Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 829 The decision of the Ministry of National Defense

The dinner ended quickly and all representatives of the five major automakers left. U.S. Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger informed military representatives attending the banquet today that there will be a meeting at the Department of Defense at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. This makes the senior military generals a little confused, and it is still too early to distribute benefits!

Bao Zixuan is also thinking about how to get more weapons and equipment from the United States and how to sell them at the same time. At present, it seems that a complete plan is needed, and only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, the US Department of Defense took the lead in holding a meeting.

After Defense Minister Caspar Weinberg saw all the senior officials gathered, he smiled and said: "While everyone is here, hold an impromptu meeting."

Yesterday at the dinner, Bao Zixuan of Heiyun Group agreed to purchase all the retired military vehicles.

Everyone showed excitement when they heard this, as long as Bao Zixuan agreed to buy back the retired military vehicles. This means that new car purchases can go smoothly and the benefits will come naturally.

Caspar Weinberg continued: "Bao Zixuan proposed a new idea, which I feel is very feasible. We are here to discuss it, mainly because we want to hear everyone's opinions and see what you think."

Soldiers have a duty to obey orders, even though Casper Weinberg did not hold any military rank. But in name, they are directly under the leadership of this group of people. You think it is very feasible, so how can we dare to say no?

In fact, this is also the reason why Casper Weinberg dared to agree to Bao Zixuan, not only because the plan itself is very feasible. Of course, he also knew that his subordinates would not dare to object, and no one would benefit from openly opposing him.

He dared to express his position in front of Bao Zixuan because he wanted to show the young rich man his control over the Ministry of National Defense. When the term of the Secretary of Defense is over, he must continue to work in his old profession. Being able to make friends with super rich people is very helpful for future career planning.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Casper Weinberg continued: "Heiyun Group proposed to sell all military vehicles, which requires strong supporting capabilities. In other words, the trinity of sea, land and air can maximize profits. .”

"Countries that purchase second-hand weapons and equipment are not economically strong. It can be said that these countries are in great difficulty. Even if the United States retires weapons and equipment, it will still be a big expense for them."

"At the same time, most of these countries have used Soviet-style weapons before. If they buy American military vehicles alone, the compatibility of the weapons is very poor, and many countries are not very willing to spend precious foreign exchange reserves on transportation vehicles."

"If you want to achieve matching, you can sell retired American helicopters and small warships to Heiyun Group. Then let them repackage them and sell them to other countries in the world."

After hearing this, the senior military officials believed that the business was definitely worthwhile, very constructive, and highly practical.

At this time, a four-star general in the Navy said: "This business is very good. We can do it ourselves. That way we may get more profits and have better control."

Hearing this, Casper Weinberg was also speechless. These Qiuba are really simple-minded and have well-developed limbs. He has become a four-star general, but he has no understanding of the business world and the international economic situation.

This is also the reason why the United States spends so much money on wars, not just because it is worried about the casualties of soldiers. More importantly, it has a lot to do with the waste of commanders. Senior military generals have never calculated economic accounts.

No one could ask such an idiotic question at this moment. We can only let him, the Minister of Defense, educate the generals about the international economic situation and the benefits of handing it over to outsourcing companies like a teacher giving lectures to primary school students.

Casper Weinberg: "Generals, countries that purchase second-hand weapons and equipment do not necessarily have U.S. dollar reserves, and those that do have very few. Many of them need to be exchanged for minerals and land mortgages."

"If the U.S. military is allowed to go directly to some developing countries to build factories, that will inevitably cause international disputes. Now we not only have to sell weapons, but we also have to get cash. This will be a problem for both Congress and taxpayers. Explain."

"After handing it over to Heiyun Group, the goal will be achieved soon. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. After all, the main task of the military is to fight and defend the country, not for you to do business."

In fact, there were some things that Caspar Weinberger was embarrassed to say; in his opinion, let these soldiers do business. It would be strange if you don't get tricked to death. It's only a matter of time before the company goes bankrupt.

