Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 95: 1 trouble

However, the spear did not give me a chance at all. "Ah!" In a scream, the cauldron rice was first dropped, and his wild pet boar failed to save his life! I have n’t had time to reflect that the rose beside me was also brought into the sky by a passing figure. These guys are too fast and there is no way to intercept them!

"Be careful!" The poisoner pushed me off the horse, followed by a shadow, and the poisoner disappeared on the horse with the dark iron rider who took him.

"Be aware of the back!" I shouted at the relentless running in front, but it seemed a little late, a gust of wind swept over my head, the merciless led his mount flying leopard disappeared, leaving only a beach on the ground Blood stains!

"This will not work! It will cover the whole army ..." Ashoford was talking to me and was suddenly pierced by a long pistol on a triangular pyramid and disappeared into the air. The frequency of these guys' attacks is getting faster and faster!

A long gun from the side of Shura Ziyi dived down at a high speed, only to hear a "ding" crisp sound, and Shura Ziyi was knocked out with her magic pet together, but she did not fly into the sky but rolled on the ground. Pull out a ditch! After rushing for dozens of meters, the group of Shura Ziyi stopped, and I only saw a spear lying motionless on the ground. Suddenly the spear's wings moved, and Shura Ziyi actually crawled out from under the spear, but I didn't see her humanoid pet, it was probably the pet that saved her life!

Wu Xiura Ziyi got up and shouted something to me, but too far to hear, she quickly changed to team communication. "Behind you!"

一 As soon as I looked back, I saw a spear with a silver light rushing over, but if I looked closely, I found that it was not a spear but a 850-level BOSS stinger! Seeing that it could not pass, suddenly a loud noise, a huge dark shadow blocked in front of me. It's a tank! He actually flattened the iron dragon and came back to save me. Looking at the property bar again, the little dragon girl and the rose vine were hung, and it was twice! The tank was shown to have hung once, but anyway he ran back!

Su Ling suddenly said to Xiaochun next to him, "Would we like to help ourselves?"

Wu Xiaochun glanced at Ling reluctantly and walked over. Ling told me: "Master, help us to stand for three minutes, we have a way to destroy most of our enemies!"

"You guys soon! Let me try!"

After receiving my reply, Ling Ling jumped down from behind her iron rider, and Xiao Chun also jumped off from behind her own iron rider. The two former goddesses cooperate for the first time, and I don't know how powerful the big trick is!

Ling Ling and Xiaochun stood face to face with a distance of about one meter in the middle. Two people took out their wands and chanted in front of them at the same time, the curse was actually the same! "The power of the cycle, I start you in the name of the goddess! Light is dark, darkness is light! ..." The two men were cursing me, but my mold fell, and the spear seemed to feel the things in this place were dangerous. Spears started to gather here!

The puppet tank was attacked by more than 30 spears, and it was over in no time! As soon as Xiaofeng was lifted off, he was hit by a long gun from the left side. Xiaofeng, who had been hit by the fly, had not yet controlled his body, but was hit by a long gun that rushed to the right. Mars was splashing in the sky, Xiaofeng resurrected only after 20 seconds, but the second time was even worse, it was finished in 15 seconds! The prodigal son and Bailang were attacked by several stingers, hanging faster than Xiaofeng. Although the dart is fast and can attack away, his own attack power is too low to have any effect!

I watched the time only one minute and thirty seconds passed, the magic pet around me was almost dead!

"That way!" Shura Ziyi, who came back to help, pointed at a diagonally inserted spear above us, judging by its angle that its target should be Ling and Xiaochun!

Ana stood next to me and spoke only one note to the spear, and saw that the spear suddenly shuddered and plunged into the soil next to it. Immediately afterwards, Ariana put away the trident and started singing, not to mention, the effect was very good. The flying forks in the sky crackled into a pile, and it seems that Arana's ultrasonic interference is very effective!

With a flutter, I was splattered with blood again, and the singing of Azana stopped, and a poisonous stab took Azana away under my eyelids! The newly resurrected Ariana had not been able to land and was killed. The sky belongs to the land of spears. There is nothing to beat them in the air!

的 A dart that attracted more than a dozen spears by one person accidentally was hit by a spear, and it was finished on the spot! After the resurrection, he had no response time and could not escape the doom!

Yeying and Xiaoxue survived surprisingly. I don't know why the spear seemed to do nothing to the two of them, nor was it because the spear did not attack them, but emptied each time. It seems that the spear cannot lock the target! Suddenly, another shadow rushed past the night shadow and was blown away by a shadow lightning. I suddenly understood! The spear uses ultrasonic waves for a wide range of searches, while approaching it uses electromagnetic induction to lock the target. Both Xiaoxue and Yeying use lightning to attack, and the strong current interferes with the lock mechanism of the pike, so once the pistol approaches the target, the pike cannot confirm the specific position of the two of them, so that they are thrown away every time!

