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Chapter 113 113Why do birds fly?

Chapter 113 113. Why do birds fly?

Watching the picture disappear and turn back into the collapsed wall, Kiriyama fell into deep thought.

Qiao Mu was cheerful, as if he had just watched a movie, and kept clapping his hands.

"Again, again, again."

He urged the dolls to play other clips.

The wall lights up again, this time with an image of John the Teddy Bear.

These scenes are similar to those before. There are scenes of the dolls playing with guests at the amusement park, scenes of them being examined by Allen, and scenes of Allen taking them out to play and get in touch with nature.

One passage is very noteworthy.

Kiriyama saw that this was the scene of Teddy Bear John and Alan walking in the forest outside the amusement park.

"Alan, John read a book yesterday. The book said that there are birds chirping in the forest. Alan, what are birds?"

John the Teddy Bear's inorganic voice sounded and spread throughout the forest.

"A bird is an animal that can fly in the sky. In the past, there were many birds in the forest."

Alan explained patiently, like a loving father.


John the Teddy Bear obviously doesn't understand what it means to fly.

"It means moving in the sky and being able to shuttle freely. Although many animals can fly, the ones that everyone notices the most are birds."

Allen pointed to the sky.

"That's great, John wants to fly too."

The camera jumps, as if John the teddy bear is jumping for joy.

"There will be a chance in the future."

Alan touched John the teddy bear's head.

The camera turns to the sky.

"Alan, why do birds fly?"

Teddy Bear John asked a question, which made Alan turn to look at him, as if he was surprised and surprised.

"Yeah, why do birds fly, John, what do you think?"

He posed the question to John, like a persuasive teacher.

"Well, John thinks that because birds can fly, they can fly, just like John can walk if he has feet."

John answered.

"It's quite philosophical."

Allen smiled and continued to speak.

"You may need to find the answer to this question yourself. John, the biggest difference between you and other machines is that you can think. Don't stop thinking and do what you want to do."

"John promised Alan."

The camera nodded, then plunged into darkness.

"Already able to think for myself"

Although Kiriyama's old city does not have concepts such as robots and artificial intelligence, after experiencing these adventures in foreign lands, he also knows that in some foreign lands, people are indeed pursuing the self-thinking of machines.

According to what they saw earlier, Allen's laboratory was originally studying the transplantation of human consciousness into machines. In order to achieve this goal, they designed several plans, one of which was to create a chip that simulates the structure of the human brain. Running artificial intelligence on it is equivalent to reverse research.

Surprisingly, this reverse research created an artificial intelligence that can dream, have self-awareness, and can think.

"I'm afraid, the names of these dolls are"

Kiriyama felt that he had thought wrong before.

He originally thought that these dolls were Allen's transfer of the children's consciousness to the machine, but obviously, this technology was not completed, and there was only the self-generated consciousness of the machine.

Maybe those children were not saved in the end and died painfully due to the erosion of pollution.

Allen gave the names of these children to the souls of these newborn machines.

As he said, he failed to save those children, and all he did now was meaningless self-satisfaction.

What Wushan and Qiao Mu are facing now is a robot with self-awareness.

Allen asked these robots to stay in the amusement park in advance, and then used a memory extractor to remove the relevant memories and protect the dolls.

This is the biggest secret in this amusement park.

When he realized this, suppressed and indifferent words appeared in Wushan's field of vision.

【Discover the secret of the amusement park: 1/1】

The moment he noticed this text, Wushan looked at Qiao Mu aside.

"I discovered the secret!"

Qiao Mu shouted.

Wushan didn't know if Qiao Mu understood, but he knew very well that in the God's Chosen mission, the mission progress of the companions was not shared.

For example, now, although Wushan realized that the secret of the amusement park is these self-aware robots, he only came to the conclusion based on his thinking and did not share it with Qiao Mu.

In this way, there will be no situation where fellow travelers exploit each other, or even where some powerful people rely on abilities or props to control other travelers to forcefully explore, expose themselves to contamination, and obtain the truth.

Of course, if Wushan tells Qiao Mu this, then Qiao Mu will be able to grasp the truth and complete the mission.

At this moment, when Wushan had just deduced and obtained the truth, Qiao Mu actually grasped the secret of the amusement park almost at the same time, which really made Wushan feel a bit outrageous.

After all, from Wushan's perspective, Qiao Mu was just eating and drinking with these dolls, and how could he understand the truth about the amusement park.

"what have you found?"

Wushan asked Qiao Mu to the side and asked in a deep voice.

"These are the dolls. They are all robots. Allen seems to have developed the autonomous consciousness of robots. These are his achievements."

Qiao Mu didn't hide anything.

".It's pretty much what I thought."

After Wushan hesitated for a moment, he nodded and said what he added.

At the same time, in Qiao Mu's sight, golden threads were retracted from these dolls.

Just now, he wanted to read the dolls' memories, not only because it was really fun, but also because he wanted to collect more information to feed [Ghost].

You must know that [Dragon Ghost] is an abnormality in which the more you understand about events in foreign lands, the more power you can gain.

Some students may ask, did Qiao Mu eat those canned insects for the sake of [ghost]?

To clarify here, Qiao Mu is really greedy.

I even began to think that if I could master such a technique, I would be able to taste a lot of things that I couldn't actually eat under normal circumstances.

I just don’t know if [Dark Ghost] can capture such power in this mission.

"Ah Shan, now we know the secret of the amusement park, what about Alan's last message?"

Qiao Mu asked.

"Eren's last message should be the technology used by the memory extractor to make these dolls self-aware."

Kiriyama touched his chin, looked at the jumping and very happy dolls in the distance, and whispered.

"I suspect that those memories may be in these dolls."

Allen attaches great importance to research, and naturally puts all research-related memories in the safest place.

At that time, the safest place for him in the world was on these dolls in the amusement park.

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