Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 9: Legendary waste

First we rolled up the material scroll, and we started to focus on the reconstruction of Isinger. The former Isinger was very huge. According to the agreement, the new cities can be slightly larger than the original. Although the materials of Isinger were secretly obtained, the city is legal and the agreement is still valid.

I brought together Su Mei, Rag, and Woma to work on Isinger's design work. The structure of the new city cannot completely follow the original design. Our guild now has a lot of new technologies. Some things that were previously unavailable now need to be taken into consideration. Therefore, the city must not be repaired as before.

Taking advantage of everyone's design drawings, the bill of lading fleet brought all the advanced equipment we needed from Atlantis, and some of the equipment that was originally transferred to Tianyu City were also shipped back by the fleet. Suzaku also brought those legendary waste residues after the meditation, but all of them were hidden by the masking method in order to hide people's eyes, so now I don't know what it looks like.

The design work of a city is not simple and can be completed, and the equipment required to build a city is not a little bit or two. The whole day of busyness is just a rough preparation. At night, we have almost no rest, except that the player must go offline. I And those who do n’t have to waste time on the Throne of Seals. The guild's fleet was stopped by people, carrying various supplies back and forth. The busy preparations continued until the morning of the third day. At this time, the large troops in the heavenly courts had completed all the construction work on the Indonesian side and were helping me to rebuild the domestic city of Yunxiao. This is the external window of our guild.

The general responsibility for this restoration project is Erlang Zhenjun. The Four Sacred Beasts are labor reforms here and do not have actual command rights. Because of the cover of Erlangshen and the coordination of the new Suzaku, Tianting has not yet known that our project in Essinger has exceeded the stipulations of the agreement.

Once again, when the sun rose from the east, we finally completed the preparations, of course, thanks to the concerted efforts of the guild players and the tireless prefecture workers of the God of Erlang. Several hills have piled up near the ruins of Isinger, and they are all materials that will be used for urban construction. The materials needed by huge cities are absolutely terrifying, and these hills reflect the vastness of the project.

The main designers in the three-day guild sketched out the drawings, which have been changed many times after many times of our review. The final plan is now available. One's wisdom is limited. But everyone's wisdom is infinite. The new design adds a lot of design that we could not think of, and some small loopholes have been found out.

At my suggestion, Xiaolongnu and Erlangshen met with the dragongod, and then smashed the dragongod to help us get Zhang to enhance the space cut. After using this thing, the entire area around Isinger will be erased from the positive space. If you want to go in and out this morning, you must pass the person who holds the rune. Otherwise, unless you are a great **** like the leader of Hong Jun, stand outside. Wait until the power of rune paper is exhausted!

This symbol can ensure that the construction work is not interrupted, and at the same time plays a dual role of confidentiality and security, but one side effect is that it even covers the sun, and the inside becomes dark, and we have to bring our own light source for construction. However, this side effect has just helped our facility staff. They made the drawing on a crystal plate, and then placed a light source behind the crystal plate. A huge and clear drawing is printed directly on the top of the enchantment. It is really convenient to see the drawing whenever you look up.

We just leveled the ground before building the city. Essinger will fly into the sky in the future, the city needs to build a hardware, and the foundation is unnecessary. In the past, Essinger was a symmetrical structure, but the practice proved that the shape of the city is very unstable, and it is easy to tilt if the ground is uneven when the city falls. In the new city, we plan to build a layered structure like a multi-layer cake, with the largest below and the upper layers gradually shrinking. This structure is at least not easy to turn.

In order to ensure the viability of the battlefield of the city, we intend to build the city into a hook-up mode that combines multiple modules. If the city is invaded or destroyed, we can discard a part, so that there is no problem in the entire city. All followed unlucky.

Before the construction of the city began, the protection enclave had begun, and Suzaku removed the masking circle of special materials. Those so-called waste materials were finally shown for the first time. But as a result, the difference is not noticeable.

"What about materials?" After the obscuration matrix disappeared, I looked at the mountains of materials that were originally blocked by the red enchantment, but I didn't see anything.

Waiting for the start of the work, Woma looked at the empty place and asked, "Isn't there any new material? What about things?"

Suzaku went to the place where the construction materials should be stacked, and then she stretched her hand forward, and a dark mountain of material suddenly appeared in front of us. Are these materials invisible? But why did it suddenly turn black?

Suzaku turned to us and said, "These are the waste residues that were removed when the sky was filled. The main reason for their removal is not that they are not strong enough, or that they are not light enough. The real reason for the son-in-law to remove these impurities is that they will be autonomous. Absorb energy. "

"Ah? What do you mean?" I looked at Suzaku and waited for her explanation.

Suzaku seemed to understand that we couldn't understand such a strange specificity, she reached out and dragged a fireball. "This is a fireball condensed with mana, and it actually burns my mana. If I input enough mana into this fireball and throw it out, do you know what it will become?"

A mage player replied, "Isn't that just a magic fireball? Mages and wizards use this trick almost."

