Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 31: Terracotta Army?

"Who's here? Get the name!" I was watching the situation at the entrance, and suddenly someone was talking behind me.

I suddenly turned around and found a sculpture, exactly a human stone statue.

There doesn't seem to be anything special beside this stone statue nearby, and I'm sure that when I just came in, I didn't seem to see this stone statue, then it should have been transported by something or come by myself. Since nothing was seen nearby, the only explanation was that the guy came by himself. Now that he can come over, it's not surprising that he can talk.

"Is you talking?"

"Are there anyone else here?"

gosh! Speak well. "The one I'm passing from here who wants to go under the cliff."

"Human?" The stone elephant looked me up and down. "You're not human, it's more like a demon."

"This ...!" That was a language habit just now, so I just spoke out.

The statue suddenly shook his fist: "No matter what you are, the only way to cross the channel is to defeat me."

"What?" This guy seemed very powerful, but the monster guide said that he had gone up and down several times, that is to say that he could deal with this stone elephant. That guide seems to be weak enough to deal with this stone statue, that is to say that this stone statue should not be very good. Is it my estimation wrong? Overrated this stone statue?

The stone statue didn't wait for me to understand that I had already punched it with a punch. I didn't know its power level and didn't dare to bump into him, and a translation gave way to its original position. Originally thought that the speed of this kind of stone man should be very slow, after all, it is a stone statue, it is good to be active, but the facts show that the result inferred from common sense is often wrong. This stone statue is not only very fast. And without dragging his feet, every attack he made was precise without wasting any more power. And as soon as I responded, he would change without stopping.

I barely avoided the first blow, but he followed it with a punch. When I lifted my leg and stepped on his knee, my body flew out to escape the depths of the passage. I'm not afraid that I can't beat a stone statue, I just don't want to waste time. The guard's job is to guard. My purpose is to cross. No one said that they had to defeat the guards to cross the channel!

I just flew out more than 20 meters for that reason, and there was not much light around, but I have dark vision, this does not affect me. After landing, I quickly turned and ran away. The stone statue immediately caught up without hesitation. While rushing, pay attention to the surroundings to prevent a fork. Before anyway, the guide seemed to say that there was only one way so it was longer. But I still have to be careful in case of a fork, I will remember to go back then to find it.

Ran for almost three kilometers. The footsteps of that guy can still be heard from behind. Although the action is fast, the stone statue is a stone statue after all, and the sound is not much lower than that of the elephant group. When I was running, I found that it was getting more and more wrong, and I was running faster and faster. This is not a problem of my strength, but a problem of the cave under my feet. This lane is turning, and it is turning downwards. The more I run, the steeper the slope, the faster my speed becomes unconsciously.

The **** angle of the cave ground has reached about 50 degrees. This **** has become a little unstable. I must stop first, and if I rush down, who knows what to hit. Throw out the nails of both feet, and then slide the six blade claws out of the scabbard. I suddenly turned and lay on the ground, kicked my feet hard towards the ground, and pressed my hands to the ground. The claws and steel nails on my feet grabbed the ground and pulled out a dozen long trenches, but anyway, I stopped Already.

But unfortunately I forgot that there was a stone 疙瘩 following, although I fixed myself, but the guy behind couldn't stop. The stone guard did not know whether it was limited in intelligence or some other reason. Anyway, it rushed down with me like it was here for the first time. It is estimated that he had pursued me as the first target so he did not care about the slope.

The stone guard who rushed over his head immediately saw that I posted on the ground and responded immediately. This guy's super high reaction speed made me suffer a lot this time. The guy weighing a ton suddenly turned and fell to the ground like me, but he couldn't offset the dual effects of gravity and inertia without things like my hooks. As a result, he naturally took me as a target of leverage .

This guy fell faster than me, so he fell on top of me, but because of inertia and gravity he slipped past me and grabbed my ankle. The magic dragon suit has a design to prevent the opponent from borrowing power. There are blades everywhere. There is a back blade on the back of my calf that can increase the destructive force when sweeping my legs. Other people grabbing my ankle is equivalent to reaching for the blade. The problem is that this guy is a stone statue. It is one thing if my back blade can hurt him. Even if it hurts, it has no pain and has no effect!

The stone statue slipped over my left side. He grabbed my left leg with his right hand and moved his left hand over again. Then he released his right hand and grabbed my right leg, just hanging under me. His method was very effective. The two of us slid down for seven or eight meters and finally stopped. As soon as he stopped, he started to grasp my leg and climbed up. In order to stop him, I could only kick him down, but he was not afraid of pain, and his strength was too great. We had no way to take him.

"Rose Vine!" There is really no way, I still need the help of the magic pet, I am still a magic pet master after all.

