Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 536 Tycoons Gather 1

October 10, 1982, September 24 of the lunar calendar, Sunday; Headquarters of Black Cloud Bank, Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong.

She had specially calculated the date for the opening of the bank. Li Yulin knew that her son was opening a bank this time, so she specially found someone to calculate the auspicious date. The richest man will not refuse his mother's request. After all, it is for his own good. However, Li Yulin still did not come to attend the opening ceremony like other events, and this was not something that could be forced.

Bao Zixuan wore a crisp suit today and went to the barber to have it styled. The whole person looks very capable. Mr. Bao is not very interested in opening a bank. It is estimated that he will only attend such an event and will not come too many times in the future. After all, so many tycoons were invited this time. It would be disrespectful to the guests if they were not grand. Most importantly, he also wanted to give the citizens of Xiangjiang some confidence, at least in Heiyun Bank.

Customers have been arriving in the direction of Tin Shui Wai since 9 a.m. The Hong Kong government's highway has not yet been completely built from the urban area. Fortunately, the situation has changed a lot after arriving at the Tian Shui Wai Hei Yun site. Although the buildings have not been completely built, the roads have been planned and hardened accordingly.

Dong Haoyun was the first Xiangjiang tycoon to come to Heiyun Bank. Bao Zixuan smiled and said: "Mr. Dong, thank you very much for your honor."

Dong Haoyun not only came here by himself, but also brought his family here, not counting the fact that he also loaded a cart of cash behind him. He smiled and replied: "It's rare for you to hold an event, how could I not arrive earlier!"

"This time I am bringing clients here for you. Our family members have all opened a bank account at Heiyun Bank. Everyone will deposit 2 million Hong Kong dollars first. As for me, I will take the lead and deposit 100 million Hong Kong dollars first to open an account for you. .”

Bao Zixuan knew that this was truly helping him, so he quickly arranged for staff to handle the procedures for the Dong family.

The Dong family did not buy oil tankers as much as they did in the previous life, and they made a lot of money by investing in Baohuo Dong Mining Company. At this time, the Dong family was not short of money. The shipping business of Heiyun Group and Baohuodong Mining Company alone was already too busy, and the family had a lot of cash reserves.

The staff of Heiyun not only applied for bank cards and passbooks for everyone, but also applied for a credit card for each member of the Dong family; the limit was HKD 1 million, which has reached the bank's VIP customer standard. Dong Haoyun was treated differently from his family members. The two titanium alloy bank cards shone brightly under the light.

Bao Zixuan said; "Mr. Dong, please keep these two cards. One is your bank card, which contains 100 million Hong Kong dollars, which can be withdrawn at any time. The other is your credit card, with a credit limit of 100 million Hong Kong dollars. That means you can use this card to withdraw HKD 100 million from Heiyun Bank at any time, but you have to pay it back. There is a 30-45 day account period, so it will be very convenient to use in the future."

The staff of Heiyun Bank not only helped the Dong family handle deposits and credit card services, but also taught them how to use an ATM machine. The Dong family are all well-informed people, but they were also shocked by the scene in front of them. When they knew that they still had a credit card in their hands that could be overdrawn by 1 million Hong Kong dollars at any time, they felt that Bao Zixuan was still very proud and that the Dong family's hard work was not wasted.

Respect is mutual. If you want long-term cooperation, both parties must make sacrifices. The final outcome will definitely not be good if only one party gives unconditionally. Bao Zixuan handed over the transportation of Heiyun's goods to the Dong family. Now that they are opening a bank, the Dong family must express their gratitude no matter what.

Dong Haoyun saw his name on the credit card, and it turned out that Bao Zixuan had already prepared it. Even if he didn't deposit 100 million Hong Kong dollars, he would probably give him the card. This was a matter of face. Dong Haoyun went to the lounge to rest with satisfaction. After all, it was still early.

Bao Zixuan, the second person who came over, really didn't expect that Ye Deli and Ye Han came to Heiyun Bank together. The two of them were talking and laughing, but most people couldn't tell that they had conflicts in the management of the casino. Maybe it's because of his magnanimity, and also because Ye Deli doesn't care about any specific affairs. If there is a conflict, he is also the same as the gambling king.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you both for coming. I will keep this sentiment in my heart."

Ye Deli: "Last time, Mr. Baosheng, you drank us all down and left early, but it hurt me badly; I haven't recovered yet."

