Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 30: aisle

Volume Nine Chapter Thirty

Ling, who finished her transformation, stared at this guy who claimed to be the smashing cousin. "Did I tell you to stand by me?"

"This!" Seeing Ling's eyes gradually fierce, the guy stepped back wisely.

I pointed at the meat ball over there and asked, "How do you know she's a big devil?"

The meat ball immediately replied: "There are a few big devil around the demon king, I have seen it before."

"Is there a big demon here?" I was surprised at this, after all, Qiankun Gourd is a fairy baby in China. It stands to reason that there should only be monsters!

The meatball replied: "The monster king's men are all very powerful monsters, some of which are more special types. One is very similar to this. Those monsters all claim to be big demons, so I recognize them."

Ling asked the meat fairway: "How many demons are there?"

"I don't know about this. The big devil belongs to the senior generals under the demon king, and rarely shows up. I have seen three of them. It is not clear whether there are only three of them."

"It's weird. The demon gourd in the east actually has demons in it."

The little dragon girl said to me: "This is also normal. Generally speaking, western monsters sometimes come to our side. If they are found and beaten up, they can be understood by being put into the gourd."

"That makes sense." I nodded and said to the meat fairway: "I ask you some questions and answer me honestly."


"Is there a cliff here?"

"Cliff?" The meatball was a little puzzled at first, but soon came to understand. "The cliff you are talking about is not simply a cliff. It's mainly because you can't fly, you can see it if you fly. We are now on a plateau."

"Highland?" Isn't my teleportation really from below the cliff but above? Am I teleported to the opposite side of the cliff?

The meatball replied: "Did you come down a deep cliff when you came? That cliff is also shielded by portals. If you cannot find the way, you will be transmitted back and forth again and again."


"The upper part of that cliff is actually the outer area of ​​this world, if you look down from high altitude, you can find it. This cliff is actually an approximately circular endless belt. From the edge of this world to the center, regardless of You will come across this cliff in any direction. "

"Then this should be a basin cricket?"

"If there is only that circular cliff, this is indeed a basin, but the cliff is not flat. Didn't you come across Tianzhu Cliff when you came here?"

"What is Tianzhu Cliff?"

"It's a cliff! We climbed up to that cliff and came to us."

I suddenly understood. The world in this gourd is basically a circular world. There is a ring in this world. This ring is lower than other places. Basically, you can think of it as a very large circular canyon. The whole world inside the gourd was cut into an island-like area by this canyon. This area is a plateau, which is where we stand now.

Normally, if you want to reach here, you must first walk from the outer area to the edge of the canyon, then follow the cliff to the valley bottom, and then cross the valley bottom to reach this side of the canyon. Just climb this canyon again to the area where we are now. The phantom interfered with the space gate while teleporting with me. As a result, we were sent to the opposite side of the valley without reaching the bottom of the valley. ()

Listen to the meaning of this meat ball. The situation seems quite complicated. I opened the guild channel and started video transmission. "rose."

"whats the matter?"

"I see something here."

"Well, say it."

"That's it. The cliff we first encountered was actually a side of a canyon, and there was a cliff opposite."

"We already know." Rose turned her picture to the other side, and a cliff appeared in the picture. "We met this cliff fifteen minutes ago and are now looking for ways to get up."

"I'll help you." I turned to the meat lane: "Do you know how to get up from under the canyon?"

"There is a special entrance to come up, but the guards are more ...!"

Rose they saw the situation on my side through the video synchronization, Ying Ying said, "Ask if there is any other way."

I immediately repeated the question to the meatball. It can't hear my guild channel. The meatball replied very positively: "The canyon is blocked by a huge teleportation barrier, it cannot be crossed at all, and it is useless to fly. The special passage is the only way to get here." The meatball asked us after saying: "Did you not come up from the passage?"

"Of course we are not. Do you know where the passage is?"

The meatball shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"How can you not know?"

"Because the channel is not fixed."

"What is not fixed?"

The meatball thought for a long time before answering: "The channel is actually a special drifting matrix, and our own people can't find where it will appear."

"Is it a random jump?"

"That's not it." The meatball replied: "Actually we know a few fixed hole gates in the channel, it always beats irregularly in these positions, but we generally don't leave here, especially that channel, it is really It's annoying. It beats so fast! "

"What's so annoying about fast beating?"

"This is not clear, you will understand it when you see it."

I said to those people: "Okay. For your sincere sake. This is a reward for you." I took out another velvet velvet, and all the monsters saw their eyes straight.

After handing the velvet to the meatball, I took another one and cut it into two quarters to close the half. Hold the other half. "I need a guide now. Whoever wants to take us to the nearest aisle near me will give him this half."

"I'm going ... I'm going ...!" All the monsters rushed to us and rushed over to us. Fortunately, the exaggerated strength of the little dragon girl played a deterrent role. She stood in front of me and finally those monsters did not dare to pounce on me.

