Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 94: Air strike

I originally planned to come alone, but there was no way. Everyone disagreed, so the lineup has been repeatedly expanded. All the people I brought from China, except the King who wanted to manage the fleet and Su Mei were asked to stay on the ship, all followed. For the Iron Crusaders, I only wanted them to lead the way. As a result, the three major Iron Crusaders, Ashford, Kefalon and Messett, were all dispatched! In fact, it is normal for the three of them to come together. Several failures have lost the confidence of the Iron Crusaders. This time, let me come here just to try it. Asheford's words show that he is simply No hope of success. The three of them went together just to worry that all of us would lose their face, and it was tantamount to accompany them to death!

"This is it?" Ashford pointed to the road.

We looked in the direction of his fingers, and a flat avenue with a width of seven or eight meters stretched straight into the mountains in front of it. No wonder Asheford said that a wide road can be a carriage! If you pour asphalt, you can be a highway here!

Walk up this mountain road that is not like a mountain road until the end of the road! By the end of the trail we had reached the mountain, as Ashford said, and in front of it was a large, ridiculous plain! Although the plain is located in the high mountains, the altitude is already high, but it is surrounded by taller peaks, which makes it a valley, but it is not as narrow as the general valley and it seems more spacious! I opened Xingtong and looked at it. I didn't see anything in the sky. It was a strange animal on the ground, but I couldn't see it too far away! The entire valley is long and narrow in olive shape, and the entrances at both ends are very narrow, but the middle is very wide, and the eyesight of normal people cannot see the opposite! The strangest thing is that I seem to see a building in the middle of the plain!

"Where does the purple leaf grow? Is there an approximate location?"

"In the middle of this plateau, I will lean towards the other entrance!"

Relentlessly: "Since there are troublesome monsters in the middle, why don't we enter from the other side?"

"Because the mud near the entrance on the other side is full of mud, the spear is a flying creature, not restricted by the terrain, but how much mud can limit our speed!"

"What's this?" We have reached the entrance here, and Rose found a line of rock in the mountain pass.

Messett said, "That was the line we put on the last time we came. It's the dividing line! As long as we don't cross this line, nothing will happen, but we will be attacked as soon as we pass!"

"That's it!"

修 Ashford gestured to McFarron, and McFarron nodded and took out an iron box from his body. He was wondering what he was doing when he ran a giant saber-toothed tiger out of that small box. How did this guy get into this big? Is this the kind of pet-friendly box I mentioned on the forum?

McFarron pointed forward, and the Saber-toothed Tiger jumped across the line and ran towards the deep grasslands. Saber-toothed tigers ran a total of fifty meters, and a lot of gray creatures suddenly appeared on the peaks on both sides. The sheer number of these guys is almost the sun, one of them suddenly turned and rushed towards the saber-toothed tiger. I just saw that guy rush down, and his eyes couldn't keep up with his moving speed! A cloud of red mist scattered on the ground, the running saber-toothed tiger disappeared on the ground, and the creature on the long horn on the head of the sky was wearing a creature, that is the saber-toothed tiger! It all happened in an instant, and we didn't hear a harsh squeal until the saber-toothed tiger was taken away!

"Sound impaired?" The poisoner cried.

I reacted too! "This thing is faster than sound?" The ear-piercing popping was clearly a popping sound caused by breaking through the sound barrier, and we heard the voice after the saber-toothed tiger disappeared to show that it was much faster than the sound!

Ashford shook his head and said, "This is the spear!"

"This is it?" I quickly stared at the spear in the sky with the star pupil, and set the magnification to the maximum. Now you can see what it looks like!

东西 The shape of this thing is not strange, but the flying posture is a bit incomprehensible! As you know from the beginning, the spear has a triangular pyramid on its head, about the thickness of an adult male arm, and about 1.5 meters in length. The main body of the pyramid is black with red lines on it. It looks like something that has evolved from the bones, and it seems to be poisonous! Because the triangular pyramid is in front of the lance, when the rifle is flying, this triangular pyramid can easily put the target on it like a collision angle!

The triangular pyramid is quite slender. At the root of it, I didn't find anything that might be the head. In other words, this triangular pyramid is probably the head of a spear, and that thing is the evolution of its skull! Behind the triangular pyramid is a narrow, streamlined body. This body is grayish white, and it looks like it is covered with strange long scales. It is probably to reduce friction! The length of the spear is about two meters and two meters, the width is only sixty centimeters, and the thickness is only forty centimeters. Such a slender body is very suitable for high-speed flight!

Behind the spear's body is a weird tail. There is an olive-shaped object in the middle of the tail, and there are three evenly distributed bone plates around the olive, like the triangular wings of an airplane! Basically, if you ignore the wings, you can think of the body of the spear as a missile with three tails!

