Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 54: Megatron 4

"Human power and unity, this is true human power and unity! How could he be so scary about Kendo at a young age?"

An old man with white hair was shaking, his eyes were inconceivable.

Previously, when he said that Hongman was not good at art, everyone only thought he was humiliating Hongman. But now the opponent shows the swordsmanship of unity, which let everyone know that he has this qualification!

"I haven't mastered the sword power all my life. When he was young, he has become one! In front of him, I don't even match his shoes!"

Another kendo master sighed, experiencing endless frustration.

When everyone else heard it, they were silent.

At the age of sixteen, everyone can still accept it.

However, he has achieved unity, and defeated Chen Beiwang with one sword, which shocked everyone.

"Sinister! Sinister!" Someone muttered to himself, almost unable to extricate himself.

"Is he a disciple of those old guys?" Some secretly came into contact with higher-level martial artists.

To be able to teach such disciples, I am afraid there are only a handful of hidden world powerhouses! In the eyes of these people, they are undoubtedly just fireflies fighting the bright moon!

Thinking of this, everyone looks at Chu Jingtian again.

Unexpectedly, he didn't show as much joy after defeating Chen Beiwang as everyone imagined, but he had a deep disappointment:

"Is this the martial arts exchange meeting? It seems that I have too high expectations of him, but now it is just so!"

Why not?

The reason why Chu Jingtian came to the martial arts exchange meeting was to hone his true energy, so that he could quickly reach a higher level. But now even the strongest Chen Beiwang is not his enemy.

This naturally made Chu shocking and happy!

"Too arrogant!"

Everyone at the venue heard Chu Jingtian's remarks, and there was a hint of shame in their eyes.

They, who are really strong, regard entering the martial arts exchange meeting as a symbol of status and status, and even more proud of it. But now this pride is stepping on his feet.

If it had been before, they would have been unceremoniously killed on the ring, and let this crazy kid see how powerful he was. But now after seeing Chu Jingtian's methods, even if there is a monstrous anger in his heart, he can only press it down.

"It's terrible. I can't believe it in my dreams. Someone can force the entire martial arts exchange meeting with their own strength!"

Chu Wushuang's heart yearns infinitely.

‘When can I have this strength like him? Even if the king of Beiliang is here, I am afraid that so many powerful people can't bow their heads. If I can reach this state, even if it is Beiliang King? ’

‘But where did these demons come from, and why I ’ve never heard of his reputation, is it really like someone said: He is a disciple of those old monsters? ’

"Mr. Chu, you are young and heroic. At a young age, you have not only reached the level of anger, but also reached the level of unity, which really makes me wait for admiration!"

An old man slowly walked out of the crowd.

He is nearly eighty years old, with a white beard and a bone-like fairy. Everyone looked at him with three points of respect, obviously not an ordinary existence.

Seeing that he arched his hands at Chu Jingtian, he continued:

"But you shouldn't be wrong, and slander my martial arts exchange meeting. Here is gathered all the strong spirits of the entire Dayan Dynasty. Today only the strong ones are absent. Waiting is just that there is no tiger in the mountain and the monkey is called the king!"

"Oh? In this way, there are still strong men in the Budokai?" Chu Jingtian, who was so uninteresting, raised his eyebrows in the past.

The old man bowed his head and answered:

"Exactly! At the exchange meeting, there were also a lot of peaks and successful strong men, and even some grand masters appeared. But these existences, easily, will not show up, and they will only shoot if they meet an interested opponent!"

Upon hearing the other party's words, Chu Jingtian smiled and said, "Since this is the case, I will also come to the martial arts exchange meeting tomorrow. I hope there will be a few that make me worthy of a shot!"

Having said that, he walked down the ring and took Wang Chong out of the conference hall.

Looking at Chu Jingtian leaving, the strong men in the venue could not return to God for a long time.


"Master Chu, tonight ..." Wang Chong asked in a low voice.

While everyone was shocked, Chu Jingtian and Wang Chong were already on their way back. Thinking back to the scene where Chu Jingtian displayed his mighty power in the venue, Wang Chong's heart was still inevitable.

If one offends one or two true fighters, even if Chu Jingtian does not need to act, he can suppress the matter himself.

But today Chu Chutian's words are tantamount to declaring war against the true qi of the entire dynasty. Even if the royal family faces the anger of so many powerful people, it will be tricky!

"Why, is it possible to let me go back and apologize to them?" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

In the eyes of the other party, Wang Chong only felt scalp tingling, and even said: "No! No! I just worry about these people ..."

A glance at Wang Chong, who was just a tad, saw Chu Tian shaking his head secretly.

Thinking of his previous disciples, none of them was dare to change the world, and confronted the gods and demons, all faced with the same existence. Nowadays, Wang Chong is just frightened when he offends a few really powerful men.

