halfway through the arrival of Matsumoto Masa's team, they stopped some Tyrannosaurus Knights, but they didn't care about the casualties. If they hanged, they would return. It doesn't matter.

When the American guild members arrived at the beach, the rescue ship was already waiting for them. This was specially sent by the Chuang Wang. After loading these players, the transport ship quickly retreated to the main fleet. I picked up the communicator and used the broadcast mode to notify the fleet: "The chase mission has been completed, and the fleet will retreat immediately."

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