Chapter 921 Attack Plan "What are they doing?"

Numerous police officers gathered around the train, scratching their heads as they watched the nearly 1,000 dismantled air conditioners.

It was the strangest case they had ever seen in their lives.

To say there is no loss, all the air conditioners were dismantled, the security guards were knocked over, and some were thrown under the car, and it took a long time to find them.

To say there was a loss, the air conditioners were not damaged, and even the security guards suffered from skin injuries, and they recovered completely after a few days of rest.

This situation made the police officer responsible for a while with a big head.

If this is a case of an ordinary company, they may just go through the procedure and send a random reward to find clues.

But this is the case of the Lehman consortium, which cannot be treated perfunctorily.

You must know that the entire French Fries City Police Department is almost supported by the Lehman Consortium taxation, and a quarter of their salary composition is the "thank you" expressed by the Lehman Foundation for their maintenance of law and order.

If this case is not handled well, let alone the generous thanks, I am afraid that this profession will be over, and the only way to go is to pack up and leave.

Among these police officers, the one who scratches his head the most is Sheriff Barrett. He can retire safely and get a full pension in one week. Who would have thought that such a terrible thing would happen at this critical juncture .

"No, you must retire safely. As long as you endure these few days, it will be a victory to leave the case to the receiver!"

Berrett made up his mind in his heart that he must be safe and delay the time.

"Sheriff, what should I do?" A small police officer came to ask for instructions.

"Well—" Berrett thought for a while, and came to his mind, "I suspect that this batch of air conditioners has been manipulated, and some unscrupulous people try to use these air conditioners to attack the Lehman consortium, in order to ensure that For everyone's personal safety, these air conditioners must be sent to the inspection and security department for inspection."

"Remember, all pipes are inspected because there may be poison hidden in them."

"Everything with screws has to be disassembled and inspected because there might be a bomb in there!"

"You have to be careful and careful, and you have to make sure that every inch of the air conditioner is 100% safe. That's okay, understand?"

"In that case, wouldn't it take a long time to test? The Lehman consortium..." The little police officer was a little worried.

"A long inspection time? All I want is a long inspection time!" Berrett tapped the little policeman on the head, "What do you know, the Lehman consortium is the economic backbone of our city, and protecting taxpayers is our responsibility Therefore, the inspection must not be careless, it must be meticulous! Be meticulous! Be meticulous! I will apply to the above, and then mobilize two expert groups from the neighboring city to follow up the work together. Your task is to remove all the air conditioners All are shipped to the laboratory, and nothing is left out."


The little policeman reluctantly made arrangements.

"So you can retire in peace, right?"

Berrett thought to himself.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Lehman consortium.

At this time, it was time to go to work, and groups of people entered the group headquarters through the security gate.

Everyone has to put their backpacks and handbags on the security check plane, just like going through plane security.

Even stricter than plane security.

At least there are no security guards with guns in sight at the aircraft security checkpoint.

"The security here is so tight, are you sure you can sneak in there?"

While drinking coffee, Miranda secretly looked at the Lehman headquarters across the street.

"In fact, there is no perfect security method in this world. As long as it is a security method, there are loopholes that can be drilled, as long as you are good at finding it."

Zhang Tuohai pretended to look at the newspaper in his hand while eating donuts.

The headline of today's newspaper is "Famous show dies, two contestants escape, causing huge chaos"

Zhang Tuohai read it carefully and felt that this was a summary of his deeds yesterday. By the way, he relayed the confidence of the local police to arrest Zhang Tuohai and bring him back to the case.

I turned on the phone I just bought, and looked at the comments on social media. I found that the trend of public opinion on the Internet was exactly the opposite. Many people expressed their appreciation for Zhang Tuohai's behavior of playing chasers and making a scene in the amusement park. Many radical female fans were crazy about Show love online and give Zhang Tuohai a monkey.

Zhang Tuohai shook his head while watching.

What happened to this world? How can even a fugitive become an idol? Really crazy.

"How do we get in? Could it be that we are employees here, we don't even have an ID card."

Miranda looked very carefully. He found that everyone who entered Lehman's headquarters, in addition to security checks, also needed an identification card with a photo on it, which must be checked with himself before entering.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way."

Zhang Tuohai put down the newspaper in his hand and walked towards the backstreet of the headquarters of the Lehman Consortium.

The security of the headquarters of the Lehman Consortium is very complete. There are security personnel on duty at both the front door and the back door. It is very difficult to get in.

"It seems that it is impossible to enter through the main entrance, and we can only consider other methods."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Easy to say, the guards are so strict, how do we get in?"

Miranda asked in a low voice.

"I seem to have a solution." Zhang Tuohai looked up at the tall building next to him and said.

"Are you going to jump from a tall building? Stop dreaming. The Lehman Consortium headquarters is at least tens of meters away from the surrounding high-rise buildings. Moreover, the Lehman Consortium's headquarters is also the tallest building in the entire French Fries City. Jumping from other upstairs is simply impossible."

Miranda said.

"Who told you I was going to jump over the other stairs?"

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"Don't you mean it?"

Miranda was even more puzzled.

"Don't worry, you will know when the time comes, but now you need to do some preparations for realization."

Zhang Tuohai turned and left the headquarters building.

Miranda didn't understand what Zhang Tuohai was going to do, and followed Zhang Tuohai curiously.

However, what she couldn't understand was that Zhang Tuohai didn't take her to some hidden places like the underground black market or arms market, but went to the supermarket and bought a lot of canned herring, snail powder and stinky tofu under her dumbfounded eyes.

and a large juicer.

"God, what are you doing? Are you developing poison gas? What does it smell like? I feel like I'm in Satan's bathroom."

Even though Miranda was wearing a protective mask, she could feel a strong, unpleasant smell spreading out, making her dizzy.

"This is a little gift from me to Lehman. They chased me for so long. Of course, I want to give them a little gift to express my gratitude."

Zhang Tuohai threw these things into the juicer and pressed the switch.

(End of this chapter)

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