Suzaku laughed and said, "Yes, this is indeed a magic fireball. But now I throw it out, you see this. The mana I entered this time wants to be a level 800 player, pay attention to it." Suzaku suddenly put The fireball was thrown at us. Most of us thought that this fireball would fly over and explode, so everyone would be scared and ran away, but things didn't show in the direction we imagined. The fireball kept shrinking since it left Suzaku's hand. We can clearly see a large number of red dots flying on the fireball towards the mountain behind Suzaku. Normally, magical fireballs are stable in flight, and Mars should not be ejected outwards, but these fireballs pull out a little bit of flame trail like a comet, and it gets smaller and smaller and eventually disappears in front of us. The fireball was gone, it didn't explode or burn. It broke down!

Suzaku got away and let us see the material behind her. There was a missing piece in the place where she was blocked, and an irregular pit appeared on a piece of material.

"What's going on?" The mage player asked in surprise. "Why didn't the fireball fly over to blow us up and burn the material before and after you?"

Suzaku did not answer his question but said, "You can come and touch this pit."

The player walked over and tried to touch the pit, but his hand was suddenly blocked when he reached the outside of the pit. He glanced at Suzaku in surprise and then touched the edge of the pit himself. "My God! This is not a pit! There are no pits in this material, this part is just invisible!"

"Transparent?" I looked at the player who was more surprised than me, and everyone hugged and touched after him. As a result, I confirmed that the place did become invisible, and the material itself did not disappear, but it was invisible. That's it.

Suzaku did not explain until this time: "This is why it is eliminated. It will absorb all the free energy of the master. As soon as the spell leaves the control of use, it will be absorbed by it, and the material itself needs only a little energy. It will become invisible. When I removed the obscured matrix just now, it absorbed the scattered energy, so it became invisible. After that, I actually stretched out my hands to drain its energy with the force vortex, so It has become black again. "

A player from our guild suddenly shouted, "Isn't this the city built with it turned into a space forbidden magic? How do you want us to use this kind of material? Magic ca n’t be used near the city. How do you defend the city? "

Another shouted, "This thing becomes transparent when it absorbs energy. If it is fully absorbed, can we see everything in our cities? How can we protect it in the future?"

Suzaku laughed. "You look down on this too, right?"

"Are we wrong?"

"It's wrong. It's very wrong." Suzaku said: "First, ask about *, even if they really become transparent, you can paint on the surface, even if they are invisible, the paint will not Then it becomes invisible, and the material does not really become transparent after absorbing energy. "

"Not transparent?" Most of us couldn't understand Suzaku's words. Everyone clearly saw that things became transparent, but fortunately, she said that it was not transparent.

Suzaku said: "The ground is indeed not transparent. After this material absorbs energy, the void vision effect will naturally form inside. In this way, it will be clear to you." She made a piece from the mountain of materials behind This thing is one piece like the colorful stone, and each piece is one meter thick, and its area is like a bedboard. It's really big.

Suzaku dragged the material onto the ground with force, and at this time the material was still black. She said: "It just happened to prove that the magic-forbidden attribute was guessed by you. Am I still dragging it by the whirlwind created by the spell? As long as you end the control of the spell and your spell is not exposed In its case, it will never be absorbed by it. In other words, it is completely afraid of any spells, because as soon as the spell touches it, it will be absorbed. Although it only needs a little energy to become invisible State, but its ultimate capacity is very large, a piece of such a large finished material can hold the energy of a forbidden spell. When you use magic, you only need to throw the spell away and then release it to control it. As a result, this absorption capacity will gradually weaken with distance. Basically, as long as it is thrown 20 meters, it will not be sucked back. "

"What if the energy cap is passed?"

"If there is a transition reaction, the entire material suddenly disappears."

I suddenly thought of a problem. "Master Suzaku, is there a way to get the energy out of this thing?"

"Of course there is a way. Otherwise, how do you think I made them visible?"

"I mean, can I use some items like magical instruments to continuously draw energy out of the Seal of Throne for a long time in a stable way?"

This thing absorbs and stores energy, that is to say it has basically the same properties as magic crystal without using it. Magic crystals can also store energy, but only red-grained magic crystals can fill energy ~ ~ and require external assistance. This material can autonomously absorb external energy and store it. In terms of energy supplement, its performance is much better than that of ruby ​​ruby. If there is a way to make a magic weapon or machine with a function similar to the power core made by Atlantis, can't this material be used instead of magic crystal? If my city has become a whole magic spar, isn't it Dada? However, the core of the power to extract magic crystal energy is relatively special, it is estimated that the energy of this material cannot be extracted in the same way, unless Suzaku has a way.

In my expectant eyes, Suzaku said, "I only know how to extract spells. As for whether this spell can be used in a magic weapon, I don't know. But if you need it, I can tell you the method of this spell. You I can't figure out what kind of instrument can be developed based on this. After all, no one has done this before. "

"Okay, tell me the method, I'll study it myself." Although there is no positive answer, at least the probability is not zero, I hope we have a way to make an extractor!

Suzaku handed me a broken book. "This is a classic book that contains all the information about the energy vortex. Go back and study it yourself!"

I quickly took over the book and carefully collected it. If it can be made, I will be able to mass-produce the puppets in the future.

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