Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 53: 1 sword retreat!

"How could I fail?"

The savage savage savage fell from the mouth of Yantai, listening to the exclaiming sounds around him, his eyes filled with sorrow.

He also didn't expect that he who used the second-order Zhongpin's "Furious Wave Bomber" was still defeated here, and he was so simply defeated!

"Study is not good!" Chu Jingtian looked at the savage Hongman, and commented casually: "Your trick, only the last one is a bit promising, but unfortunately the figure has appearance, but it is not enough."

If that trick is used by him, it will inevitably condense all the power into one point.

However, it was caused by the savages. Although it seemed fierce, it was like a piece of scattered sand that could not be condensed into a single strand. It would naturally be broken by a more condensed point star.

"Do you dare to say that I am not good at art?"

Hong Man raised his head in anger, eyes full of shame. It's not enough that the other party defeated him, but he is still humiliating in the eyes of the public. How can he bear it?

The people all around were glaring at Chu.

They were familiar with Hongman, and naturally they preferred him. It's not enough to see Hongman's defeat now, and he was so directed by the other party. Coupled with Chu Jingtian's appearance, everyone naturally disapproved.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. We have more bridges than you have travelled. What qualifications do you have to comment on us?" A white-haired old man yelled with a moustache.

"You win, you win, why do you humiliate others like this again?" Another strong man shook his head and sighed.

"You can beat him by relying on the subtlety of the moves. Who gives you the confidence to say that people are not good at art?"

At this instant, everyone seemed to find a vent, and poured out all the previous shocks without reservation. All kinds of accusations and reprimands rang from all sides.

"You, you guys just don't know what it means!"

Wang Chongqi was about to vomit blood.

What kind of character Chu Jingtian is, the existence of sword potential is one! His evaluation was too much for many people, but these people are good, but instead of showing no appreciation, he also said that he was humiliating!

Chu Jingtian looked indifferent.

That's how people are.

If Hong Man was willing to ask for advice with an open mind, he might even point to the other side. Being able to get his instructions is better than three years of penance! But since the other side does not appreciate it, he will not warm his face to paste cold ass.

Long sleeves fluttered, Chu Jingtian said lightly:

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the pirate. If I say no, that is how! Whoever refuses to accept the challenge will come to power. If I lose, I will bow down and admit it!"

"But if I win, shut me up as you waste!"


Chu Jingtian's remarks were far more shocked than before when he defeated Hong Mang, and in a moment, he made a huge wave at the venue!

Not only did Hong Man's complexion change dramatically, but even Chen Beiwang's eyes flashed a fierce look.

His remarks counted all the strong people at the exchange meeting.

"He's too daring! How dare he be so arrogant in the presence of so many powerful people!"

Chu Wushuang's eyes are full of worship.

The other party is so young and so terrible, it is proud to be proud in the face of more than a hundred powerful people, not to mention his surname!

At this moment he could not wait to be transformed into Mr. Chu on the ring, and look down on the heroes!

"Master Chu ..."

Wang Chong also almost did not bite his tongue. Chu Jingtian he knew was naturally the master who was not afraid of heaven. However, he believed that Chu Jingtian came to the exchange meeting, and in the face of so many strong people, he had to converge on his unruly character.

But who thought that instead of half converging, he was even more arrogant!

"Mr. Chu, are you too arrogant? This exchange meeting is not a place where you can spread wild things, and you cannot tolerate it!"

"Don't think that you have won the brutality, then you can be pretentious at the venue!"

The people who had returned to God were even more furious and scolded.

Just then, there was a commotion in the crowd. I saw everyone staggered like a tide, and the proud Chen Beiwang was out of hand.

He walked step by step towards the ring, and with every step he took, his momentum increased. When he got on the ring, not only was the breath of Qi Xiaocheng fully revealed, but the sword was released at the same time.

"铮!" "铮!" "”! "

As Chen Beiwang stood still, many warriors even found the sword in their sheath, buzzing, as if rushing out of the sheath at any time!

"Chen Beiwang, hasn't your sword reached‘ one person and one ’?”

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked shocked!

The sword potential is divided into three levels, the first level is the lowest level to constitute the sword potential, the second level is to achieve the degree of freely retractable, and the last level is the unity of human potential. In the Dayan Dynasty, not many people could reach this level, would there be one more?

"I have touched the threshold of 'one person and one potential,' but I have not yet stepped in." Listening to the exclamation of others, Chen Beiwang did not deny it.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

There was a sound of gasping in the crowd.