美 Amenis used illusions to cause several stingers to fight themselves, but she was quickly killed by another spear.

四 I looked around for the Iron Crusaders, but it turned out nothing, just now the three chiefs of the Iron Crusade were finished! Now the only thing around me is Ling and Xiaochun, Yeying, Xiaoxue, and the 65 Snow Fairies. As for players, everything except Shura Ziyi has been wiped out!

"How long?" I asked Phantom.

"Twenty seconds!"

Wu Xiura Ziyi nodded: "I hope your pet will not let us down!" After that, she rushed towards a spear that came over. With a bang, the spear broke his wings and rushed underground, but Shura Ziyi appeared more than 100 meters away! It seems that she is still alive, it is probably her artifact that saved her!

The Ling and Xiaochun behind finally entered the final stage, and it took two goddesses to prepare for 3 minutes of magic without knowing the power! The spells of the two men suddenly started to be different. Ling read: "... devour the power of destruction, listen to the call of darkness, start-dark century!"

Wu Xiaochun was thinking: "... the power to create revival, follow the guidance of the light, start-the bright century!"

The two former goddesses brought their staffs together and crossed to form a cross. The center of the two staffs suddenly appeared a bright blue spot. This spot quickly expanded, and at the same time I heard Ling's voice. "Master, it's up to you!" After that, the two disappeared at the same time!


That light spot quickly expanded into a light sphere with a diameter of more than two meters, and it was still expanding. I saw that the light sphere was filled with black and white dots. These dots collided with each other in pairs and directly on them. Pull out white arcs. This light sphere spreads out like a shock wave, and it is getting faster and faster. At first the spears didn't notice that the danger was still on my side, but they didn't realize how dangerous this thing was until the first spear came into contact with the blue shock wave.

The spear that rushed to the front first came into contact with the blue shock wave. When it rushed in, the triangular pyramid in the front began to appear a blue flame, and then the flame surrounded the entire spear. This aerial killer became a burning fireball. Crushing to the ground.

The shock wave continued to expand. All the spears that came into contact with the shock wave burned. No enemy could resist the shock wave. A blue mushroom cloud like an atomic bomb rose. The shock wave swept across the valley and disappeared on the mountain side!

Suddenly the surroundings were quiet, and Shura Ziyi and I were both silly! There are still lance bodies that are still smoking all over the prairie, monster corpses lying everywhere! Several spears were still pulsing on the ground, but it was no longer possible to return to the blue sky, because its wings had been completely burned!

"Isn't this true?" Shura Ziyi asked me.

"I don't know! Why is it so powerful?"

The sound of phantom sounded suddenly. "This is probably the legendary degradation!"


"It is the basic rule set by the founding god. If both light and darkness consider a certain creature to be an ethnic group that should not exist, you can use this skill to completely wipe out this kind of creature. This attack does not consider offense and defense, as long as it is selected Will be completely annihilated! "

"Isn't it?"

"But there is a limitation to this skill. It is necessary to use the light and the dark **** together, but everyone knows that the guys in these two positions will not do anything except fight. It is said that this skill should be used to launch all the spears in the world. They are all killed, but Ling and Xiaochun are not goddesses, so the effect is much worse when they are launched, it only covers the range in the valley! And it seems that only the lances in the range have been attacked! If you did not guess wrong, use this skill Some exchange conditions are needed, and I estimate that the ranks of the two have also come down! Also, this power is the power of the founding god, so excluding the two of them to kill the enemy, the experience value cannot be obtained! "

Listening to the phantom, I quickly looked at the magic pet property bar, which almost did not faint me! Ling and Xiaochun's levels have actually turned into 37, and they suddenly fell more than 600 levels, which is too exaggerated! And my experience value did not move, killing so many long guns should be enough for me to upgrade the experience of several levels, but I did not give at all!

Susara Ziyi suddenly pulled me. "Don't you say that the spears are dead?"


"But what is that?"

"What?" I turned to look at it. "I'm dizzy! Stinger!"

Mirage said: "That thing is an advanced form of a spear, not a spear, so the degradation does not work for them! But it seems that there is not much left, right?"

Phantom's words let us regain some confidence. There are only a dozen poison stings in the sky. They should be able to rush through!

"Run! They are coming!" Shouted Shura Ziyi.

"Let's deal with it!" Ye Ying and Xiao Xue ran out. "They can't help us!"

"No!" I rejected Ye Ying's opinion. "The two of you are fast, and it's not easy to be spotted. Or you go to get the purple leaf grass, and I stay to hold them. Remember to take 30, don't take less!"

"OK! Rest assured!" Yeying and Xiaoxue turned and rushed deep into the grassland.

