Single Player Only

Chapter 97: About you singled out, 1 punch headshot

Yue Qiang entered the camp from the outside.

On both sides, the swordsmen and pikemen lined up side by side, murderous.

In just a few steps, he felt a shock from the inside out. The reason is beyond him, because the sergeants of Zhao Guo are far more powerful than he expected.

He has killed many Sergeants Zhao Guo, who are only slightly better than ordinary people. With the addition of synergy skills and well-trained skills, his physical fitness barely equals his current level.

The sergeants Zhao Guo now see are not fundamentally different from those encountered before, but there are hundreds of people in number.

These hundreds of sergeants Zhao Guo gathered together, and condensed a murderous air!

Yue Qiang can't call up the character's attribute interface now, but with the trained eyesight and experience, he has re-evaluated the strength of these sergeants. There is no doubt that the physical fitness of every sergeant has exceeded him considerably. At least twice the average person!

A large number of Zhao Guo's soldiers gathered together, which could increase each soldier's considerable attribute bonus!

The more Sergeant Zhao Guo holds, the more powerful he is!

He now finally understands why Zhao Guo and Yan Guo fought with one enemy and five and dared to win.

The individual strength bonus of these sergeants is too scary.

It can be inferred that only Sergeant Zhao Guo in this world has mastered this technique of improving the strength of sergeants, while other countries have not yet mastered it.

Yue Qiang walked up to the big account and came in. At the end, Zhao Yuan is playing against a staff member for tea. On both sides of the account, the generals looked relaxed and relaxed. They did not look at the upcoming battle at all, they just laughed casually. As Yue Qiang entered, he turned his head and looked at him with interest.

Zhao Yuan and Zhao Yuan met each other twice and knew each other. Yue Qiang didn't make nonsense, and directly gave the written broken animal skin to the staff. The staff took the roll of animal skin, walked back, and handed it to Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan casually displayed the animal skin and saw those words.

He looked up and glanced at the account again, which was very ordinary Yue Qiang no matter how he looked.

"You're going to challenge me?" He raised his corners of his mouth, showing a mocking smile.

As soon as Zhao Yuan's words were spoken, the room was full of laughter.

The generals standing on both sides laughed and looked at Yue Qiang, who looked ordinary and impassive, as if they saw a ridiculous plaything, with a mocking expression.

One of the most exaggerated generals stepped out of the queue and walked to Yue Qiang. He smiled and piled together, repeating what Zhao Yuan said: "Do you want to be alone with my family?

Yue Qiang said: "Good."

The general's face with pork belly smiled as if dripping oil. He said, "I'll pick you first."

After all, I didn't see how to accumulate momentum. The machete in the army held in his hand waved out, bringing a gust of wind, and chopped down on Yue Qiang!

The general looks like he is full of fat, but he is very flexible. He approached Yue Qiang with a very fast speed, and then hoisted a machete weighing several tens of kilograms, covering his whole body within the attack range.

The pork belly general has at least three times the strength and physique of ordinary people, and the head of the machete in his hand is very similar to the advanced version of the "vertical split" skill. It's faster, more powerful, and more shrouded.

Yue Qiang hasn't rested for days, his eyes are bloodshot. He stared intently at the tip of the machete, and the manipulator stepped back a few minutes before the tip fell to his head.

The receding distance is about the length of a foot.

The pork belly general chopped it out, and returned without returning to the team. In his mind, this knife can undoubtedly cut the unknown boy in front of him.

However, when the machete fell, he did not receive the familiar touch of the blade in his hand.

Pork belly turned back in doubt.

He saw the scene of surprise.

His machete went down the top of Yue Qiang's head, forehead, and nose to the soles of his feet. But didn't get him at all!

There was only a clear scratch on the rucksack cloth around his waist!

Yue Qiang receded a little distance, which happened to be just out of the attack range of the machete!

The pork belly originally thought that if the knife went down, this village household would become two and a half village households with left-right symmetry. I didn't expect him to be a complete one! What surprised him even more was that this seemingly ordinary villager actually had a restrained self-confidence, and he only withdrew from the distance of one foot. As if he could predict his attack range with complete accuracy. Never take a step back.

Is this guy so confident in his eyesight?

Sitting at the end of the big account, Zhao Yuan saw Yue Qiang's seemingly ordinary backward movement, his eyes lit up.

He can see that Yue Qiang's simple and simple fallback includes extremely strong eyesight, quick response and precise body control. He didn't say anything. He twisted a white **** with his **** in his forefing and bounced out towards Yue Qiang.

Although the glutinous pork belly was large and occupied a lot of vision, Yue Qiang's attention has been focused on Zhao Yuan at the end of the camp. When he saw the white **** flying out of his hand, his alert reached the limit.

A little white chess flew out, but brought a strong sound of breaking wind!

He gazed, and White quickly grew larger and closer in the field of vision, and the goal was exactly his brows.

Yue Qiang has been preparing since entering the big account, and finally came in handy at this time. The well-equipped iron bar poked right in front of him.

Then the chess pieces arrived too!

The chess piece hit the tip of the bar and made a loud noise. The small chalk stones exploded, and the pieces exploded, as if detonating a small cannonball!

The iron bar in Yue Qiang's hand was not subjected to a straight line of force, and was bent into an exaggerated radian by the impact of the chess piece, but it was not broken in two because of the "tough" property.

Yue Qiang's body, because of the huge force transmitted by the chess piece, slid backward a distance!

The straw sandals rubbed against the ground, making a loud noise.

Yue Qiang still maintained the action of holding up the iron bar. It took a long time before the weapon was stowed. Standing back, expressionless.

The audience was silent.

"Slap, pop, pop." Zhao Yuan stood up and applauded three times. The monotonous applause was a bit harsh in the quiet tent. He looked at Yue Qiang and said, "You have made great progress."


Zhao Yuan nodded and said, "Why are you singled out for me?"

"Invade my village and insult my friends and relatives." Yue Qiang slowly typed these words out.

Zhao Yuan gazed at him for a long time and said, "Yes, it's good. The soldiers can be killed, and they can't be humiliated. I can't think of the wilderness mountain village, but you can also have people with lofty ideals. Your mood makes me very surprised."

When Zhao Yuan said the word “state of mind”, he deliberately paused and observed Yue Qiang's expression carefully. However, the seemingly ordinary villager in front of him never changed his expression from the moment he entered the account. Speech and mannerisms are also quite stiff, only a lot of bloodshot and perseverance can be seen in the eyes.

"That being the case, I took your challenge." Zhao Yuan said, "The time is set to be just five days later, someone can kill, and can also welcome the sacred scroll of Lord Ma Fujun."

"Boy, you can go back alive when you break into my barracks. Fortunately, get out."

After hearing this, Yue Qiang did not leave, but took a few steps forward.

His direction is not straight ahead ~ ~ but rightward. There was a pile of pork belly, and he was squinting at Yue Qiang.

Yue Qiang's eyes were still staring at Zhao Yuan, but he secretly mobilized the strength of his whole body and the rage value inspired by the move just now, while typing stably:

"I still have something to ask for!"

"Dare to ask who has cut off the legs of the public transport, beat the blacksmiths in the village, and destroyed the houses in my village?"

Zhao Yuan hadn't answered yet, but the pork belly beside him took the conversation.

"It was all I cut with this big knife. Why, how are you doing?"

Yue Qiang didn't answer, and his eyes refocused on the fat general, and the blood in his eyes became denser and denser in an instant. He stared at the head of pork belly.

Then he burst out of the power he had saved for a long time. Hit me in a punch!

Turn the head of pork belly into pork belly.


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