Lu Yu was taken aback, shook his head and said, "Dear chiefs have taken good care of me, so why not apologize?"

   Cao Shizhu said: "This time you have damaged your reputation and been scolded by so many people in front of the whole country. It is our supervisor's negligence. It is right to apologize to you."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Chief, actually I didn't know about this before, so I won't have any feelings. And these ten days have allowed me to appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and spend an unforgettable honeymoon holiday. It should be me thanking you, and I can only spare time to accompany my wife when I am busy!"

   Cao Shizhu was stunned, with a wry smile: "You kid, you really want to be enthusiastic? Also, when there was a lot of noise on the Internet, you were still playing outside."

   Lu Yu shrugged, "Isn't that the way it is? So, the chiefs have done enough for me. If you apologize, I will be too ashamed!"

   "Okay, let's save these for later, let's talk about business."

Hu Guohai waved his hand and looked at Lu Yu: "Xiao Lu, this time we call you to come here. In addition to letting you know the cause and effect of this incident, we also need to tell you who is behind the scenes! And this person, we are all very familiar. "

   "Oh?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows. He was always very curious about who had such a big energy to operate in a dark box to make such a big game, just to drive him out of his face and lose his face, completely immortal!

   How much hatred is this?

   But Lu Yu didn't remember, who did he provoke?

   Those who provoke him are basically sent to **** by his own hands, or put in jail.

   There is still such a great ability to live, Lu Yu really did not understand.

   "Director Hu, you don't want to sell it, just say it!" Lu Yu urged.

   Hu Guohai's face turned gloomy, and he said coldly: "The person who wants to ruin you to death is Ling Feiyang, the son of the black cat, and the k2 code name is Rakshasa."

What? Black cat's son?

   Lu Yu was startled, never thought that the black cat had a son? Moreover, he will die!

   This knowledge point is a bit super-class!

   When I watched the special forces TV series before, there was no such a character at all, and the black cat only had Ye Cunxin's daughter.

   Where did this son come from?

   Of course, Lu Yu didn't care about it. Whether it was Black Cat's son or his father who came to avenge him, Lu Yu had never been afraid.

   "Why didn't I see him come out before? When we were cracking down on the K2 forces, didn't we also sweep him? Why did he come out again?"

Hu Guohai said: "Black Cat has a son who has only heard of him, knowing that he is the key training object of Black Cat, but he has never seen this guy appear in the world, and even the people in k2 don't know where he is going! When cleaning, there was no sign of him at all. It is estimated that he will reappear after the black cat is killed by you."

"According to the clues we have, this Ling Feiyang is even more vicious than the black cat. He has no scruples about being a man, and is even more extreme! He was sent to all over the world by the black cat since he was a child, learning all kinds of killing techniques, which is very difficult to deal with. Roles."

   "Black Cat has been training a murder squad secretly, and this Ling Feiyang is the leader of this assassin organization. It can be seen that the Black Cat has devoted a lot of effort to him, this guy has lived up to expectations, and he is extremely powerful!

"For his monitoring records over the years, Ling Feiyang seems to have only performed one mission, that is, to go to the Middle East to kill an organization that rebelled against K2! This organization had friction with K2 due to mineral issues. As a result, there were thousands of people overnight. Being completely wiped out is miserable, and according to the news, it was this Ling Feiyang who led people to do it."

   Lu Yu understood in general, and said, "So, did Ling Feiyang take revenge on me because of the death of the black cat?"

Hu Guohai nodded: "However, he is not just a killer now. According to our spy report in Europe, a week ago, a massacre occurred in a church in Milan, Italy, with hundreds of people. Killed. And these people are all high-level members hidden by k2, including members of their Senate!"

   "Before, the international party could not find their whereabouts. Because of this murder, it was accidentally discovered that they were thrown into the cement on the construction site and solidified in the building!"

"Obviously, the deaths of these people were all done by Ling Feiyang. Based on the intelligence we obtained from various places, we confirmed that Ling Feiyang is reorganizing the remaining forces of k2. And this time against you, it should be their first step towards the world. One step!" Hu Guohai said in a deep voice.

Next to him, Cao Shizhu, who had always spoken out, said coldly: "This Ling Feiyang is very mad, and even said that he has no bottom line! He likes to use extreme horror to achieve his goals, as can be seen from his series of actions, If this person is in power, it would be a disaster for the world."

Hu Guohai solemnly said: "There is evidence that Ling Feiyang's ambitions are much greater than that of Black Cat. He is not only limited to reorganizing k2, but even plans to win over other international forces! The purpose is to annex all forces and grow k2. , Develop into a brand new organization."

   Lu Yu smiled and asked, "Dear leaders called me over and talked so much. I'm afraid it didn't let me know how abnormal Ling Feiyang is?

Cao Shizhu promptly said: "Naturally not! We told you so to let you know clearly that this Ling Feiyang is a greater threat to us than the black cat! We must not let this **** be stable. Come down, otherwise, not only you, but even all of us will have a huge impact."

   "That's right!"

Hu Guohai said solemnly: "It is impossible to reason with a pervert and lunatic with a defective personality, and will only make him more extreme! We have always believed that Ling Feiyang has no means to achieve his goal and will not consider any consequences. He just wants to avenge the black cat! You are the object of his revenge. More specific, it may affect our country."

   "He is seeking his own death!" Lu Yu narrowed his eyes.

Cao Shizhu said coldly: "The black cat has been killed, but the K2 organization is still there. Although it has suffered a lot of damage, the Hundred-legged insect is dead and not stiff. Now there is another Ling Feiyang, and the threat is even greater. Up!"

   "They have money, their headquarters are located abroad, and there are a large number of professionally trained killers. They are more terrifying than other forces! Our territory is too big to be guarded against. It is really dangerous for them to break in.".

   Hu Guohai took the conversation and solemnly said: "With the approval of the superior, we are preparing to set up an external counter-attack self-defense force to fight against extreme organizations and malicious forces like k2!"

Speaking of this, he looked directly at Lu Yu: "And you, you will be appointed as the leader of the counterattack team. As for the candidates, you can select a group of elite backbones from your troops and join this team. In the face of Ling Feiyang’s madness, we must make a complete plan. As soon as there is action, you will immediately dispatch!"

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