After a fairly leisurely few days, Nairgo adjusted again and entered intense spell casting training.

He never forgot that there was a big red hand outside the planet Draeor who held everything, and he might not even be a shrimp before he reached the life level of a demigod, and he could only go with the wind when he blew it over.

Although there is no special area in Groblerburg dedicated to the study of plagues, poisons, and alchemy, it is still possible to prepare a quiet room for Nelgo to study spells.

At this time, in such a room, an orc was holding a stack of paper full of words, and saw that the paper was written elements, ascension, and injection, and when connected together, it was "the possibility of injecting elements into the body through a spell called Ascension".

In addition, there were several books and scrolls on the table, some of which were not even closed and placed haphazardly on the side, causing the room to appear a little cluttered.

"Sure enough, it is the wisdom of the elders." Nelgo had already learned most of the spells related to the wind element, but there were still new gains in the books that Garlock gave him.

He carefully studied the knowledge of introducing elements into the body and analyzed whether this theory was feasible, and in his research, he found that this simply opened the door to a new world for him.

"Fantastic." Nairgo forced to hold back the shock and joy in his heart, he didn't know how many times he had experimented to observe the effect by injecting elemental power into the beast's body.

And in the room, an experimental subject whose half of his body was transformed into lightning had amply demonstrated that this method was feasible.

"Now, I just have to see the effect." Addicted, Nairgo is ready to enjoy a gladiatorial fight, between an ordinary beast and this ascended beast.

He first contrasted a modified tabu sheep with a black wolf.

Tabu Sheep, who should have been powerless to fight back, was initially as panicked as he had expected when he saw his natural enemy.

"Personality has no effect at the moment."

Nairgo records the experiment on paper.

The Tabu sheep began to dodge the black wolf's attack and began to try to fight back.

"There is a certain increase in speed."

The black wolf pressed closer, and Tabu was powerless to fight back.

"That's it?"

Nairgo couldn't help but be a little disappointed, although it was elementalized to a certain extent, but this effect was very different from what he expected, there was no ability to immune to physical damage, no instinct to manipulate elements, it looked like a lightning sheep, what was the use?

"Is there too little elemental injection?" He thought to himself.

It is also possible that something went wrong with his theory.

Nairgo stopped Black Wolf's blow that was about to end the life of the Tabu sheep, and he separated them and locked them up.

After the Tabu sheep recovers, he will carry out secondary experiments, such as whether the amount of energy injected affects the strength of the transformed himself, whether receiving this transformation means that it becomes an elemental creature, and whether the elemental power in nature can be extracted like a shaman when releasing spells or can be called from itself, these are all questions he wants to study.

But the most important thing is to see if this modification is permanent or a normal buff form.

If you follow Nelgo's idea, the most perfect form is naturally able to call elemental power from itself to avoid being isolated from the elemental spirit, and at the same time be transformed into an elemental creature when released, have a certain resistance to spells, and finally freely control whether to transform back to the orc form.

Just like the Ascension of the Earth Ring during the Second Advent of the Legion, turning the life-distorting evil art of Ascension into a regular spell.

But if it is really impossible to achieve a perfect ascension, then a slight flaw is acceptable, such as the permanent ascension of the first version.

In short, he had many ideas, but it was not possible to accomplish them with a few Tabu sheep.

Without experiments, his ideas could only exist in notes and be solved later.

But if he doesn't solve this problem, will he have a future?

"I need more experiments." Nairgo began to calculate that Nagranri could be called the subject of experiments.

Delaney, as an ally is not viable.

Blade Tooth Tiger Man, this... It's possible, but after all, they are also their rulers, and it would be a bit wasteful to use them for experiments.

Orcs, he has not yet lost his heart to experiment with his kindred, and Fort Grobler does not have any death row prisoners for him to squander.

Ogres, good idea, although it is difficult to have a single order, but the bloodline from an ancestor makes them surprisingly competitive in making experiments.

"Then calculate it or go to the trouble of finding ogres." After a moment of silence, Nairgo collected the materials and notes for his experiment.

Stepping out the door, the first thing he saw was Sylvanas, who tilted her head slightly, her crimson eyes glancing at Nelgo curiously.

"You're finally willing to get out of that hole?" She complained: "Does that mean I can rest for a few days?"

"I'm afraid not." Nelgo said: "I have a few more days to go out, during which time you still have to shoulder the responsibility of the development of Groblerburg. "

The living are used for the dead, the dead are used in the direction of robots, anyway, you are a forgotten person, and you can't get tired of doing more work."

Nairgo was not worried that Sylvanas would put him in the air, she was not Guldan, and he was not Neozu.

"Evil shaman priest." Sylvanas was a little dissatisfied, but did that have any effect on Nairgo? He felt he needed to focus on something more meaningful.

Such as ascending.


It had been days since Nelgo walked out of Fort Grobler, and he had been looking for ogres wandering wild.

But as he imagined, ogres are difficult to fall behind, they are almost all in their own territory, and if there are exceptions, they are almost all in groups.

Nairgo turned his shoulder and looked behind him, with a slight contempt on his face, it was a pack of wild wolves, they carefully followed the orc shaman, but did not dare to attack.

Nairgo roared fiercely, and then threw a thunder light in his hand, and those wild wolves could only flee with their tails between their legs.

Nairgo's face softened slightly, and their embarrassment made Nairgo feel a lot better.

Nelgo sat in the shade of a tree and observed his surroundings with his horizon technique, but found nothing.

Nairgo moved his body, his legs already a little numb.

Do you want to go to the Ring of Trials to catch ogres? Nelgo was a little excited, but to go to the Ring of Trials to catch ogres was not something he could do alone, he needed to return to Fort Grobler and gather a squad to join him.

"Mage, what an outrageous profession."

Nairgo sighed, is it going to be fruitless today?

Wait a minute? He quickened his pace, and he sensed a magical glow shining nearby.

There are casters!

"I finally found it." Filled with joy, Nelgo quickened his pace through the forest and over the hillside. As he approached, the energy of the magic grew stronger and stronger, but he suddenly stood on his feet.

He wasn't worried that he would be defeated by a possible enemy, he was just worried that if this caster was a white ghost orc, would these madmen with Void Magic really be able to receive the infusion of elemental power? Will they create conflicts in their bodies and cause the experiment to fail?

"Gee." Nairgo shook his head, he cares so much for what he does, anyway, it will not be him who dies if there is a problem, if there is really some explosion and death, it is just an expansion of experimental data for him.

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