The soft moist soil is rose vine

Favorite, huge vines suddenly exaggerated to fill this passage, and then several vines from different directions entangled me and it. The vine suddenly tightened and began to pull to both sides. The stone statue has a lot of strength. The rose vine is more powerful. The power of plant growth is extremely powerful. The legs were pulled off together.

After being pulled, the stone statue was quickly and alternately passed by a bunch of tentacles and thrown out. Although it is very powerful, those tentacles threw it like a pass, without letting it touch anything at all, nowhere to borrow it. You ca n’t use it even if you are strong.

After the stone statue was resolved, I rode forward on the tentacles of the rose vine, and the **** of the passage was still increasing. But this doesn't pose any problem to me anymore. The root system of the rose vine has been inserted into the soil, and it doesn't matter if you hang it on the roof.

In fact, we have almost reached the end just now. After the passage continues for a certain distance, it has become nine degrees downward. After descending almost two hundred meters vertically, the passage was over. I originally thought that this should lead to the outside, but the situation was not what I thought. The channel was inserted vertically into a cave. To make matters worse, a large stone statue was still standing in the cave.

strange? Why do these statues look so familiar? I rely! Isn't this terracotta warrior? Wait, shouldn't these be all the stone statues just now?

Just when I was puzzled, the soil quickly fell because of the weight of me and the rose vine, although the soil fell on the aisle between the terracotta warriors. But the sound is really too loud. The dense terracotta warriors standing below looked up neatly at me.

"Assassin!" I didn't know which **** yelled, and immediately burst into the nest below.

"I don't ..." Before I explained it, I suddenly heard a buzz. A large group of dense stone arrows flew up, and my explanation became the commanding rose vine: "Quick flash!"

The rose vine pulled me back into the hole and sealed the hole with woody branches. There was a gurgling sound outside, and the stone was instantly filled with stone arrows. I thought I had escaped.

But suddenly the whole cave shuddered, and then I suddenly felt weightless. Reason tells me that the passage where the rose vine and I are falling down. But I don't know why. Maybe it was because we were moving too much. Maybe it was because of the arrows. We fell down anyway.

The rose vine instantly knotted a whole-hearted sphere to open the channel, and then a branch of vine netted me in the center to put me in the middle. Almost suddenly when we just finished, there was a sudden shock all around, and I knew we were on the ground. The impact caused by the inertia smashed me to the ground, but the rose vine's buffer net completed in advance slowly released my impact, at least the power was weakened to an acceptable range.

puff! A Gordian tip was inserted, and it topped my chest, but the armor protected me, and it didn't get in. An arc flashed rapidly on the surface of my armor and gathered to the tip of Go, and passed the long handle behind the Go to the outside. I heard a clear muffled sound, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, apparently the user of the weapon was hit by an electric arc.

Under my instruction, the rose vine exploded the surrounding soil instantly, and the debris in the cave hall suddenly flew, and I jumped out from the middle. The Terracotta Guards outside saw no panic after seeing me, and moved backwards neatly for three steps and then some of them stood still, the others then retreated.

Those who stopped first are shield players, and the shield with a height of two meters is engraved with a ghost head coat of arms.

The shield hands stood neatly, squatting deeply, and the shields were close together. Then there was a bang, and a bunch of long Ge tips protruded from the gap in the shield.

"Tiger wings!" The roar of army slogans broke out in the stone statue group, and then all the stone statues responded neatly: "Shou Rushan!"

Several flags were suddenly erected in the distance, and then they began to wave. It seemed to have a certain pattern, but I couldn't understand it, but these stone statues clearly understood that they had a new action immediately.

The Chang Ge facing a section of our line of defense suddenly broke, twisted and retracted, and then the shield player stood up. The shield in the center of the shield wall quickly retreated, and the two sides followed, but the speed gradually decreased, so they opened like a gate Section, but during the opening process, the defense is always stable without any disturbance.

After the cross-section was opened, I thought that a leader would come out, but I didn't know that it was a group of cavalry on stone horses standing neatly behind the shield wall a hundred meters away. The leading cavalry pulled out the sword and slammed forward: "Blade!"

The cavalry in the back pulled out a long sword at the same time: "Strike! Rack ..."

For the first time, I knew that stone horses could run so fast. The guys just called after the cavalry had rushed over a distance of 100 meters to reach me. According to their relative strength, they planned to step on me as a meat trap. !!

"Half a month! Wind dance!"

My two ox months suddenly flew out from behind, forming a symmetrical angle at the height of my shoulders, and then two and a half months began to flash at the same time, and a two-and-a-half-month disconnection became a six-and-a-half month surround. I. Six and a half months began to rotate around me, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Looking outside, I could only see a piece of silver light flying up and down, and I couldn't see anything inside.

"Magic Flame."

