Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 509 The British defeated miserably

After Prince Sultan finished speaking, he smiled, leaving the confused Bao Zixuan standing there. This old guy is really interesting, he actually made the idea come to his head.

But doing business with the big players in the Middle East is a pleasure, as long as they like it, it doesn't matter how much or how little money they have. Making money has never been difficult for them. As long as they dig a few oil wells, the money will come naturally.

The British surprise attack on the Argentine presidential palace made the Xiangjiang monster ground-effect aircraft a hot topic among military fans around the world. It also gave countries around the world a new understanding of this weapon. Although the Americans felt very uncomfortable after seeing that Saudi Arabia had placed an order, domestic companies did not have similar products, and they could not say anything even if they wanted to stop them.

In the end, Ian Wright placed an order for three ground-effect aircraft to the Black Cloud Group on behalf of the U.S. military. They were all original versions with no changes. However, Bao Zixuan knew that after returning, they would definitely upgrade the computer system, replace electronic components that were at risk of leakage, and conduct targeted research; but this had nothing to do with him.

Bao Zixuan's mission is to sell as many ground-effect aircraft as possible and obtain enough funds before the Xiangjiang real estate crisis. Only in this way can he complete the layout. In the next decades or even hundreds of years, he will not have to worry about a prodigal son in the family and losing all the family property.

Seeing that the United States and Saudi Arabia have already taken action, it may take a long time until they take action. As a result, many countries have placed purchase orders for ground-effect aircraft to Heiyun Group. In less than a week, 44 Xiangjiang Monsters were sold. It can be said that production in the next three years has no worries. More importantly, Heiyun Group has obtained received large sums of money.

At this time, the Falklands War had entered a critical moment. Encouraged by the surprise attack on the Argentine Presidential Palace led by Major Paulson, the morale of the British army was high, and the speed of the attack was also increased a lot.

Although the Argentines have light weapons in their hands, they have a lot of individual missiles. As a result, the British lost many tanks, armored vehicles and helicopters every time they advanced. Seeing so many Soviet-made weapons, the British soldiers hated the Soviets. What made them even more angry were the domestic MI6 group. Did all these people with high wages grow up eating shit? The Soviets shipped so many weapons without receiving any news before, causing such heavy losses during the attack.

Even the commander-in-chief of the task force, John Federhouse, was dissatisfied with MI6 because their intelligence errors led to heavy casualties among soldiers. They must look good when they return to China after the war is won. These people are really abominable.

The Argentine navy and air force were completely damaged at this time, except for the weapons required to ensure the minimum needs of local defense. Basically all of them were dispatched to the Falklands. Even so, the defenders of the Falklands have been unable to receive supplies. European and American countries have imposed an arms embargo on Argentina. It can be said that one piece is used less. The British army is consuming the weapons and ammunition of the Argentine defenders. The Falkland Islands have been blockaded by them, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

Major Paulson once again received a combat mission. Originally, John Federhouse was no longer prepared to send this unit to continue fighting. But now the frontline soldiers have suffered heavy losses, and there is no way to replace the troops in the country in a short period of time, which makes John Federhaus once again pin his hopes on the troops coming from Xiangjiang.

Currently, there is one ground-effect aircraft that has not been repaired, but we can't take care of that much. Without the two units complementing each other, it would be difficult to form a combat effectiveness. Major Paulson chose to carry out the decapitation operation; he prepared to attack the enemy headquarters and end the war.

Major Paulson led two ground-effect aircraft to attack again, but the power of one aircraft was only 70% of normal, and the bottom was still damaged. Fortunately, the combat radius is very short, and the weight can be reduced by reducing the fuel load so that the aircraft can barely operate normally.

At this time, the Argentine defenders were at the end of their game, and their weapons and ammunition were basically exhausted. The last weapons previously stored by the Soviets have been distributed to soldiers by commander Major General Menendez. This is the last inventory; once the weapons are exhausted, Argentine soldiers can only fight the enemy with bare hands.

