Rebirth of the Burning Era

Chapter 51: business expansion

After the presentation, the phone call and on-site registration and payment of the new era continued for another ten days. The first phase of the registration work came to an end, and the class officially started.

By the time the class started, the total number of paid students had indeed exceeded the 500 mark.

In fact, on the morning of the third day of the seminar, more than 500 people paid the fee.

At last count, the total number reached 687.

Since it is the first phase of the school, the class classification and teaching materials of the courses are still very simple.

Subject classification, temporarily divided into three simple classes: the cheapest English knowledge intensive class, not for the purpose of examination, only to improve the ability of spoken English grammar; the sprint abroad class, for the purpose of going abroad, targeted training; the most expensive One-stop service class, the tutoring class is specially guided by the teacher to run the process, and anyone who does not need to go in person can do it on his behalf.

According to statistics, the most expensive train and the cheapest intensive class have the largest number of applicants, accounting for more than 80% of the total.

In terms of textbooks, I compiled a temporary book based on the combination of college English textbooks, examination papers over the years and teachers' personal experiences.

I haven't finished editing it yet. According to Liang Yifei's suggestion, the teaching materials can be adjusted while the class is in progress. There is no need to wait until everything is ready. It doesn't matter if you are in a hurry.

The teacher's class hour fee has risen to 45 yuan per class, and there are related subsidies. After all, it is 35 yuan per class at the beginning, which is actually equal to 50 yuan per class.

This amount of money is not just for the cost of substitute lessons.

Not to mention the teacher, even the old guard of the textile factory has raised his salary. In addition to covering his water and electricity bills, he still has 150 yuan a month, plus he still has a job in the textile factory. The old guard at the door, whose net worth is higher than that of the director of an ordinary small factory, patrols everywhere with a lame leg every day.

Liang Yifei's requirements for the staff are very simple. You can be incompetent, but you must be willing to work hard. You can have a temper, but you must have the ability. In a word, as long as you are willing to work, his boss is willing to give money.

In fact, there is no shortage of people who are willing to work these days. What is lacking is the way to make money. With a boss like Liang Yifei, the enthusiasm of the faculty and staff is very high!

Now the new era is really not short of money. In terms of tuition, a total of 400,000 is paid.

After calculating the account, after removing the cost and various expenses in this period, the net profit is close to 300,000.

However, according to Liang Yifei's style of spending 'big money', the follow-up cost designation has to be increased. If the cram school recruits so many students at once, it must also recruit teachers and even full-time staff. In the end, there are four in the first phase. The monthly profit should not be that much.

The most conservative estimate is that the profit looks like 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a month.

Compared to earning tens of thousands of dollars just by making an idea, it is not much, but it is very stable.

And as the scale of the cram school expands, it will also rise in the future.

When the cram school started, Liang Yifei temporarily skipped the night class. He was in the warehouse every day, doing errands during the day and listening to the class at night. Then he put forward targeted opinions on the teacher's curriculum, and then worked with the teachers to continuously improve the teaching materials and revisions. teaching style.

After listening to the class for a period of time, Liang Yifei felt that there is still a big gap between the current new era and the mainstream tutoring institutions on the market: there are few teachers, the teachers' ability and skills are insufficient, the curriculum arrangement is relatively simple, and there is competition. Not strong enough... blah blah blah.

However, in the survey of students, it was found that the response of the students was generally good, the evaluation of the new era was very good, and the teaching was satisfactory.

The reason is that Liang Yifei is a traveler who has seen and eaten before, and can compare the best cram schools in the new era with those of later generations; the students are not, their benchmarks for comparison can only be other small cram schools, private tutors and schools. educate.

Compared with the latter, the educational thinking, educational ability and methods and policies of the new era are at least half an era ahead!

"Leading now does not mean that you will always be ahead in the future. In other words, if you are getting a high salary now, it does not mean that you will always be able to get it in the future!"

After the one-week course was over, Liang Yifei called a few teachers together and held an internal meeting.

The words were serious, but the teachers participating in the meeting, including Liang Yifei, looked very relaxed.

After all, the cram school got off to a good start, and it opened prosperously. The teachers' incomes have increased, and Liang Yifei, the boss, has also made money.

Today's meeting is not only a brief summary of the previous one, but also an outlook for the future.

"If we want to maintain a leading edge, we must establish our own core competitiveness. This is not only a big strategic issue of corporate culture and school-running policies, but also implemented in specific work. Next, the school must establish an internal A teaching and research group!" Liang Yifei said.

Several teachers sat up slightly and looked at each other.

In the new era, we need to set up a teaching and research group, not just today. From the first day of running the school, Liang Yifei told all the teachers that in the new era, we must establish a 'teaching research group' that has real scientific research capabilities and can produce core competitiveness results. .

Different from the so-called teaching and research group of the current universities, middle and primary and even the Education Commission, as a private school, the teaching and research group in the new era is definitely not a nominal existence, nor does it spend its energy on bonus distribution, curriculum arrangements, or even requirements An institution that regularly publishes articles in newspaper publications.

It has a real research task: in the first stage, starting from the test questions and test points of the past years, compiling a supporting material belonging to the new era, including textbooks, test questions, etc., and establishing teaching information materials belonging to the new era library.

It can be said that the teaching and research group is a treasure house of wisdom for schools in the new era!

Then, unlike the teaching and research teams in ordinary schools, the English teaching and research team leaders in the new era will obviously improve significantly in terms of salary and status in the school, and become the core figure of the school.

Seeing that several teachers were obviously looking forward to it, Liang Yifei smiled and said, "At present, there are not enough staff. All teachers are involved in the teaching and research group. Each person will receive an additional subsidy of 200 yuan per month. The leader of the teaching and research group..."

After a pause, his eyes swept across the crowd, "Mr. Song Zhongshi will be the teacher, with a monthly subsidy of 400 yuan."

Song Zhongshi stood up subconsciously, his face flushed with excitement: "Don't worry, Boss Liang, we will definitely complete the task!"

"Okay." Liang Yifei nodded and said, "Another thing, next, the school is going to expand its business."

To set up a teaching and research group, everyone knows in advance that since the school has already started the teaching work, the establishment of the teaching and research group has been successfully completed.

He Ting wanted to expand his business, the teachers in the room buzzed, and there were many discussions.

The school has just been established, the first course has only started for a week, and now you want to expand your business?

Is this too fast?

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