Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 2024 Target Pirate 1

In fact, the Rothschild family chose the wrong target from the beginning. The warlords in Somalia are indeed not weak; Barre also has some influence. But it has never been them that will truly have a voice in the future, or that will pose a threat to foreign invasion; it will be pirate organizations, large and small.

So after hearing the report from his subordinates, Eric ran to Lagos to find Barre, the former president of Somalia; Bao Zixuan suddenly had a new idea in his mind.

After planning for so long, the Rothschild family will definitely not give up if they do not achieve their set goals; but it is still necessary for them to pay more in the process!

Bao Zixuan smiled and said: "Mohammed Siad Barre is a tiger who has lost his teeth. To say he is a tiger is to praise him, but he is a politician without much ability. There is still a big gap between him and a politician."

"It seems that the Rothschild family has never controlled the power of the country for so many years; it is not unreasonable. God is very fair and gives people unparalleled business acumen, but they must be worse in other aspects!"

"Now that the Rothschild family has taken action, we naturally cannot remain idle; we will pass on their marching route and direction of attack to Ali Mahdi Mohammed and Abdullahid, as to whether they can seize the opportunity. ; it is not within the scope of our consideration.”

"Of course, if the two parties want to buy weapons and equipment, they can provide them; no minerals are required, it must be hard currency."

Somalia is really too chaotic. Who knows how long the two of them can hold on after the Rothschild family enters the situation. If it were other countries, there would be no problem in using minerals as collateral; Somalia was never within the scope of Bao's consideration!

Now that the subordinates have understood the intention, there is no need to say anything more; just provide a direction and let the subordinates develop freely; otherwise, how can they grow.

However, some reminders are still necessary. Bao Zixuan thought for a moment and continued: "Pay close attention to the trends of major pirate organizations in Somalia. To be honest, I am more optimistic about their future development."

Although I don’t understand what the boss means, since he made the request, as a subordinate, I naturally have to pay attention to it.

It's no wonder that the subordinates have doubts, compared to the warlords; pirates at this time are not popular at all, otherwise the Rothschild family would not ignore them!

The action speed of the Heiyun Intelligence Department is not slow at all. Another advantage is that it can leave it to the KGB to complete matters that are not convenient for them to come forward.

The current special fund provided by the Heiyun Group is already approaching Moscow's allocation for the KGB, which shows how crazy Bao Zixuan is.

Of course, providing so much funding is not without any effect; intelligence sharing is only one aspect. The most important thing is that there is no opportunity for European and American countries to take advantage of.

In history, there were many KGB members who were traitors, and their wealth was very attractive. When the country could not provide them with satisfactory salaries, it would be difficult to resist the temptation of huge sums of money!

Now that there is extra income provided by Heiyun, facing the small favors from European and American countries, I really look down on it, not to mention defectors, but it is definitely very few!

It is not the time to fall out with the Rothschild family yet, and we cannot allow the other party to take any advantage; this is the bottom line. Therefore, the task of contacting the two so-called presidents was naturally handed over to the KGB!

One country, two presidents; that's the situation in Somalia. From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that it would be strange if the country is not in chaos!

Since the overthrow of the Barre regime in 1991, Somalia has been plunged into civil war and multiple regimes coexist. In February of the same year, Ali Mahdi Mohamed established a new government, proclaimed himself interim president, and changed the country's name to the Republic of Somalia. In May of the same year, northern Somalia declared independence and established the Republic of Somaliland, with Abdulrahman Ahmed Ali Toure as president.

It is precisely because of the existence of two presidents that gunfire continues in Somalia every day. As the saying goes, there are no two days in the sky and no two masters among the people. Naturally, there must be a distinction between high and low, otherwise how can we just give up?

That night, two uninvited guests came to the house of Somali interim president Ali Mahdi Mohammed. The interim president still welcomes this.

You must know that these two people are from the Soviet Union, so it is self-evident what they represent.

The legality has always been questioned. If we can get the support of polar bears, many problems will be solved.

I also knew in my heart that the Soviet Union was gradually declining; but a camel was so thin that it was bigger than a horse. Just a little leakage from the cracks of your fingers is enough to pacify the entire Somalia.

