Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 8: 2 Lang God's special hobby

"The waste residue that makes up the sky is also waste residue! Is it any different?" I was curious about this, after all, only really good things make sense to me.

"Of course it is different." Little Suzaku asked softly: "What are the characteristics of heaven?"

"What are the characteristics of heaven? It is nothing more than transparent, soft and particularly peaceful." I suddenly said, "Is it true that the properties of the waste and the target are reversed? The requirements of the sky are transparent and soft, then the waste is those opaque. What a hard thing? "

Little Suzaku immediately said: "Generally speaking, everyone thinks this, but it's actually not the case. Although it is a waste residue, its properties are similar to the supplementary materials."

"what does this mean?"

"You think!" Explained Suzaku: "The son-in-law must have selected materials before making up the sky. Of course, she can't find everything, but she needs to make a preliminary selection. You don't make iron Is it the same? At the very least, iron ore must be found first. "

"What does this have to do with the quality of the material?"

"Of course it matters. Because it is the material that makes up the sky, the closest materials are selected in advance, so that it will be easier in the later stages. And your understanding of the sky is incorrect."

"Incorrect?" I thought for a long time and didn't understand why it was incorrect.

Erlang God helped Suzaku: "First, heaven is not transparent."


"Heaven is the **** world. Did you see the **** world on the ground?" God shook my head before seeing me shaking his head: "So ah. Since you have not seen the **** world, the only explanation is that heaven is not transparent."

gosh! Suzaku and Erlang are interpreted according to the world of mythology. I am a modern person. When they asked about the characteristics of heaven and earth, they naturally thought of going up in the natural sciences.

Suzaku took the words of the God of Erlang and said, "The sky is opaque and not soft at all. Do you think that the gods all use their divine power to float themselves in the air? Although we are strong, we need energy to control the floating. It seems that you do not feel tired if you hold the root, but it is also very troublesome to hold it this way. So we do n’t fly in heaven. The sky has enough rigidity to support us, and it wo n’t fall down at all. There is no need to use flying at all times. And some great gods sometimes like to do some experiments or something. If the sky is not strong, I do n’t know how many holes to wear. "

I am an expert in natural sciences. Theology doesn't work. Since Suzaku and Erlang Shen said so, it shows that the game is so arranged. "I'm all confused by you. What are the characteristics of this thing?"

Suzaku laughed and said, "Leave them here to do it. Let's go to your main city and help you restore the city right away. You can see how powerful the items left by the ancient times are."

"Then we need to bring some people? How about a few of us?"

"If you bring people, you will be exposed!" Erlang Shinto: "What you want is concealment. How can you bring people! You can bring a few people in your own guild. As long as the technicians are fine, I have a way to work hard."

"Okay. Wait a minute." I started the guild channel to convene the technical team in the meeting, including most of the people and some newcomers when building Isinger. All technicians were notified to meet outside the city and waited for more than ten minutes before thousands of people came. The technical team of this guild is much stronger than the combat team. Although the guild has now expanded to more than 30,000 people, the technical staff still accounts for a large proportion.

Little Suzaku used a level teleportation horse. We all took it to the ruins of Isinger. There was no one in the heavenly court except Erlang Shen and Suzaku.

Our personnel are only responsible for the technology, and the real engineering strength still needs the help of the heavenly soldiers, but Erlang Shen did not bring a heavenly soldier to keep it secret. I looked at him and said, "Jin Jun, what are we going to do to solve the labor problem now? Wouldn't you want to go on your own? Although you are considered a senior god. But Isinger is not a small fishing village, is it not? One person can do it. "

"Of course I know this." Erlang Shen took out a thick stack of paper from his body and gave it to Suzaku. "Give you."

After Suzaku took the pile of paper, he threw them out suddenly. Before the paper landed, she threw a fireball out of her hand. As soon as the fireball touched the paper, it immediately exploded, and numerous small Mars splashed out. I heard that immortals can sprinkle beans into soldiers. Today I saw a similar ability. The small Mars that burst into the ground immediately became a person, and the big fireball in the sky continued to spray Mars outward. A large number of Mars people gradually filled the plains in front of Isinger.

