At "Stonehenge" on the Elemental Throne.

Nairgo looked up, and four huge elemental creatures suddenly appeared on the island in the middle of Tiange Lake.

Wrapped in thunder and wind is Caladios, proud but valuing friendship, and many shamans hear the call of the elemental throne as his breezy spirit.

Flames and lava roam over his body is Ethan Ratus, who, like the orcs, as the fury of fire, admires the bravery of war.

Ebrius, who stood near him, was silent, his character exactly the same as the ice on his body, and the wrath of water was always cold.

But to talk about silence, we have to talk about Godau on the side, as the incarnation of the Draenor earth element, he should be regarded as a house.

Basically, the kind that does not leave home, that is, today Nairgo has to perform the shamanic fusion ritual, otherwise it can be said that it is a little difficult to see him.

Although the wrath of these four elements is not as good as those in Azeroth next door, this huge body and the power contained in the body also made Nairgo lose his mind for a moment.

"This is what many shamans dream of, and only by receiving the blessing of the wrath of the elements can you easily understand the will of the elemental spirits in our world and the power to control the elements. Garlock said slowly.

Of course, the blessing mentioned here does not mean that without the blessing of these "Zhang butchers", you can only eat hairy pigs.

Everyone knows that the shaman's power comes from the elemental spirit, and how to transform the elemental spirit into his own power - a large fireball thrown out?

The first type: a crooked way, relying on their own ability to forcibly drive the elements, such as the dark shaman, belongs to the black-hearted slave owner forced the elements to work for you.

The advantage is that the element will be obedient, the disadvantage is that he can only be obedient, you want him to give you a normal shaman's blessing, prophecy and the like, that is no drama, maybe you have to help outsiders find a way to get you.

It can be said that the lower limit is stable and the upper limit is not high.

The second type: is the common shaman, through communication with the elements, "Good brother, help us set a buff, we are ready to kill the ogres" "Are you there? "Wait.

And for this, the recognition and blessing of the elemental lords/elemental wrath is very useful, because in a sense, they are the embodiment of the elemental power of this world, and you have a good relationship with them, and naturally using the elemental power is also more effective with half the effort.

Nelgo thought thoughtfully, so this is equivalent to a big buff, right?

After the injuries on his body were treated, Garlock asked him to come over for the ceremony.

In Stonehenge, the four Elemental Fury need to take turns using blessings on him.

As their strength instills, "Close your eyes." Elemental Fury said.

Nelgo followed his instructions and closed his eyes, his body shaking. His face was full of pain, and the agitation from the surrounding elemental spirits also made him feel a slight dull pain.

He felt his soul farther and farther away from the earth, like a gust of wind, away from the world beneath his feet.

The world had changed in front of him, something had become ethereal, like a phantom.

While others are becoming more and more real, as if they really exist.

He waved his hand, feeling as light as the wind, and his whole person was like that.

Wait, he felt it... What the. Feel something else. It's boundless, but there's no hostility.

Moreover, at this moment, he felt a voice talking to him, and that voice was none other than the Wind Elemental Spirit.

"Open your eyes. It said.

During the fusion ceremony, he, like other shamans, felt the true power of this world.

Unknowingly, the power from the wrath of the elements caused an illusion to flood into Nelgo's mind.

"Which is this?" Nairgo looked around, "This is not the Elemental Throne, nor is it Gromashl. But

soon he understood.

Orcs hunting, ogres driving slaves, bladed tigermen hiding in the jungle, and the mysterious Delaney.

This is Delano.

He thought that the elemental fusion was to let him meet the elemental spirits, but he did not expect to perceive everything in the world in the way of an elemental spirit.

In the moment he opened his eyes, Nairgo witnessed tens of thousands of different creatures living in Delano, and their lives and habits came into Nairgo's eyes.

The battlefield of orcs and ogres, the tied orcs tore and bit the ogre's head, and the wind form Nairgo blinked his eyes a little suspiciously.

He saw his father.

The young and strong adoptive father was shirtless with a scar on his face, he was as strong as the other orcs and had an arrogance he had never seen, and his brown skin was stained with blood.

Nairgo looked around, he knew where this was, this was the most brutal battle the Warsong Clan had ever faced, the time when the roaring army of hell was ambushed by ogres, the time when his adoptive mother who was supposed to exist died.

The cries and shouts of slaughter all around him were thunderous, and he knew the final outcome, Gromash was defeated, and the captured orc chief tore off his flesh and blood in the humiliation of the king of witchcraft.

When he watched his young father fighting fiercely with a stupid ogre, the thunder in his heart could no longer be contained.

Anger urges him to attack the ogre, even though he knows it's just an illusion, and the incompetent rage won't make him change anything.

But between his mood swings, a misty human figure suddenly appeared, this human figure did what he wanted to do, he drove lightning and storm to bombard the ogre's army.

"Well done. Nelgo saw his shadow in that fog, but why did he always feel that something was wrong?

The scene quickly changes and Gromash's army wins again, talking about loot and showing off the self-amputation of several ogre heads.

And his adoptive father's life has changed dramatically, his wife did not die in battle, he also confiscated Nairgo, his eyes are still intact, it can be said that this is a perfect ending for him.

And for the Warsong clan, this strange orc shaman makes their life better and better, and under the wind of his war, the orc army is invincible.

The fog that represented him became lighter and lighter, and the wind element, which should have represented hope, gradually dimmed.

Nelgo was a little confused, he watched as the fog representing the orcs gradually dimmed and gradually condensed, and then became clear.

How is it possible,

let him go the old way and be a pawn for the Burning Legion?"

Nairgo shook his head.

This should not be the fate of the orcs after he crossed over, he would have made everything better.

But another voice in his heart said to him: "How do you know that this is not the fate of the orcs?

Nairgo was a little silent, he fell into a brief self-doubt, he wondered why he had caused the orcs to fall into the abyss in the fantasy realm.

Neither his spells nor the plot he knows should make this world like that.

"The wind is not only the wind of war, but also the wind of change, the wind of hope, which represents wisdom and a new beginning.

Nairgo understood a little, he didn't know who was guiding him, but he smiled heartily: "Thank you."

He understood that the shaman must have courage, but he also could not fall behind and think, how can a war drum and a war axe save the orcs?

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