Ian heard Senior Tang Yu's question to himself, and then Ian was a little hesitant, how to answer this question, how did he think, he thought like that at the beginning, and then he felt that he was very similar to the little girl, and felt that the little girl couldn't be decadent, and his mind was a little messed up now, and Ian looked confused.

Tang Yu looked at it, Ian's face was a little flustered, and then Ian was also a little overwhelmed, Ian didn't seem to know what to say, it should be a mess of his brain, sometimes when he panicked, it was very likely that all of his thoughts would be messed up.

This is also quite normal, in addition, Ian is a special kind of person, that is, he has closed himself in his own world for a long time, and he does not communicate with anyone, nor does he contact other people, nor does he express his true thoughts to other people, people from the outside world, so Ian is a special type of person.

Therefore, Ian is inevitably different from others in special emotions, or it can be said that sometimes, the reaction will be much greater than others, many times, that's it, Tang Yu has been observing Ian for a long time, and already knows that Ian has a lot of habits and some behaviors.

When Ian is flustered, he may not be the same as others, Ian doesn't have the habit of communicating with other people, so many times, Ian is sad, Ian is afraid, and there is no one to talk to, only himself, so Ian will have a very messy brain, all his thoughts will be confused, and he will react greatly.

Tang Yu looked at the panicked Ian in front of him, Ian was very flustered, he didn't know what he was going to say, in fact, Ian, now he has changed a lot, Ian wants to express it, Ian wants to express what he thinks in his heart, after Tang Yu's teaching and enlightenment during this time, Ian already knows that he can't go on like this.

Ian can't, just continue to be silent, can't continue to close himself off, Ian himself can't put all the pressure on himself, he has to live his own life well, his future road is still very long, he can't go on like this forever, this is not the life he should have.

Tang Yu knows that the current Ian is particularly uncalm, particularly flustered, and many things now, for Ian, Ian can't figure it out for a while, but Tang Yu only survives Ian's current situation, Ian must go through this stage, Ian must think about it, and in the future, what should he do when he encounters such a time.

Tang Yu thought to himself, the current Ian, he still needs to guide himself well, guide Ian, how to solve his current situation, after all, many times, Ian only relies on himself, it is not good, at least, Ian at this time, it is not good, only rely on himself, after all, Ian, was just persuaded by Tang Yu.

Ian had just been introduced by Tang Yu and knew what he should do, but Ian still didn't understand many things, so Tang Yu felt that he still needed to guide Ian and let Ian know how to solve some things in the future, or how to do it, think about it himself.

"Ian, listen to me, Dao, now you are proud, you must be flustered, but you have to hear clearly, you are flustered, right, but calm down, who is standing in front."

Tang Yu stepped forward, walked in front of Ian, and then put two hands on Ian's two shoulders, then held it hard, shook Ian's two shoulders, and said these words to Ian, first let Ian recognize who was standing opposite him.

When Ian's brain was in a mess, he heard a familiar voice, so Ian raised his head, looked at the source of the sound, and then saw clearly, it was Senior Tang Yu, then shook his head, and then just like that, closed his eyes, then rubbed it, saw it clearly, and then said to Senior Tang Yu.

"I know that in front of me is Senior Tang Yu."

Tang Yu let go, and his hands held Ian's two shoulders, Ian was awake, Ian should be now, hearing his own voice, there is no problem, Ian has improved too much compared to before, Ian can, Ian is like this, it has changed a lot, Tang Yu already feels that Ian has changed a lot.

Then Tang Yu only hit, and Ian was already fine, so Tang Yu then said to Ian on the other side.

"Ian, calm down now, don't panic, you just don't know what you were thinking for a while, you're just me forgetting to remember, you think about it now, what were you thinking when you first heard me telling a story, it was the little girl and his mother, when they were just about to cross the street."

Ian heard Tang Yu's words, and then the whole person calmed down, and slowly recalled that when he first started, when Tingting played that story, what was he thinking, or rather, did he have anything like other things, at the beginning, the little girl and her mother crossed the road very happily.

The faces of the little girl and her mother were happy and happy, and there was a father who was preparing a sumptuous meal in their home, waiting, and the wife and daughter who came home, but at this time, an uncontrolled vehicle crashed directly into the little girl and his mother.

The little girl's mother didn't react at all at that time, so she directly blocked in front of her daughter, and the little girl also saw that her mother, in order to save herself, blocked in front of herself, and then was hit by a car, just like that, recalling this, Ian thought to himself, what kind of thoughts he had to express, and then looked at Senior Tang Yu.

Tang Yu nodded towards Ian, giving Ian a silent encouragement, Ian also felt it, Senior Tang Yu's encouragement to himself, and then said to Senior Tang Yu.

"Senior Tang Yu, I thought about it, I've calmed down now."

Tang Yu nodded, signaling to Ian, he already knew, Ian was good, Ian could control his emotions, and he also knew how to control his emotions, knew how to communicate with the outside world, and knew whether he should express some of his thoughts.

Ian also knows that sometimes, some of his thoughts just need to be expressed, or they need to be like this, and it is right to do so, and if they don't express it, no one knows what you are thinking, and when you express it, you can communicate with each other. _

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