Half-moon and I suddenly burned a purple magic flame at the same time. Immediately followed by a sudden flash of eternity, the purple demon around me

The flame turned white instantly like an explosion. The billowing heat suddenly spread, and the rose vine used my flame energy to repair the injured branch and broke the slate into the ground.

When the cavalry rushed in front of me, the speed of the high-temperature roasting was greatly reduced, and the flying blade shattered these stone figures together like a shredder and flew around. When the cavalry team rushed past me, the whole team was divided into two groups, and the four teams in the middle were completely unknown.

"Close!" The flame quickly retracted into the armor like the movie was reversed, and a green ground arc flashed on the surface of the dragon set again. Six and a half months Kerakala merged into two and stopped spinning back to my back.

The banner in the distance stopped for a moment and suddenly began to wave again, and the cavalry ran to the sides immediately.

The shield wall opened a passage for the cavalry to enter before the cavalry rushed. Then the shield walls merged again. A row of black shadows suddenly flew behind the shield array in front of us. These guys turned out like awl and landed and rolled forward to me.

I heard a strange noise, and a boxy weapon stretched out. I recognize this thing, and there is such a thing in eternity. That's the Wind Sword. Do not look at this thing has no blade, the power is more than ordinary swords.

The guy missed. Immediately a roll back to the field. The latter guy came over from his head, and the guy swept the wind sword across the air while he was still in the air. If most people believe in their common sense. That would be bad mold. I pushed the shield forward, and it sounded as if being hit by a real object, and my arms were numb. The shield only blocked the middle section and protected my body. There was a white smoke on the ground behind me, and the slate floor was scraped out of two semi-curved large grooves. If it weren't for my shield, these two scratches should be a whole piece connected together.

It seems that the guy's behavior of wielding a sword before he got close is stupid. In fact, the power of Feng Jian sword lies in this. The Wind Sword has the same handle as a silver sword. The position of the sword in front should be a long cuboid pillar. On the surface, this weapon did not even hurt people at all. In fact, the weapon was very poisonous, and its interior was hollow. When swinging at high speed, the air will be forced into the air groove, and then ejected from the small air holes on the side of the sword. Its aerodynamic principle is somewhat similar to a jack. It concentrates the pressure on a large area to a point, so this sword actually hurts the person with the sword instead of the body. That is why the guy scraped the sword across the distance. Cut me down.

After this guy's sword air was blocked, he didn't back up, and immediately fell forward to me before landing. He bounced off the ground and stabbed at me with a square sword tip. Feng Jian sword could not be used to stab people with the tip. After all, square sticks can't stab people, but the situation is a bit special now. I saw a hole in the center of the sword tip. Is there an organ in it?

I pushed Eternity up, and inserted the tip of the sword into the minor key of the opponent's sword. The guy looked up at me. Although his face was blocked by his mask and he could not see his expression, he was probably surprised.

Suddenly another swordsman behind jumped up, his posture was relatively simple, and he slashed vertically from a height. The speed of the wind sword is getting more and more powerful, and the power of jumping like this is definitely not small. I flashed sideways to the side, and the guy couldn't hold his strength and waved out with a knife. The guy in front of me and my sword did not react from the shock, but was split in half by the companion's sword gas from the middle, but because they were all stone statues, all I saw was the smoke and dust, no blood and splashes.

The guy who stabbed his companion with a sword stunned for a moment, and the eternity behind me flew out. He saw it was too late to react. With a bang, the guy flew out with his sword in his right hand. He still wanted to run, but flew out halfway and came back, cutting his legs together. The guy with only one hand was trying to climb out on the ground. The three remaining swordsmen rushed quickly to cover him. .

My hands and blades came out of the sheath, one rose to the back of an assassin, and turned my hand to his shoulder to sacrifice it. The guy turned back without a pain and was a sword, and I kicked his wrist high. Eternally inserted from under his armpit, pierced his neck, and pushed hard with his hands, his head fell with half of his shoulders. The headless stone statue crashed to the ground, and these guys were not immortal.

The guy with only one hand left in my fight with this guy has been towed away, and the other swordsmen are gone. Three stone men came out again in the shield formation, but it still seems not to be negotiated.

The man in the middle walked to a place more than ten meters in front of me and stood still: "His martial arts are passable, but he can even hurt three of my disciples. The old man is going to get some advice today." He didn't say hello and said he flew across. .

I lean back. With both hands on the ground, he flew over me, and when he flew over, I stood up again. The guy turned around and rushed up as soon as he landed, and as soon as he approached him, he squatted and swept his legs. I know I can't escape. I had to use the Taiji I learned earlier.

