Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 85: Counterattack

Volume VIII Chapter 85 Counterattack

"Backward and backward!" I loudly commanded everyone to start the retreat. The enemy has gradually approached us, and it will be trouble if we do not retreat and entangle with the enemy.

Seeing that we were going to retreat back to the maze lane, the enemy immediately rushed faster. Although they worked hard to kill us before we hid in the passage, our combat steps were carefully planned, and even a simple retreat was not as simple as it seemed. Half of the enemies caught in the trap suddenly fell into the trap. After losing a lot of people, they continued to chase them. Unfortunately, we have already entered the passage.

Enemies lacking commanders were completely wary of this maze, and chased us all the way into the maze array. Several cavalry chased me all the way, there was a crossroad in front of me, I did not turn, and rushed straight forward, of course, those cavalry chased me and ran forward. But when they just reached the intersection, the two puppets rushed out from left to right. I didn't bother to look back, I knew what the result was when I heard the scream.

In another place, a group of enemy cavalry followed another of us, and the chase broke out again. Our people ran quickly on a straight road, but a steel bar suddenly protruded from the side and directly inserted into the corresponding hole on the opposite wall. The height of this steel bar could just hang on the cavalry but could not touch the war horse. So after a while, the war horse rushed over, but the cavalry fell down. The cavalry climbed up from the ground and shook their heads to restore their freshness. Suddenly a small door opened on the side of the passage, and several people rushed out and chopped at them. When the following troops caught up, they saw only the blood on one place and the cut human cavalry, while their warhorses stood aside in a daze.

A large number of enemy infantry rushed into the aisle and started chasing our troops, but when we ran to the entrance of the passage, our people suddenly collapsed collectively, and a large hammer was thrown over them, and almost all the enemies behind were spared Go out.

Such tricks are constantly being performed in the channel. It is said that such a fight should not occur in the battle of the regular army, but we still let it happen. There are two reasons for this success. The first reason is that we planned long ago. Before the war began, we arranged a large number of sniper arrows and Japanese ninjas to assassinate those enemy commanders. The Japanese guild also bought several cities, and they also had to contribute to defending the city. Although they were not happy with me in commanding this battle, the Japanese had to send a large number of ninjas to help with the assassination for their own interests. The direct consequence of this plan is that those Indonesian troops no longer have middle and lower level commanders when they rush into the maze array. These soldiers only know that the charge does not consider other issues at all. As a result, our plan was successfully implemented. Another reason for success this time was that I entered the demon world and killed the other commander.

This was not something we planned, but it happened by chance. Because there is no general command, the enemy land has no tactics at all.

The enemies in the passage continued to advance, but as the distance deepened, their number of personnel became less and less. Tens of thousands of enemies suddenly emerged from hundreds of alleys at the same time.

They entered a street-like place. These people were immediately excited, and they thought they finally broke through the maze array. At this time I appeared on the street with a few extremely fast players. Then I pretended to be panicked and shouted, "Ah! No, the enemy is coming in!" After I shouted, I immediately turned around and ran. Almost all the players around me are of cavalry type, which has been selected for a long time. Those of us are escaping at an unimaginable speed, and the enemies behind them are even more excited, and they shout to catch up.

The street especially reserved for them is very long, and it is inclined, and the **** is not small. The enemies didn't care about this. They saw the dawn of victory and screamed while rushing up, but unfortunately, this is not their road to victory, but our super trap.

The enemies stopped after chasing after them, because they found that we were not running anymore. This seems to be a dead end. A back wall blocked the way, and there were no passages on either side. It was completely blocked. "Hahahaha! You are running! Have you been hurt by your own maze?"

Those Indonesian regional guards laughed at us without showing their pride.

We were all panicked about being chased into a dead end. The enemies approached us with a laugh, but we suddenly calmed down when they were less than ten meters away from us. "Haha! Goodbye everyone!" I waved at them with a smile, and flashed with the players into a channel that suddenly appeared on the side. After we entered the passage, it suddenly disappeared as it appeared.