Chu Wushuang heard the words, and his eyes brightened. Only real sword repair knows how difficult the sword is. Some people can't even touch the threshold of sword power for a lifetime, even if some people have already built the sword power, it is difficult to increase the score!

Not to mention reaching the highest level of sword power: one person and one power!

Even if it only touches the threshold of this realm, the power of sword moves will have a terrible increase.

"Wang Chong, you still have to lead this Mr. Chu down! He has already committed anger, and even Chen Beiwang has been led by him. Chen Beiwang's strength is much more scary than Hongman!" The good qi is strong, and whispered.

The other person nodded quickly:

"Yes, although Chen Beiwang also belongs to Qi Qicheng, but his realm of sword potential is far from being able to fight against the same level martial arts! Even if he is the strongest of Qi Qi, he is enough to remain invincible!"

Many people have discovered the situation here, and have set their sights.

Just when everyone thought that Wang Chong would make Chu Jingtian step down from the ring, they saw him smile and said:

"I haven't stepped into the threshold of unity, and dare to be so crazy? He is not qualified to let Mr. Chu bow his head!"

Everyone heard the words and they were shocked.

Looking at Chu Jingtian's eyes also became more and more suspicious. Is this 'Mr. Chu' not yet showing his real strength?

Chen Beiwang heard the words on the ring, even more angry from the heart, evil to the guts!

He nodded heavily:

"What a good Mr. Chu! I will let you bow down today!"

"It's not up to you!" Chu Jingtian shook his head and said lightly. When Chen Beiwang showed Chu Wushuang a sword trick at the Beiliang Palace, he had already ascertained the strength of the opponent.

"If you have mastered the power of one, you may still be able to do a few tricks with me. But now you can't support me with one trick!"

After hearing Chu Jingtian's words, Chen Beiwang's complexion changed completely.

You must know the mastery of his sword power, plus the five qi vortexes of the qi vortex, the warriors at the peak of qi may not be able to beat him.

But now he is so flat-faced by the other side, how does this make him swallow the bad breath?

He was angry:

"Ignorant child, today I will let you know what it means to be outside the sky, there are people outside!"

Chen Beiwang snorted coldly, and a powerful spirit emerged from his body, followed by a surging Jianguang at the moment.

Chen Beiwang's sword is similar to the sword of life and death Bai'an.

But through his power, he was hundreds of times stronger than Bai An. A sword sacrifice, the sword gas immediately like a continuous tide, desperate madness. The dazzling sword light is like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky!

‘Hey! ’

Where Jian Mang passed, the ground on the platform was stripped away and turned into powder. The terrible sword-mangs rushed in, like a savage beast, straight into the sky!

"The great coach is so great, when will I be able to reach his level!"

Chu Wushuang's eyes are full of worship.

The soldiers around him also showed a smile, all eyes were happy. Dignified martial arts exchange meeting, how can we tolerate a hairy boy to scatter the wild?

The warrior who had previously exhorted Wang Chong ~ ~ even secretly sighed, as if he had seen Chu Jingtian's defeat.

But only Wang Chong, confident.

Just when everyone looked at Chu Jingtian, when the roaring sword light rushed to Chu Jingtian, Chu Jingtian said calmly: "You are strong in the outside, but not worth mentioning. You haven't mastered the essence of human potential!"

"Well, let me see what it means to be one!"

As the words landed, Chu Jingtian suddenly looked up.

At the moment he looked up, the long hair behind him danced without wind, and the whole man's momentum was frantic, as if it were a scabbard sword, sharp and undeserving!

"铮!" "铮!" "铮!" "铮!" "铮!"

There was a sound of long swords coming out of the sheath.

Countless warriors found that their sword was rushed to the ring quickly with Chu Jingtian's momentum, and gathered like a million swords to form a peerless sword!

Raise your hand and cut off!

This moment seemed to stop for time.

In silence, this peerless sword smashed Chen Beiwang's sword awn on the spot, and it continued to bombard with unstoppable momentum, smashing heavily on him.


The proud Chen Beiwang, directly under the bombardment of this sword, flew out of the ring and fell to the ground.

It wasn't until the dull sound of the fall that the whole world resumed operation.

Chu Jingtian's right hand was scattered, the condensed giant sword turned into countless lights and shadows, returned to the scabbard, and the long flying hair fell slowly at the same time. At the same time, the momentum displayed by that sharp edge returned to the body. As if the previous scene never happened.

With the shocking gaze of countless people, he took his hands and looked at Chen Beiwang:

"Seeing it, this is the true unity!"

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