When the big fireball ran out of power and dissipated, Suzaku shinto Erlang: "Okay, ten million stand-in paper people are done. I'll leave it to you. I have used my strength almost and need a rest."

I opened my mouth and could n’t close it. Those players I brought to the bank were completely frightened. How many is 10 million people? These people stood densely together and couldn't see the border at all. It felt like they had lined up to the horizon. Although the number of paper people is staggering, at least Little Suzaku says she consumes a lot. It would be scary if she could make so many paper people on the go!

The shapes of these paper people are rough. I don't know if it is a potential limitation or somewhere else. All paper people have no faces, their faces are completely flat, and there is no such thing as facial features. Their bodies are also very strange. The head is an irregular sphere, and the body is like a large bucket. The legs and arms are like pillars. There are no detailed fingers on the hand. Only the thumb is separated from the other four hands. The other four fingers are completely a whole. In terms of size, these guys are about two meters tall, taller than ordinary people, probably for the convenience of the officers!

In addition to the strange appearance of these guys, the colors of these guys are also very strange. Their appearance is completely red. I don't know if it is because they are made by the fire-like Suzaku. There is a gossip sign on the chest of every paper man. What a sign of the spell. If you don't look at the mark and the direction of the joint bending, you don't even know where these guys are, where they are, they are almost rougher than the woodman who hits.

I looked at Erlang Shen carefully and asked, "Isn't these things going to break in a moment?"

Erlang Shen laughed: "Go and watch!"

"Forget it."

Erlang Shen no longer pursues it, and he takes out a box from his body. The box seemed to be a space, and Erlang took out a lot of woodcarving figures from it. The shapes of these wooden people are similar to those of paper people, and they are all rough. They can hardly distinguish anything except their limbs and head. Erlang Shen threw the villain out, and those villains quickly became puppets about the size of a paper man. After throwing it a few times, Erlang Shen simply poured the box over and out, and a lot of villains popped up as a result. In the end, Erlang Shen made a total of 100,000 wooden people out. I don't need him to explain, I know these are used to direct the paper people.

These wooden men did not need to order after they got bigger, and they ran into the paper men group. The paper men actually started to stand under the command of these wooden people. Soon these 100,000 wooden people were standing neatly with a hundred-man team waiting for the next order.

I told Shinji: "A big man can command 100 paper people, but we can't command 100,000 wood people at the same time?"

Erlang Shen unhurriedly took out another box. "Don't worry! Of course I know I can't command 100,000 people at the same time, but I've already prepared." As he opened the box in his hand, this was still space.

Erlang Shen put the box on the ground, and the villain inside walked out by himself. The villain this time turned out to be ceramic. Unlike the wooden people, they have obvious features and limbs, and they also have clothes painted in glaze. At a glance, you know that you want to be more upscale.

After the ceramic villain came out, it quickly became larger and stood in the queue. There are a total of one thousand of them, each of which is responsible for directing a hundred people and wooden people.

I originally thought that Erlang Shen was going to direct these puppets to help build the city. Who knew that he had turned into a box again. This time he carefully opened the box, and then took out the villains one by one and placed them on the ground. This box is not space. There are ten villains in it.

Just now I thought that the ceramic people were already very delicate, but after seeing these villains, I realized what is delicate. If those artisans sell land crafts in boutiques just now, these are the artworks in museums.

The shape of these 10 villains is completely designed according to the fairy shape. I can't help but take one up and look carefully.

The doll's height is about 30 centimeters, and the body proportion is completely idealized. The most beautiful figure. A layer of white light seemed to flow under the white, smooth skin. The hand tells me that this is probably carved out of white jade. The face of the puppet is completely the appearance of an oriental person, and the melon seed-shaped face is slightly rounded. Shui Lingling's big eyes seem to be inlaid with precious stones, but I don't know why the eyes are green. Is it difficult to find black stones? Looking closely, I was surprised to find that these eyes still have eyelashes. Is it true that the puppet has done this?

