Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 207: Nuclear Food and Intangible Cultural Heritage

After seeing Su Mu turning, Ito Toshiro quickly urged the people around him: "Hurry up, hurry up, don't get lost."

"Don't worry, Tai-kun Ito, I can't lose it. Look, don't you just turn it around..."


Before the man had finished speaking, he saw a six-wheeled off-road vehicle rushing out from the side.

The scariest thing is that there is a huge snow shovel on the front of the six-wheeled off-road vehicle.

The snow shovel was firmly pushed onto the side waist of the car.

The huge impact directly turned the top of the car over.

Damn it.

The four-wheeled business car is up to the sky, like a clamshell king.

The business car that had been following was turned over and blocked the road. The driver urgently stepped on the brake and pushed the car five or six meters to stop the castration.

The door of the passenger seat was pushed open. A man in a kimono jumped out of the car, ran to the front of the commercial car, and asked anxiously: "President Ito, how are you?"

A young man jumped from the driving position, holding a Hundred-type submachine gun in his hand. He was more cautious than the man in the kimono, and he saw Zhang Tuohai's six-wheeled off-road vehicle at a glance.

"You, who are you?" The young man raised his Baishi submachine gun to Zhang Tuohai.

"Dare to raise a gun at me, classmate Xiao Ai, give him a good look."

Zhang Tuohai said.


The metal box containing the robotic arms bounced open, and the four robotic arms bounced out of the metal box.

That's not counting, every mechanical arm holds an ak47 rifle in the hand.

Seeing that the six-wheeled off-road vehicle in front of him unexpectedly popped out of four mechanical arms, the young man was stupid, and he was stunned for a while.

However, Zhang Tuohai was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly let classmate Xiaoai open fire.

Da da da.

A series of fires flickered, and the raging bullets instantly sifted the young man.

"What's the matter?" The kimono man heard the gunshot and immediately looked back to check the situation.

Before he could see what was going on, a series of bullets arrived.

Puff puff.

The kimono man fell to the ground without saying a word.

"I can't help but hit," he thought what a great guy, and that was the end?

Not even empty the magazine.

"Kill the remaining two too." Zhang Tuohai said to Xiao Ai.


Classmate Xiao Ai controlled the robotic arm to descend, aimed at the two people in the car and pulled the trigger.

Da da da.

The two became a sieve.

Zhang Tuohai jumped out of the car and began to search for items.

"Canned Fukushima double-headed fish? Eight turtle soup? Canned Godzilla meat? What kind of **** is this?" Zhang Tuohai looked at the weird food in front of him and didn't know what to say. Re-engraving the era of mythology?"

Zhang Tuohai would never dare to eat these weird things.

Not to mention eating, even if he opened it for a glance, Zhang Tuohai was afraid of losing his mood.

Zhang Tuohai felt a little nauseous and wanted to take a sip of water.

He picked up a bottle of mineral water from the side.

A system prompt popped up.

【Authentic ultra-pure nuclear wastewater, 80% chance of getting cancer after drinking, 10% chance of causing body mutation. 】

[Remarks: If you drink it for a long time, the chance of mutation will increase. 】

"Sweet pear stuffed."

Zhang Tuohai threw out the mineral water in his hand.

This little devil is really harmful, and even disgusts others with nuclear eating.

He would not eat these strange things even if he died of starvation.

Throwing these messy things aside, Zhang Tuohai continued to search.

Except for food and water, other basic materials are still normal, and there are no Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' craftsman products.

The quality is guaranteed.

Aside from these things, the only thing Zhang Tuohai found useful was the Taisho 11 light machine gun, which was called a crooked handle in the anti-Japanese drama. The matching 6.5mm bullet had 600 rounds.

However, there is a more serious problem.

That is when the Taisho 11 light machine gun was originally designed. In order to ensure the universality of the ammunition and simplify the packaging process of the bullets, the ammunition chain, the drum or even the bullet plate used by the machine gun was not used, but the same as the 38 type rifle was specially selected. 5 rounds of magazines.

The machine gun uses a 5-round magazine!

It's almost like a joke, but that's how it happened.

In order to ensure the continuity of firepower, Nanbu Kijiro deliberately installed a bomb feeder on the machine gun.

But this bullet feeder can only hold 5-6 cartridges.

That is 25-30 bullets.

After shooting, you need to re-press the 5 rounds of the magazine.

Do you dare to believe that the continuous firepower of a machine gun is only 30 rounds?

However, just this, Zhang Tuohai pinched his nose and put it away.

In any case, this is also a light machine gun, with an effective range of 600 meters, and other performances are almost at a point. It can be used as a collector's item if it doesn't work.

As for the Hundred-type submachine gun next to it, Zhang Tuohai didn't even bother to take a look.

This thing is loaded with 8mm southern pistol ammunition, with a small amount of charge, a low range, and often can't kill people.

In the 226 incident, Kantarō Suzuki was shot three times in the head, chest and abdomen without being killed. It can be seen how bad this thing is.

If I changed to Colt, my head would be broken.

The ammunition load and power are much worse than Bobosha, and Zhang Tuohai simply doesn't bother to use it.

If anyone likes it, just take it. Anyway, it's a fire stick, which doesn't pose any threat to Zhang Tuohai.

On the other hand, people who can pick up this kind of gun have the same level of material, and they don't even have the qualifications to be a leek.


Zhang Tuohai searched again unwillingly, and finally found something good.

A DVD player, and a few discs of Mr. Taogu.

"This should be an intangible cultural heritage, right? Take out more, just these few, fast forward one night and read it."

Zhang Tuohai muttered a little dissatisfied.

However, he moved these things back to his car with joy.

After all, this is not the world where you can get countless seeds by simply losing a car number. Every resource is very precious.

Subsequently, the core of the car was also taken away.

As for those nuclear food whoever wants it, whoever wants it, Zhang Tuohai is afraid of losing his reputation if he sells this stuff.

Picking and picking, harvesting a bunch of things, Zhang Tuohai drove back to the original position.

The four robotic arms were also retracted.

The bullet filled the magazine again, waiting for the next target.

Not far away, Su Mu and Su Qi looked at Zhang Tuohai's six-wheeled off-road vehicle with a little astonishment.

"Sister, what are those things? They look so evil." Su Qi asked in a low voice, covering her mouth.

"It looks like something like a robotic arm. It also carries a gun. It should be some kind of car accessory. There are so many weird things in this world. Have you forgotten that thing on our car?" Su Mu said .

When Su Mu said this, Su Qi's face turned red involuntarily.


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