Chapter 630

"Young Master Ling, you shouldn't have come here!" the person blocking the door said coldly.

The young man in the trench coat puts on the earphones and said lightly: "Get out of the way, I want to see the Senate."

The other party shook his head, and still did not let go: "Not everyone is qualified to see the Senate Council. Besides, the Senate Council has not summoned you. Even if your dad Black Cat is still alive, he will report it when he comes. Only the Senate will agree. , He is qualified to go in."

The young man grinned: "That's my dad, I'm not as pedantic as him! For the last time, you'd better get out of it."

The other party's face also cooled, staring at the young man and said: "Ling Feiyang, don't go it alone, the black cat is dead, and no one in k2 can protect you! So, you'd better act low-key, otherwise..."


Bang, a hand was already severely pinched on his neck, and blood crazily flowed from his mouth.

Ling Feiyang pinched his finger tightly into his neck, and said coldly: "You talk a lot! People who talk a lot usually die quickly!"


He twisted hard, and the opponent's neck was broken, and the whole person lay down softly.

Unbelievable still remained in his eyes, and he obviously did not expect that Ling Feiyang would kill himself in public.

All the k2 elite members around were stunned.

Seeing the companion's corpse lying down at the gate, the blood stained the ground, finally reacted.

"Ling Feiyang, what are you doing?"

"Damn it, kill him!"


A group of k2 members roared and slaughtered Ling Feiyang. Swish, the dagger in his hand shone with cold light.

However, before they could get closer, a row of bullets suddenly shot out from the walls on both sides of the church.

Bang bang bang.

All the K2 elites who rushed up fell in a pool of blood.

From the alleys on both sides, four men in black ninja suits appeared, with only cold eyes exposed.

They each held a samurai sword in their hands, and at the same time they rushed, the samurai sword cut across the arc of death, harvesting the remaining k2 elite like a death sickle.


At the same time, a dozen ninjas rushed out of the alley.

They passed Ling Feiyang's side and rushed straight into the church.

"Who are you guys!"


All kinds of screams came from the church, and a bloodbath began.

Ling Feiyang had a cold face, stepping on the body of the fallen K2 member under his feet, and stepped into the church.

Behind him, those who were killed were quickly dragged into the church.

There were blood stains on the ground, and the fire hose was opened by someone, and the ground was washed clean, all traces disappeared without a trace.

Everything was restored as if nothing had happened before, and the ground was completely new, and there was no clue from the outside.

Ling Feiyang stepped into the church with blood, wiped the blood on his hands with a white handkerchief, and walked lightly along the stairs to the second floor.

At the moment, on the second floor corridor.

His ninjas are fighting with k2 elite killers.

Blood was spilling on the floor and walls, and people on both sides kept falling down, looking evenly matched.

Ling Feiyang didn't seem to see this scene at all, step by step, stepped towards the middle room.


An elite master of the Senate screamed frantically and slaughtered Ling Feiyang.

There was a strong hostility in Ling Feiyang's eyes, and the murderous intent was overwhelming. His toes slammed the ground hard, and the whole person seemed to fly up and hit the guy.


The master of the Senate, as if being hit by a fast train, flew backwards at a faster speed than before.

Cang, smashed the door of the room and fell into the room.

Ling Feiyang walked into the room faintly, his eyes swept, seeing the four old men with horrified faces inside, and a cold smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"My elders, how are you! I am finally fortunate to be able to meet you, it's not in vain that I come here in person!"

The four elders shrank in the corner and shivered, their eyes full of panic.

"Ling Feiyang, you trespassed into the Senate's Association and killed so many people. What do you want to do?"

A veteran asked with a trembling voice.

"It's a felony to enter the elders privately, do you know the consequences?"

Another veteran followed and shouted: "The black cat is dead. We will only choose a new successor! K2 is not yours, nor is it the black cat. It is impossible to hand it over to you."

Ling Feiyang's face lifted a playful smile: "Sorry, I am here today, not to listen to you teach me how to be a human being! Dear veterans, your thoughts are already very pedantic, and k2 should keep pace with the times. So, listen. You don’t have to tell me the old saying about it."

"I am here for only one purpose, not to ask you to let me take over for k2, but... to kill you!"

Speaking of killing, he still had a faint smile on his face, as if he was chatting with an old friend.

But the four elders suddenly changed their faces and stared at him incredibly.

"You are so bold!"

A veteran roared angrily: "Ling Feiyang, you are too overpowered, dare to kill the veteran, do you want to be the enemy of the whole k2?"

Ling Feiyang laughed wildly: "For the enemy? Why are you against me? Whoever refuses to accept, I will kill whoever. K2 has been loyal to my father these years. Who dares to trouble me? As long as you old people die , No one gets in the way, who dares to say nothing!"

Grabbing an ashtray on the table, Ling Fei raised murderously and walked towards the four elders step by step.

"As long as you die, I can command the entire K2 and avenge my father! Don't worry, as long as I am in one day, K2 will not break up. Lu Yu, I will go to Long Country to find him personally!"

His face was grinning, and his whole person seemed nervous, like a demon from hell.

Brandishing the ashtray, hit the heads of the four elders hard.

The door of the church was completely closed.

Two fierce ninjas guarded the door, preventing anyone from approaching.

All the corpses were stacked together.

Ling Feiyang's subordinates turned on the high-pressure water tap and washed the blood on the floor, and the scarlet blood gathered in one place and drained into the sewer.

The statue of **** in the hall, looking at all of this, couldn't stop his followers from killing each other, and watched it become a Shura field.

Soon all blood was washed away by water.

The floor has become as clean as ever, and here, the sacredness of the past has been restored.

It's really ironic!


At this moment, a white man with blue eyes and golden hair rushed to the central room on the second floor.

As soon as he entered, he was stunned, and saw that Ling Feiyang was clutching the collar of a veteran, using the ashtray that had been smashed in half in his hand, smashing it hard. The head of the elder.

The four elders had long since become bloody, their heads smashed like a watermelon.

You can't die again!

But it still wasn't let off by Ling Feiyang, hitting it one after another.

It seems that he enjoys this morbid feeling very much.

(End of this chapter)

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