She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 538 Let's Be Friends

Tang Su was stunned, she was speechless at the moment, who had been talking non-stop just now.

She bit her lip, and two red clouds crept up on her face.

The "Mrs." made her feel a little overwhelmed.

She didn't hang up the phone immediately, and it wasn't until about ten seconds later that she replied tangled: "Xue Yao, that... don't call it that. My father said that the two of us are still young, if we really fall in love If so, there is a 99% chance that they will break up in the future."

Tang Su didn't know why he said such a thing.

In fact, she has always remembered these words her father said, so she has always been more conflicted in her heart.

She thought that what Dad said should be the truth, because Dad judged based on life experience.

And she is also very entangled, and sometimes even dare not start this relationship, because she is afraid that one day she will fall into it, and then when she really breaks up, she will collapse and will not be able to accept it.

"Your father really said that?" Xue Yao on the other end of the phone asked suspiciously.

Tang Su snorted and replied, "Yes, so let's get along as friends now. I feel that I don't know how to deal with a relationship, nor how to fall in love. I'm afraid I will hurt you." Tang Su was very confused.

In fact, during this period of time, she had thought about how to try a relationship, but she was afraid, because Xue Yao would graduate in a few months, and then he would leave Changde Middle School and go to Qingda, and he still had to stay She is in the third year of high school in Changde, and even if she completes the third year of high school, she will most likely not be admitted to Qingda.

Then they won't be in a school, or even a city.

Tang Su was very afraid that such a thing would happen at that time.

Therefore, my heart has always been conflicted and confused.

The most important thing is that she also has to devote all her energy to her studies now. If her study progress is slow or even regressed due to the distraction of love, then she will be even worse.

Her current goal is to be admitted to Qingda, and even surpassed her sister Tang Lin in the college entrance examination.

She wanted to fight for a breath.

Regardless, she always felt that she was being held down by Tang Lin.

Neither of them hung up, but Xue Yao on the other end didn't answer for a long time.

Tang Su saw that Xue Yao had been silent, so he asked, "Are you listening?"

Tang Su couldn't guess what Xue Yao was thinking at the moment. She is under pressure to be with him now. This pressure comes from the fact that the other party's IQ and EQ will crush her, so she always feels that she is at a distance from him.

This sense of distance makes her insecure.

"Well..." Xue Yao's voice finally came from the phone, and after a few seconds, he continued: "That's fine, I'm also worried that it will affect your studies. So... we can be friends first."

After Xue Yao finished speaking, Tang Su took a deep breath.

She said this, and her heart finally calmed down a little.

She was afraid that Xue Yao would ask her some questions, and she didn't know how to answer.

"Then I'll go to class first, and we'll talk another day." Tang Su replied with a smile.

Xue Yao replied "Goodbye."

Tang Su hung up the phone and went to math class.

The math teacher first introduced to the teacher what they were going to study this semester.

The content to be learned in this semester is mainly compulsory 5 and elective 2-3, including statistics, probability, reasoning and proof, expansion of number system and complex numbers, derivatives and their applications,

After learning these knowledge points, all the content of high school mathematics is finished.

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