Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 489: : five years later [7]

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Chapter 489: Five years later [7]

The body was soaked in the hot spring, the warm water vapor filled the air, and a trace of vitality began to penetrate into her body through the warmth, flowing through the meridians, and finally into the symbol source, the vitality of the five attributes began to show the original color, rotating Together.

This hot spring is very helpful to the cultivators, and can speed up the tempering of the vitality in the body, and progress in layers to help her grow.

There is also a reason for Lingzun to choose this place.

Huang Beiyue closed his eyes and let the hot spring slowly nourish the body. He wanted to concentrate on it. But when he thought of the words of the spirit, he couldn’t help but think about the situation where he and the beasts had no blood to recognize the Lord.

It is a cumbersome process to confess the blood of the beast without the borders of the beast. The spirit respects a spell that opens the borderless beast, and then she drops it with a drop of blood. If the beast is starting to appear golden light, it means The confession was successful.

She remembered that when her blood was dripping on the beast of the beast, the scent of the corner of the soul suddenly appeared, with some subtle smiles.

What does that smile mean? She left a heart, every time she used the beastless, she was careful, but in the past five years, nothing has changed. She has only become stronger and stronger, and her spiritual respect has always been cold.

So she almost doubts whether she was wrong at the beginning. Or, she grew up in a cautious life, so she has a skeptical attitude towards anyone.

She really is from the bottom of my heart, and will not easily believe anyone!

The mood was a little depressed, and Huang Beiyue also had no intention to cultivate. She stood up from the hot springs, dressed, and thought that the goddess of the gods who had been asked to pay for her had not been handed over to him, and went out to find a tiger.

Xiaohu is squatting on the grass outside the wooden house full of flowers. The lazy look is really fascinating. In recent years, the tiger has grown too fat, mostly because the guy is too lazy.

Huang Beiyue walked over, just saw the grass move slightly, then the green head of the yellow bones was drilled, the green stem on the top of the head shook, and the small short legs ran to the tiger.

The little tiger didn't look at him with a slouchy look. He wasn't frustrated. He stood in the nose of the little tiger, squatting from his pocket bag and picking up a small piece of meat.

The meat was too small, probably only the size of the thumb, but it was very big in the hand, and he held it under the nose of the tiger.

The tiger's nose swayed and smelled. He opened his mouth slightly, and he was happy to put the little meat in his mouth, and then he was afraid that he would be eaten by the tiger, and quickly retreated.

That piece of meat and tiger chews don't have to chew, just swallow it down, and even the teeth are not enough!

After eating the meat that was offered, the tiger still ignored him and rested there with his eyes closed.

Hey, from the small pockets of the pockets, he took out a fruit of the beauty of the water, and gave it to the little tiger. The tiger still opened his mouth as usual, letting the **** put the fruit in his mouth.

After eating, Xiaohu still ignored him.

Hey, a little stunned, licking his round eyes, continue to squat from the small bag, this time throw out a bone to eat!

The tiger opened his mouth and put the bones into the mouth of the little tiger. The little tiger just swallowed, and suddenly he was stuck by the bones. He immediately opened his eyes and groaned fiercely.

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