The delicate little doll has a dark black head. It is unexpected that it is not carved out of anything, but a real filament. I can't figure out what kind of silk this is. Black can be dyed, but such thin but strong silk is really easy to find. Could it be spider silk? its not right! Spider silk should not be so smooth! It's black on this one, and it's suitable to be an ad for washing water.

These puppets are so exquisite, the fairy-like puppets are almost real. Their dark black hairs were combed into fairy heads. And it was **** with a small pink ribbon, which was so solemn and lively, it was so beautiful.

Little fairy dolls have clothes like ceramic dolls, but these clothes are different from ceramic dolls' clothes. The clothes and body of the ceramic doll are actually a whole, and they are all burned out of clay. The clothes are pre-shaped and colored so they look like they are wearing clothes, which is actually part of the ceramic doll. But the little fairy's clothes are real clothes. Except for the size, these clothes are not much different from the clothes we wear. They are made of colored silk gauzes. Not part of the body, it was later put on.

Oh my god! Are these Chinese Barbie dolls! No, that's wrong. This Babi doll is more than a hundred times more delicate. If this kind of doll on the market is sold, it is estimated that the selling price is at least six digits, and it is not a problem to sell eight digits if a powerful company labels the commemorative edition.

Now I finally know why Erlang Shen asked me that request, because he likes to make dolls. A big man, and a well-known **** general, even likes to be a girl doll. No wonder he was embarrassed to let others know that I had to help him. In fact, the request that Erlang Shen said to me at the Nantian Gate that day was to find a chance to let the Suzaku who took office stand up and then let him visit alone. It is estimated that he intends to be a Suzaku doll.

After I put the doll in my hand on the ground, Erlang God made a tiny one-centimeter-long Taoist charm and stuck it on the back of the little fairy doll. The little fairy suddenly blinked, and then suddenly became a real person proportion. It turned out that the little fairy's original height actually was one meter seven, as a woman, this height was considered high.

Just when I was intoxicated by this stunning and beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Jacket m, the little fairy finally moved, but her reaction almost made me fall. Beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Coat M Fairy walks like a robot in the 1950s movie. The limbs are stiff and won't bend at all. Trembled. If you don't look at the shape, the steel golems in our guild are much better than this fairy. At least a puppet walks like a human and not like a zombie.

Seeing my expression of eating a dead fly, Erlang Shen said embarrassingly: "I really can't help this. The more realistic the doll is, the greater the repulsion against mana, the more I can't control them like a paper man. "

I pointed at those ceramic people and asked, "What about those? Aren't those normal?"

"Those people are put into some simple thoughts, and then use the mana to promote the mind to drive the body. But these delicate dolls already have their own souls, and cannot use their powers to direct them."

"My soul?"

Suzaku, who was meditating aside, suddenly said, "In fact, the naturally formed soul is a kind of monster. Because the production of the doll is too invested, the specific faith carries a part of the mana into the doll's interior, and then forms itself. Consciousness. The newborn consciousness is very low-level, just like the newborn, with low mental retardation. But over time, the throne of the Seal of God. The soul will gradually improve and become stronger. But these are clearly made, so they are not yet available. These abilities. You should be able to have basic intelligence after 1800 years! Then again, where did you get these things, Erlang Zhenjun? This is a contraband in heaven!

It seems that Suzaku didn't know that these things were made by Erlangshen. Since Erlangshen didn't say that, I wouldn't say it. Hurry up and help Erlang Shen. "Now we should discuss the issue of urban land construction, right?"

Suzaku said immediately: "I want to rest. Just now Erlang Zhenjun's mana as a paper man was borrowed from me. I haven't fully recovered yet."

Erlang Shen explained: "My own mana is not enough. After finishing those paper people, there is no way to control other puppets. Besides, with my mana, probably even the paper people can't finish, they will faint."

