Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 534 The Attribution of Awards

At last year's awards ceremony, Steve Martin's sentence 'We've slept with too many people' caused quite a stir. The Film Academy decisively abandoned him, and Whoopi Goldenberg returned to the Oscars hosting stage. It seems that To re-open Whoopi Gordon and Gabriel Christo's infinite reincarnation mode.

When talking about the choice of the host in the media, Laura Zeggins, the director of the party, praised 'Whoopi has enough warmth, humor, humanity and social conscience. I think these qualities are essential for this year's party. Yes, I'm looking forward to working with Whoopi to present a night that is both entertaining and meaningful'.

And Whoopi? Goldenberg's appearance ceremony has indeed played an amazing enough role.

"Ask the host of the 74th Academy Awards, Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg!"

The voice fell behind, the stage was still empty, and Whoopi Goldenberg's voice suddenly came from the dome of the Kodak Theater.

"Come after me, boys! Come after me, young man..."

It wasn't a great sound, and it felt like Sangki was talking about how to make a lion sandwich with Simba.

Then, Nicole's most stunning scene from "Moulin Rouge" was recreated at the Kodak Theater, with Whoopi Goldberg on a swing, falling from the sky in a gorgeous feather suit.

However, if Nicole is dressed like a phoenix's wings, then Whoopi Goldenberg is like wearing a turkey suit.

The camera on the big screen also switched to Nicole in real time. Although she smiled brightly on the surface, Ryan saw something unnatural.

This is normal, no woman wants to be imitated by one of her most beautiful images, let alone Whoopi Goldberg's funny way.

After a close kiss with Russell Crowe, Whoopi Goldenberg, who stepped off the swing, stood on the stage, and then began a routine joke, although her joke was more serious than that of Steve Martin. Close to the next three roads, but never touch the sensitive area of ​​Hollywood.

"Oscar is 74 years old. In Hollywood, no one has ever been stronger than Oscar. 74-year-old Oscar can last for more than three hours even without Viagra!"

After mourning 9/11, Whoopi Goldberg's jokes became more serious, "The past year has been an unbelievable year, we have all been hacked so miserably, some people's bank and insurance accounts have been hacked, even Eating is a problem, and even the Oscar nominees are all black."

"This negative activity should stop,

I received an email today, and after I carefully opened it, it turned out that Harry Potter became a racist and was expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..."

The camera turned to Ryan's side, and he laughed like everyone else. This is another way for the academy to justify his and the little wizard's name.

"Speaking of the swings, before I was hung up by them, I asked the director if there were any safety measures? He said yes, and Billy Crystal was waiting backstage, ready to play."

After Whoopi Goldenberg stepped down, Benicio del Toro took to the stage as a guest of honor and presented the Best Supporting Actress award, which had nothing to do with Ryan's side. The winner was "Beautiful". Jennifer Connelly of The Mind.

Her choice at the Oscars is extremely smart. Even if her role is nominated for the best actress in the Oscars, it is not too difficult to be nominated. However, in the face of several strong competitors, she chose the best actress as the second best choice. supporting actress, and successfully took away the golden statuette.

This trick, like pretending to be ugly, is a common trick used by Hollywood movie stars. Using the role of the protagonist to win a supporting role award may undoubtedly be more successful.

Similarly, there are also people who will do the opposite, such as Anthony Hopkins, whose playing time in "The Silence of the Lambs" was at best a supporting role, but he managed to win the best actor, which is still widely recognized. The kind that deserves it.

When Will Smith with a pair of attractive ears took to the stage, the best edited statue fell on the head of "Black Hawk Down". This film can be described as an untimely birth. But it fell far short of expectations.

The influence of the social environment on the film is particularly evident in it.

In addition, Ryan remembered that there was a so-called masterpiece called editing at the Oscars in his previous life. Unfortunately, it did not appear in this life. There is no news about the director who turned out to be a cinema projectionist. It is very likely that he will disappear completely in this life.

Jenkins Pictures also ushered in the first golden statue tonight, who is more suitable for the best makeup award than "The Lord of the Rings"? Think of those fierce orcs.

Ryan couldn't help but think of the stuntman who played the Witch King of Angmar and the leader of the Orcs, who had been killed more than a hundred times during filming, a Guinness World Record.