十六 Sixteen spears in the sky suddenly split into two teams, a team of four chased after Yeying and Xiaoxue, and the other twelve rushed towards us! The snow monsters immediately started using the freezing technique. Although their freezing effect was not enough to stop the stingers, it was still possible to limit their speed. At least we must see the stinger's figure to find a way!

But the good times are not long. Although the degenerative surgery just killed all the spears, it attracted the iron dragon. Fortunately, only two ends! The iron dragon noticed us directly, it opened its mouth towards us, and then a crimson magic bomb flew over! These guys can actually use magic attacks!

Boom! The ice wall cast by the Snow Demon was smashed by the red magic bomb, and the two iron dragons were still addicted. The magic bombs were dropped one by one!

"I'm going to deal with Tielong, you're dealing with poisonous stings!" Shura Ziyi rushed over as he said. I didn't agree and there was nothing I could do, so I had to send Snow Monsters to help. I now want to face 12 poison stings alone!

Stingers and pikes seem to have different personalities. Spears like to attack in groups, but stingers like to single out! The 11 stingers all started to circle in the air, only one rushed down! But it's good for me. Since they are so chivalry, I don't think I can excuse them, right?

毒 The stinger flew far away, then dived down, and finally it turned into a ground flight. This height is very terrible, it will be finished when it is done. The stinger's four thrusters simultaneously blasted out four slender blue flames, and its speed suddenly increased and rushed over.

I took out my shield in front of me and waited for the stinger to approach. Just before it reached me, a mercury shield appeared in front of it like lightning. The long triangular pyramid of the stinger easily penetrated the mercury shield, but its body was stuck! The pyramid that penetrated the mercury hit the shield, and as I expected, it could not penetrate my shield.

Seize the opportunity, and cut my hand with a knife. I cut off the triangular pyramid of the stinger, and the teeth of the holy dragon really cut iron like mud! Without the triangular pyramid, the stinger was still on the ground. I immediately walked over and slashed a sword on the head behind it. It was completely quiet now!

The first stinger made a move, and the second stinger rushed away from the formation immediately. What makes me wonder is that this guy actually used the same method to fly away first, and then hit the ground at high speed! Impression poison stings are a kind of sly creatures, they should use tactics according to the situation, just like they found a good solution when they faced Long Yan at the beginning! But since this guy uses the old method, then I also use the old method. Anyway, I have already killed one with this method!

The reality is that I underestimated the intelligence of the stinger! This stinger suddenly made a very strange move while I was still some distance away. It bent its left wing downwards and the right wing of the other side upwards, and at the same time three vertical tails of 120 degrees on the head behind it suddenly began to turn an angle to the right. This action immediately caused a huge contrast between the left and right rising forces of the stinger. From my perspective, the stinger began to roll counterclockwise! Unlike the roll of an airplane, because the stinger's wings can be bent, its roll does not appear to move horizontally, but it only rotates at a high speed in situ! You know that the front of the stinger has a triangular pyramid much larger than the spear! Can you imagine what a triangular pyramid would look like after spinning at high speed?

毒 The stinger also started to accelerate. As it increased its speed, it turned faster and faster. The triangular pyramid in front of it had completely turned into a high-speed rotating drill bit. What's more terrible was that the drill bit was coming towards me.


Finally we still ran into it. Slam! The Mercury Shield was smashed by a drill-like triangular pyramid, and the swirling force fluttered the Mercury everywhere, and there was no way to come back to stop its advance. The unimpeded stinger directly hit my shield, only feeling a numb on the back of my hand, the shield was shaken to the side, and my hand followed the shield to move to the side to give out the vital position of the chest! A pyramid like a drill hit my chest, and my right hand caught the tip of the pyramid!

With a blast of harsh metal friction and a splash of Mars, I was pushed down by the stinger and slid more than a hundred meters on the grass. My green grass was pulled out of two deep trenches by my combat boots! But I miraculously blocked the attack, but my right hand was numb by pinching the rotating triangular pyramid, a large hole was opened in the breastplate of the dragon set, and a heart mirror was also left inside. Sagging is really terrible!

一 对 A pair of claw-like things appeared under the intercepted poison stab to support the body, but it seemed to have no strength to stand up! I really didn't find the stinger and the legs! I gave a strong sword to the center of the stinger's body, and the incision suddenly sprayed out a flame. The blood of this guy was flammable! A closer look reveals that Stinger and Spear are very different. The spear's body surface is covered with scales, while the stinger's body surface is covered with bone plates. These things are not only more glorious, but also very strong. The surface is shiny with metallic luster. It does not look like the bones of living creatures but looks like titanium alloy! The bone plates are stacked one by one. Although hard, they do not affect the bending. It is really a clever design! On the front side of the wings, these bone plates meet and join together, but this junction is sharp like a blade. It is conceivable how dangerous its wings are when the stinger flies. Fortunately, it was beheaded for the first time. Probably the masterpiece of this thing!

