Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 651: Who is behind the scenes? (12)

"My teacher, who can compare your face, even the commander-in-chief has come out to speak for you, who else has this glory?"

Fan Tianlei slapped Lu Yu flattering with envy: "In order to support you, the commander issued two statements. The first is to highly praise your performance, and the second is to severely crack down on the navy that smears and spreads rumors. Wash your grievances."

" my whole life, if a leader of this level speaks for me, or is summoned, death is worth it!"

Fan Tianlei sighed and shook his head.

"What happened then? What happened?" An Ran couldn't wait to ask, "Did the people who spread the rumors catch it?"

"Huh, the commander-in-chief personally spoke, are they okay? We never allow these small maneuvers. Chief Cao and Chief Hu of the Secrecy Bureau joined forces to directly destroy eight naval organizations, a foreign nest, and one Never ran away."

Fan Tianlei said indignantly: "It is said that there are a total of five to six thousand naval forces this time. The more serious ones are also one to two thousand. With detention and fines, there are many more!"

"This time it is really happy. The people all over the country expressed strong support. Insulting heroes, no one will give them a good face. These keyboard men must be severely punished and never be merciless!"

Hearing this, An Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "It’s good to be caught. Fortunately, everyone is not deceived by these people. Because of this incident, the reputation of our family Lu Yu is damaged. That is even God’s blindness, thanks to you. The shot is fast enough."

Lu Yu smiled lightly and said, "What are you afraid of? If we haven't done anything wrong, we won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. As long as we don't do anything that hurts the nature and reason, and how they splash sewage, there will always be a day of self-defense!"

"It's not necessarily!"

Fan Tianlei shook his head: "The power of public opinion is still great. With their mouths on them, they can completely turn white into black. When everyone is deceived by rumors, no one will pay attention to the truth."

"Master, you are a tough person, and there are so many supporters behind you. If you were replaced by anyone else, I am afraid that you would have been captured by public opinion long ago."

Lu Yu still agrees with Fan Tianlei's statement.

Most of the masses do not know the truth, and it is human nature to follow the crowd.

When everyone believes the rumor is true, it doesn't matter what the truth is.

This time he can escape this catastrophe, it can only be said that the character he has accumulated over the years has exploded and won the support of the broad masses.

Had it not been for the well-known contributions he made in the flood fighting operations, he would have been very unhappy this time.

On thinking about it, it's a fluke!

"By the way, do you know who is behind this matter?"

An Ran asked, "Who is going to punish Lu Yu? Those naval forces cannot target him for no reason!"

Fan Tianlei said helplessly: "This is a secret. I don't have the qualifications to know it because of my level. But when the teacher comes back, I can ask about it. They might know it!"

When things passed, Lu Yu didn't want to ask any more, but An Ran wanted to know the truth.

The reason is also simple. Knowing who is targeting them will prevent you from being led by the nose.

Your wife spoke in person, can Lu Yu not listen?

I had to call Minister Zhang Jinzhong at the headquarters and ask.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Jinzhong's joyous voice came: "Xiao Lu, have you come back from vacation?"

"Well, not long after I came back!" Lu Yu nodded.

"Do you know about that?" Zhang Jinzhong asked.

"I see, my subordinates have already reported to me." Lu Yu replied, "I also called for this matter..."

"Okay, it's not clear on the phone, you come to the headquarters! It's better to explain some things to you in person." Zhang Jinzhong said.

Lu Yu frowned. Hearing this tone, it seemed that this matter was a bit serious?

Must go to the headquarters to say!

"Okay, I'll arrange it and come over right away."

Lu Yu agreed, without delay, immediately instructed Fan Tianlei to arrange a helicopter.

An Ran will also follow. With such a big incident, as a wife, she must know who is targeting Lu Yu.

The two have become husband and wife, and from now on, they will be an inseparable community.

In this regard, Lu Yu did not refuse, and boarded the plane with An Ran and flew to the Beijing headquarters.

On the plane, the husband and wife cuddled with each other and held Lu Yu's hand securely.

Although the matter has passed, I still feel a little afraid to think about it.

Behind them, there is such a strong opponent hidden behind them, who can manipulate such a big movement to make Lu Yu famous.

An Ran always felt uneasy, not knowing when this man behind the scenes would come out and sting.

Lu Yu is her husband and everything to her.

I would rather have something to do than Lu Yu's injury!

Seeing An Ran's absent-mindedness, Lu Yu hugged her tightly and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, we have rushed through so many big winds and waves in the past, and this time is no exception! Trust me, everything will be fine. Your husband has no one. It can be defeated! Now, not in the future!"

"No matter who it is, I will definitely pick this guy out. He likes to hide in the dark, so I will completely expose him."

An Ran put her head in Lu Yu's arms and hummed softly.

For her, Lu Yu's words are full trust and everything.

A woman trusts her man without any reason.

A few hours later, the helicopter landed on the playground of the headquarters. The two got off the plane and went straight to the General Administration Building.

At the door, a chief of staff was waiting there, and first asked An Ran to wait in a small conference room.

"The minister said, I saw you alone, Master Lu, so..."

The chief of staff was a little embarrassed.

"Understood." Lu Yu nodded, turned and said to An Ran: "You can wait here first, I'll be back soon."

An Ran nodded slightly and looked at Lu Yu's back to leave, and then followed a guard to the reception The staff led Lu Yu all the way to Zhang Jinzhong's office.

"Report!" He stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Master Lu is here!"

"Let him in."

Zhang Jinzhong's calm voice came from inside.

The staff officer opened the door and made a please gesture.

Lu Yu nodded and walked into the office, only to realize that Zhang Jinzhong was not the only one here.

Cao Shizhu from the police station, Hu Guohai from the security bureau, and a strange middle-aged man who had never seen him all looked at him.

All of these were Lu Yu's superiors. Although middle-aged people had never seen them before, they were definitely not ordinary people to appear here.

"Hello chiefs!" Lu Yu stepped forward to salute.

"Well, it's my own family, don't be polite."

Cao Shizhu smiled and waved his hand: "Calling you over this time, we should officially apologize to you!"

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