The enemy hadn't figured out what happened, and suddenly there was a click, and the high wall that originally prevented us from escaping suddenly fell down. All the enemies were dumbfounded. Behind that wall was a huge roller like a roller of a roller. This cylindrical roller was made of steel, and the outside was full of dense steel nails. The drum is completely solid, almost 8,000 tons, and with these steel ingots, the destructive power is amazing.

Now the enemy knows why the passage is inclined, and they know how stupid it is to chase after them, but everything is too late. The two puppets opened the holders on both sides at the same time, and then another 100 puppets pushed one behind the roller at the same time. The huge roller couldn't stop from the beginning, because it was downhill, and the roller rolled faster. The enemies below have begun to run away. This time, they played more than twice as fast as when chasing us. The lightning-like road rushed past, but this speed didn't seem to be enough.

The roller's weight of 8,000 tons rolled up and shook the mountains. Except for the enemies being chased, other enemies were wondering what was so dynamic, but they could soon know what it was.

All of a sudden, the maze array was completely underground, and the city's streets became a straight large passage. Those enemies were still weird with the maze suddenly closed, but when they were drawn back to their minds by the loud sound, a large group of companions rushed towards themselves. When these people saw their companions running so hard, they looked at them behind them, so they also joined the running team.

On the streets of Samarinda, there was a scene of 10,000 people running wildly. The slowest of these people probably broke the world record. Unfortunately, the big guy behind was faster than them.

The weight of 8,000 tons can be crushed into a discus. These soldiers don't want to run except for running.

The cavalry is awesome and there is a mount. Mages and fighters are the worst. Those mages were the slowest. Steel rollers swept across the mages and left a red patch on the ground.

The second-lowest speed heavy infantry was quickly overtaken. After the super roller rushed through the entire team, a large number of red ground marks and some metal foils were left on the ground. Those were originally armor and weapons, and they are now pie. Although the cavalrymen ran fast, they were a little slower than the rollers. We only heard the sound of pinching flies, and the cavalrymen and their horses turned into red ground fragments.

The roller rushed all the way under the wall and then bounced up and flew out of the wall before stopping. There is only flesh and blood on this straight line in the city. A bang. The maze array rose again, but the enemy was afraid to charge. Who can guarantee that there is only one roller?

After this super-terrorist smasher plan, the enemy's remaining strength is less than three million, including Indonesian players, which can make up about four million. In other words, the number of enemy lands is now nearly double ours. It seems that there are still many enemies, but because of the huge firepower difference between the two sides. If the number is less than three times ours, the total strength of the enemy is already worse than ours.

"It's time to fight back." I gestured backwards. A player immediately lit a small box next to him. After hearing only three beeps, the red, white and blue signal flare flew into the sky.

Boom boom boom. The guns in the fleet started to ring continuously, and we were going to fight back.

The spear formation flew over us with bundles of bombs, and a flash of fire flashed from the enemy's position.

"The counterattack begins!"


Our big counterattack was too sudden. The enemy had just been scared by that super roller. Now, we suddenly counterattacked and completely blinded them. The so-called military defeat is like a mountain. As long as there are deserters on the battlefield, people will continue to join the deserter team, and eventually evolve into a great retreat. This is why the army destroyed the deserters. The enemies are now frightened, and low- and middle-ranking officers are killed collectively. No one urges these soldiers to fight. At first, I rushed into the city with inertial thinking. After seeing the terrible situation, some people started to flee, and some of the less courageous immediately followed. As the number of escaping personnel continued to increase, enemies who later did not understand the situation became more confused.

The violent shelling and desertion spurs, and our large counterattack, the enemy has completely lost its judgment. A total collapse finally appeared, and those enemies dropped their weapons and began to flee backwards. Since the "zero" system was upgraded to humanity, the fear of death also appeared in the consciousness. In order to survive, they began to flee wildly. Those Indonesian players knew what was going on, but they couldn't stop it . Although these attack the city with them, they are only cooperative relationships, and there is no subordinate relationship. Players cannot command the area guards.

