Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 921: Infiltrate the headquarters of the Lehman consortium

In the middle of the night, on a high mountain next to Chip City, Miranda looked at the huge paraglider, her face turning green: "Do you mean to take this thing to the top of the building?"

"What? Is there any problem?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"I, I don't know this... What if, what if I fall down?"

Miranda looked at the paraglider with some fear.

After flying with Zhang Tuohai in the sky for a few hours, she became afraid of flying.

"Don't worry, your mission isn't this. Even if you want to come up, I still despise you for being clumsy. Your mission is to wait at the corner of the back door of the Lehman Consortium in your car and accept me to leave."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Okay, so I'm leaving?"

Miranda put her hands in her sleeves, and the mountain breeze at night was still a little cool.

"Remember, hide it, don't be discovered."

Zhang Tuohai said that he raised the paraglider, ran forward, and then jumped into the air. The huge paraglider was like a paper airplane, flying towards the city.

Miranda also returned to the car, and drove quickly towards the city, towards the pick-up point.

In the night sky, Zhang Tuohai's paraglider fluttered towards the headquarters of the Lehman Consortium in the center of French Fries City. Carroll and Francois had already arrived at the border town of Tomato Market.

"We've been waiting for a day, and we haven't heard from them yet. Shouldn't they leave here? Will they leave the country through other roads?"

Carroll asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have set up eyeliners on all the surrounding roads, and will focus on monitoring the people passing by during this time. As long as they pass, they will not be able to escape."

"Moreover, I also sent people to search in the area where the plane can fly. As long as the landing spot of the plane can be found, it will be much easier to find their traces."

"Don't worry, no one can escape my pursuit."

Francois said confidently.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

Carroll glanced at the photo of Zhang Tuohai pinned to the intelligence board, pulled out the pistol, and pulled the trigger at the photo.

Bang bang bang!

The magazine is emptied.

A circle of bullet holes appeared around the photo, and the photo was unscathed.

"Okay, Missy's marksmanship is good again!"

The secretary next to him applauded: "Around the photo, but without hurting the photo in the slightest, the eldest lady's marksmanship has really been superb."

Carroll rolled her eyes at the secretary and didn't say anything, only she knew that she was aiming at the robbery in the center of the photo just now!


"This **** place is so dry, I'll have to do a spa to rehydrate later."

Carroll threw the pistol to the assistant, ready to go back to the hotel to rest.

At this moment, an assistant walked in with a message: "Miss Carroll, the wreckage of the plane was found in a wood. We asked Sir to confirm that it was the stolen plane."

"Found it? Great, where did you find it? The woods? Haven't they reached the border yet?"

Francois asked.

"No, they headed in the direction of Chip City, and they didn't come to the border at all."

said the assistant.

"How is it possible that only finding the landing spot of the plane doesn't mean anything? It's also possible that they changed their course of action after getting off the plane."

Francois asked.

"There was a train robbery in the early hours of this morning. A train carrying the Lehman consortium was looted. The perpetrators knocked out the security personnel on the train. We asked the security personnel to identify the photos and confirmed that the attackers were two fugitives. "

said the assistant.

"Cunning bastard."

Francois punched the table angrily. Zhang Tuohai slapped him in the face when he slid in the opposite direction. He just said with certainty that Zhang Tuohai would definitely come to the border and flee across the border. , Zhang Tuohai entered the core area of ​​the Lehman Consortium in the opposite direction before he could finish his words, and he even lowered his eyelids to do a wave of things, which made his face almost lose his face.

"You must save your face, or your reputation will be ruined." Francois sorted out his mood and said, "Miss Carroll, please give me another chance, and I will definitely catch him with my own hands and deliver him to you. in front of."

"This is your last chance! Give me the answer within three days."

Carroll turned and left the room. She was going to hurry back to the hotel to take a bath and go to the spa. The dry desert climate made her feel unwell.

As for Zhang Tuohai, let François handle it. She will have time to return to the french fries by private jet tomorrow morning.

"Three days is enough."

Francois regained his strength. Finding people in the city is his specialty. As long as he is given the information of the mission target, he can find a person from a large city with a population of one million within 48 hours. What's more, there are photos?

"Last time, I let you take advantage of it, this time, let me see where you are going!"

Francois walked out of the command room angrily, turned on the headset, and began to issue one order after another, everyone was mobilized, all roads in and out of the french fries were monitored, and the permissions for surveillance video were blocked. After being taken over by Francois, a large number of professionals began to check the surveillance video and search for Zhang Tuohai's trace.

Countless people are busy.

In the early morning, the search still yielded nothing, mainly because the two did not carry any electronic equipment, making his best electronic tracking unusable.

"Have all the cameras been checked?"

Francois asked anxiously.

"We have checked everything that can be checked. However, our authority can only check the cameras outside the city. The control of the cameras in the core area of ​​the city is in the hands of the headquarters of the Lehman Consortium. We have no authorization and cannot take over."

A subordinate said helplessly.

"I'm going to Carroll for permission."

Francois said that he was going to find Carroll.

"Miss Carroll has taken a private jet to the headquarters of the group," an assistant said.

"So anxious?"

Francois was a little curious.

"I heard from the assistant that something important happened temporarily, so Miss Carroll went to deal with it first."

A subordinate said.

"It seems that Miss Carroll needs to deal with it herself. It seems to be a very important matter. It would be nice if you could know."

Francois said with regret.

At the same time, Carroll had entered the headquarters building of the Lehman consortium in French Fries City, and then directly entered the internal elevator to the office on the 32nd floor.

Watching the landscape elevator slowly ascend the city was gradually stepped on, Carroll's mood improved, and she liked the feeling of being on top.

However, a strange smell diffused in the air.

"What smell?" Carroll took a deep breath, trying to identify what it smelled, but in the next second, she almost spit it out.

The smell was comparable to a biochemical weapon attack, causing her stomach to turn upside down and almost vomit on the elevator.

"Quick, open the elevator door and let me out."

Carroll felt like she was about to lose her grip.

However, at this moment, the sound of the fire alarm sounded, and the elevator also came to an emergency stop.

"Miss Carroll, the door won't open."

An assistant said in a panic.


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