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Chapter 184 184 Funeral Company

Chapter 184 184. Funeral Company

Just looking at these promotional posters, Qiao Mu was curious whether there was anything unusual about this funeral company that made people willing to pay money. If there was, he would have to anchor it to some extent.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu remembered that this funeral company also had an account on a video website. He opened the APP and searched for it.

Soon, Qiao Mu discovered an account called [Yishengtang official].

Clicking in, it turned out to be not a particularly earthy video, but a virtual anchor with the image of a beautiful girl.

It's quite fashionable.

Qiao Mu casually clicked on a video.

The beautiful virtual girl inside was laughing and making a hearty voice. The comments were all about "Customers who want to be anchors", "Can anchors give captains a discount?", "Is the anchor company still recruiting people?" People doubt the incredible level of these audiences.

After watching it for a while, Qiao Mu found that it was indeed a funeral company run by young people and kept pace with the times. These videos were quite interesting.

Some videos provide popular science about funeral-related work, some poke fun at funeral parlor-related jokes on the Internet, and some are about various unnatural tricks that are popular nowadays.

Educational and entertaining.

No wonder this company wants to find Qiao Mu to help them make business orders.

After waiting for a while, Qiao Mu suddenly felt someone in front of him.

He raised his head and saw a young woman standing in front of him. She was wearing a more formal suit, her hair was tied up, and she looked quite capable.

"Hello, I am He He, the manager of Yishengtang Funeral Company. Am I Mr. Qiao Mu from Scientific Exploration Bot?"

The other party stretched out his hand towards Qiao Mu.

At this time, the video in Qiao Mu's hand finished playing and switched to the next one.

"Thank you boss, captain. You can join the captain group and get gifts. This month is a customized urn."

The virtual anchor in the video was thanking viewers who gave her money, but the gift was a bit outrageous.

More importantly, the voice of this virtual anchor sounded a little familiar to Qiao Mu.


Qiao Mu blurted out.

"Do you want an urn?"

He He asked with a smile.

“What does a customized urn look like?”

Qiao Mu asked immediately.

But He He was a little bit troubled.

She cleared her throat and led Qiao Mu into the office.

"I inherited my family's company. Originally, this was a common funeral industry, and there were many taboos. But I thought it didn't matter. Everyone is going to die anyway, so why not be more open-minded? Here, it's a limited edition urn."

He He pointed to the display cabinet on the side. In addition to various urns made of wood or ceramics, there were also some fancy urns with virtual anchor images.

"Don't tell me, everyone likes it. After all, it's very common to give mouse pads and keyboards, but the urn is unique here."

When Qiao Mu heard this, he wished he could immediately write down He He's words in a small notebook.

This is what creates demand!

There were also young people sitting in the company, and Qiao Mu saw that hanging on their desks were all lofty professional titles such as life ritualist, white housekeeper, and soul ferryman.

At first glance, it looks more like an Internet company than a funeral company.

"But I think your company's promotion is quite good. What kind of business promotion do you need me to do?"

After visiting the company, Qiao Mu was curious.

This company is very modern. It has its own homepage. You can make reservations through a public account, customize the entire funeral process, and can even holographically project the image of the deceased. Recently, it is also working on AI electronic tombstones, and its business is booming. No wonder it has opened several branches. Trade routes expanded to other provinces.

"It's like this. As you can see, we are all young, and these services are actually chosen by more enlightened customers. But in fact, the main customers of funeral homes are still elderly people. We recently launched a funeral preview We encountered some difficulties when promoting our services, so we thought of advertising. Many people in our company have read your novels and the movie adaptations. I feel that what you write can make people immersed in the scene, which is very powerful. That’s why I found you.”

He He said methodically.

"Some difficulty?"

Qiao Mu didn't understand.

"The funeral preview service is actually to help customers customize their own funeral in advance, because our previous service content was actually determined by the family members. We want the deceased to decide how to organize their own funeral."

He He explained.


Qiao Mu imagined that this girl would directly knock on someone else's door, "Hello sir, do you want to customize your funeral?" It seemed that she was easily beaten.

After all, in traditional concepts, such things are still very taboo.

"Won't you be beaten to death by the guests?"

Qiao Mu spoke bluntly.

"It's not that exaggerated. In fact, in some places, the family will actually start arranging funeral arrangements before the elderly person dies. Sometimes we even put the elderly person in a shroud in advance."

He He said that Qiao Mu really had too little experience. She paused and continued to speak.

"I have seen many funerals. Some of them are not to commemorate the deceased, but to cultivate relationships with the family. Others are completely contrary to the deceased's thoughts and will during his lifetime, just to satisfy the family members. Vanity, I think the funeral is the last part of the journey for a person and should be decided by oneself.”

Although Qiao Mu rarely attends funerals, he has heard of what He He said. Not to mention the recent fire in Jiangcheng, his father Song Hengtai was more or less involved in the funeral as the culprit. Inside, Qiao Mu knew this while eating the banquet.

But he imagined that if he made a video and knocked on someone else's door, "Hello sir, do you want to customize your funeral?", he would definitely be beaten.

"I might want to think about it."

Qiao Mu really wanted to think about it, but He He immediately held his hand.

"We can add money."

"It's not about money"

"Double the market price."

Hearing this, Qiao Mu's heart that originally wanted to refuse was shaken.

It was too much to give.

“I can also give you a customized urn!”


Qiao Mu agreed immediately.

There is no way, he has no resistance to customized models, limited editions, out-of-print and other things.

Moreover, he just changed his mind and thought that he could use this opportunity to make business orders to improve the completion of his scenes. The theme of the funeral company is very gimmick, and the advertising is definitely better than ordinary novels. The movie is wider and easier for different people to see, and there may be a few anomalies in it.

Thinking of this, he held the other person's hand back.

"From today on, we are comrades."

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