"Anyway, it's true that you will help me complete the city first."

"Okay." Of course, Erlang Shen didn't want to be entangled in this matter. It really made people know his special hobbies, and it is estimated that he would no longer be embarrassed to go out.

Although the little fairies are very mechanical, they talk loudly. But basic intelligence is not good. Their ten fairies commanded those puppet armies.

For the reason of setting the marking line, I brought Erlang God into the ruins. Suzaku was meditating so I didn't follow. "Zhenjun's technique for making dolls is really first-rate!" I said while looking at the terrain.

"How do you know ...?" Erlang Shen looked at me in surprise.

"This one is very simple. I know it at a glance! Suzaku said that it is a contraband. The gods should not know each other, so you cannot borrow from other gods. In addition, you also brought Too many. How could you have prepared so much if it wasn't for your own work? Also, you said that you want me to settle my Suzaku for you to visit, obviously looking for a model. "

"What is a model?"

gosh! Erlangshen didn't know the new term! "Models are the reference."


"So you did these things yourself."

Erlang Shen immediately said: "You are really smart, but I hope you better not say it, otherwise you would not be in any good."

I smiled and comforted him: "I'm not a fool. I will betray you after betraying you. How can I do such a stupid thing. However, I hope you can give me a few dolls if possible."

"Do you want a puppet?" Erlang Shinto: "It's OK for you, but not for nothing."

"Then what exchange terms do you want?"

"I want materials."

"Ah? What materials do you use to make dolls?"

Shinto Lang: "You have just heard that these things are contraband in Heaven. My production materials are very special and it is very troublesome to find. It is a headache for others to come to me and feel uneasy. "

"Then what materials do you want? There are probably some general clues. In addition, how do you trade? How much material do you exchange for a puppet?"

Erlang Shen took out a scroll from his body and handed it to me. I took it in confusion, opened it and turned out to be a quotation. "You already knew that I wanted these puppets?" Erlang Shen even had an instructed material form, which was very detailed. This kind of thing is of course impossible to make now, it can only be prepared in advance, but I can't figure out why Erlang Shen would guess what I want.

Erlang Shinto: "In fact, I originally planned to let you find materials for me, but at that time my plan was to exchange things with Fabao and the like. Because I was afraid that you would not measure well, I specially marked these things with a price. Various materials can be converted into a price list. The price written on this scroll is not the crystal coin you use, but a special unit of measurement set up for these materials. As long as you follow the collection of the materials above, it can reach two. I will give you a puppet for 100,000 standard units. "

I looked at the form, and the things above were proportionate. After calculating the price of the material required for the whole figure is about 180,000 units, so the price is acceptable. "I generally agree, but why are all the materials puppets? How can I buy those paper people and wood people?"

"What? You want paper people and wood people?"

"I need ~ for each type to complete different tasks at different levels, so that it is not wasted."

Erlang Shinto: "But these puppets are very fragile, especially those paper people. Although they are more powerful, they will burn when they are cut!"

"I do n’t want them to fight. There are many places where dolls are used. For example, in the construction of cities like this, I ca n’t stop building cities in the future. Such paper people ca n’t be more suitable as workers. No wages, no benefits, It ’s not lazy, it ’s a perfect worker! Besides, there ’s nothing fragile, there will definitely be work-related accidents, anyway, paper people, should n’t be too expensive, right? Just squash and make another. ”

Erlang Shen considered it: "If you want, I can of course sell it to you. Even the fairy dolls are sold, of course, there is no problem at the lower level. Is the price! This way! I am a fairy, not a businessman, and wo n’t earn you much . Paper people each have 5 units of material, wood people each have 100 units, and ceramics each 2,000 units. "

"The price is not fair." I accepted Erlangshen's offer, after all, the price of these things is not high. The most expensive are fairy dolls, each 200,000 units, equivalent to 100 ceramic dolls! Sure enough, good goods are not cheap!

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