Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 86: strategy

Volume VIII Chapter 86 Strategy

"The so-called method is to give up."

"give up?"

"what did you say?"

"Are you feverish?"

I shook my head. "I want to defend a city that doesn't even have a wall. It's really a flood of water! When I went back to Isinger to find Wina, she reminded me. According to our usual utilitarian combat strategy, we should never be in this situation. Forces are wasted somewhere. "

"Utilitarian strategy?" Eagle looked at me in surprise. "Do you mean quick success and quick success, abandon those companions and reduce their losses?"

"Eagle!" Rose suddenly stood in front of the eagle and glared at him. "How can you understand Ziri's theory like this? We owe you that you are good friends."

"Don't you mean that?"

"Of course not!" Bingbing suddenly came in. "I just heard what you said just now. Brother Zi Ri made it very clear. This is the utilitarian theory we always use. Does Brother Eagle still not know the core theory of our guild?"

Seeing Eagle's confused and embarrassed expression, Hongyue couldn't help it. "Zi Ri's theory of persuasion is not the utilitarian you said. In fact, we have been doing things according to this theory. The meaning of this utilitarian theory is the theory of obtaining the maximum benefits after corresponding efforts are made. In simple terms, it does not make a loss For business, everything must be done with a reasonable reason. This is a cautious strategy, and the commonly-used utilitarian concept is completely two concepts. It can be translated into this action when applied to this action. , The strategic significance of defending Samarinda is less than the loss we will bear for this, that is to say, defense is not cost-effective. This is Ziri's utilitarian theory. "

The hawk opened his mouth in a surprised look, and it took a long time before he came over. "Ah ... that ... Ziri! Sorry! I misunderstood you!"

"I didn't make it clear, it's not your fault." I turned the subject back. "Samarinda has been completely destroyed. It is meaningless to stay there and we are not worth the risk of losing a lot of manpower and material resources for this."

"What shall we do?"

"Samarinda still wants peace, and of course reconstruction is also necessary, but it cannot be fully rebuilt as planned."

"Why can't you do it since you want to do it?"

"Because we will use this city as a huge trap, too much investment will only be a waste."

"I still don't quite understand!" The eagle's head was completely straight, totally incomprehensible to such a complicated strategy, but I was not very good at explaining it.

Rose couldn't stand it anymore, she had understood what I meant. Began to help me explain: "Zi Ri means like the original Fulcrum City. Buried explosives in the city, then we pretended to be defeated and wait until the enemy enters the city-oh!"

"What a wicked strategy!" Hongyue smiled.

I also laughed. "San Malinda has been smashed anyway. What if it was all blown up? We had already planned to rebuild. Instead of building it and being demolished by the Indonesian ground guards again, we didn't directly blow them up. Is n’t it the same for everyone to come back and rebuild after Pu ends? ”

"What about the repair part you said?" Eagle asked.

"The city walls need to be repaired. Otherwise, the enemies will rush in. It ’s too easy. The enemies may not be fooled. In addition, even if you put a bomb, you must not kill all nine million enemies. My goal is two Million. As long as the city blew up 2 million enemy forces, it was successful. "

"What about seven million?"

"That ’s why we have to repair the city walls! We still retreat slowly while guaranteeing minimum casualties as we did last time. This time the enemy will refresh its command force, and the attack will not be as severe as the last loss. The last time the enemy rushed into the wall, We have lost as much as seven or eight million, and this time it is estimated that we will have to fold it in half, that is to say, the enemy will have about five million left after entering the city wall. In the city, we will disperse the small forces to make the enemy feel that we They were beaten so badly that they would rush in. Then we carried out the final plan, and it should not be a problem to get them two million. "

"If you say that, the enemy will still have more than 2 million left!"

I nodded. "It's true that there are still about two million enemies left, but there will be only about three hours left until the end of the final battle in the second city. Do you think that two million enemies can take a city from our hands?"

"What if the enemy did not attack the second city and waited until the last city was attacked?

Those guards will refresh? "

"Yes. The guards will refresh, but the speed is very slow. Our last occupied city and the first one are actually only three days away, which means that at the end, up to five million enemies appeared outside the city. I I don't think this person can do anything. For a city with complete defense facilities and so many guild defenses, five million is not enough to capture it. However, if the enemy really does that, there may be a fierce battle! "

"You said everything right in the previous part." Eagle nodded. "But if you really do that, wouldn't Samarinda be taken back again? Although the city was bombed, the territory was taken back, They can rebuild the city at any time. Once we maintain our national status, shall we fight again? "

"I'm going to call again, but I got another hint from Wina."

"Another hint?"

"Yes ~ ~ You should have heard me. The number of national guards is related to the area of ​​the land."

Eagle immediately exclaimed: "Yeah! Even if Samalinda is robbed back by them, they will only have one city. There is only one city in the country, and there is no history at all, then their number of guards will be small Poor. The next offense can be easily made. "

"How? Is my plan feasible?"

"It works, it definitely works."

My opinion has been approved by everyone. After all, this method has no disadvantages except that it is a waste of time. At least this way, you can guarantee a complete victory and not be beaten too badly.

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