Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 830 Aircraft Cemetery

Regarding this internal decision of the U.S. Department of Defense, many military strategists and historians in later generations have different opinions. Some people think that the U.S. Department of Defense should not have made such a hasty decision. In the end, it not only allowed Black Cloud Group to make so much money, but also gave them a license to sell arms in the United States. This also paved the way for later international competition. It can be said that the military acted in a manner that supported the enemy.

Some experts also believe that the environment at that time and the situation faced by the U.S. military. We can only ask Heiyun Group to handle this matter, other companies do not have that ability. As for Bao Zixuan making money, that's up to him. At least the military did not suffer a loss at that time, and it even accelerated the modernization of the US military to a certain extent.

However, these can only be the comments of future generations. At this time, Bao Zixuan, accompanied by General Ian Wright, came to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in the United States. The purpose of coming here is very simple and direct, which is to buy retired American aircraft.

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona, USA; it is also known as the "Aircraft Cemetery" because it takes in retired US military aircraft and disposes them for scrap. Not all of the planes were damaged. The aircraft cemetery has the function of storing these aircraft and can reuse them when war comes.

To say that this Air Force base is famous, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base covers an area of ​​2,600 acres, where outdated aircraft worth US$35 billion are stored there to provide parts for the latest models. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base maintains a total of thousands of aircraft, some of which are only temporarily stored at the base between deployments, but more than 80% of the aircraft will eventually end their missions here. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is also a "steel cemetery" and can recycle 350,000 pieces of steel if necessary.

At the same time, the air force base is also the location of the 309th Aviation Maintenance and Reconstruction Center of the US military, which is responsible for repairing and maintaining aircraft, and even allowing some of them to fly into the blue sky again. The aircraft's engines, ammunition, wiring, electronic instruments and some usable spare parts are all recycled to reduce the cost of maintaining the current large aircraft fleet.

Bao Zixuan had been here in his previous life. At that time, the scale and number of stored aircraft were greater than at this time. But even now, the scene is already very shocking. This is the strength of the Americans. The aircraft stored here alone are estimated to be unmatched by the air force of any country in the world except the Soviet Union.

In fact, this is not aimless, after all, we are in the Cold War period. Weapons are updated very quickly, and various experimental aircraft emerge in endlessly.

Seeing General Ian Wright approaching, a colonel who was much older than him came over. What is very strange is that this old colonel has one arm that never moves, which is very inconsistent with military style.

It wasn't until people walked in that they discovered that one of the old man's arms was equipped with a prosthetic limb. This makes people very curious. After all, disability is normal in the military, and death is also very common in severe cases. But under normal circumstances, if you are disabled, you must retire, especially if your arm is broken.

Seeing the old man coming, Ian Wright didn't dare to act like a general. He took the lead in saluting a military salute and said: "Nice to see you here, Colonel Freiburg."

I felt a little strange when I heard the name Bao Zixuan, because the name has a distinctly German flavor. In fact, this is normal. After all, immigrants came to the United States, so it is not surprising to see people of German descent.

What many people cannot imagine is that World War II ended not long ago. It was still a little awkward to have German officers in the American army.

Colonel Freiburg returned a standard military salute and said: "Your Excellency, General, is welcome to come and inspect."

Even though he is older, General Ian Wright is still nominally his leader. People respect you, but you can't rely on your old age to show off. Although seniority and age can play a certain role in the military, it mainly depends on position and rank.

Ian Wright is a proper lieutenant general, and he is just a colonel. It can be said that the military ranks of the two are quite different. In front of outsiders, Colonel Freiburg still has to give each other enough face and respect.

Ian Wright knew the old man's character and didn't struggle with the title or words. It is a matter of politeness to introduce Bao Zixuan to the elderly. Only when they are familiar with each other can we discuss the specific work.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao; this is Colonel Freiburg, the person in charge of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base."

Then he said to Colonel Freiburg: "This is Mr. Bao Zixuan of the Black Cloud Group."