The retreat made Indonesian players very depressed, and our side is more depressed. The original plan was to annihilate the enemy. Now that it is good, the enemy will not fight us at all, and ran out of the battle area all the way and then opened the space gate to run. Although we chased the enemy's tail and slashed it all the way, in the end, almost two million area guards returned to the demon world. The failure of these guards is only because of a problem with their command system, not a problem of their own strength, so we can't stop them from running away. Fortunately, only two million ran away, which should not cause too serious consequences.

Although they ran out, the Indonesian players did not retreat. We stopped chasing after chasing the entrance to the Demon Realm, and we couldn't get out of that place. We didn't want to be buried for the two million enemies. After giving up the intention to enter the demon world, we switched the team and started hunting down those Indonesian players. The Chinese have a saying that the good guys don't eat the immediate loss, but the Indonesians don't seem to believe this truth. They must fight against us after so many unfavorable conditions appear at the same time. These one million players are not enough to watch. We almost killed these people. In the siege of large groups of World of Warcraft, American players kept firing guns, just like massacres. Those who were not interested left in advance to organize the city. The pre-war agreement was that after the battle, everyone would repair the city together and bear the maintenance costs. After all, this battle is for everyone.

This group is pretty beautiful, and our tactics are very successful. When the enemy left the demon world, there were 12 million regular troops, excluding Warcraft and players. When they returned, there were only 2 million regular troops. Warcraft and players were all dead. It can be said that the enemy was completely hurt this time.

Compared to the enemy, our loss of personnel is almost negligible. From beginning to end, we have killed more than 20,000 players, which is about one tenth of the total strength. In terms of Warcraft and City Guard, almost all of our guild losses. However, the guards can be resurrected automatically. This cannot be considered a loss, and afterwards, the participating guilds will have to pay for our losses. After all, personnel cannot participate in the war.

Although the loss of personnel this time was not large, the loss of materials was extraordinary. Our guild dropped a city in the sky. The guilds agreed to share this loss. In addition, in this battle, our guild dumped 30 million cannonballs and bombs worth of crystal coins, which also had to be reimbursed. Many battleships even rifled the artillery. Even the barrel must follow the root.

In addition to our guild, other guilds also paid a lot of material costs. But everyone can still afford it. The biggest headache for everyone is Samarinda. This city is no longer a simple matter of repair. More than 80% of the city was damaged during the battle. In fact, repair is basically equivalent to reconstruction. The things in the city are no longer useful. All of them need to be changed. After the battle, everyone gathered and held a short meeting, thinking that the responsibilities had been assigned before the war. This meeting simply clarified the division of labor. ended. Everyone started to work after they were assigned the task. I will first arrive at Isinger, and there should be a third battle afterwards. We don't know the specific situation and must go to Wei Na to ask for a clear and early preparation.

It was already early in the morning when I arrived at Essinger, but Weiner didn't need to sleep anyway, so she didn't have to worry about disturbing her. Seeing me walking into her room, Wina didn't seem surprised.

"It's over?" She asked blandly.

"Don't you wonder why I came back so soon?"

"What's weird?" Weiner seemed to take it for granted.

"The enemy is several times ours. Isn't it surprising that I came back so soon?"

"If your fleet doesn't have so many cannons, I might be surprised, but now I'm not surprised at all. You must have been bullying people from beginning to end with no cannons, and the Indonesian regional guards probably suffered heavy losses from your bombing. So when you rushed into the city, there was almost no one. Then you must have fought back fiercely and wiped out the enemy. I am right? "

"You have to admire your reasoning skills, but unfortunately you guessed wrong."

"Ah? I was wrong?" This time Wei Na finally began to wonder. "What's wrong?"

