Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 638: Gorgeous blooming, never ending

Chapter 629 Gorgeous Bloom, Never Ending

Lu Yu was also very moved by An Dapan's sincere words.

He stood up, filled his bowl with wine again, and solemnly faced An Ran's parents: "Please rest assured that you two elders, I will be good to An Ran. She is the meat in your palms, and is also the treasure in my heart! This lifetime I will always stay with her, stay with her all my life, and take care of her with my life."

After speaking, Lu Yu also drank the wine in the bowl.

"Haha, good! Masters keep their promises, I believe you." An Dapan laughed, looking very happy.

He Chenguang smiled and said: "Uncle, don't worry, our captain has a promise, and what we say is never unfulfilled! As long as he promises, he will definitely comply."

Wang Yanbing also followed: "Yes, the captain is always good to An Ran's sister-in-law, we all see it, everyone can testify!"

Li Erniu nodded his head: "Yes, yes, yes! My boss is a thousand miles...oh no, he is a good man out of a million. If you do it, don’t worry, my sister-in-law will be happy forever with my boss. ."

Several people were talking when they suddenly heard a knock on the door to interrupt them.

Wu Xiangjun asked in amazement: "Who will come here at this late hour?"

"I gonna go see."

An Ran wiped away the tears and got up, walked over and opened the door.

Outside, there were two bangs suddenly.

The two easter eggs suddenly burst open, and colorful strips and petals fell on An Ran's head.

An Ran was stunned by this scene and didn't react. He saw a little brother in a white shirt walking slowly by pushing a car full of roses.

Behind him, there are two foreigners playing violin, playing melodious and beautiful music.

"Excuse me, are you Miss An Ran?"

The little brother in the white shirt pushed the rose flower to An Ran and asked with a smile.

An Ran nodded.

"Hehe, here are the 999 roses that Mr. Lu has reserved for you. He wishes you every day from now on, you will be as beautiful as roses and as moving as this song." The white shirt boy smiled slightly and stepped aside.

Behind him, there was another girl in a princess dress, holding a cake with sparkling fireworks in both hands, and stepped forward.

"Miss An Ran, Mr. Lu blesses the relationship between you, just like this cake, it will be as sweet and sweet for a lifetime!"

An Ran covered her mouth and looked back at Lu Yu excitedly.

At this moment, Lu Yu stood up and walked slowly in front of An Ran.

He took out a small box from his pocket and opened it, half kneeling in front of An Ran, with a shiny diamond ring inside.

"You... when did you do this?"

An Ran shed tears and asked inconceivably.

"When I was in the car, I secretly called my friend here to help arrange it."

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Proposal is only once in a lifetime. Of course, it should be a bit thick and romantic."

After that, Lu Yu looked at her affectionately, took out the ring and handed it over: "An Ran, are you...willing to marry me?"

"I do!"

An Ran plunged into Lu Yu's arms without hesitation and gave him a hard kiss on the cheek.

The melodious violin echoed, adding a romantic atmosphere to this marriage proposal.

"These two children are really talented and well-matched!" An Dapan said with a smile.

Wu Xiangjun hated iron and steel on his head, slapped him hard, slapped him without anger: "What a smile? Are you embarrassed? I used a broken flashlight to trick my old lady into the house... No, you I must also do a decent proposal ceremony and a wedding!"


An Dapan looked bitter: "It's a lot of age, shouldn't it? You will be laughed at."

"What are you laughing at? I think you just don't love me!"

Wu Xiangjun grabbed An Dapan’s ears, and roared: "Oh, you An Dapan, you really have no conscience! My old lady has been working **** you for most of your life, and you won’t even give me a wedding. Is it the past?"

"Well, it's all up to you! Let's do it, we have to pretend to be a special one...Oh, you lighten it, it hurts!" An Dapan screamed bitterly.

the other side.

Lu Yu put the proposal ring on An Ran's hand, and the little brother who pushed the flowers and the girl who gave the cake hurriedly took a flower basket, grabbed the petals and threw them over their heads, congratulating the two for staying together forever.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, on the night sky of the residential area outside the window, a burst of fireworks suddenly bloomed.

Gorgeous fireworks filled the night sky instantly, very eye-catching and brilliant, and also attracted many people in the community to wait and see.

Andy Pershing rushed out, staring at the huge fireworks blooming in the night sky, and asked loudly, "Xiao Lu, did you arrange this?"

Lu Yu smiled: "Yes, these are all a series of processes, arranged in advance, and not inferior to our New Year's fireworks feast."

Lu Yu was very satisfied with this arrangement, and the effect was much better than he expected.

The fireworks are indeed very beautiful, very eye-catching, brighter than the galaxy in the sky.

Of course, the cost was also a lot, and the fireworks alone cost more than two million.

It can be described as a proper burn!

Lu Yu hugged An Ran and looked up at the fireworks blooming all over the sky. It was this waywardness the first time he was absolutely rich.

"Everyone, come out and see, the fireworks that my son-in-law proposed to my daughter were very beautiful and very expensive..."

An Dapan began to yell in the corridor again.

Lu Yu and An Ran smiled at each other.

This old man still can't get rid of his bragging rights!

An Ran hugged Lu Yu tightly and put her face in his arms: "May our future be like this firework with a glorious look, always blooming and never ending!"

"Yes! As long as we believe, we will." Lu Yu smiled lightly.


A certain Eastern European peninsula.

Here, there are many small European countries that border each other.

The country of Italy was the center of the Roman Empire and has been the center of the West for centuries.

With the collapse of the Roman Empire, Italy also fell. Although there have been many revival movements in recent years, it has never returned to its glory. is a more famous city in Italy, and it is also the four major economic centers of Europe, a famous historical and cultural city, and it can be called the fashion capital of the world.

On an ancient Roman-style street, a young man in a black trench coat is strolling leisurely on the streets of Milan.

He has the face of an Oriental, but his eyes are the azure blue of a Westerner, and his facial bones are slightly protruding, which is also very Western.

The long black hair is flowing, being slightly blown by the wind, revealing a pair of headphones on his ears, and the whole person seems to be immersed in music.

Behind him, Ruoyouruowu quietly followed a group of people, but he ignored it, as if he did not exist.

The young man turned and walked into an alley, and an old church appeared not far in front.

He strode over, and when he was about to enter the church, he was stopped by a few guards at the door.

Two chapters will be published first, ten chapters will break out after twelve o'clock tonight, and there will be at least five chapters tomorrow, a total of at least 15 chapters will break out.

(End of this chapter)

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