And the best costume award is no more suspenseful. The gorgeous and messy "Moulin Rouge" in terms of costumes unexpectedly defeated all the opponents and won the first golden statue tonight.

Woody Allen's appearance can be regarded as a big surprise tonight. Regardless of his personality and reputation, it is well known that he does not participate in various award ceremonies. Now, as a representative of New York City, he is standing at the Oscars. On stage, to thank Hollywood for its full help to New York after 9/11.

No matter how infatuated this circle is, it has a natural acumen in terms of speed of reaction and keeping up with the mainstream.

In terms of technical awards, "The Lord of the Rings" has a huge advantage. It took the best photography, best visual effects, best original soundtrack and other golden figures from the stage one after another, and it was full of limelight for a while.

However, both Ryan and Peter Jackson knew that the first part of "The Lord of the Rings" can only run amok on the technical awards, and the heavyweight awards will not be considered by the Academy until the end of the trilogy.

The best supporting actor in the back undoubtedly confirms this.

"Ethan Hawke's 'Training Day', Ben Kingsley's 'The Sexy Beast', Ian McKellen's 'The Lord of the Rings', Jim Broadbent's 'The Long Road'..."

Guy Harden pronounced a relatively unfamiliar name, "Jim Broadbent, 'The Long Road Will End.'"

The veteran actor from the UK won the Best Supporting Actor award.

And Ian McLean, who won countless accolades for Gandalf, once again hated the Oscars. In addition to the natural disadvantages of film types and group dramas, the Academy of this era would not allow heavyweight awards to fall on gays.

Samuel Jackson, who came on stage next, slightly aroused Ryan's interest. This veteran black actor has already negotiated terms with Marvel and signed a long-term contract, and will play a crucial role in the next Marvel series. important role.

When Jennifer Lopez stepped onto the stage, there was an inconspicuous discussion below. Is this the first time that the Latin queen has been the guest of honor for the best original song?

In Ryan's memory, this is at least the third time in a row. No wonder the guests and the audience are talking about it. Such a situation is extremely rare in Oscar, and it is hard not to think of private transactions and the like...

The famous Irish female singer Enya took home this statuette for the "Lord of the Rings" crew.

The award ceremony is here, "The Lord of the Rings" is undoubtedly the biggest winner, the only pity is that it won nothing in the heavyweight awards, and even the best adapted screenplay lost to DreamWorks' "A Beautiful Mind".

In fact, most people know that the main theme of this awards ceremony is still the competition between DreamWorks and Jenkins Pictures.

When John Williams directed the band to play those classic movie soundtracks in Hollywood history, the party reached the first night of the night, "The Sound of Music", "General Patton", "Star Wars", "et Aliens" Familiar pieces such as "Titanic" were played one by one, and the organizing committee seemed to want to use this method, together with the Kodak Theater, to usher in a new era of Oscars.

Unfortunately, only Ryan knows that companies whose names are related to this theater do not seem to end well.

There is still some time before the four major awards are awarded. Ryan said sorry to the people next to him and walked to the bathroom. Compared with the previous two awards, this time was like what Whoopi Goldenberg said. , a little too strong.

If the time is too long, it will definitely affect the ratings.

Thinking of these, Ryan returned to the theater, the legendary actress Barbra Streisand was presenting the Oscar Lifetime Honor Award to Robert Rayford.

Then, it's time for feminists to cheer, and under the strong appeal of these people, this year's Oscars rarely put Best Actress behind Best Actor.

However, this does nothing to improve the situation and status of Hollywood female stars.

As we all know, this is a circle full of male dominance. Female movie stars often only have a shelf life of about 30 years old. Major film companies are always developing fresher, younger and more beautiful bodies, while male actors are still in their forties. It is delicious, and even the shelf life can last for more than ten years.

Of course, at the level of Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman, the usual Hollywood rules no longer apply.

Julia Roberts took to the stage with her signature smile to the camera and the audience, much calmer than last year.

"Let's see who's nominated for Best Actor..."

She cooperated with the big screen and started the introduction, "Tom Wilkinson's "Accidental Edge", Russell Crowe "A Beautiful Mind", Sean Penn "I Am Sam", Denzel Washington "Training Day", Will Smith "Ali"

After listening to the introduction of the big mouth beauty, Ryan's energy gradually concentrated. Whether Charlize can win the best actress, you can see some clues from the attribution of this award. rs()

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