Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 537 Tycoons Gathering 2

Today, Bao Zixuan and Yuan Tianfan have a very clear division of labor. Bao Zixuan is responsible for receiving the super tycoons in Xiangjiang. After all, it is a great honor for them to come over, so it would be unreasonable not to receive them in person. President Yuan is responsible for receiving colleagues from the bank industry. He has worked at HSBC for many years and is very familiar with the Hong Kong Bank industry.

The opening of Heiyun Bank is a big event in all of Hong Kong, and ordinary citizens have great faith in Mr. Bao. Black Cloud Bank can directly convert Hong Kong dollars into US dollars and Japanese yen to help it exist, which is very attractive to ordinary people. In their view, the future of Hong Kong is not very clear, and false reports by the British media have caused many people to be very distrustful of the Hong Kong dollar.

In fact, it’s not just that they don’t believe in the Hong Kong dollar, but they are also worried about the future of Hong Kong. The Iron Lady went to Kyoto, China to negotiate, but nothing came of it. The future of Xiangjiang was uncertain.

Zhuang Xiaohui has been helping Xiangjiang Tycoon and his family handle business behind Bao Zixuan today. As a lobby manager at Hang Lung Bank, she is very familiar with all processes of banking business. She won the first place in the training assessment of all employees of Heiyun Bank and is very familiar with ATM machines. And the use of bank computer terminals also ranked first.

This made Bao Zixuan look at the banker's eldest lady with admiration. She seemed to be very capable. The other party's purpose may not be very pure, but one person can't make any trouble.

If the other party really wants to do well in Heiyun Bank, it would be a pity to fire him. Zhuang Qingquan has several houses and several sons. Even if he inherits the family business, it is probably not his daughter's turn. Thinking of this made Bao Shou feel relieved, so he would investigate for a while before talking.

In the past few days, Zhuang Xiaohui felt that the little knowledge she had learned in the bank was just superficial. ATM machines and computer terminal equipment can definitely lead the technological innovation of the banking industry. Therefore, Miss Zhuang cherishes this opportunity very much. She is the most diligent in studying among all the staff. In addition to her own intelligence, it is reasonable for her to get the first place in the assessment.

Miss Zhuang was not only surprised by the technology of Heiyun Bank, Heiyun itself is a technology company; Bao Zixuan is also a genius recognized by the world, and it is not surprising that he can develop any product. What shocked her now was the support of the super rich in Hong Kong for Black Cloud Bank. Dong Haoyun, Huo Yingdong, Li Chaoren, and Li Shauji were all dominant in an industry, but these people actually gave Bao Zixuan a lot of face. Everyone Come and open an account and deposit money.

After working in Xiangjiang for several years, I often see news about these people. Not only myself, but also my father visited him several times in person, but he didn't get any of them to cooperate.

Now these people actually come to Heiyun to save money. This is not something that can be done simply by having money. Seeing Bao Zixuan chatting and laughing with the super rich, Miss Zhuang was a little lost at this moment. The media's evaluation of the man in front of her as the number one diamond king in Hong Kong is not an exaggeration at all; he is even underestimated.

While Zhuang Xiaohui was thinking wildly, the boat chartering Wang family walked in. In fact, they had already arrived. It's just that Mr. Bao must go and see the surroundings of Tian Shui Wai, but he has never been there before.

Seeing that more than 10 square kilometers of land in front of him belongs to Bao Zixuan, Mr. Bao is very happy; especially seeing the learning environment of Yulin Institute of Technology, he is even more moved and incredibly proud. For a young man who started from scratch and earned such a huge fortune in 5 years, who in the world can do it?

Bao Zixuan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Bao, thank you for coming in person."

I heard that the other party is not in very good health, so being able to come in person is a great honor. I had pushed the Charter King to a great extent before, so this time the whole family supported Bao Shoufeng, so he had to show his support no matter what.

