After decades of wandering in Los Angeles, the Oscars have finally returned to Hollywood in the region. The newly inaugurated Kodak Theater is located at the junction of Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard, adjacent to the Hollywood Chinese Theater. This is the 70th. Home to four Academy Awards ceremonies. watermark ad test watermark ad test

The return of the Oscars to Hollywood, coupled with the terrorist attack a few months ago, made this awards ceremony particularly eye-catching, especially since many media were worried beforehand whether the awards ceremony would become a new target for terrorists.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the awards ceremony, the Film Academy not only limited the size of the red carpet, but also hired several professional security companies to provide security services.

In addition, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has also deployed a large number of police forces near the Kodak Theater, and even three swat teams are on standby around, ready to provide counter-terrorism support at any time.

However, none of these will affect Hollywood stars to show off their charms on the red carpet, especially female stars. In addition to their beautiful faces and sexy bodies, luxurious dresses and expensive jewelry are also used to compete for beauty.

Ryan stepped onto the red carpet earlier because of the prior greeting.

He just waved to both sides, passed the long red carpet as soon as possible, did not enter the interview area where the stage was specially built, and entered the Kodak Theater directly.

Greeting people casually, Ryan found a quiet place where he could clearly see the entrance, and began to wait. Many people who entered the theater chose to come over to greet him, and some of these people went directly to the theater. In the main hall, some gathered together to chat in a low voice.

The Oscars are where Hollywood celebrities gather, and a great place to network and network.


Spielberg came over, and after shaking hands with him, he raised his eyes habitually. "Who are you waiting for?"

"I don't know who I'm waiting for." Ryan waved his hand, obviously not wanting to continue the topic, "Is there something wrong, Stephen?"

If it is because of the DreamWorks thing to find it. Ryan can only say that he can't help. Every circle has rules built into every circle.

Steven Spielberg obviously understood this, and didn't mention it at all. He said directly, "I want to invite you to star in my new movie."

"New movie?" Ryan was a little curious, the other party's "Minority Report" had not been released yet.

Speaking of,

Things are pretty interesting too. Ryan took Leonardo's "Cat and Mouse", but Spielberg still asked him to collaborate on a movie, which is the character in Minority Report that belonged to Tom Cruise in his previous life.

"Yes, it is currently under preparation, and if the filming starts next year at the earliest." Spielberg and other people walking by shook hands with Ryan and continued, "The theme is based on real events."

"Oh?" Ryan couldn't help recalling. "Can you tell me briefly?"

"The Munich incident in 1972..." Spielberg said briefly after seeing Ryan nodded lightly, "I plan to adapt a movie based on this tragedy, and I have already found someone to write the script... …”

"Let's do it. Stephen." Ryan has seen Nicole walking by holding Naomi Watts, "Give me a copy when the script is finished, how about we discuss it later? You know, my job and schedule. The arrangement is a little tight."

"Okay." Spielberg nodded, waved to Nicole again, and walked into the main hall of the theater.

Nicole smiled and nodded as she greeted the people nearby, and walked up to Ryan generously, "It looks like you are very leisurely."

"Darling, you're so beautiful." Ryan didn't pick her up at all, he just used a trick that didn't work out well, and said the same to Naomi Watts next to Nicole, "You're also amazing, Nami... Hey, you are competitors, how can you be together."

"I haven't said thank you yet, Ryan." Naomi Watts is a sensible person. It is not so much that "Mulholland Drive" brought her the best actress nomination, it is better to say that the two around her The individual works behind the scenes.

"We're friends, aren't we?" Nicole gave her a gentle pull.

There must be a corresponding reward for giving. Of course, Ryan will not forget those friends who still support him and Nicole when faced with a choice.

"Aren't we going in together?" Nicole pulled down her pink evening dress.

"I'll wait a little longer." Ryan looked at Nicole carefully again, "You are really beautiful."

Nicole curled her lips and pulled Naomi Watts away.

Frankly speaking, Nicole is now a veritable red carpet queen. Tonight's Chanel pink sling evening dress not only makes her look more beautiful, but the ruffled design of the skirt also adds a bit of gentleness.

