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Chapter 183 183 Business Order

Chapter 183 183.Business Order

Although Qiao Mu feels like he hasn't surfed the Internet for many days, in fact, only a few days have passed in the real world.

When she clicked on, Qiao Mu found that her fans had reached 220,000, and she could be considered a real big V.

There were already 99+ private messages. Qiao Mu browsed them carefully, and most of the day had passed.

He found that many people wanted to make more exciting works for themselves. Some people provided clues that there was a haunted place in such and such a place, and suggested that Qiao Mu go to collect information. Some people also suggested that Qiao Mu update more frequently, preferably one day. Only by updating an article can you gain a lot of followers.

Qiao Mu felt that what they said made sense.

In addition, there are also some private messages for business contacts.

Although the mission of the God's Chosen game does not require the number of fans on all platforms, Qiao Mu still does his duty and has opened accounts on all mainstream platforms. However, is the earliest platform, so it has the most fans, and the number of fans on other platforms is Just tens of thousands, nothing worth mentioning.

Some students may ask, can tens of thousands of fans be enough to place an order?

In fact, vertically classified bloggers on some platforms may receive business orders from thousands of fans.

Although Qiao Mu only has 220,000 fans, every tree hole post has a lot of likes and comments, and the user stickiness is relatively high, so he can also receive some relatively large business orders.

For example, a mattress company here sent it to the store and wanted Qiao Mu to bring goods to them.

"Mattresses? Is it because sleeping will be more comfortable after reading my story?"

Qiao Mu didn't understand.

There are also pillows available.

"You can put it together with the mattress and eat two things with one fish."

Qiao Mu commented like this.

He had seen a movie before, and there was a part in it where a pillow turned into a spirit and sucked the essence of the sleeping person. He didn't know if the pillow to be shipped had similar effects.

In addition, there are other business orders such as shopping platforms with tens of billions of subsidies. Qiao Mu took a look and found that these business orders were not suitable for him to use.

At the end, Qiao Mu accidentally discovered a wonderful business order.

It's an order from a funeral company.

Funeral companies are like those in many movies. They are commercial companies. Salespersons not only need to know all kinds of funeral-related knowledge, but sometimes they also have to work as salespersons and deal with customers.

It is not uncommon for funeral company salespeople to arrive before the person is dead. Even in winter, when many elderly people pass away, the demand for these funeral companies exceeds supply, and people have to queue up even if they are not booked in advance.

Normally, funeral companies are not allowed to advertise, but the boss of this company is a young man who inherited the family business. He just wants to become bigger and stronger, and uses modern management methods. In the past few years, it has actually become a success. The business was established in this city, radiated to the province, and branches were opened.

This time, I felt that everything Qiao Mu usually wrote was a bit mysterious, and they were the target audience of their funeral home.

"Quite interesting."

Qiao Mu is very interested in this business order. On the one hand, he really doesn’t know how funeral companies usually advertise. On the other hand, Qiao Mu thinks that funeral companies have seen so many dead people, so they should be able to do more. When anomalies are encountered, it is valuable as a channel for understanding intelligence.

He first casually made a tree hole to indicate that he was back.

[I just came back from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and finally my feet are on the ground, so comfortable! 】

Within minutes of posting, there were dozens of comments.

Qiao Mu glanced at it and then contacted the funeral company he was looking for business cooperation with and asked them to add his WeChat account. has changed a lot of things recently. You can only send one private message to strangers, and you have to follow each other to have a conversation. Moreover, those who have been members before have to continue to be members. Otherwise, many functions will be restricted, and it will even be worse than before without adding money. account.

Soon, a WeChat account added Qiao Mu as a friend, and he noted it as [Funeral Company].

[Funeral Company]: Hello, we mainly want you to create a work to promote our company's business, and then if you click on the link here to place an order, you can get a discount.

After a brief introduction, the other party expressed his thoughts.

[Qiao Mu]: Can I make a short video?

Qiao Mu thought for a while. The resources he had now were not suitable for writing a novel specifically for this funeral company. It would be easier to make a video.

What's more, now he has a brand new scene called "Funeral Parlor Wedding Event", which he has to use after all.

Because the Ghost Bride has an entity, ordinary people can also see it, but people without depth can only feel that it is a dead person, while people with depth can feel the weirdness and horror in it.

Just right for shooting short videos.

[Funeral Company]: That’s great. We have also placed it on several video platforms.

[Qiao Mu]: In this case, I will visit your company first to see if there is any better entry point.

[Funeral Company]: No problem, we are all looking forward to your arrival.

The two of them confirmed the process, and Qiao Mu discovered that the headquarters of the funeral company was in Jiangcheng, which saved them some troublesome travel and travel.

The next day, Qiao Mu packed up, sent a message to A Xin, and took the bus to the funeral company.

The company's headquarters is not near the funeral home, but close to the city, which is considered a prime location.

Qiao Mu came to the downstairs of the office building and took a look. There were many other companies in this building, and the one he was going to was called Yishengtang Information Consulting Company.

Judging from the name, it's just an ordinary consulting company. If the company next door doesn't come to visit in person, you won't know what the company does.

This is normal, because most people avoid these things and avoid looking at them when passing by a wreath shop and a funeral shop. If a similar shop opened next door, they would definitely complain every day.

After all, even the construction of a communication base station near one's home would cause commotion. How could one endure such a funeral?

When he came to the door, Qiao Mu found that the front desk looked normal. After explaining his purpose, the girl at the front desk asked Qiao Mu to wait for a while.

Qiao Mu sat on the sofa and looked around, trying to see if there was any unusual contamination in the funeral company.

Unfortunately, none have been found so far.

There were some promotional posters on the wall, and Qiao Mu looked at them curiously.

One of the posters showed an open coffin, with an old man lying in a shroud sitting up, and beside him were two undertakers in black suits. The old man was making a V-sign and smiling, and the other two Also in high spirits, there is a line of big characters at the bottom.

[Yishengtang is a good helper for your last journey! 】

On another poster, a group of people in black suits were standing under the stage, posing in a congratulatory applause pose, while an old man in a shroud stood on the stage and danced, with an angel halo on his head.

There is also a line of large characters at the bottom.

【Join the Yishengtang family and embrace a better future life! 】


Qiao Mu found it difficult to comment.

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