Bao Zixuan: "I am really in a hurry. I will hold on to it the next time I hold a party."

Ye Han smiled and said, "It's better not to interact with people like Ye Deli, otherwise your reputation in Xiangjiang will be ruined."

Ye Deli: "You're still talking about me, and your reputation isn't much better. We're here to save money, so why should Bao Sheng show up when he opens a bank?"

"But we are not as wealthy as others. I will first support you with 20 million Hong Kong dollars. Ahan, you can't be less wealthy than me!"

Ye Han: "Then I will also deposit 20 million Hong Kong dollars, and we will be Heiyun Bank customers in the future."

The relationship has not reached the level of that of Mr. Dong, but being able to support him like this is already a great honor. Heiyun employees prepared bank cards and passbooks for them, but they were all made of ordinary materials. In addition, a titanium alloy credit card was also applied for each person, with a limit of only 10 million Hong Kong dollars, although they could still afford a credit of 100 million Hong Kong dollars. But support is mutual. Relatives vary from far to near, and friends vary from depth to depth.

Huo Yingdong also brought his family to Black Cloud Bank. Mr. Huo was the happiest person about Bao Zixuan's entry into the banking industry. The strength of Chinese capital means the decline of British capital. This is what he wants to see most.

In Fok Yingdong's view, Hong Kong British-owned banks are too powerful, after all, there are HSBC and Standard Chartered. This resulted in none of the Chinese-funded banks being able to achieve scale. Most of the money of Xiangjiang citizens was deposited in British-funded banks, so he was not very reassured.

In Huo Yingdong's heart, the only person who could break the monopoly of British banks in Xiangjiang was Bao Zixuan. Even if he opened a bank himself, it would not help. The British themselves would not agree to him opening a bank. Even if they agreed, they would not have the strength to leverage HSBC's dominance in the Hong Kong Bank.

Bao Zixuan hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and said, "Thank you Mr. Huo for the honor. Mr. Dong is already waiting for you; just now I was asking you when you would arrive!"

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "I think I came here quite early. It seems that Mr. Dong is more concerned about this matter than me. I am happier that you can open a bank than I am. Now it should be Shen Bi's turn and he can't sleep. .”

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Huo is in love. Opening a bank was not my original intention. I was forced to have no choice but to unwind. I am not very good at the financial field. I will ask Mr. Huo for more guidance in the future."

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "I'm too old to give advice. But it's absolutely no problem to support me. I brought all my family over and opened an account for them in Heiyun Bank. From now on, Heiyun Bank will be the company's settlement company." Bank, I can only help you so much, the rest is up to you."

Bao Zixuan didn't expect Huo Yingdong to be so supportive. Not only did everyone in his family save 2 million Hong Kong dollars in Black Cloud Bank, but his old man also saved 100 million Hong Kong dollars. I should have said hello to Mr. Dong in advance. It is very rare to be able to trust him so much. The Huo family is a big family, and they have a lot of savings this time.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you Mr. Huo for your support. If the Huo family has any requests in the future, I will do my best."

Huo Yingdong went to chat with Dong Haoyun with a smile. Having Bao Zixuan as Cheng Ruo proved that there was nothing wrong in supporting him strongly. As the richest man in Hong Kong, Bao Zixuan's promise is very important. It is not something that can be measured by money, but the existence that can extend the life of the family at critical moments.

The Huo family had just left, and Li Chaoren and Li Zhaoji appeared together in the lobby of Heiyun Bank. Bao Zixuan communicated with the two people, and they were very generous. Each of them deposited 50 million Hong Kong dollars, which was regarded as opening an account at Heiyun Bank.

Bao Zixuan knew the achievements of these two later generations and did not hesitate to give him a titanium alloy credit card with a credit limit of 100 million Hong Kong dollars. Seeing his name on the card, Lee Shau Kee joked: "Aren't you worried that we won't pay back the money after we spend it?"

Bao Zixuan smiled and said: "If you two don't return it, I will have to accept it, but if you are kind, I don't care."

How dare two people do such a thing for the sake of fame, and the most important thing is that they are shareholders of Baohuodong Mining Company; if they don't pay back the money, they have to weigh it to see if it's worth it.

Li Chaoren and Li Shauji can each save 50 million, which is a big deal, especially since Li Chaoren is a Chinese director of HSBC. HSBC has played a big role in its rapid development, and Shen Bi has absolutely nothing to say about his support.

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