Similarly, Charlize Theron, who has a high reputation for winning the award, is also one of the highlights of the red carpet tonight. She chose Dior's silver-gray evening dress. The aura of the queen of the red carpet.

Charlize did not come directly, but found his mother first.

When the two equally tall blond women approached, Ryan greeted very politely, "Hello, Mrs. Gerda."

"Hello." The other party just nodded, whispered in Charlize's ear, and walked into the main hall of the theater first.

"Never mind, Ryan." Charlize didn't seem to know what to say. "Mom just..."

"I understand, dear." Ryan shook her hand firmly, ignoring the occasional glances around him, and then changed the subject, "Have you thought about your acceptance speech?"

"It may not be me who walked on the stage." Charlize looked at the entrance of the theater, and several black movie stars walked in one after another, "You seem to have forgotten the recent criticism of me by the media."

"Don't worry, those won't have too many adverse effects on you." Ryan comforted in a low voice.

In today's Oscar public relations, the bottom line is getting lower and lower, and criticizing opponents has gradually become the norm. During the period when the college mailed ballots, some tabloids once again found out the sad events of Charlize's girlhood and hyped it up.

Among them, there are many remarks that she has been addicted to alcohol and drugs for a long time after her father's death.

Some people even clamored on the Internet, claiming that she made perjury in the case of her father's death in order to exonerate her mother...

Of course, the remarks in these tabloids will not affect the judges' views too much.

"Together?" Charlize's hand was naturally placed in his arms, and Ryan could only make an apologetic gesture, "I'd better wait a while before going in."

"Well, I'll go first." Charlize sighed softly, waved his hand and left.

Several black movie stars passing by came over to say hello one after another. Ryan also smiled at each other, but he could only say sorry in his heart. The number of queens and movie stars is too limited.

In fact, it is the real upset that they won the award. Whether it is professionals or the comments on the media, the popularity of the best actor and actress has nothing to do with skin color.

Russell Crowe and Charlize Theron are the hottest candidates who are favored by most of them.

Charlize in particular, before the Oscars, swept the best actress in various movie awards during the awards season with a gust of wind and leaves.

Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, Golden Globe Award for Best Actress Actress in a Dramatic Movie, Best Actress in ** Spirit Award, Best Actress in Las Vegas Film Critics Association Award, Best Actress in Screen Actors Guild Award...

These are all in the pocket of South African diamonds, far more fierce than Ryan's momentum last year.

Since he walked on the red carpet alone, entering the main hall of the theater alone is also the best choice. Ryan first went to the "Moulin Rouge" crew to say hello, and then came to the "Devil's Head" crew. Director-nominated Paddy Jenkins whispered a few words before arriving at his seat in the "Lord of the Rings" crew.

In fact, in the eyes of many media, Charlize can play Erin Warnos so perfectly, her nightmarish memory has played a crucial role, and even her former friends in South Africa also broke the news to the media, 'If Without going through that purgatory-like torture, she couldn't have portrayed a murderous madman so indiscriminately'.

Although these words may not be unreasonable, Charlize has always grasped the degree of it very well, and did not let the characters in the movie affect her in reality.

As for the influence of past events, it is almost certain.

Charlize is always well-mannered and courteous in front of others, but only Ryan knows that her heart is full of wildness.

For example, her desperate pursuit, such as the media mention of her former alcoholism...

Ryan heard Keanu Reeves mention that Charlize, who had just become famous, drank so much that he could put everyone in his Sirius band down.

Of course, as the two came together, Charlize also put the bad habits behind her, she knew what kind of identity should do what kind of thing.

"Hi, Peter..."

Sitting next to Ryan was Peter Jackson and his wife, and Ryan hugged them gently, "Remember what I said, Peter? Now you're nominated for an Oscar too."

"It's also a nomination." Although the big fat man said so, he smiled brilliantly, "It's definitely impossible to win an award."

After a few conversations with familiar people around, Ryan looked towards the stage, the lights and music gradually sounded, and the awards ceremony was about to kick off.

It wasn't Pearson, the academy's new president, who opened the session, but Tom Hanks, whose host Whoopi Goldenberg gave after Big Tom's remarks about the montage tribute. All a surprise. ()

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