"The front is similar, but in the end there are some differences. The regional guards in Indonesia have not been wiped out. When we launched a counterattack they suddenly collapsed, and then we chased them all the way to the entrance to the Demon Realm, and there were more than two million of these guys In the Demon Realm, because we were afraid that we could n’t get in and out, we did n’t chase it in, and the other party closed the entrance to the Demon Realm. "

"Fucked? What a surprise! What are their commanders doing? How about the team?

How could he suddenly escape? "

"This is an accident. I was sucked into the demon world in order to protect other players. As a result, their commanders and pioneers were killed in the demon world. At the beginning of the battle, the opponent no longer had the supreme commander. As for the oversight team and Lower commanders, those were assassinated by us. The soldiers on the other side were basically fighting spontaneously, and no one directed them at all. "

"No wonder!" Wina nodded. "It would be easy to explain without a commander."

"Vena, we have released 2 million enemies this time. Will there be any problems in the subsequent battles?"

Wei Na thought about it: "I'm afraid the battle will be more difficult later, but the problem should not be too serious."


"I told you before that the defense of the area guards was three times in total. They did not sacrifice for the first chance. This attack was actually the second time. According to the regulations, the second troop volume was the first. Double. The enemies you encountered this time were 12 million, that is to say that the enemy on the first attack should be about 6 million. The number of troops sent for the third time in the regulations should be the sum of the previous two, and This means that the third troop dispatch is at most 18 million people. "

"I'm dizzy! Eighteen million, are you still fine?"

"You listen to me!" Wei Na explained: "This troop requirement limits the proportion of the first and second troop troops in the total troop strength. If you only occupy one city in Indonesia, three times Of course, the troops are sent in order more than the previous one. But you are occupying the whole territory, and the troops should be the total strength of the regional guards across the country. In other words, the 18 million regional guards should be the entire Indonesian guards. The regional guards can automatically refresh the replenishment amount as the city guards, but the speed of this replenishment is not to replenish one immediately. This takes time. The total force of the regional guards in Indonesia is 18 million. Twelve million comes out, which means that the devil has a total of 6 million troops. You put 2 million and ran back, then the enemy became 8 million. Counting the additional troops during this time, the next attack It ’s good that they can make up nine million. This time the enemy sent 12 million troops. As a result, you killed 10 million and ran 2 million. Next time, you only need to deal with less than 900. 10,000 troops, can't they stop it? "

"Of course I can't stop it! The main success this time is the destruction of the opponent's command system. The opponent will not be so easily fooled next time. And we have already shown a lot of strategies to the enemy. The enemy should not be fooled so easily next time. . In addition, our windmill city helped a lot during this battle, but the windmill city has crashed. We ca n’t catch the second one in the next battle. How can we defend? ”

"It seems that you have a lot of problems to solve!"

"That's why I'm having such a headache!" I leaned on a recliner and looked at the ceiling. "The next attack time is only 24 hours apart. We're afraid we won't have time to restore the city's function. Don't say that the strategy will fail in the next battle, not even the wall , We really don't know how to keep it up! "

Wei Na suddenly came over and leaned against me and said, "Aren't you usually very bad? Why did you suddenly get better this time?"

"Well?" I was a little confused as Wei Na suddenly changed her style. "what do you mean?"

"I can't think of this?" Wei Na said, "I'll give you some hints! The first tip is ~ ~ What is the defense force of a country related to? The second tip is how do you use the utilitarian theory? Handle this kind of thing? "

"Utilitarian theory?" I thought for a moment and suddenly realized. "Yeah! Why didn't I think of it! Damn it! Haha, Wina, you are too smart!"

After bidding farewell to Wei Na, I ran back to Indonesia happily, and Rose was directing the reconstruction work in Samarinda. Seeing my excitement, Rose and Eagle knew that I must have gotten a solution, and came together to ask me how I should deal with the third revenge.

I took them out of Samarinda first. There are too many people there. I can't let outsiders know about this plan. Everyone has arrived in Garland. It is easier to find a secret place in our own city.

I told them in a small conference room: "The so-called method is ..."

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