Before Su Haiwen could speak first, Bao Zixuan said first: "I heard that Su Sheng's shipping company specializes in carrying routes from Asia to Europe. It is very advantageous in terms of service and freight. Recently, Heiyun has been on the line from Xiangjiang to Poland. There are a lot of goods to be shipped. If Su Sheng is interested, come to the company to talk tomorrow and I will explain the matter. "

The Bao family was very happy to hear that Bao Zixuan actually took the initiative to ease the relationship. Among them, Su Haiwen finally felt relieved. He knew exactly how much his private actions cost the Bao family. His father-in-law gave up many titles and interests because of this, and he was also excluded from the ship king family.

Now that Bao Zixuan is actively seeking cooperation, it proves that the other party also wants this matter to go away. Su Haiwen still dared to object, so he quickly replied: "Thank you Mr. Bao for your understanding and support. I will definitely go to your company tomorrow to discuss cooperation matters."

Charter King: "Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Baosheng. Your bank is open today. I want to open an account, and everyone in the family needs to open an account. I am very confident about the bank opened by Mr. Baosheng."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan knew that the Su Haiwen incident had really passed, otherwise everyone would have felt that you had no tolerance for others. Among the super-rich Chinese in Hong Kong, the charter boat king definitely ranks first in terms of his relationship with HSBC. It is very rare to be able to bring the whole family to support the opening of Black Cloud Bank. This can easily cause Shen Bi to misunderstand, which is not a good thing for chartering a boat.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you for your trust, Heiyun Bank will never let you down."

The staff took the Bao family to handle business, but Mr. Bao refused to take a rest no matter what. If they had to go around the bank, everyone had no choice but to follow his request.

Nothing improved in the bank, so Bao Zixuan had to arrange for someone to take him to the vault and other places for a closer look; it would also be good to promote the security facilities of Heiyun Bank.

As soon as Bao and his family were settled, they saw Zheng Yutong coming over with his family. People can come here to cheer you up, but even if the two sides have conflicts, they can't break out at this time. The most important thing is that there is no deep hatred between them, at least this is what Bao Shaofou thinks.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Thank you Zheng Sheng for coming. Your arrival really makes Heiyun Bank shine."

Zheng Yutong: "Bao Sheng's opening of a bank is a big event in the whole of Hong Kong. How could I not come? This time it's not just me who's coming, I'm also bringing business to you."

"I heard that you have a lot of safes here. I'm going to rent a few. I don't know if it's convenient."

Although I don’t know what kind of medicine Zheng Yutong sells in his gourd, no matter what, he is doing business for you. Moreover, this is still the first day of business, and the business must be taken over no matter what. As for what kind of conspiracy there is, we can only look at it later, but we can't control that much now.

Bao Zixuan: "It's an honor for Heiyun that Zheng Sheng can trust me. You can rent as many safes as you want. Not just renting them, but selling them to you is no problem."

"Heiyun Bank's safes are all produced in-house. Both quality and performance are built to the highest standards in the industry. You can use them with confidence."

Mrs. Zheng said with a smile: "It would be great if Heiyun products could meet the demand. It would save us having to import from Europe every time. Not only is it expensive, but it is also very troublesome."

Bao Zixuan: "Mrs. Zheng, you can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem with Heiyun's products. I still have this confidence."

So they arranged for someone to take Zheng Yu and his family to the underground vault to check the details of the safe. Before going to the underground vault, Mrs. Zheng suddenly said: "Why don't you see Mrs. Bao? She usually takes good care of our Jiajia, and I want to thank her in person." .”

Although Bao Zixuan didn't know what Mrs. Zheng meant, since she cared about his mother, it would be too rude to not answer anything.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you Mrs. Zheng for your concern. My mother likes to be quiet and rarely comes out. Miss Zheng knows my mother's contact information. You can make an appointment together, otherwise she will be bored at home alone."

Bao Zixuan just wanted to let Li Yulin go out and walk around, but he didn't expect that just because of this sentence, he would bring a lot of trouble to himself. It would be better to make everyone unhappy. Of course, this is something to say later.

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