I pointed to the monster who asked to be Xiangxiang when we first entered the village. "There must always be a first-come, first-come-first-served basis. Since you are the first to apply to me, then you should come."

The monster came out with a snot and a tear of excitement, all the monsters around him stared at him with an eye that wanted to eat him, but the meatball leader quickly stopped the monsters around him to dispel them. Already. Those who can become leaders are not ordinary roles, and have a strong ability to handle things.

Cut off the guild channel to tell Rose for a while, then we left the village with the guide taking the exit from the side of the village. It seems that when we come to the road, the road should lead to another village, and there is a small angle with this road. The guide is very good at guiding. It seems that he has traveled a long way, and the teleportation point is really not far from his village. We went there in half an hour.

The so-called passage entrance is a little strange, it is a large rock, and it is a very special rock. The shape of this gigantic rock is totally irregular, but there is a plane like artificial sanding in the direction facing the road we came to. This plane is large and looks like an arch. The rock on the surface is smooth enough to be used as a mirror.

"This is the entrance?" I just finished, and the plane suddenly turned black. Then within a second the color of the rock was restored.

The wizard replied: "This is one of the entrances to the passage, but you can see that it beats too fast."

The little dragon girl asked: "Suddenly it turned black just now, shouldn't it be that the channel is open?"

The wizard nodded: "Each time the channel is opened for no more than one second, the next opening time is not necessarily, but the isolation is not more than 30 seconds. In most cases, it will be opened again after ten seconds.

Xiaochun asked: "How do we get there in a second? We shut down before we can respond! And what if we shut down as soon as we enter halfway? Are we halfway in and halfway out?"

Xiang Xun said helplessly: "That's why we say this channel is annoying. Because it only opens for 19 seconds at a time, the only way to get through the ground is to rush."


"Yes. Hit your head with your head down and your eyes closed, if you just opened it when you arrived. Then you can go through."

"What if it didn't happen?"

"That would be like hitting a wall."

"That bag full of bumps?"

The monster guide smiled wryly: "Otherwise, how do you hate it! I used to use the passage because of something and hit it more than thirty times before I went in. It was full of big bags. It hurt me! And this door went in It will go through a long passage, and once again it will hit the bottom exit, and when you come back, you will have to go through the door twice. Basically, you have to hit 100 large bags to get back and forth. "

"What if we get stuck in half?"

"That kind of thing won't happen. If the part of the door that you pass through the doorway has exceeded a certain percentage when the door is closed, the door will **** you in directly. If it doesn't, it will be like hitting a wall.

"What is the ratio?"

"I don't know. We estimate that we can go in about 70% for so many years, but we can't be precise."

Lingling asked, "What if the force is too strong and the stone is broken?"

The wizard laughed. "This stone is connected to the chaotic space. If you can break it, you are bad."

I said to the magic pets: "You go back to Fenglong Space first, I'll dress more easily."

"okay then!"

I opened the Fenglong space to put them all in, and then I started thinking about how to get there. Hitting the head with this monster is definitely a fool, so I won't hit the stone! I gave the half velvet to the guide first, and then said to the guide, "Come and help me."

"What do you want me to do?"

I first moved over the big stone, and then said to the guy, "Look. If this is me." After the space door opened, I pressed the stone against the stone wall and pressed it firmly. The wizard just looked at me and didn't understand what I was doing. Suddenly the space door opened again, and the stone surface became a dark entrance, because I kept pressing the stone hard. As soon as the space door appeared, the support of the stone wall immediately disappeared. When the space door closed again, the stone had completely entered. "Did you see that? You pressed me so hard for a while, and as soon as the door opened, I went in."

"This method is very fresh, but you are much bigger than the stone. I don't know if that time is too short!"

"It doesn't matter if you try, it's better than bumping your head?"

"That's it."

Under my guidance, the guide pressed me on the stone ~ ~ I also stepped on the ground hard. As soon as the front wall disappeared, I would fall into the wall. This time the interval was relatively long. About twenty seconds later, the wall in front of me suddenly lost its support, and I jumped forward. It was over in less than a second, and I held up my hands to counteract the impact of the falling body.

Actually came in. I got up and looked around, and there was still the big rock that I threw in when I was doing the demonstration. After a closer look at the surrounding environment, the first impression was that there were no traces of artificial excavation. This cave-like channel extends until it is invisible, all of which are a mixed structure of soil and rock, a completely natural cave.

The entrance to the aisle is not dark here. When you look out from here, you can see the bright light, but the picture is unstable and always blinks. The entrance of the passageway will not actually be closed. It is always open, but it is constantly changing from place to place, so it looks as if the door opens and closes from the outside, but the inside looks out. But the scenery outside is always changing.

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