On the surface, he is from the Soviet Union, but in fact he has already joined the Black Cloud Intelligence Department; everything is to serve Bao Zixuan. In order to attract available talents, Mr. Bao is definitely willing to spend money.

In his previous life, Ali Mahdi Muhammad passed away in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, at the age of 82. In memory of the former president, flags across Somalia were flown at half-mast for three days as a sign of mourning; it is not difficult to see from here. While in power, you still have to do something; otherwise, the people in the country will not mourn you and wish you would die soon!

The Soviet representative said very politely: "Hello, President Muhammad!"

"First of all, on behalf of the Soviet Union, I would like to congratulate you on your election as president; I believe that under your leadership, Somalia will soon get out of the quagmire!"

"The Soviet Union has always been peace-loving and does not want to see the Somali people living in dire straits!"

I came up to express congratulations first, and I have already made my attitude clear; it depends on whether Ali Mahdi Muhammad is sensible or not. If you can't even understand this, you have nothing to say; of course the other party's political wisdom is not that great!

However, it is a bit nonsense to mention that the Soviet Union has always been peace-loving; Lao Maozi is known as a fighting nation. For so many years, he has either supported which country in war or ended up personally.

Without the United States and the Soviet Union, it is estimated that the wars in the world could be reduced by at least half!

But at this moment, the interim president of Somalia does not dare to say it to his face; when he needs the support of major powers, he does not dare to offend others easily.

Besides, being able to come here is already enough face; what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Ali Mahdi Muhammad said very seriously: "Thank you for your country's support. The Soviet Union deserves to be a superpower; it really has the demeanor of a great power."

"I didn't have much confidence in my heart before. I believe that with your country's support, the civil war in Somalia will end soon."

There is no such thing as a free lunch. As a president, how could he not know this? But there is currently no other way. It is already very difficult for Lao Maozi to come here; therefore, he will not hesitate to pay any price!

France has the final say on whether Africa will be in chaos, but who would have thought that the Gallic Rooster would defeat Niger; it would fall apart at the critical moment. In addition, things are not going away at home, so I don’t have the energy to participate in other things.

They also took the initiative to seek help from the United States, but they did not respond at all. Recently, the United States has always focused on the Soviet Union and has no time to look elsewhere.

Of course, representatives were also sent to Moscow, but Lao Maozi’s answer at that time was ambiguous; Ali Mahdi Muhammad was a little confused.

Now it seems that the other party is not ignoring it, but is analyzing the situation; who should they support? Sending a representative here today is a statement of attitude.

In addition, it depends on whether his side is strong. If the polar bear cannot be satisfied, it is estimated that the other party will immediately support other forces.

At present, the most indispensable thing in Somalia is warlords. There are many people who want to embrace the Soviet Union; they may even betray their ancestors to a certain extent in order to gain support!

When warlords divide their regimes, they either destroy their opponents or they are destroyed by their opponents. Apart from this, there is no other way to choose.

If you want to die a good death, you can only go all the way to the dark side; now it is not only a matter of personal life and death, but also a matter of the rise and fall of the entire family!

Once it is annexed by other forces, the fate of the family will definitely not be much better; it is scary to think about it.

The price Ali Mahdi Muhammad paid has not yet been clearly defined; so I wanted to hear what the Soviets had to say.

Of course, even if the conditions are harsh, he will grit his teeth and agree; if he does not make compromises, it is tantamount to taking advantage of his competitors!

The Soviet representative thought for a moment and said: "We have always expressed sympathy for the suffering of the Somali people; therefore, we also want to help you end the civil war as soon as possible."

"Even if I don't tell you, you know Somalia's industrial capabilities; so I want to see what I can do to help."

"If you have any needs, you can tell me."

The two sides are constantly testing, and Bao Zixuan also wants to know how ambitious the interim president is, especially after seeing the Soviet representative coming in person!

From how many weapons and equipment we need to obtain, it is not difficult to analyze how many results we want to achieve; they are all experts, and it is simply unrealistic to hide them!

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