Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 206: Su Qi asks for help

Before getting the upgrade conditions, Zhang Tuohai had been thinking about how beautiful it would be to upgrade to a level 4 car one day.

   But when the conditions were ready, he hesitated again.

   Mainly, he is in the parking lot now, and there will be many other players coming here later.

   When everyone sees that they have upgraded to a fourth-class car, but they can only drive a second-class car, will this huge gap make them jealous, even lead to psychological imbalance, and do some irrational things?

   Although it looks a little ridiculous, the human heart really cannot withstand speculation.

   Especially in such a world, without any rules, the human heart really cannot stand the test.

   If this happens, Zhang Tuohai will not be afraid. No matter who comes, he will be greeted by AK and grenade, but it will be a problem after all.

   "Forget it, one thing is worse than one thing less, and the upgrade will wait until the copy is released."

   Zhang Tuohai suppressed the ambition that immediately upgraded, and chose a low-key wave.

   However, the defense facilities cannot be stopped.

   Zhang Tuohai made four AK47s, plus thousands of bullets, and made a dozen Molotov grenades and placed them in the metal box of the robotic arm.

   is convenient for the robot arm to use at any time.

   "Hey, I think who else would dare to do it this time."

   Zhang Tuohai circled the car and was very satisfied.

   Zhang Tuohai received a private message from Zhao Wanwan as soon as he returned to the car.

   "Is supper ready?"

   Zhang Tuohai looked at his watch.

   "Just four o'clock in the afternoon, so hungry so soon?"

   "It's too early to eat at noon, and it's early for the hungry." Zhao Wanwan made a grimace emoticon.

   "Eat some padding first, the meat is being stewed."

   Zhang Tuohai sent two small seafood hot pots over.

   "Wow, seafood flavor. I like it the most. I didn't expect to be able to eat it here. You just want to come and have a bite."

   Zhao Wanwan said.

   "Forget it, I still look at the stove."

   Zhang Tuohai knows that these two small hot pots are probably not enough for Zhao Wanwan to stuff his teeth, and the time is gone in a blink of an eye, do you want to have soup by yourself?

   "Then I will be welcome."

   Zhao Wanwan went to cook a small hot pot with joy.

   Just as Zhang Tuohai hung up Zhao Wanwan's private message, Su Qi's private message came in.

   "Can you help us? We were hunted down."

   "I'm at the end, I can't get out."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Just now, Zhang Tuohai tried it. Once the car crossed the finish line, he could no longer step out, as if an air wall blocked the car.

   But, everything else is fine.

   For example, if Zhang Tuohai throws a banana peel on the other side of the finish line, there is no problem, just people and cars can't get through.

   "Can you meet us at the end? I'm afraid they will chase us after they reach the end. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, this is a thank you."

   Su Qi said and sent three drawings.

  【Fruit Dried Fruit Making Machine: Level 1 auto parts, which can make fruit into dried fruit. 】

   [Material: metal ingot: 10 units, metal parts: 20 units, low-level electronic components *1]

  【Candied fruit making machine: Level 1 auto parts, can make fruit into candied fruit. 】

   [Material: metal ingot: 10 units, metal parts: 20 units, low-level electronic components *1]

  【Canning machine: Level 2 auto parts, can make fruits, vegetables and meat. 】

   [Material: Intermediate metal ingot: 10 units, Metal parts: 20 units, Intermediate electronic components*1]

   Zhang Tuohai took a look at these three drawings. Except that the third one was somewhat useful, the first two at most enriched his own food types, which was of little significance in general.

   However, for the sake of old acquaintances, Zhang Tuohai is still willing to take the lead.

   Moreover, he is also looking for a chance to try the effect of the robotic arm.

   "No problem, you rush in after you get to the finish line, and leave the rest to me. By the way, how many people did you do?"

   asked Zhang Tuohai.

"Two cars and 4 people, although they are all Tier 2 cars, the engines are definitely modified. They are not slower than ours. They have big guns in my hands. I can’t call them my name, but the firepower is very fierce. Dare to probe, several explosion-proof shields are almost destroyed."

   Su Qi was in the back seat, holding the explosion-proof shield, while replying.

   "No problem, after rushing to the finish line, if they can survive, I will pay in full."

   Hearing that there are only four people, Zhang Tuohai is still a second-class car, let them down, as long as they dare to cross the finish line, let them know how severe the metal storm is.

   Zhang Tuohai drove the car to the corner of the parking lot, quietly waiting for the prey to come.

   "Why are you going?" Zhao Wanwan couldn't help asking curiously when she saw Zhang Tuohai moving the car.

   "Make some extra money." Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

   "How is it?" Su Mu asked as he drove the car.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I can't get out after entering the parking lot, but he agreed to pick us up in the parking lot." Su Qi returned a new one The explosion-proof shield is placed on the position of the rear seat.

   At this time, the rear door of the car has been smashed into a sieve, and it is better if Su Qi is blocking it near the driving position. Other places are almost broken.

   "Hold on a little longer, I have already seen the end. I can rush in in two minutes at most."

   Su Mu stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and rushed towards the finish line frantically.

   Seeing Su Mu speed up, the people in the two cars behind were obviously more anxious.

A little devil with Rendanhu, three hands, two noses, and four eyes carried a Taisho 11 light machine gun, and said to the driver next to him: "Sun Sang, hurry up, or they will It’s about to rush to the finish Don’t worry Ito Taikun, rushing to the finish line is the same. As long as you don’t grab something on the podium, you won’t be punished even if you openly kill in the finish line. I I have had several experiences."

   The young man who drove said respectfully.

"Zhexi, so I can rest assured." Ito Toshiro said, opened a bottle of pure nuclear waste water and drank it, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and exclaimed, "It is pure, it has restored the hometown. The taste reminds me of Sakura in my hometown."

   The two chasing cars lowered their speed. In their opinion, the Su sisters were already meat on the cutting board, and they couldn't run away. They simply drove slowly and enjoyed the feeling of cats and mice.

   Su Mu rushed to the finish line, and saw that the chasing people lowered the speed of the car, and also reduced the speed of the car, turning towards the parking lot.

   As soon as she arrived at the turn, she was startled by Zhang Tuohai who probed her head, and almost ran into Zhang Tuohai's snow shovel.

   "Go inside, and I will ambush them."

   Zhang Tuohai said.

   Su Mu took a deep look at Zhang Tuohai: "Do you want to help? I still have a Glock and bullets."

   "Thanks for your kindness, just leave it to me here. You can go and rest." Zhang Tuohai threw a car repair kit to Su Mu casually.

   "Thanks. I owe you once." Su Mu hesitated and drove towards the parking lot.

   She knew that staying here would not help much. On the contrary, it might destroy Zhang Tuohai's ambush plan. It is better to stay away and not cause trouble.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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