I saw him lightly:

"I really hope that some strong men will come, rather than Chen Beiwang and Hong Man's fragile waste!"

A bitter smile appeared on Wang Chong's face.

Looking at the whole dynasty, these two people are absolute existence, and only Chu Jingtian dare to evaluate them like this.

"That tomorrow night?" Wang Chong asked carefully.

"I will come naturally tomorrow night. I just hope that these warriors will not let me be too disappointed!" Chu Jingtian smiled lightly, and he already had some expectations for tomorrow's exchange.

Although he only shot a few times tonight, his vitality was at least twice as thick!

Crazy use of qi is also a way to cultivate.

Just the two energetic fighters have made him such a huge improvement. Wouldn't it be even more effective if he changed to the zenith of zenith?

After leaving the exchange meeting, Chu Jingtian returned directly to the palace. Xuan Yin Cao has already arrived, the next step is alchemy promotion.


When Chu Jingtian retreated, countless warriors were already shaken by the martial arts exchange club tonight.

Xiaoqicheng's Gun Demon was brutal, but he was defeated by a boy. Chen Beiwang, the head coach of the White Tigers, not only failed to find his place, but was also defeated by his sword!

What is even more shocking is that the other party has reached the realm of unity!


After learning this news, the first reaction of almost all the strongmen is so!

"Sixteen-year-old mad young martial artist is scary enough to speak out. How can he reach the realm of unity, even if he starts practicing from his mother's womb, he may not be able to achieve it!

"I'd like to see what kind of character this Mr. Chu is, and dare to laugh at me as a martial artist!"

Many true-spirited strong men have already secretly made up their minds to wait until the next day's martial arts meeting to take a good look at who this young strong-force is.

However, a large number of people remain skeptical.

"Did you hear that?"

In the early morning, some recruits gathered in the military martial arts field and talked in pairs. "Yesterday's martial arts exchange meeting, a young boy was born in the air and overwhelmed the audience. Hundreds of really strong people had to bow their heads!"

"You are too exaggerated! How can there be such characters?" The other recruit shook his head, his face unbelieving.

"It's not me bragging, but it's the truth! I heard a few senior members of the White Tiger Group talk about it last night! By the way, Master Chu Wushuang Qianfu was also at the venue last night!" Said the recruit quickly.

There was a hint of suspicion in everyone's eyes.

Not long afterwards, on the early day of Dongsheng, Chu Wushuang came to Yanwuchang and began to train recruits. Yesterday, Chu Wushuang was hit hard by Chu Jingtian outside the barracks. Many people would worry that he has not recovered yet, but who would have thought that Chu Wushuang today is an impassioned look.

Waiting for the halftime break, Chu Bao found him and asked worriedly:

"Brother Wushuang!"

"In the barracks, you have to call me Captain Qianfu!" Chu Wushuang glanced at Chu Leopard and asked, "What are you doing to me?"

"I worry about Chu shocking yesterday ..." Chu Bao said.

"Are you worried that after I became a second-order animal master because of Chu Jingtian, Chu Wushuang frowned, disdainfully:" But a little second-order animal master ~ www. ~ In front of the strong Qi, like grass! "

"If I could reach that boy's strength, why would I be scared?"

Chu Wushuang held up his hands, remembering that last night in the martial arts exchange meeting, the young man used his own strength to make countless true-strong men bow their heads, and he couldn't help simmering.

Big husband, when so!

"Is it true that the rumor about the exchange meeting last night is true?" Chu Bao lost her voice when she saw the twinkling eyes of the other party.


Chu Wushuang said:

"I was under the ring last night, watching him easily defeat the Gun Demon Savage, and it was a sword to retreat from the head coach! The young man seemed younger than me!"

Chu Bao almost did not bite his tongue!

When others talked about it, he only used it as a rumor. How could there be such evils, but now he can't help but believe it!

Just then, Chen Beiwang came from a distance.

"Big coach!" Chu Wushuang shouted quickly.

"Let's go!" Chen Bei looked pale, apparently last night's injuries had not recovered. In addition to him this time, there are also six or seven people behind them, all of whom are the chief instructors of the White Tiger Group!

Obviously this time, they are all here to help Chen Beiwang to fight against the mysterious Mr. Chu!

"Master, I don't know if I can bring him ..." Chu Wushuang glanced at Chu Bao with a pleading look, and said quickly.

"It's okay to follow along for a long time! But I have to warn you that there are a lot of people going to the martial arts exchange tonight. If something goes wrong, no one can save you!"

Chen Bei glanced at him.


Chu Bao was so happy that he quickly worshipped.

"I'd like to see if there really is such a genius of evil spirits in the world!" The light flashed in his eyes, and countless expectations arose.

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