Ian looked at Senior Tang Yu's eyes, and then felt a kind of pressure, there was a feeling that Senior Tang Yu might be knocked down if he didn't move, Ian was a little panicked in his heart inexplicably, Ian didn't know what was wrong with him, he just had that feeling, Ian felt that some of the thoughts in his heart were all seen through by Senior Tang Yu.

Ian sighed, he really felt that when he met Senior Tang Yu, he couldn't hide anything, and even sometimes, Senior Tang Yu could change some of his thoughts, Senior Tang Yu was really amazing, from the first time he saw Senior Tang Yu's true strength, Ian had already regarded Senior Tang Yu as someone he admired.

Ian heard Senior Tang Yu's question to himself, and then raised his head, Ian knew that he couldn't escape this question, looking at Senior Tang Yu's eyes, Ian already knew that he couldn't escape it, this question could only be answered, and Ian said to Senior Tang Yu for a while.

"I hope that little girl can live, a happy and happy life, she can not be so sad, don't be immersed in sadness every day, her life still has to go on happily, she still has her own father at home, she is still so young, and she has a long, long road ahead, and she must go on strongly."

Ian directly said what he thought in his heart, that's what he thought, and he couldn't hide it from Senior Tang Yu's eyes if he lied, so he directly expressed his true thoughts in his heart, after all, Ian really felt that the little girl was still very young, and there was her own father at home who could accompany her in the future.

The little girl doesn't have to be immersed in sadness every day, and she doesn't have to give herself a lot of guilt, it's useless, the feeling of guilt is the most useless, of course, Ian is just, relative to this matter, after all, the little girl's mother wants her daughter to live happily, healthy and safe, and he doesn't want to see the little girl, depressed every day, with tears on her face.

Tang Yu heard Ian's words, Tang Yu knew that Ian was not lying, Ian's territory was occasionally the truth, when Ian looked at his eyes, he would not lie, as long as Ian told a lie, Tang Yu could feel it, and most of what Ian expressed this time was the real thoughts in his heart.

Ian is very sensible, and he also knows some truths, knowing that this little girl should not be unhappy every day, but live happily, after all, the little girl still has her own father and can accompany herself, this kind of life is much better than Ian at the beginning, and Ian is also a very kind-hearted person.

Ian will think about the feelings of the little girl, Ian will consider how sad the little girl is, whether the little girl will be sad every day, that is what Ian does not want to see, Ian knows that kind of experience, for so many years, Ian has been like that, so Ian, I don't want the little girl, every life like that.

Ian is very emotional, Ian doesn't want it, the little girl will ruin her future because of it, Ian will have some feelings, after all, Ian and the little girl's experience are very similar, so it's not the same, Ian doesn't want the little girl to live like herself.

Tang Yu knew that Ian didn't want to see the little girl living her previous life, Ian himself felt it, and now he knows that he was living before, and that kind of life is not good, but he can't go back, he has already come over like this, so Ian doesn't want the little girl to live like himself.

Ian has been living for so many years, there is no regret pill, there is no time machine, and regret is useless, so Ian, from the bottom of his heart, sincerely feels that the little girl must not be the same as herself.

Tang Yu was very relieved, at least Ian knew that his past life and thoughts in the past were all wrong, so as long as he didn't do that in the future, it was okay, the days were still long, and the road of life was still very long, so there was no problem in taking it slow and correcting it in time, after all, life is so long, everyone has times when they make mistakes or take the wrong path.

Tang Yu felt that it was a big deal to turn back and choose again, go through the wrong road, you can learn some experience, there is nothing wrong with this, besides, no one's life must be smooth, the hurdle that should be taken must be walked, sometimes, if you want to hide, you can't hide, you can't get over the hurdle.

Tang Yu then wanted to guide Ian, and let Ian express some of Ian's true thoughts, sometimes the words he said were different from the words he thought in his heart, and besides, with Tang Yu guiding by his side, it must be twice the result with half the effort.

"Ian, you know, what you're thinking in your heart is, you don't want the little girl to be unhappy every day, the little girl must live every day, be happy, and then don't be so sad, right?"

Ian heard Senior Tang Yu's words, and then nodded, his own thoughts were right, he didn't want the little girl to live her life lonely and sad like herself, and she didn't want to live her future life like that, after all, Ian himself had experienced it, and Ian himself knew that that life was not comfortable at all.

Tang Yu looked at Ian and nodded, and then continued to say to Ian in front of him.

"Then why do you have this thought, is why do you think, little girl, don't be so sad, don't be immersed in sadness all the time, why do you have this thought."

Tang Yu wanted to know why Ian had this thought, why did he feel that there was always some reason for him to think like this, so he had to say it, what was Ian thinking, and Tang Yu would know what Ian was thinking about, so that he would help Ian specifically so that he wouldn't waste too much time.

Tang Yu knew that Ian must have thought about a lot of things, so Ian just needed an opportunity to express all those things, and then Tang Yu knew that Ian needed himself, and where to talk about Ian, Ian would know if he was thinking wrong.

Ian's biggest flaw and deficiency is that for so long, he has been too taciturn, always immersed in his own world, and never going anywhere. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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