Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 2025 Target Pirate 2

The Soviets made it clear that they wanted to impose conditions on themselves, and the other party would be so kind. You must know that the polar bear is a winner who can't see the rabbit but the hawk, and will never give special treatment to Somalia.

After all, the core interests of the Soviet Union are not with them; to be precise, polar bears have never been interested in Africa, especially after the new leader came to power; the attitude should not be too clear!

The sudden change made people confused for a moment, but Ali Mahdi Muhammad knew very well that he had no choice at this time.

We must show our domineering power and ambition, and we must not let the Soviets look down upon us!

Ali Mahdi Mohammed seemed to have made up his mind and said without hesitation: "Since Your Excellency is so forthcoming, I don't need to hide it; it can be said that the current situation in Somalia is out of control, not only in the Republic of Somaliland in the north ; Other warlords are also ready to make a move."

"Although I am the president of Somalia in name only, my orders are only limited to the five nearby states; no one elsewhere obeys my orders at all."

"That is to say, 70% of the land and people are not within my jurisdiction!"

They are all foxes for thousands of years, there is no need to hide it; now that the Soviets have come to the door, it means that the other party has investigated the situation clearly.

Unexpectedly, the other party was quite honest and considered a smart person; then things would be much simpler.

The Soviet representative thought for a moment and said: "We know something about your situation; we are here with sincerity this time!"

"So if you have any needs, you can put them forward; everything is easy to discuss!"

The intelligence that the Soviet Union wanted to master, let alone Somalia; the United States may not be able to prevent it. It's better to be direct and show some sincerity!

Allowing yourself to make demands may seem very generous on the surface; but the price you need to pay in the future will definitely not be small.

Ali Mahdi Muhammad said very seriously: "To completely quell the civil war, we need to prepare at least 100,000 weapons and equipment. Of course, it would be great if the Soviet Union can send military advisers!"

Although there are many separatist forces in Somalia, their strength is not very strong; even the weapons and equipment of many troops are still at the level of World War I.

As long as the Soviets are willing to help, all problems will be solved.

At this time, the interim president did not know that the Rothschild family was preparing to enter the game; and was supporting former President Barre as a puppet!

Under normal circumstances, one hundred thousand soldiers equipped with active Soviet weapons can indeed quell the civil strife in Somalia. The premise of everything is that there is no external intervention. It can only be said that the interim president's ideas are too simple.

Perhaps it has a lot to do with my own lack of experience and lack of knowledge.

The Soviet representative did not speak, but took out the laptop he had prepared.

Although Eric Rothschild was very cautious, what he didn't know was that Bao Zixuan's layout was earlier.

Although Barre is a toothless tiger, he has been the president of Somalia for twenty years after all. Since he wants to take action against Somalia, he must be fully prepared!

Barre's mansion in Lagos; surveillance equipment is everywhere; not only that, there are miniature cameras in many places. The former president of Somalia had no secrets at all in front of Bao Zixuan.

Seeing the picture on the laptop, Ali Mahdi Muhammad immediately lost his composure. Although Barre left, to be precise, he fled and sought political asylum.

But after all, he has served as the president of the country for twenty years, and his influence cannot be underestimated; if the other party finds foreign aid, his life as the interim president will definitely not be easy.

The legality has always been questioned, and there is basically no national recognition; at this time, Barre appeared, and he felt very unsure.

A KGB agent's ability to observe people's emotions is definitely at the ceiling level; therefore, he basically knows every move of the interim president and his inner thoughts.

Barre becomes nervous when he is alone, and when he adds the Rothschild family, he is still scared to death!

Ali Mahdi Mohammed has seen some of the market, otherwise he would not be qualified to be president; he quickly reacted.

Even if you are not very calm at the moment, you must pretend to be calm; you must not let the Soviets laugh!

Ali Mahdi Muhammad said extremely seriously: "Thank you for the intelligence provided by your country. It seems that Barre cannot be underestimated."