After I got up, the hole in the armor quickly recovered, but my right hand was still numb, and I could barely hold the hilt. As for my left hand, the first thing I was hit was just now. It's there! According to this situation, I don't know if the third one is still blocked!

The stinger didn't give me a chance to breathe. The third stinger immediately broke away from the camp and began to dive. It was the same old method and began to fly low on the ground. Doesn't it play that super spin? I was worried, and saw the stinger bend his wings into a pose of a stinger! Is it rotation again?

The third stinger also entered the rotation, and it entered the rotation earlier, which means that it has a longer acceleration distance than the second stinger, so that the speed of rotation when it reaches me must be even more amazing!

I squinted and watched the stinger start accelerating. As the distance gradually decreased, it became faster and faster, and finally formed a white whirlwind around him. A horizontal tornado rushed over with the auger drill in the middle, and sand and stones fell on the ground, and the ground was blown out by a deep groove! I know that this time I will definitely not block, I can only consider other methods, but how can I have time to prepare!

"Absolute barrier!" I can only use my life-saving skills! A shiny defensive shield appeared instantly, when, with a crisp sound, the stinger smashed into a pool of mud in front of the absolute barrier!

其他 The other stingers above seemed to be very angry at this situation. The fourth time they came down was not one, but two! The two stingers are separated without any hesitation, and then sprint with the same ground, and from both directions! But this time the two stingers didn't spin. Maybe I don't know my barrier has time limit and think it's not safe!

The two poisonous thorns rushed towards me face to face. I knew that they would not simply attack with a triangular pyramid. At this time, the wings of the opposite poisonous thorns flashed a bright light because of sunlight. , I understand what they are going to do, these guys have to cut my head with wings!

Humph! Think of beauty when I am an idiot! Seeing the two stingers rush in, I flew and fell to the ground, the two stingers passed over me, but not far after the two stingers fell to the ground. Hehe! When I just fell down, I erected the holy dragon's tooth, and the stinger that rushed over was divided into two by my own power!

After the two stingers hanged, a strange cry suddenly came from a distance. I haven't understood what happened. The remaining seven stingers in the sky swooped down together. It seems that the boss just got angry!

7 come together, I can't hold back, and quickly get up and run! I ran to Shura Ziyi, hoping to get help from the Snow Monster over there. Shura Ziyi and the monster ran while fighting, and now they have run far! I had to run away desperately!

Suddenly, there was a sound of wind breaking behind her, and she lay down on the spot, and a stinger flew over me. "Oops!" Suddenly a sudden pain in the lower body almost didn't faint me, and my body was taken up!

Damn stinger I lie so low it can reach! Just after the first stinger ran over my head, the second stinger actually rubbed my back. What's more boring is that the three vertical tails on the head behind it just happened to be downward, and this one The tail of the film hit my crotch impartially! Now I'm rolling in pain, my face is green! Damn stinger, I ca n’t kill me and do n’t have to be an eunuch! Fortunately, there is a skirt to block it ~ ~ Otherwise it must have been stung!

The guy who bumped into me was also uncomfortable. The sudden impact made it lose its balance and plunged himself into the ground and fell to his death! I resisted the pain and barely climbed along the ground for a few steps, but the abdominal pain was terrible, and my waist was not straight. It would be miserable to be a man, if the woman would be fine!

I wanted to take a break, but the stinger in the sky didn't agree! The second wave of attacks began again, and a stinger swooped down at me. If I don't flash again, I will be stuck on the ground! "Phantom! Teleport!" My body suddenly disappeared and then appeared on the grass next to me. The stinger that dived into the soil because it was too late.

Teleport is indeed a good skill, but teleport is controlled by phantom. The response is always one step slower than my own control. It doesn't matter to deal with players, but it is not enough to deal with stingers! Just got up, another stinger came over. Teleport again! I appeared on the grass next to me, but just stood still, another stinger rushed over. I was frightened to continue to teleport quickly, but this time the response was slow, and the sting that came over added a wound to my body!

瞬 Teleported multiple times in a row I found that Stinger seemed to know where I appeared, and it seemed important to deal with them! It will be seen too early, and there will be a stinger waiting for me in the place where it appears, too late to be attacked by the stinger in front! These guys are really terrifying!

He stumbled and jumped to the side of Shura Ziyi, but he didn't see my Snow Demon, and there was only one Iron Dragon left. "Why are you here?" Shura Ziyi saw me.

I'm pointing behind. "Nowhere to be chased away! Where is my Snow Fairy?"

"It's all gone! This thing will not only be magical but also spit fire!"

"Lying down!" I slammed Shura Ziyi to the ground.

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