Just as Yuki was practicing push-ups, a beast-eared lady discovered that Forestry was giving Yuki special training.

Then he slipped over to join in the fun.

After landing, more and more beast-eared ladies all gathered around.

Standing on the side, I watched curiously as Forestry was teaching Yuki what he was doing.

This time the psychological pressure is even greater.

But what followed was a burst of adrenaline.

After the push-ups are almost practiced.

In the end, all that remains is a vertical jump plus overhead high-fives.

This should be regarded as the simplest action here.

To put it simply, I demonstrated it twice, and fortunately I understood it.

After doing a few random exercises, Forestry began to teach Yuki and began to connect all the movements.

“First squat, then possess the handle and put your hand on the bearskin, then jump backwards and retract. Get up and jump vertically and give a high five. ”

Forestry said while demonstrating to Yuki.

Yuki looked at it seriously, and then nodded.

At this time, Forestry found that other beast-eared maidens seemed to be very interested.

When the forestry explained to Yuki, they all sat up.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Lin’s mouth.

Fortunately, she was alone, and the others were also nervous when they looked at her, so Forestry opened his mouth and said to the other beast-eared ladies.

“Do you want to learn too? If you want to learn, go into the hides or straw mats of the wooden house. ”

After the rain, the ground here is full of fine gravel and small pebbles.

If the beast-eared girl’s hand is directly supported on the ground, it will hurt very much, and it is likely to be cut.

When the other beast-eared ladies heard Lin’s words, their eyes widened in surprise.

Then he quickly ran towards the wooden house.

After a while, one by one, they came out holding animal skins and straw mats.

One by one, the beast-eared ladies smashed the hides and straw mats in front of themselves, and Forestry himself stood facing them and began to explain the movement of burpee jumping to all the beast-eared ladies.

Looking at the beast-eared women below, Forestry felt like a fitness trainer.

He is giving a lesson to a group of beautiful beast-eared women.

Forestry retold the beast-eared lady all the movements.

Then there was a demonstration several times.

Watching the beast-eared ladies have learned almost the same.

Forestry stood up and said to all the beast-eared ladies.

“Everyone followed me, tired enough to stop.”

The beast-eared ladies all nodded to the forestry.

Then Forestry looked at Yuki in the front again, and opened his mouth to say to Yuki again.

“Fortunately, you are different, you can’t stand it when you are tired and you have to continue to do it. You have to do it desperately, I will always do it with you, when you are too tired to get up or the talent is turned on, you can stop. ”

Yuki looked at Forestry seriously and nodded.

Although the words of forestry are harsh.

But after Yukiya, Forestry did this to help her unlock her innate abilities, and Forestry would do it with Yuki.

After speaking, Forestry spoke to the beast-eared ladies again.

“Everyone warm up with me first and stretch their bodies.”

Forestry stood in front and started again: “One-two-three-four, two-two-three-four…”

After stretching, Forestry nodded to the beast ear lady and said, “Okay, ready to start.” ”

Then he began to count in his mouth: “One!” Two! Three! ……”

Do it slowly one by one from the beginning.

Later, forestry became faster and faster.

Forestry also did not forget to remind the beast-eared ladies.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t keep up with the speed, but don’t listen, keep doing it, until you can’t do it!”

One by one, the beast-eared ladies have now put on all kinds of masks of pain.

The cat-eared ladies have all stuck their tongues out.

And the forestry found that the cat-eared lady fox-eared lady these beast-eared ladies with long animal tails.

When jumping, the tail automatically controls even the balance of the body.

And Forestry has always thought that the rabbit-eared lady’s tail is only a little.

As a result, when Forestry saw them jumping up, their tails were stretched out one by one.

It turns out that usually the tail of the rabbit-eared lady is shrunk.

There is also the forestry discovery, the rabbit-eared lady’s body structure is also very particular.

All the rabbit-eared ladies have long legs.

It doesn’t matter how tall the rabbit-eared lady is.

According to the body proportions, the legs of the rabbit-eared lady are longer than the upper body,

As he did it, he watched the beast-eared ladies dribble the ball in front of him.

For a while, the eyes did not know which one to look at first.

And the cow lady Ah Lian is the first one who can’t hold on.

This is also normal, every time she jumps, she has to bear more pressure than other beast-eared women.

Push-ups can’t be done directly, and Forestry should not be able to sleep on her stomach when she looks at Ah Lian, otherwise it is easy to cause a hunchback.

Soon, one by one, the beast-eared girls with different forms of pain masks stopped.

One by one, they sat motionless on the ground, panting heavily.

The rest of the beast-eared ladies are also gritting their teeth and insisting.

After several of them fell down, their arms were directly detonated and they fell on the animal skin or straw mat.

In the end, only Forestry and Yuki continued to do so.

Fortunately, it has reached its limit.

But Forestry is right in front of Yuki, and he and Yuki do burpees together.

Fortunately, he was now pale and short of breath.

Sweat drips down all over the body.

At this time, the beast-eared ladies who had rested were all looking at the forestry in shock.

Forestry seemed to have no reaction other than a little shortness of breath and some sweat on his body.

Moreover, forestry is doing and reporting counts, and can also find time to encourage luck.

The number in forestry’s mouth is now close to two hundred.

Fortunately, his whole body was covered in sweat, and the sweat that flowed to the black bear’s skin under him had gathered into a small puddle.

But in order to open up the natural ability, fortunately still constantly challenge his limits.

Gritting his teeth and doing it one by one, sweat has completely pasted his eyes, and he can’t see what is in front of him at all.

Fortunately, I just want to do another one now, and keep doing another one.

In fact, she has already reached the limit, but she has broken through the limit again and again

Finally, when it was lucky to achieve two hundred and twenty whole days, the real person directly fell on the black bear skin.

Seeing this, Forestry also stopped moving, jumped up from the ground, and then came to Yuki’s side.

“Just after doing strenuous exercise, you can’t just lie on your stomach, otherwise you will get sick.”

Forestry forcibly pulled Yuki up from the ground.

Then dragged her slowly on the ground.

Yuki was speechless. The face was already red and purple.

He was breathing air in large gulps, and sweat was still dripping down his body.

Forestry also did not dislike the sweat on Xing’s body, and directly put Xing on himself, taking her slowly around.

The other beast-eared ladies saw that after the lucky collapse, the forestry could even jump up from the ground lightly.

All widened their eyes in surprise.

They had all experienced how tired it was to jump and sit up.

Forestry has done more than anyone, but it seems that there is nothing to do, and he is still helping Yuki to wander around.

Forestry supported Yuki and walked slowly for a full ten minutes.

Fortunately, he eased up, swallowed two mouthfuls of spit, and looked at the forestry.

Forestry saw that the blood on Xingxing’s face slowly calmed down, although it was still red, but it was not the same red to purple state as it was just now.

Forestry asked slowly in Yuki’s ear softly.

“How, did the innate ability react?”

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