What is the wind of change?

Is it change to unite the orcs of all clans into a tribe into a unit? What

is the wind of hope? Let the horde rule Draenor, and all races of Draenor face the pressure of the burning legion together, is this not considered hope.

In the fantasy world, he will fail entirely because he lacks the above two conditions.

He, realized.

Nairgo, who suddenly realized, muttered, "So the wind is going to tell me this? "

Well, the Spirit of the Wind Elemental searched the Internet overnight: on what Garrush would become when he became a shaman.

He woke up all at once, and when he opened his eyes, he found Garlock leaning over him, looking at him with a smile.

"Mentor. I understood it all, and after turning into wind, they showed me a picture. The excitement in Nairgo's heart was palpable.

"What do you see in those images?" asked Garlock.

"I saw the orcs succumb to the devil, the clansmen reduced to bloodthirsty green beasts, the earth shattered, the sky torn, and the whole world turned into hell. Nelgo painted to him what the Outlands looked like and the horrible facts that the orcs would face later.

"Then why are you so excited?" Listening to Nelgo's story, Garlock's expression gradually became solemn, but he also had a doubt in his heart.

The days will be miserable like this, how can you look happy? Aren't you stimulated stupid?"

because I found hope. Nairgo calmly faced his panicked inquiry.

"What kind of hope?" he said.

"Unite all orcs to wage a great war. Nairgo couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, "It's like what Nairgam did, the clans formed a coalition army.

He mused, "What do you think of the name Tribe?"

Garlock immediately said: "Each clan is an independent individual, there is no need for orcs to unite, and besides, it is inevitable that there will be some wars to conquer the world-

" "The element chose me. He said softly, "Mentor, times have changed.

He knew that Garlock had never wanted to get involved in inter-clan affairs.

But if he can convince him now that he will pass on the position of shaman's guardian to him in the future, then he will be more helpful in forming a tribe.

"After so many centuries, don't you understand that unity leads to prosperity, and the spirits of the elements clearly love my idea more than separate ways. Nairgo's voice was calm, he was saying a fact.

"The wind reveals to me the future, demons from the universe have set their sights on our world, and division will only make us broken one by one and eventually become their slaves. Nairgo said: "Only by uniting all the races of the world, all the forces, we are worthy of resisting the coming crisis."

"But I know that their rat-eyed guys won't follow my or the orcs' advice, they just want to take our territory, tear our flesh and blood, and finally enjoy our legacy."

At this time, his eyes seemed to burn with red war, the fire of unity.

"Our world only needs the voice of the orcs, and shamanism will lead everyone to glory. "

In the vision, he saw something that the power of the orcs alone could not change the fate of the orcs and Delano.

It can't be said that in order to resist the legion, our orc side is fighting to the death, and other races are sitting on its pairs, right?

But even if he used an axe to think about it, he knew that the group of insects could not listen to him, and united to conspire together.

So a war of unification is still inevitable.

In the fantasy realm, the defeat of the orcs not only did not make Nelgo give up his ideas, but made his mind to unify with war stronger.

He can't save Drano alone, then all Draenors together can't save it? What is wisdom, wisdom is to know that you have no ability to go to those who have ability.

As long as Draenor's unification is not everywhere, then he will not believe that he can still drink blood and go the same way as in the fantasy world.

Nergo's deviance shocked Garlock, who thought he could raise a peace-loving shamanic guardian, but what he wanted was not what he had imagined.

Nelgo wants peace under the orcs, or the rule of the orcs.

Garlock knew that what Nairgo said was likely to be true, and he remembered the legend left by his ancestors that the united orc clan was the most terrifying force in the world, without one, I am afraid that even the Delaney people could not face the clan alliance.

If according to Nairgo, orcs can indeed rule the world.

Indeed, times have changed.

Although it was a bit cruel to make him accept that he was old and his ideas became old-fashioned in the past, Garlock also looked away, and as he said, the elemental spirits chose him.

"Then let me see what shaman guardians from the Warsong clan will make orcs.

Garlock admitted that Nairgo would take his place in the future, and he no longer opposed Nairgo's ideas.

"Then I'm afraid that the entire continent is going to use swordsmen. Nairgo did not hide his ambitions, "I never wanted to make peace in the world when I became a shaman, but to use swordsmen, I want the ogres of Nagran to charge, the crows of the Arranca Peak Forest willing to offer wisdom, and the Delaney of Tarado to integrate into our society." "

Draenor is too small to allow a second race to toss and shout their voices in front of the orcs.

Of course there is, the years of social life of orcs have long turned him into the same as ordinary orcs.

If you don't have any ambitions, can you continue to be pacifists to build a beautiful

Delano? Of course, as long as the person who made this suggestion goes to convince the legions of Kilgardan and Sagras, just tell them that Azeroth is fine, go and fight slowly, don't attack Delano, we just want to live a peaceful life.

In that case, Nairgo is also quite satisfied with his current life, which is a big deal for him to be a herder for life.

Peace is good, of course, but the problem is that if you want peace, people don't necessarily want it.

Only by eliminating all threats by using the flames of war can we be qualified to talk about peace, otherwise it is just wishful thinking.

Peace like in the original plot is even more of a joke, the alliance has repeatedly attacked the tribal capital, and then under the threat of force, the tribe has to declare "peace", and then in a series of frictions, the war is inexplicably ignited again.

This is also worthy of peace? It's just a truce!

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