A four-star general in the Air Force said: "Such a huge benefit cannot be left to an outsider. Many domestic companies can do it, such as Lockheed and Boeing. They have offices in many countries."

At this time, it felt like this was a piece of cake, but no one wanted to give up. They all want to fight for the sponsor and achieve their own goals.

This is a normal phenomenon and no one can say it is wrong. But everything must be based on reality and cannot always be based on one's own wishful thinking. However, Casper Weinberg also has to balance the interests of all parties and cannot talk the talk to death.

It’s not easy to be the Minister of Defense. After all, there are too many interests involved.

Casper Weinberg: "You are right. When good things happen, you are right to take care of your own people first. But we must proceed from reality. Many things cannot be wishful thinking."

"In my opinion, currently no company in the United States can complete this business. It's not that the capabilities and technology are not good, but that other companies have their limitations."

"The bulk of the arms sales this time are retired military vehicles, and most retired vehicles are produced by Jeep. Although U.S. military vehicles are well maintained, they are second-hand vehicles after all. Necessary measures such as overhaul, replacement of parts, and maintenance and repairs need to be carried out."

"This is true when we buy a second-hand car in the market, let alone military equipment."

"Domestic companies can produce accessories, which involves a series of issues such as technology patents. Even if Heiyun authorizes it, it will take time to set up a production line. Is it possible that the military will not start decommissioning military vehicles until the production line is completed."

"There is no way for domestic companies to regenerate decommissioned military vehicles when they buy them back. Currently, only Heiyun Motors has this capability. After all, all the drawings and technical data are ready-made, and there is no need for time to adjust and adapt."

"Even if the maintenance of military vehicles can be solved, how can the sales problem be solved? Heiyun Group's purchase of military vehicles is limited to the Middle East and China. Is it possible for Lockheed to develop the market in these two places? Even if it succeeds, it will take a long time."

"Heiyun Group Bao Zixuan has good relations with these two regions, and there is no problem of opening up new markets at all. The media reported that as long as he is willing, he can build a railway from Tel Aviv to Baghdad via Amman. This is not groundless, but it is true. You have this strength.”

"If you think about it, it is very difficult for us in the United States to accomplish this feat."

"Fortunately, this young man is just a businessman, otherwise he would definitely be a huge threat."

Defense Secretary Casper Weinberg’s words left everyone thinking. It’s no wonder the president nominated him to serve as secretary of defense. I considered the issue comprehensively and could not find any reason to refute it.

Ian Wright suddenly said: "If military helicopters and decommissioned warships are sold to Black Cloud Group, will there be a risk of leaking secrets?"

Casper Weinberg was very satisfied when he heard this, but the other generals showed disdain.

The four-star admiral of the Navy said: "These weapons and equipment have been retired. The United States has more powerful warships. And the Minister has already stated that they are small warships and will not affect the overall situation at all."

The sale of decommissioned naval warships must be replaced by new ships. Not only can it improve combat effectiveness, but you can also get a lot of benefits. This kid is still worried about leaking secrets, and he can't let him ruin the business.

The four-star general of the Air Force continued: "The U.S. Air Force has many retired and mothballed aircraft, and some products can no longer keep up with the pace of modernization strategies. But they are a treasure in backward countries, and the waste utilization is very good."

"Not only can you get a profit, but you can also free up valuable parking space. As for leaks, there is no need to worry at all, they are just some outdated products."

The Navy and Air Force have already expressed their stance, and the Army has no reason to object.

In fact, Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger understood why Ian Wright asked such a low-level question. It is to force the Navy and Air Force to express their stance. Only in this way can consensus be reached quickly.

With Ian Wright's knowledge of the US military's weapons and equipment, he certainly knows what the actual situation is.

Casper Weinberg smiled and said: "Since everyone has no objections, then the matter is settled. The Air Force and Navy will make a list, and the specific matters will be left to General Ian Wright to negotiate with the Black Cloud Group."

It can be said that the U.S. Department of Defense has made a decision at this time, and all the three armed forces of the sea, land and air force agree. The decommissioned weapons and equipment are handed over to the Heiyun Group, which is rare in history.

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