The puppet has a pair of wings in the middle of the spear's body, which is a little bit forward. This is the strangest part of the whole body. It is said that even if the body of the spear is as good as aerodynamic, it should have a pair of small wings. After all, it has a length of more than 4 meters even with its head and tail! Generally, birds have a pair of wings that are larger than their own body. Even hummingbirds can achieve a one-to-one ratio, but the spear wings do not look like they can support their body. . Each of its wings is about two meters long into an isosceles triangle, and the part connected to the body is only fifty centimeters wide! You can imagine what a triangle with a base width of 50 cm and a height of two meters would look like, and the wings of a spear are like this!

It doesn't matter if it is just slender, the key is that it has two strange things on each side of its wings. This thing looks like ... how do you say? Have you seen the engine under the wings of a passenger plane? This thing looks like that. It's just that the aircraft's engine is hung under the wings, and the spear's one is grown in the middle of the wings, like a part of the wings!

我 When I noticed these four things, I suddenly noticed a strange phenomenon. The four things always flashed blue flames from time to time, and sometimes a long smoke band was pulled out! Could it be that……? Isn't this thing jet propulsion?

I was taken aback by my own thoughts! But think for yourself this is the only reasonable explanation! In the setting of "Zero", all flying creatures are divided into two categories. One is flying by magic, the other is flying by wings! The little dragon girl belongs to flying by magic, and luck is flying by wings! When designing creatures, the design director's requirement was that all creatures that fly on wings must be creatures that can be reproduced in reality. So fortunately, a dragon like this will have a pair of huge wings like a football field. Dragons in European legend usually do not have such large wings, but according to the request of that director, the wings of all creatures are rationalized to ensure that they are sufficient to support their masters to fly stand up. The lance also obviously has to meet this requirement, which means that the lance's wings are sufficient to support its flight. But judging from the volume, unless the spear is flying fast enough, the pair of wings cannot support it! There is a limit to flapping the wings, so no creatures that fly by flapping their wings can fly too fast. Then if the spear uses jet power, it will meet the requirements. This also explains why the spear never **** its wings!


I turned around and asked Ashford. "You didn't tell me that spears are jet-powered monsters!"

"I told you it's very different! Besides, I didn't say it flew by flapping its wings!"

"What? This thing is jet-type?" Cauldron rice startled. "Are there creatures that can jet engines?"

As I continued to observe, I said, "I don't know how it works, but I see something like a jet engine on its wings, and there are tail flames behind its wings!"

"Isn't Phantom aware of everything?" Rose suddenly said.

"Yeah! Just ask him!" I immediately asked Phantom for information about the spear.

The phantom really knew: "This is a very rare creature called a spear! You guessed it, it uses jet power to fly! The four on the wings are propellers. The spear's body can break down food again. Produce a lot of biogas, and their body cells also produce biogas when they are active! Like most living blood's blood carries oxygen, the spear's blood can carry biogas, and the blood flows through the digestive system and various cells of the body to collect the biogas. These The biogas is filtered by a kidney-like thing and then sent to a gas compression chamber on the wings! With the help of strong muscle pressure, the injected biogas will be compressed into a liquid state and stored. The moisture stored when the pike is flying is Special pipes are sent to the four combustion chambers on the wings. There are discharge mechanisms similar to electric eels in the combustion chambers. The ignition of biogas under the action of electric sparks can provide injection power! Controlled by the contractile muscles near the air inlet Bone plate movement, it can change the air intake of the propeller at will, so its flying ability is quite strong. Instantaneous acceleration! "

"Is there really a flying bird?" Said ruthlessly.

"I am more concerned about the weakness of this thing!"

Phantom went on to explain: "The weakness is the neck! Like most creatures, a spear without a head cannot survive!"

"But its head is a triangular pyramid, no neck at all!" I asked.

Phantom immediately said again: "Actually the pyramid is not the head, but the tail! The spear is flying backwards, and the thing that looks like the tail is the head!"

"Halo! It is a strange creature!"

Ashford interjected: "Speaking of magic, where is your magic pet? Why can't I hear the sound? I can't see it? This magic pet knows the enemy's data and can also provide combat intelligence. It's really good! "

"Phantom is a spiritual body, and without an entity, there is no way to see it!"

哦 "Oh! It's a good thing!" Ashford seemed envious.

"What shall we do now?" Shura Ziyi asked.

"It must not be hard to break!" Messet warned.

先 I summoned the space door first and stood beside me. "It depends on my babies! Trailblazers, rose vines! Come out and make holes! Spears are flying creatures, and we can't help us if we go underground!"

