Single Player Only

Chapter 98: Live

Xie Yueqiang's strength and physical fitness have only two basic attributes of 15 points, while a pork belly general with a machete has more than three times his physical fitness. He can kill it with one punch, relying on the newly learned skill "Advanced Killing".

In fact, even Yue Qiang himself did not expect that the "Advanced Killing Mode" would be so strong.

When he was in the village and fighting peppers, he focused on the control and precision of this punch. The first punch was aimed at the goggles of Dou Chi pepper. At that time, he faintly felt that the power of this trick could not be measured by simple power multiples, and the system did not give the specific strength of this skill. So he aimed at the toughest component of the goggles.

At the time, in his trained eyes, this goggle seemed to have changed quietly. A line of extremely faint data lines emerged from the top. These data lines were hidden in the structure of the goggles, and suddenly appeared. Only with a very focused gaze, these lines could be seen.

By connecting these flickering lines, you can think of the goggles as a combination of pieces of polygons. These delicately modified polygons form an approximate sphere, which is covered with exquisite textures, just like a real goggle.

This deep deconstruction of objects makes it difficult to understand the "killing advanced" principle and excitation mode.

感觉 It feels a bit like ... treat the hit target as game data, and then destroy it from the data level!

It is only in this way that he can explain why a whole piece of metal goggles can be broken by pieces of flesh and blood.

似乎 He seems to have found the bonding point of the polygon of the goggles on the data level, and destroyed the internal combination! Makes it shatter, instead of deforming the depression of the goggles as normal.

强 Yue Qiang only made a five-point effort in the punch facing the goggles. In the face of obese generals, Yue Qiang made an effort. He wanted to try if he could kill it in seconds.

Qi Yueqiang is aiming at the head of the obese general. In his eyes, the big fat head occupied the entire field of vision. The way of punching out, the angle of punching out, the orientation change of the target that may occur in the following several time segments, and the response to these changes need to all emerge in his eyes at this moment.

He didn't know whether his eyes saw the real thing or he used some hidden unimaginable power. He controlled his fist, and blasted out at the seemingly straight but very particular angle. You don't need to bother with everything, just hit it like this and you will hit!

And must be able to hit a crit!

And must be able to hit a crit far beyond the normal crit damage!

"Killing Advanced" is like a plug-in in a game. It does not train Yue Qiang's fists, but Yue Qiang's eyes.

Corresponding to the power of transcendence, it is a serious use restriction and a burden on the body.

招 This trick can only be used in melee, and once the attack target moves too fast, this trick may lose its effect. The reason is that although Yue Qiang's eyesight can keep up, his physical strength is very average.

This trick can only be used once, and it will cause great damage to his body when using it, which is why Yue Qiang did not dare to use very much power every time. He was afraid that he really used all his strength to punch, and he might have been backswept to death before he could punch.

The last limitation is that this punch hurts the eyes too much.

Whether in the game or in reality, his eyes are red and swollen and bloodshot. Even looking at things became a bit fuzzy.

Of course, all these costs are worth it. Yue Qiang has a hunch that if this trick is used with great strength, it may cause damage to Zhao Yuan! This is one of the reasons why he dared to come to Zhao Guo's barracks alone.

Yi Yueqiang killed the obese general.

He was soon surrounded by other generals in the camp.

He's in a bad shape right now.

The anger air tank is completely empty, the physical strength tank is completely empty, and the health value is less than 30% because of the backwash of boxing, but nothing can be seen on the surface.

Several generals around the puppet surrounded Yue Qiang in the middle. Each person picked up a weapon and waited for an order to divide Yue Qiang into a corpse. At this time, Yue Qiang had almost lost his fighting ability, and he did not even have the physical value to start running skills.

Zhao Yuan, who was at the end of the camp, did not expect that the seemingly ordinary Yue Qiang could be able to face him in front of him and drop his account as a general in one move.

He said, "Why did you kill the general in my account?"

Xie Yueqiang slowly answered: "The grown-up just said that a soldier can't be killed! This person first insults my relatives and friends, then insults me. How can I not kill?"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

She Yueqiang paused, and used the long-awaited remarks: "Single singles after five days, but what did you say?"


"Then you can't kill me now. Who else would you look for in five days? Wouldn't it be against your promise?"

After I finished speaking, he waited quietly for the result.

This is both a gamble and a temptation.

血 Bloodthirsty killing and heavy promises are two concepts. People in this world often treat their lives and other people's lives as if they are not fateful, but they value the words they speak. He bet Zhao Yuan is such a person. Taking another step back, Zhao Jun is one enemy and five. If his guess is correct, Zhao Yuan, as the leader, needs to use the dramatic increase in combat power brought by the mental skills to kill the enemy. If he orders to cut himself off, he It is very likely that that mental ability will not be used today. And this will cause Zhao's army to be at a disadvantage in the battle with Yan Army!

Of course, if this second one is also wrong, there is only ...

"Line up! Get out! Meet Yan Jun!"

"I will command the hundred-man team of Gan Yi!"

Uh ...

Zhao Yuan began to command ~ ~ A command was issued one by one, and the generals, one by one, were ordered to leave. Although it is only a team of one thousand people, there is a momentum to command the Wanxiong Division.

Ji Yueqiang witnessed the whole process of his election. Until the end, Zhao Yuan also left the seat and walked out to come to Yue Qiang. At this point, only two of them were left in the account.

"Our mood skills are the same." Zhao Yuan said, "Does this mean anything?"

"Last time, I deliberately saved you a life. This time, you were coerced to save you a life." He said slowly, "For the third time in five days, you should die."

Zhao Yuan patted Yue Qiang's shoulder gently, turned and left, and picked out the curtain.

When Qiang was staring at him, Yue Qiang felt as if facing a fierce poisonous snake. A cold, bloodthirsty breath made him afraid to move. Zhao Yuan did not press **** the shoulders twice. However, he felt that the pressure was much greater than that when facing the heavy feet of the Dou Chi pepper and the fat general's machete.

Fortunately he was gone.

Xie Yueqiang stayed in place for a while, and turned around.

When I opened the curtain, the sun was dazzling.

I wish it had eye drops, he thought.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ming Yue's village, Mingling with a dog skin plaster came out of the bush. He looked very embarrassed, all covered with vegetation.

"Girl, I have found what you want. But if it works, it's unclear."

"It's okay, time is enough, you can do an experiment first." Yin said ~ ~ Welcome book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile Users please read.

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