"It's a little different from my guess."

Nelgo climbed over the hillside when he suddenly heard a loud noise.

This is the language of ogres, and orcs, like ogres, have a general understanding of each other's language.

"I didn't expect to find the ogre."

That is, the quantity may be a little different from what he imagined.

Nairgo hid himself behind a tree and focused his attention in the direction the sound was coming from.

It was a Grand Canyon.

For this canyon, Nairgo still has some impressions, especially the active earth element creatures and those ogre laborers in this canyon, so he almost told him the name directly: this is a rock wall canyon.

Rock Wall Canyon, located northwest of Fort Grobler, is said to have left some holy relics such as stone slabs where the Titan, known by ogres, known as the Caster.

As for why, who knows? The Titans always liked to leave all kinds of things behind and let future generations go to archaeological digs.

For example, there is more than one relic left by a Titan in places like Delano, and I really don't know what Agrama did in Draenor besides pinching people.

However, this also proves how far Nairgo has gone, and accidentally let him come to the territory of the ogre.

"First of all, earth elemental creatures." The furious earth elemental creatures below must not have thought that after greeting the impure ogre archaeologists, another orc came to observe them not far away.

Fortunately, Nairgo's target is not them, so after a simple observation, he will not pay attention to it, otherwise there must be a bloody storm in today's rock wall canyon.

"And then the ogre." In the Horizon Technique, Nairgo saw the ogres digging around the canyon with their tools.

Truckloads of stones were pulled away, and one item after another, possibly antique, was handed over to archaeologists to assess his worth.

This shows that if they are lucky, maybe they can find some holy relics left over from the Titan era.

"I might as well go directly to the Ring of Trials to catch ogres." Nairgo cancels the Horizon Technique and turns him into a sensitive wind peng, who wants to try to fool the archaeologists of the ogre in his beast state.

The archaeologists in a canyon are full of mages, and this ogre is too much.

Nairgo flew in the sky, looked around, and he found a target, one that looked good to be taken away.

An ogre who is trying to dig and work for the power of the Hanging Hammer Castle, not to mention armor on his body, not even clothes can cover his body, not to mention that the archaeologists and overseers and guards near him are some distance away from him, what better target than this one on the edge?

Nelgo decided to make some movement here, but he only had one chance to shoot, muddy the water, catch a "fish" and run, but if he stayed for a while, the "big fish" would jump up and bite him.

Nairgo found an opportunity and flew into the sky to release a lightning arrow, and an ogre located next to the rock wall was instantly slashed by lightning.

This lightning is so powerful that cracked stones and smashed ogres can prove it.

Listening to the screams coming from the mouths of laborers not far away, the surrounding ogre soldiers quickly rushed to check the situation.

The ogre's excavation camp fell into a little chaos, and the ogre chosen by Nairgo turned back sharply, what happened? He was about to go to see the liveliness, but at this moment, a blurry black shadow in the sky quickly approached him.

Before he could react, a stick hit him the head.

It turned out to be Nairgo, who quickly aimed at the target when flying down, quickly changed into human form after landing, and slammed his head with a club to stun him.

This is the head of the army.

Nairgo nodded in satisfaction, everything was currently planned, and then Nairgo extended his hand to his nose.

"Fortunately, he still breathes." Nairgo breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that this ogre who had exhausted his mind would die violently on the spot because of his violence.

That's a joke.

"There are little orcs here!"

"What about the stones? Smash him! The

ogre also noticed this unusual guy at this time, and an orc suddenly appeared in a nest of ogres, or at such a right time, it was simply hanging the red name on the top of the head, and it was difficult not to be beaten.

Everything was right, the orc struck the camp with lightning, and then he knocked out another laborer.

Damn orcs.




The ogre's soldiers ran in stride, and the sound of heavy footsteps made the ground tremble.

And those archaeologists also opened their mouths and vaguely read something, and the light representing arcane in their hands shone, "Deceleration!" Nelgo

grabbed the fainted ogre and turned to run, first using the purification technique to remove the negative effects of the slowdown technique, and then changed into the form of the wind peng.

He didn't want to wrestle with them, his goal was achieved, and now it was time to run.

Nelgo flapped his wings hard and flew over the heads of the earth elemental creatures, causing many ogres' spells to fall at a very fast speed, and he was a little short of breath after dodging the attack from the ogre again.

After all, not everyone can hold a comatose ogre with their paws without blushing and without a heartbeat.

"Bunch the little orcs! Smash flying orcs! The

archaeologists shouted, even if not half a point inferior to Gromash.

They are angry, this is not difficult to understand, you said that I was digging stones to study antiques, and suddenly a guy came and not only smashed but also snatched away a laborer, this in exchange for no one can bear this grievance, isn't it?

But it was useless to be angry, he had already flown to the edge of the rock wall canyon and accelerated all the way in the direction of Groblerburg.

As for the ogre chasers, they won't chase too far, he just caught a laborer, and he didn't even take a single antiques from those archaeologists, which may not be worth their fanfare.

And even if they want to chase, what can they do, the ogre can't fly, they can't run to catch up with him flying, right?

Thinking of this, Nairgo couldn't help but feel a little proud, in the ogre's camp, raided in and captured a captive, few orcs can do this, but even more so they can return to the clan alive after success to tell their experiences.

But he can!

Shaking his sweat-stained feathers, Nairgo gasped loudly, and then laughed, and in front of this sound, even the small animals that perched below were quiet.

This voice was tantamount to a war roar, a provocation to the ogres, but even so, they could not come over.

After calming some of his disturbed breathing, Nairgo snorted and looked at the unconscious ogre, "You should have done this long ago." "

The next difficulty should be to bring him back to Groblerburg, he changed into human form, tied him to death with a rope in his pocket, it was not difficult to catch him, it was a challenge to bring him back successfully.

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