Rose Vine was stopped by Ashford before he could dig. "Don't waste time, it's useless! This is an extinct volcano, and the deep caves are full of magma! Dig a hole and spray magma up, otherwise we would have passed the tunnel already!"

The cauldron rice is still a little unconvinced! "Let's not dig too deep, just dive a bit!"

This time Emmys helped Ashford say: "The shallow soil is too loose and the burrow will collapse! Only a certain depth can dig a tunnel!"

Ashford added: "That's right! And there isn't only a monster like a spear here. There is also a very powerful ground creature. They are sensitive to surface vibrations. We dig shallow and they will dig down. Last time, our thieves had dug a few kilometers, and as a result the tunnel was dug through by this thing, and then the thief was nailed to the ground by a spear! "

"It looks like the underground is not working!"

Rose proposed: "Isn't Emmeni able to make phantoms?"

I haven't objected to Emmys before screaming: "It doesn't even have eyes. Who do I make phantoms to see? If I interfere with the brain consciousness directly, I can't control too many individuals, or not!"

对 "Yes, Phantom, what observation target does this thing rely on?" Asked mercilessly.

"Using a large-scale search with ultrasound, and approaching the target with an electromagnetic field after approaching!"

"Electromagnetic field?"

"Yes! Bioelectricity also generates a magnetic field. Long guns can capture and analyze this magnetic field, as if a creature called a shark in the sea also has this ability!"

I explained for Phantom: "It's a very advanced electronic induction ability, and sharks have this ability. By sensing bioelectricity, sharks can tell if the surrounding things are living things, and even know whether you are now afraid or excited. Wait for some simple emotions. If a spear has this ability, it will have no sensory zone! "

Phantom continued: "The spear is not blind. It has eyes, but it grows on the top of the head, and sees the black and white world. It has no ability to feel color!"

"That's even worse! Color blindness is not afraid of camouflage, it is more troublesome!" Messett seemed to understand very well.

"It seems that there is no way but to break through!" Rose said!

"Go ahead and see!" I shouted to Skott, who was still standing inside the space gate: "Assembly, all come out!"

A neat army rushed out of the space door in their astonished gaze. I can now summon 6,410 dark iron riders, plus 1282 silver bees, 65 snow fairies, 641 demon butterflies, and a million crystal beetles. This large group of creatures has stood still! Coupled with my magic pet and demon servant, the number is very scary!

Ashford stammered, "You ... did you bring the entire guild?"

"These are his summoned creatures! There are not so many people in our guild!" Cauldron said: "The number of players in our guild plus their summoned creatures may be about the same as that of Ziri's summoned creatures, and the premise is that Not including his bugs! "

Ashford said for a long time: "I finally know why you don't want me to send someone to help!"

"Actually, I don't think it is enough to have a large number of people, and there are many long guns, let alone the level is too high!"

"Always try it!" Rose said.

"Okay! Everyone goes to the middle of the team to protect it better! Lucky, Crystal, Plague, Primary Three! The four of you use Longyan to defend the air around you! The other magic pets cooperate with each other, so the ghost knight should not come and hang up. It's not worth it! "When everyone was ready, I gave an order:" Remember, don't look back, just charge! Well now charge! "


The squadron of men suddenly started to break through that demarcation line into the grassland area. On the surrounding peaks, a dark shadow suddenly appeared! Groups of spears appeared on the top of the mountain, and they whistled and rushed down.

The four-headed dragon first started to defend, and six flames burst out at the same time. The spears rushing from the front did not respond all of a sudden and rushed into the sea of ​​fire. A series of crackles and hundreds of spears were shot down, but these guys were dead and would not give up, because the speed was too fast, the fallen body Can actually bring down a piece! I originally thought that with Long Yan, I could temporarily block the attack of the long gun, but I did not expect that the long gun was so powerful, and I killed so many cavalry against Long Yan!

水晶 Under the control of my consciousness, the crystal beetle and demon butterfly and silver bee are lifted off immediately. These little things should not be afraid of them! In the beginning, it did play a role, many silver bee and a crystal beetle penetrated into the propeller intake duct of the spear, but at the time, these biological fighters were turned off in the air. A large group of spears rolled down and planted!

But creatures like spears show another terrible thing. These things are faster and more intelligent than we think! After the first batch of rifles fell due to inhalation of the beetle, the other rifles immediately broke away from the attack and began to fly high! My beetles couldn't keep up with these guys with jet thrusters, and they were left behind in an instant. At first we were glad that the spear was so easy to be scared away, but our smile didn't last long!

The overwhelming long lances were inserted downward from a high altitude at a nearly vertical angle. With the help of gravity and their own power, the speed of these lances was increased to an unprecedented height. What surprised us even more was that the spear suddenly appeared to grow hair! These spears passed lightningly through my beetle swarm, and they suddenly pulled up into the sky when they were about to hit the ground. After they passed, my beetles and silver bees fell down like pieces of rain!