Although Colonel Freiburg's main job is at the air force base, he is by no means an old stubborn who is deaf to what is going on outside the window. Of course I know about Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan. After all, Bao, the richest man, is more famous than movie stars in the United States.

Moreover, after receiving an order from the Ministry of National Defense yesterday, we focused on checking the information of Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan. I really don’t know if I don’t check. I’ll be shocked if I check.

Colonel Freiburg did not expect that this young man would achieve such success in just a few years. Not only did he earn huge wealth, but he also achieved extraordinary achievements in science and technology.

He is simply a living legend, and has reached the point of being published in a book.

Bao Zixuan did not dare to make excuses, so he stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, Colonel Freiburg. I am Bao Zixuan, nice to meet you."

Colonel Freiburg saluted with a military salute, then stretched out his hand and said: "I have heard of Mr. Bao's name a long time ago. When I saw him today, he was indeed a hero."

Ian Wright: "Colonel Freiburg is very familiar with the situation here. Let's ask him to give us a good introduction."

Colonel Freiburg is definitely a ruthless person. When he was young, he served as a pilot in the American B-29 bomber wing. During the battle against Japan, he was seriously injured, resulting in the amputation of one arm.

The opinion of the top military officials was to retire from active service, but the old man insisted on staying in the army with his excellent military qualities and amazing perseverance. You must know that this is very rare, and the pain and difficulties experienced by outsiders are simply unimaginable.

Colonel Freiburg said very seriously: "Davis-Monthan Air Force Base was built in 1925. In 1927, aviator Lindbergh set the record for the first flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He flew the monoplane "Spirit of St. Louis" here. Landing to dedicate Davis-Monthan Field, the largest civilian airport in the United States at the time. During World War II, the airport served as a bomber combat training base."

"After the end of World War II, the airport was converted into an air force base. Since 1946, it has been responsible for the preservation of military aircraft. The B-29 bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in the United States - the "Enola-Gai" , the first batch of "residents" after Davis-Monthan Air Force Base became an aircraft storage facility."

"Later, the base was responsible for supplying aircraft and spare parts during the Korean and Vietnam wars."

"At the same time, the base is also a U.S. military aerospace repair and maintenance center. In the vast desert of the base, retired military aircraft and mothballed aircraft are stored. Because the climate here is warm and dry, the aircraft body corrodes very slowly."

"Every aircraft sent here has to be removed from fragile parts and expensive instruments, and the "blood of the aircraft" - all liquids such as fuel and hydraulic oil, windows, doors, hatches, etc. on the aircraft body are drained. They are all sealed with protective materials, and the cockpit glass is tightly covered to prevent them from being exposed to the strong desert sunlight for a long time and causing aging and yellowing. However, the door in the belly of the aircraft is kept open as much as possible to avoid excessive air pressure inside the aircraft."

"As long as the mission requires it, many aircraft can go directly to the battlefield after being maintained and maintained."

The old colonel spoke forcefully and with full confidence. Although it is only a brief introduction, listening to it makes people feel excited.

When I came to Bao Zixuan in my previous life, it was mainly for visiting and traveling. The person in charge of the base will not come out to receive him in person, after all, he does not have the strength to alarm others.

General Ian Wright said with a smile: "Mr. Bao may not know that Colonel Freiburg only entered the base after the B-29 bomber aircraft moved in. At that time, he was a member of the B-29 bomber aircraft. pilot."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan felt a sense of awe for the old man in front of him. This has nothing to do with which country they are from, it is just recognition of their achievements.

As the first batch of B-29 bombers moved into the base, Colonel Freiburg likely visited Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Although there is no way to verify it, it is almost certain.

Bao Zixuan said with respect: "Every soldier who bleeds, is injured, or sacrifices for the country is a hero. I am lucky enough to meet one today, and it is a worthwhile trip."

Colonel Freiburg did not expect that the rich man in front of him was not very old, but his words were very pleasant to listen to. It seems that success requires not only IQ, but also emotional intelligence.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Colonel Freiburg took them on a tour.

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