His leg hit my calf exactly, and I gave a little force. Draw a circle on the ankle and bump back. He couldn't make it out, but didn't stop there, using the force of the rebound to change his foot in the opposite direction to sweep the leg in the opposite direction. I reacted slowly. He was swept over the knee, and a soft one-legged knee fell on his leg. He stepped forward to suppress me, but when I suddenly raised my arm, the trowel on the elbow stabbed out. As soon as he let his head go, his body couldn't coordinate, and I shoved in the air for a while and a half. The left hand punched out with the power of rotation.

This guy didn't block, and his body backed up. I hit the ground with one punch, the bluestone slab on the ground was interrupted from the middle, the middle part sinked deeply, and the sides were tilted up.

The guy took a step back and suddenly rushed forward again, but he jumped up with one hand and his legs kicked up one after the other. I also held my hands on the ground, but instead of playing a handstand like he did, I drew my hands across his hands and struck him. He didn't expect me to attack like this, and I was struck flat and flew straight up. I patched my foot against him at the back and almost didn't kick him to the roof, mainly because he was too heavy and I couldn't kick.

The other two people laughed when they saw that this guy was beaten, but they didn't just come to help. "You old man ghost! You can be beaten like this by a younger generation."

The guy kicked by me suddenly wrapped around a rock in the top of the hole with a ribbon-like thing, and swayed between the two guys. "You will speak big words. If you have the ability, go and take him and talk to me."

The thin-looking stone statue said: "Old ghost, you still have to wait! Observe me to get him." Said this guy suddenly disappeared in place, the next second has arrived in front of me.

"I rely! Teleport?"

This guy doesn't look too young, and he has a beard. If their surface color and hardness were too exaggerated, I thought they were real human body paint! Strangely, folklore and terracotta warriors were burned out of pottery clay, mainly because the shapes were too realistic.

He smiled at me and suddenly reached out to grab me, but instead of hiding, I reached out and grabbed his arm. This behavior slightly surprised him, but he soon noticed something wrong. Suddenly a lot of black beetles popped up like fountains on my hand, and the army of black beetles drowned it like a flood. The guy slaps himself madly and backs away, but the worms continue to crawl towards it without any hesitation, patting one group up, it can't get rid of these beetles.

There was really no way he started spinning in place, its speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a small whirlwind. The crystal beetle couldn't hold it at this speed, and all of them were thrown out, and it was the same when it re-approached. It couldn't get up so fast.

"Do you like being a top, right? Let's play forever?" My right hand lifted eternity flat, then the sword tip suddenly stretched to a few feet, and then the blade fell to the ground like it suddenly softened. But the blades didn't break, but they turned into inverted cones, connected by chains. The eternal body is the whip sword, and now it is what it is. I have always used Qimen weapons. The whip sword is extremely lethal. It is very long and each section is a blade. You cannot touch it anywhere. More importantly, it is soft and cannot be blocked.

I shook my hand, eternally moving like a snake in the air, and rattling between the chains. Wiggling forever and fiercely pumped at the guy who was still spinning. "Snapped"! After the crisp sound, the guy was blown out, then rolled all the way to the other two guys from the ground.

I deliberately crackled the eternal dance like a whip: "Do you want to try again?"

"I'm going to teach you, aren't we three idlers unable to stop you from being an unknown soldier?"

"Then try it?"

The guy this time won't be teleporting, he came over step by step. The crystal beetle wanted to approach, but suddenly he was blocked by something, and the little bugs piled up a worm wall and couldn't get over. This guy is protected by something like a protective cover. It seems that my Zonghai tactics are difficult to implement.

"You actually use a protective cover?"

"I don't know what the protective cover you said is ~ ~ My name is Wenbao Qigong. As long as I carry qigong, you can't get near me."

"Qigong? I'm going to see if it really can't be beaten." I started to pretend to be foolish: "Big ... wei ... wu ...!" Watching him staring at me and preparing to defend my attack I didn't pay any attention to my feet, and I suddenly shouted, "Start!"

Sure enough, as I guess, this guy's hood does not cover the ground. A few big tears suddenly appeared under his feet, and numerous crystal beetles burst out like fountains and quickly filled the inside of the hood. With such a large number of crystal beetles, the other party did not even notice that some of them were drilling underground. When I was talking nonsense with him just now, the rose vine has opened a passage under the guy, leaving only a slate, and a part of the crystal beetle followed the passage to the bottom of the guy's foot, then bit through the slate and drilled out of the ground quickly covered By his side.

These stone people have no pain, but they seem to have all human feelings, such as hating bugs. Although this guy knew that it wouldn't be a bite, he still called the same as killing a pig. The gas hood suddenly disappeared, and the crystal beetle inside broke up and scattered. The guy scrambled and ran back to his own side. Just as my crystal beetle wanted to approach, a flame suddenly appeared to seal the way.

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