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Chapter 112 112Does a robot dream of electronic sheep?

Chapter 112 112. Will robots dream of electronic sheep?

Kiriyama fell into silence.

This was completely different from the Allen he remembered.

According to what is shown in the seminar manual, Alan Christopher should be a mad scientist who is obsessed with research, ignores morality and law, and only advances for his own curiosity.

In order to prevent the leakage of his research results, he is even willing to use a memory extractor to erase all his memories.

But from Bruno's perspective, Alan Christopher is quite humane and treats Bruno as his own child.

This seems somewhat contradictory.

Moreover, in these blurry videos, Kiriyama could see that Bruno did act as an amusement park doll for a certain period of time, and his way of speaking was obviously more normal.

What happened in the middle?

He half wanted to ask Bruno the Dalmatian, but he was worried about the irreversible consequences.

"Do you still have such memories?"

At this time, Qiao Mu spoke.

"It was like watching a movie just now, so exciting!"

He didn't have any scruples.

"Anna said, yes, yes, do humans like these memories?"

Pink fox Anna tilted her head.

"I like it, of course, I like it."

Qiao Mu replied matter-of-factly.

The pink fox's eyes immediately released light, which was projected on the dilapidated wall.

"Can I take a photo with you? You're so cute!"

In the same blurry picture, a girl in a skirt can be seen talking to Anna.

"Go quickly, don't delay others too long."

The person beside the girl who looked like her mother said.

The girl's figure came over, took a photo with Anna, and gave her a big hug.

The picture dimmed and brightened again. This time, even without speaking, Qiao Mu and Wushan recognized the man in the white coat as none other than Alan Christopher.

"It's no problem, Anna, you can go back to work, you have nothing wrong."

This seems to be a laboratory, and Anna is standing up from the chair.

"Is it true? Anna kept seeing those pictures when she was on standby. She thought Anna was broken."

Anna's supposedly inorganic voice sounded slightly uneasy.

"Can you tell me what you saw?"

Allen's back was turned to Anna, and he seemed to be operating the tablet in his hand.

"Anna saw the children. They were surrounding Anna. They were holding hands and spinning in circles together. Everyone was very happy in the theater of the amusement park."

Anna's voice was filled with longing.

".Are there any other images?"

Allen immediately turned back to look here. He was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Anna still felt like she was flying in the sky, so high, so high, and the clouds were soft, like cotton candy sold in an amusement park."

Anna answered again.

Allen did not speak this time, but silently recorded something on the tablet, then came over and touched Anna's head.

"If you and everyone encounter a similar situation in the future, don't tell others and come to me. I can handle it."

The screen shook for a moment, as if it was nodding, and finally returned to darkness.

Seeing this scene, Kiriyama held his chin up and thought.

But Qiao Mu suddenly clapped his hands.

"Did you dream about electric sheep?"

"What did you say?"

Kiriyama doesn’t know why.

But a few dolls are thinking very seriously.

"George said, what are dreams?"

The purple bunny ears with three eyes sway slightly.

"It's what Anna said in the scene she recalled just now. The scene you will see and the sound you hear when you are on standby. Isn't that just a dream?"

Qiao Mu replied matter-of-factly.

"Anna said that Anna had dreamed about the green grassland, and everyone was rolling on the grassland together."

said pink fox Anna.

"Raphael said that Raphael also had a dream about swimming in a stream. The water in the stream was ice cold and very comfortable."

Raphael, the turbaned turtle, immediately jumped to his feet.

"Raphael, do you have any memories?"

Qiao Mu asked the other party at this time.

"Raphael said, yes, there are many, and Raphael also has many, many memories."

After saying that, he sat down, his eyes glowed, projecting a mottled picture.

"I didn't expect that our research would achieve unexpected results in the opposite direction. It's incredible that the preparations made in advance when studying the processing of consciousness can achieve such an effect."

A relatively young voice came. This seemed to be a laboratory, and there were several people in white coats surrounding Raphael.

"Machines can really produce self-awareness, Alan. Your discovery will cause a sensation in the world!"

Another person's voice sounded, and he patted the shoulder of the person standing in the middle.

"At this time, this is not a discovery worth celebrating."

The one in the middle made Allen's voice.

"Everyone, the purpose of our laboratory is to study the transfer of human consciousness to machines. To this end, we have designed a mechanical chip that simulates the neural topology of the human brain, and placed it in the core of these companion dolls, allowing They come into contact with other humans and obtain experimental data, but now we find that these dolls have developed a certain degree of self-awareness, which means that we do have a chance to transfer human consciousness into these chips.”

Allen summed it up simply.

"Ellen, what to do with these dolls?"

asked a person next to him.

"I am responsible for them. Although they were born by accident, they are still new lives after all."

Allen answered. In the picture, he came in front of Raphael and leaned down slightly so that his eyes were level with him.

"From today on, your name is Raphael, remember?"

His voice was soft, as if he was comforting an injured child.

"Alan, that name is."

The people on the side were a little surprised and wanted to say something, but Allen quickly stopped him.

"I know that I failed to save them, and everything I do now is just meaningless self-satisfaction."

Allen sighed.

The picture dimmed.

It lit up again, and it was Allen standing in front of Raphael again.

"Listen, Raphael, and everyone else, you have to remember your names, and you must not forget that I and other uncles and aunts are going on a trip. You are here to take care of the amusement park and take care of all the equipment. Yes, and those little animals, we will be back when the amusement park opens again. "

He touched Raphael's head.

The camera panned up and down, as if nodding.

In the picture, Allen and others said goodbye to Raphael one by one, and the last young girl hugged the doll hard.

"We made a promise that when we get back, we'll give you a big hug."

The girl sniffed and cried a little.

"Raphael will be waiting for everyone."

The camera silently watches everyone leave, before finally returning to darkness.

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