This made Major General Menendez once feel that launching the Falklands War was a wrong move. Although Britain has declined, its military strength is still unmatched by Argentina. At present, the country has nothing to rely on and can only pin its hopes on the defenders on the island.

Major Paulson said to his soldiers: "We have completed the previous two combat missions very well. This may be our last mission in the Falklands campaign; it may even be the last action in your military career."

"For the sake of our uniform and our honor, let those who look down upon us go to hell!"

After saying that, they boarded the aircraft without hesitation, and the soldiers flew with the commander in the direction of the Argentine headquarters with their guns loaded.

MI6 finally did something reliable this time. The intelligence personnel have mastered the specific location of the Argentine garrison headquarters. They also understand that the external positions are under great pressure and the Argentinian garrison headquarters does not have sufficient troops.

Along the way, the pilot maximized the power of the ground-effect aircraft and also turned on the frequency that interfered with Soviet-made missiles. In order to cooperate with their actions, John Federhaus ordered the frontline soldiers to violently attack the Argentinian positions without giving them a chance to return reinforcements.

But even so, the ground-effect aircraft that had not been repaired was still directly attacked by three shoulder-fired missiles. The damage to the power of the aircraft was even more serious, and it required major repairs even after returning.

The Argentine army also knew the purpose of the British's ground-effect aircraft, but there was no way to stop it at this time. They could only watch them fly overhead and attack the headquarters.

Major General Menendez had only one disabled company and less than a hundred guards. The number of British people in the two ground-effect aircraft should be about 500, which made him realize that this battle was likely to be the end of his military career, but he had no choice for the sake of the country.

A ground-effect aircraft began to shoot down, and another one began to land, and at the same time people disembarked from the aircraft. What made the Argentinian soldiers very angry was that the bullets hitting the British aircraft had no effect at all. But at the moment they did not have heavy weapons and could only use rifles to shoot at the British from a distance.

The Xiangjiang Monster is equipped with the most advanced infrared night vision and thermal imaging devices. Even in the dark, the Argentine defenders can't hide. The war has shown a one-sided trend, but as the guard commander's unit, its combat effectiveness is absolutely among the best in the Argentine army, and its will to fight is very strong. The force attacking them in front of them is probably the British army attacking the Presidential Palace. The British must not be allowed to win so easily.

Major Paulson also discovered something strange about the enemy. Now it seems that if he wants to capture the enemy's headquarters, he will inevitably suffer heavy losses. However, he had no other choice but to be kind to the families of his fallen comrades.

Every charge by the British army was blocked by the Argentine army. Major Paulson directly let the injured aircraft approach and shoot at the enemy. He knew that this would make the aircraft more seriously damaged, but for the sake of victory, he didn't care about anything else.

Under the strong firepower of the British army, the Argentine defenders finally couldn't hold it anymore. Seeing this situation, Major General Menendez made the most difficult and painful decision in his life, asking the Guardsmen to lay down their weapons and choose to surrender to the British.

With the surrender of the commander, Major General Menendez, the outer defenders no longer resisted. It can be said that the Falklands War has basically ended at this time, but even Britain, as the victor, cannot laugh at this time.

In the previous Falklands War, 258 people were killed and 775 injured on the British side; 649 people were killed and 1,068 injured on the Argentine side. It is already a large number for both countries. After all, the war has entered the stage of high-tech modernization; it is not the armored group charge operation during World War II. The number of people participating in the war is relatively small, and such large casualties are rare.

But in this life, under the influence of Bao Zixuan, both sides suffered several losses in personnel, equipment, and military expenditures. A total of 1,346 people were killed and 3,125 wounded on the British side; 3,156 people were killed and 7,223 wounded on the Argentine side.

Both sides suffered heavy losses, especially the Argentine side, which had few combat aircraft in the country at this time. The strength of the air force dropped directly from the second in South America to just outside the tenth place. If the war continues, the mainland may be attacked by neighboring countries. It can be said that it will no longer be able to fight. The British side's own domestic fiscal deficit is staggering, and the economy cannot support their continued fight.

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