经过 I passed by a spear just because I hadn't come down because I swooped my head and found that it wasn't hairy at all, but the long scales on the body surface stood up! The sides of these scales are as sharp as a knife, and with the speed of the spear, it is simply unthinkable! I grabbed another beetle that fell on me and saw that this poor little guy was only half, and the fracture was neat like a laser knife!

三次 Three consecutive shocks almost wiped out my beetle and silver bee, but the good 歹 beetles have won time for me. Now we have rushed into the grassland! The creatures that were seen outside at the beginning were finally clear. These are giant dinosaurs! In fact, this kind of dinosaur has never appeared on earth, at least I have never seen it! I call them dinosaurs because they look like a kind of dinosaur. These creatures basically look like an Ankylosaurus, but the difference is that Ankylosaurus is much smaller than them, and an Ankylosaurus is a herbivorous dragon, unlike the fangs of this guy's mouth! The body of this thing is covered with sharp bone plates and even on the head, it looks like the head of a hammerhead shark, and they have no eyes, but they obviously have their own way to find the target! The two closest to us suddenly rushed towards us!

"Be careful!" My reminder immediately made everyone notice the enemy on the ground. The tank first confronted a monster, and the dragon girl and the rose vine joined together to deal with the other one!

The first thing I touched was the attacking spell of the dragon girl, and I immediately got the monster data. Iron dragons, 850 creatures, defensive metamorphosis, scary health! Fortunately, there aren't as many lances as there are only a few on the grassland!

The little dragon girl's attack spell did not have any effect on the iron dragon. It was the rose vine's tentacle that successfully brought this guy back! On the other side, the tank collided with the other iron dragon. The sound sounded like two locomotives collided! But I have no time to manage them, the team has not stopped moving forward, as long as they can get the purple leaf, they are worth hanging out!

No longer threatened by the crystal beetle and silver bee, the spear rushed up again. The four-headed dragons immediately started using Long Yan to spray into the air, but the spears obviously had a countermeasure. The lance group suddenly split into four, and the attack began in four directions. The four-headed dragon had to be responsible for each of the four directions, but after all, they were not yet full-scale dragons, especially the young three, he was only over three hundred levels, and it was far behind!

The gap between the grades is still very obvious. The first one to be broken is the rear where Primary Three is responsible. Three Longyans were sprayed out, and many long guns were sprayed. However, due to the level problem, Long Yan's power seemed insufficient, and several long guns flew over Long Yan. With a flutter, a long triangular pyramid pierced into the mouth of Xiaosan's middle head. The attacking lance was completely gone with Xiaosan!

I was responsible for the luck on the left and right, and the plague found that Xiaosan had a problem. Just turning around was a splash of blood flowers, and the lucky giant dragon head flew out of the distance and fell to the ground. The plague responded faster, but still left a deep blood balance behind the neck. This change scared everyone, and the dragon's head was cut off. What is this concept?

From the data displayed by Xingtong ~ ~ It is not ordinary rifles that attack lucky and plague, but two BOSS-level lances. The names of these two guys are Stinger, and the level display is 850, which is higher than the spear, and the afterimage I saw just now shows that these two guys are much larger than the length of the spear!

Just when everyone didn't understand what happened, suddenly a large piece of blood sprayed us, and Crystal's body was hit by more than a dozen long guns. Although the long guns also fell down due to the weight of the crystal, the crystal was finished on the spot It's up!

幸运 Fortunately in the flashing red light, they resurrected with the help of Xiaofeng's resurrection ability, but they did not support it for a while and were killed in the same way, and this time even the plague was brought in! Without the dragon's protection, the team was completely exposed to the spear!

The spear began to attack us again. There was a thunderous sound in the sky. This was the sound of the spears breaking through the sound barrier. The screams of the surroundings were rising and falling, one by one, the dark iron riding soldiers were taken high up through the body by spears, and even the unarmed war horses were shot by the subsequent long lances and put up high!

I ca n’t believe it. With one million beetles and more than a thousand silver bees and those demon butterflies and my iron rider, it took only fifteen minutes to annihilate the entire army, and even the dragon I was proud of was hacked. The melon-cut vegetables are eliminated!

长 A spear in front of it suddenly inserted straight into the ground. I was still wondering what it was doing at first, but soon a blue liquid leaked out of the ground. The data showed me that it was a trailblazer! The spear actually killed the trailblazers below the ground!

There are only players and small magic pets around us. We have just been in the grassland for fifteen minutes, and it takes at least 20 minutes to reach the place where the purple leaf grows! What am I going to do?

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