Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 488: : five years later [6]

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Chapter 488: Five Years Later [6]

When the spirit is finished, the black robe is slightly moving, and his people have gone far.

In the peach blossom forest, the water mist is filled, and the fluttering is like a fairyland. He is the fairy in this fairyland, and the ten-foot red dust can't be stained with him.

Huang Beiyue also quickly followed up and asked behind him: "Master, you haven't told me yet, why didn't you teach me? Although I was very reluctant to worship you as a teacher, I really think you are me for so many years. Master, I hope you teach me."

She is very sincere. She has never been a self-respecting person. For the spiritual respect, she is still a teacher with a seven-point respect.

"Do you think that I am because you are reluctant to worship me as a teacher, I will not teach you?" Ling Zun did not look back at her, just said faintly.

"Master has a reason!" Huang Beiyue said, "I need to know this reason!"

The footsteps of the spirits suddenly stopped, and a mist of water drifted from his eyebrows, and the illusory beauty made people feel trembled.

He raised his head and waved his sleeves. There were countless pink petals falling on the tree. In the rain, the phoenix moon and the clothes were covered with petals, but the body was not in the body. Contaminated.

He said coldly: "If you look at this flower, it will fall when it reaches the end. No matter how bad it is, the branches will not be able to retain it."

Phoenix North Moon slightly stunned, looking at the face of Ling Zun from the rain of flowers, why is there a hint of faintness between the picturesque eyes?

"I don't believe, your end is here!?" Huang Beiyue said excitedly. "This reason can't convince me!"

"It's not my end, but my end to the beast." Compared with her excitement, the spirit is almost the same as the millennium iceberg. No matter how the earth breaks, it can't change his face.

Huang Beiyue looked at him and waited for the answer.

"After four days, only the person who confessed to the Lord can enter. I can't go in."

Ling Zun said, in the cold scorpion, like a pool of spring water suddenly had a fine ripple, said: "Northern Moon, five years, have you thought about leaving me?"

"I" Phoenix North hesitated for a moment. In the past five years, in this isolated place, she really thought many times, when can I go out?

His hesitation is already the best answer. Ling Zun did not say anything, turned and left.

As soon as he left, the falling rain of flowers stopped, and a layer of petals was laid on the ground. Phoenix North did not have the heart to trample. After standing for a while, he slowly walked to his cabin in the valley.

In the valley, when they came, there was nothing. The three cabins here were shipped back by piece of wood and covered by themselves.

Speaking of this ability to survive, Ling Zun is not as good as her. After all, she has received special training in the 21st century. As an excellent hands, she has to understand a lot of fields and architecture is also one side.

At that time, Ling Zun was still a grandfather than the uncle, and he refused to do anything. She was busy with the ice magical bird.

When the house was covered, he naturally chose the largest one to live in.

Now it sounds, the experience of building a house is also a kind of experience.

When Huang Beiyue entered the wooden house, she took off her clothes and wore a thin layer of single clothes. She walked behind the wooden house. There was a hot spring pool, which she opened up.

The body is soaked in the hot springs, and the warm water vapor is coming up.

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