Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 160 Someone really dares to cause trouble at HSBC

The HSBC dinner invites everyone to get together, and then some HSBC stockbrokers will recommend stock and fund information. As long as one purchase from the customers contacted at this time will bring about a chain reaction.

This results in the HSBC Banquet having the largest number of attendees every year, but also the most uneven quality of personnel. Many big guys wouldn't come here if it weren't for Shen Bi's sake.

After all, many members of the club know that there are many opportunities for HSBC banquets, and the wine they drink every time is red wine from Europe's top wineries. Bankers are not stingy in this regard.

As the chief executive of HSBC, Shen Bi must make an opening statement, and he dressed up carefully today. Wearing a smart tailor-made suit, his hair is meticulously combed. He wanted to use this gesture to show people the style of a British gentleman.

Shen Bi said to everyone: "Welcome to HSBC. Another year has passed before we know it. HSBC has achieved remarkable results during this year, which is inseparable from the support and love of everyone here. I represent HSBC here." From all my colleagues, I would like to express my gratitude to you all, thank you.”

"Hong Kong is a magical place. Its area is hard to find on the world map. But such an inconspicuous small town has repeatedly created economic miracles. The per capita GDP of Xiangjiang can be ranked among the top ten in the world. Its economy The total amount is larger than that of the average country. It can be said that this is a fertile land. However, the rapid economic growth is also inseparable from the contribution of the people of Xiangjiang to this report card. HSBC is only possible because of the support of countless smart and hard-working Xiangjiang people. Rapidly developing.”

"Today is a thank you banquet prepared by HSBC to thank those who have helped us move forward in the past years. I hope all friends will be welcome and enjoy it!"

After Shen Bi finished speaking, the banquet began to turn into an exchange meeting, and stockbrokers began to come out. Recommend their stocks, funds and financial plans to target customers.

Seeing this situation, Bao Zixuan really regretted coming here today. The HSBC banquet was just like this. Watching women dressed in fancy clothes and spraying heavy perfumes walking back and forth in the hall competing for their beauty. Is this a bank party or picking up girls at a bar. I really don’t know what HSBC thinks, this is the pattern.

In fact, Shen Bi is also very helpless. If HSBC wants to retain a sufficient customer base, it must deal with people from all walks of life. Many club members are big donors in this era. Their cash flow is very abundant, which allows HSBC to absorb the deposits of many such people.

For the sake of face, these club members would bring women with them every time they came to attend the HSBC banquet, so that Ma Zi could see that we were also high-class people. Over time, this phenomenon has resulted.

Bao Zixuan was eating alone in the corner, which had become his normal behavior at banquets. But if you don't bother others, there will always be some blind people who will definitely mess with you.

Chen Yulian is just an ordinary TVB actor now and was not qualified to participate in such a banquet. However, in order to increase the actor's reputation, Ms. Fang will also bring some new potential stocks to join in the fun.

Chen Yulian, who had no interest in this, was also eating in the corner. Logically speaking, no matter how low-level the HSBC banquet was, no one would dare to cause trouble here. But what a coincidence that some members of the club really dare to do this.

Buck-toothed Zhang is the absolute backbone of Hesheng Club, and few people know his name. But when it comes to buck-toothed Zhang Na, he is definitely a figure that everyone in Xiangjiang and Casino Road knows, and they will all give him face.

Originally, I wanted to dress decently for the HSBC banquet, or at least look like a successful person. But today at noon, his good friend from the casino came over to Xiangjiang. They hadn't seen each other for a long time and they were in a state of confusion. In the end, Bengyaju was carried back to the ship. After sending his brothers away, Bucktooth Zhang thought about the HSBC banquet he wanted to attend. I just asked my younger brother to send him to the HSBC headquarters.

When I arrived at Huifong, I had already drank too much with my teeth buckled. After I came in, I drank a lot with a few people on the street. Once people are drunk, they become a little drifting and forgetful. His eyes light up when he sees a beautiful woman, but he also knows how to attack a woman who is alone. This is the rule in the dance hall. If you meet that big brother woman, it will not be easy for you.

But when it's time to take advantage, he will never let it go. He has taken advantage of many girls along the way. Suddenly seeing Chen Yulian in the corner, she was overjoyed.

He came to Chen Yulian with buck teeth and said: "Beautiful girl, you are alone!" How lonely. Do you want your brother to accompany you?

After saying that, he put his hand on Chen Yulian's shoulder, with an expression as vulgar as possible. He treats this place like a bar, and he watches the scene by himself.

Smelling the smell of alcohol from the other party, Chen Yulian was disgusted and said: "Sir, you have drunk too much, please respect yourself." At the same time, she took the buck-toothed hand away from her shoulder.

Buck-toothed Zhang is now in a state, how can he let go easily? He hasn't seen such a beautiful girl for a long time.

Buck-toothed: "Beautiful girl, I am buck-toothed. I cover this area. As long as you keep your brother company, you will never suffer."

Chen Yulian didn't want to cause trouble. She couldn't afford to offend anyone who came to HSBC for the banquet today. He hid in the corner, but Bare Teeth was completely drunk, so when he saw the beautiful woman, he thought he wanted to run away, thinking he was playing hard to get. He grabbed Chen Yulian, but unfortunately he didn't catch him. Instead, he knocked all the food in Bao Zixuan's hand to the ground.

When Bao Zixuan still didn't know what was going on, he bucked his teeth and said loudly: "Boy, stop minding your own business. Get out of my way quickly, you won't be easy if you offend me."

At this time, Bao Zixuan saw the look in the eyes of a beautiful woman helping him beside him and immediately understood what was going on. Moreover, the man in front of him did not look like a good person.

The sound he made while bucking his teeth was quite loud, and it had already attracted some people nearby. Seeing the buck-toothed man shouting, the club members knew that this kid had drunk too much and was definitely going to cause trouble. However, this was not a venue, but the headquarters of HSBC Bank. The courage to show one's teeth is really getting bigger now.

Bao Zixuan: "Sir, there is a way to chase girls, and I didn't seem to offend you when I was eating here just now. It was you who knocked my food to the ground first, and now you are telling me to get out of the way; What do you mean!"

Buck-toothed, he didn't expect that someone would dare to talk to him like this. In line with the principle of keeping his mouth shut when he can do something, he waved his fist and ran straight up to Bao Zixuan's head.

Fortunately, Bao Zixuan reacted quickly and blocked it, otherwise he would definitely have suffered a loss. Buck-toothed Zhang saw that this kid dared to fight back. It was a big deal, so he took out the swing knife on his body.

Bao Zixuan also didn't expect that the other party would bring a knife to the banquet and dare to take it out in public in the hall. For a moment, I didn't notice that the buck teeth slashed my arm, and blood started to flow down. However, Bao Zixuan kicked him to the ground despite his buck teeth.

Blood flowed from the arms and penetrated the clothes. Many timid girls screamed when they saw this situation. After Shen Bi and Pu Weishi learned what happened, they began to lose their composure. The injured person was Bao Zixuan, and the main reason he was injured was while protecting a lady at the HSBC banquet. This has a huge impact on HSBC. You can't even guarantee the safety of your customers, so what qualifications do you have to protect your customers' money?

Bao Zixuan pressed the wound on his left hand with his right hand and said: "Senior Shen, you should already understand the situation. You can take care of the matter! Today is a good day for HSBC, so I will leave without causing trouble for you. If HSBC can't solve it, I also have a thousand and eight people who can handle it myself.

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