One Punch Man King Engine

Chapter 138 The Clues Provided by Ainance

In the days of Graceland, it was a little boring. Although the amusement facilities here are complete, no one dares to play happily when the owner is missing, otherwise they will definitely be thrown out. ? WwW.suimeng.lā

After waiting day and night, Mei Lei finally brought the investigation of the romantic killer. According to the police investigation, three years ago, a rich woman's lover tortured and killed the rich woman, and fled with a huge sum of money. No arrests were made.

Missing, that is to say, the clue is broken again.

"Heroes, let me introduce you. This is Miss Ainance."

On this day, Amazon also brought up a beautiful woman with long hair like a waterfall, "She is Miss Yali's secretary. Thanks to her working in the company during the days when Miss Yali disappeared, otherwise the news of Miss Yali's disappearance may be heard." It has already been spread and caused an uproar."

Ainance lifted the loose strands of hair around her ears, and nodded politely to everyone, "Hello."

"Hi Miss Enance."

Banggu opened his eyes and took a look, then continued to close his eyes to rest his mind. The sexy prisoner glanced uninterestedly, then withdrew his eyes and continued to stare at King's body. Leather shoes, a game character with a rose in his mouth, what is the name of this character? Wedding person? bridegroom? Suitors?

Superalloy black light... did not say a word from the beginning to the end, facing the sun, posing with pe, waiting for the audience's admiration.

Toad and Sharpshooter fiddled with their weapons boredly, ignoring each other.

With a lollipop in his mouth, Tong Di said indistinctly, "Mr. Tooth Wear, does Ms. Man Love know the clue of Miss Pressure's disappearance?"

Now that Amazon brought Ainance up, naturally they wouldn't be aimless.

Amazon shook his head, "Miss Ainance doesn't know the reason for Miss Yali's disappearance, but she has been Miss Yali's secretary for more than two years, and she is very familiar with Miss Yali, and can even imitate Miss Yali's handwriting , we also rely on her imitation of Ms. Yali's handwriting and the company's seal to deceive the employees of the group company and ensure that the news of Ms. Yali's disappearance will not be leaked. So I think that based on her familiarity with Ms. Yali, Maybe we can find some clues from Miss Yali's room."

"Well, please feel free."

Tong Di licked the lollipop and walked away. He had carefully observed the room just now, and there was nothing suspicious.

Ainance stared at the roses and wedding rings on the table with her beautiful eyes,

Liu Mei frowned, and said: "Mr. Amazon, the chairman may not be kidnapped by a romantic killer."

"Huh? Miss Enance, why do you say that?" Amazon asked eagerly.

King suddenly said: "The suitor!" That's right, the character in this game is the suitor, and its moves are as romantic and gentlemanly as its title, very graceful and gorgeous.

Finally remembered.

He nodded in satisfaction, inexplicably feeling that the air was a bit quiet, he turned his head to look at the others, and found that everyone was staring at him in unison, and the sexy prisoner was even drooling.

Tong Di's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Yes, I understand, Uncle King is right, the roses and wedding ring may not be left by the romantic killer, but presented by Ms. Yali's suitor. Accidentally leaving it on the table, coupled with the disappearance of Miss Yali, led us to think about the romantic killer, but in fact, perhaps as we speculated before, the person who hijacked Miss Yali was not the romantic killer, but someone else. His person.” He looked at King, and said with a smile: “Uncle King, am I right in my analysis? Speaking of which, Uncle King’s ability to react and reason is very strong, and he only guessed it based on Miss Ainance’s words. result."

Banggu looked at the king calmly, I already knew that the king's reaction was abnormal!

For some reason, the corners of the sexy prisoner's mouth drool more.

The super alloy black light is still facing the sun, showing off its muscles.


King looked confused, don't ask me, I have no idea what you are talking about.

He turned his head and continued to browse the game character stickers on the wall,

Ainance said a little excitedly: "Yes, these roses and wedding rings may be gifts from the chairman's suitors. I have handled roses and wedding rings for the chairman more than a dozen times during my more than two years as the chairman's secretary. Quit."

Tong Di said seriously with a small face: "Well, this explains why the modus operandi of the crime is different from that of Romantic Killer in the past, because it is not Romantic Killer who commits the crime at all, but..." His voice changed, "All this is just ours. Guess, there is no evidence to prove our conjecture, so our next step is to investigate whether someone has proposed to Miss Ya Li recently, and presented roses and wedding rings."

Amazon said decisively: "Leave this kind of thing to the police, they are very suitable for this kind of work." After that, he turned to Ainance and said: "Miss Ainance, thank you for the clues, if you are very If you are busy, you can go back to the company temporarily, and I will let you know if there is any news."

"No need, Mr. Amazon." Ainance said embarrassingly: "I imitated the chairman's handwriting and signed a leave note for myself. I may disturb you in Graceland for a few days. I hope you don't mind. I am very happy too. I want to do my part to get the chairman back."

Amazon was slightly taken aback, "Okay, I'll ask someone to clean up another room."

Bang Gu, who hung up for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "By the way, Mr. Amazon, do you have a competition venue here?"

"The arena? Sorry, there is no arena in Graceland." Amazon sighed slightly: "However, there is a boxing ring. Ms. Yali likes playing games and boxing the most. She said that she can vent her pressure as much as she wants. Do you need it?" ?”

"Need." Banggu kicked the sculpture-like super-alloy black light, and said leisurely: "Super-alloy black light, accompany me to loosen this old bone. Anyway, we can't help with the investigation."

"Huh?" The super-alloy black light was stunned for a few seconds, and then slammed into a posture showing the biceps, "Silver fangs, look at my muscles full of explosive power, are you sure you want to fight me?"


"Okay, I'll show you my perfect ass later."

For the contest between Banggu and Super Alloy Black Light, the king has no interest at all, and the sexy prisoner is even less interested. Tongdi has already fallen into reasoning, and only the toad and the sharpshooter excitedly follow the past as spectators.

The efficiency of the police is still very good. It only took half a day to find out the origin of the roses.

It turned out that the roses were really not left by the romantic killer, but a gift from a certain suitor of Yali when she proposed to Yali the day before yesterday, and Yali left it on the table, which caused everyone's misunderstanding.

As for the Romance Killer's information, it's not important for the time being. The main question now is, since the Romance Killer didn't hold Yali hostage, what is the reason for Yali's disappearance? Kidnapped by others or other reasons?

"Now, we only have one clue left, and that is Miss Yali driving to the outskirts of City Z. As for where she went... I don't know for now, we can only start from here."

Tong Di said seriously: "We need to find new clues along the path that Miss Yali traveled before she disappeared."

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