A politician who has been the president of Somalia for more than 20 years has some means; he thought it would be difficult to make a comeback before, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, the other party became restless and contacted external forces in an attempt to regain power.

Thinking about it on the other hand, since the Soviets have produced video materials, there must be a way to deal with it. It's better to listen to what the other party has to say first, and it's not too late to make a decision.

At this time, the interim president has already thought of an escape route. The worst he can do is be like Barre; if he goes into exile, he can at least save his family.

The Soviet representative smiled and said: "Your Excellency may not know that the person negotiating with Barre is from the Rothschild family; and he is also the most valued son of the current patriarch; he is very likely to take over as the patriarch in the future."

Ali Mahdi Muhammad did not know Eric Rothschild; but when he heard the name of the Rothschild family, he instantly became nervous.

As a high-level official in the country, he naturally knew what this surname represented; the Rothschild family was involved, and together with Barre; perhaps there was really no other way besides running away.

Domestic warlords are already a headache, and they can deal with them with the support of the Soviet Union; when Barre returns, there will be great changes.

You must know that the area he currently controls is Barre's traditional sphere of influence. After returning, he can still attract many people with a wave of his arms.

With strong backup at this moment, it is definitely a dead end.

The strength of the Rothschild family is no secret in the world; it is perfect for them to be extremely wealthy.

But seeing how calm the Soviets were, it seemed like the polar bears really didn’t need to give them face. One of the two superpowers in the world, no matter how powerful the Rothschild family is, it seems that it is not enough.

We must hug the Soviet Union tightly. Once a person has power, he does not want to lose it.

Ali Mahdi Muhammad thought for a moment and said: "Barre offended many people during his time in power; even if he comes back, he will not make any waves."

"But if the Rothschild family gets involved, it's a different matter. I don't know what good ideas you can do!"

To untie the bell, the person tying the bell must look at the other person’s confident expression; they should have a way to deal with it, otherwise they won’t take the initiative to come to the door!

It would be too incompetent to say that even Barre can't understand it; if you want to be the polar bear's agent, you must have certain abilities yourself.

If you can't even handle the domestic forces, why should they support you?

After hearing this, the Soviet representative was still very satisfied. The old boy in front of him still had some ability.

It's time to cheer up the other party, otherwise it will be easy to get confused!

The representative of the Soviet Union smiled and said: "The Rothschild family has been coveting Somalia for more than a day or two, and has prepared a lot of weapons and equipment for this."

"But these are nothing in front of the powerful Soviet Union. To put it bluntly, how can you guarantee the interests of the Soviet Union!"

Profit is the key. If there is no benefit, who will take the initiative to help you!

Since there is no way out, the only option is to burn the boat.

Ali Mahdi Mohammed said firmly: "Currently, there are 30 tons of gold in the Somali treasury, which can all be handed over to your country for the purchase of weapons and equipment and the hiring of military consultants."

"As for the shortcomings, we can wait until the matter is settled; both parties are re-discussing the distribution of interests!"

It is absolutely true that a rotten ship still has three thousand nails; Somalia is a country the size of a country, and no matter how poor it is, it still has some wealth.

Africa is rich in gold, and although the gold mines in Somalia are not large, there are still some.

30 tons can be said to be the entire Somali national treasury, which means that Barre left in a hurry; he did not have time to pack, which is why Ali Mahdi Mohammed was cheap.

Now that it's a matter of life and death, guns and guns are the only source of confidence; nothing else matters!

The Soviet representative smiled and said: "As long as there is gold, everything is easy to discuss; the weapons and equipment will be handed over to you later."

"In addition, we will provide necessary intelligence support. The Rothschild family's march route is not a secret!"

It seems that the other party is quite well prepared, but this is good; it saves a lot of time.

There is absolutely no doubt about the intelligence capabilities of the KGB; as long as the Rothschild family's advance route is obtained, it is only a matter of time before the enemy is defeated; Ali Mahdi Muhammad is still very confident in this!

After that, the two sides communicated some details and confirmed that everything was in order; the Soviet representative chose to leave!

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