Solon stopped, his face gloomy, and Dusty's every word pierced Sauron's heart like the tip of a knife. Especially she was still holding Gu Yina's face.

Solon couldn't help it anymore, turned and pointed at Dusty and shouted, "You've always upset me!" Listen, this face of yours is exactly the same as my dead friend, and now even the tone of speech is the same, you big liar, don't imitate others at will!

"What did you say!? Where did the fallacy come from? Miss Ben has never met your so-called friend, she has always lived according to her heart, I don't know what kind of person your friend is, I should be surprised that I am right! You naïve guy can say such rude things, and that friend of yours is the imitator! Dusty felt inexplicable, and her heart was also very unhappy.

Hearing Dusty bite back Solon didn't know how to reason with her at this time, and heard the wind getting louder and louder, Solon thought to himself: "Forget it, what am I fighting with her, it's better to go back to the ship first."

Solon hurried out of the alley, but immediately he was dumbfounded, he came to a crossroads, which way should he choose? I have already forgotten which way I walked when I came, damn it!

Seeing that Luffy did not use armed color domineering, Smog felt insulted, and bursts of smoke emanated from his body, and soon these smoke enveloped Luffy's body, blurring his vision.

Luffy quickly punched and scattered the white smoke in front of him.

At this time, Smog had come behind Luffy.

Luffy, who sensed that there was someone behind him, quietly continued to attack the smoke, and today I will be an actor.

Looking at the stupid Luffy, Smog couldn't help but laugh: "Sora has mastered that huge power, but he is a fool" Smog thought that Luffy was slow to react, which allowed him to succeed. At this moment, there is no more hesitation.

The smoker held Luffy's head with his left hand, and the "ten hands" held by his right hand had already resisted Luffy's back heart. The huge force crushed Luffy to the ground, and Smog took advantage of the situation to step on Luffy's back.

"That's the end of you!" Smogg's hand was so hard that he was ready to stun Luffy.

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind Smogg. I saw that this person was wearing a cyan raincoat, and his hood covered his face tightly.

A big hand grabbed Smogg's "ten hands", no matter how hard Smog tried, the weapon made of sea lou stone was immobile.

Smogg understood that he had met a master.

"Who are you?" Smogg turned to look at the comer, and suddenly a bolt of lightning streaked across the dark sky, illuminating the face of the tall figure. A resolute, calm face appeared in front of Smogg, and upon closer inspection, you could also find the slipper-print tattoo on the right half of the face.

Smogg's heart suddenly recognized this person. It was the revolutionary Dorag who created the revolutionary army to confront the world government.

"The world government is offering your heads everywhere, I didn't expect you to appear here." After Smog recognized Dorag, he didn't have the panic of the initial moment.

And Luffy, who was still being trampled by Smogg, knew at this time that Dorag had appeared, and the work of acting did not have to be done.

Luffy struggled hard, grabbed the smoker's body with an armed domineering backhand, and threw it to the ground again. And he himself had already stood up and looked at Dorag like that.

The "Ten Hands" made by Sea Lou Stone have not yet pierced Luffy's clothes, and have not actually touched Luffy's body, so Luffy is not affected.

"Why do you do that? Did you already know I was coming? Dorag asked Luffy, apparently, Luffy's release of water didn't escape his eyes. This also proves that Luffy has been secretly noticed by Dorag since he arrived on the island shortly after his arrival.

"Grandpa told me everything, and although I've never met you, you can't go wrong with that feeling of being connected by blood. I knew the moment you appeared nearby. I just want to see you. Before I go to sea! Luffy said.

Karp said that he was wronged, I didn't say anything, I don't know, I didn't do it.

"The old guy said everything? I know it's an unreliable daddy! How can I tell you everything! Dorag showed the surprisingly consistent shocked faces of the Monchi family.

"You are both the same, half a pound and eight taels, no one can say anyone! Otherwise, why did I grow so old and didn't know that I still had a father! Luffy Road.

Dorag couldn't answer this.

"Ah this... Okay Luffy, you have seen the people too, just go for it, I still have a lot to do, we'll see you later. Dorag was ready to go.

"Nope! You have never done anything to me, and now that I am going to sea, you have to send me something if you say anything. Luffy revealed his true intentions.

"Then what do you want, you won't ask me for money, let's say okay, my business is not half of the funds are seriously insufficient, and I don't want money." Dorag's words are very much like misers.

"Grandpa said that you have a physical cultivation method that is very powerful, what is called "Dragon Claw Fist" I want to learn, is there a secret, bring me a copy." Luffy spread his hands and begged.

"That's it, okay, take it! Practice well, study hard. I'm gone, we're a family, and there will be a period later. Dorag pulled out an oilcloth bag and gave it to Luffy before leaving.

"It's good that the kid didn't ask me for money!" Dorag thought to himself.

Luffy got the tarpaulin bag and ran immediately.

Go find Solon first, the guy must be lost.

Luffy stepped on the air "Moon Step" and looked around to see Solon's figure.

Here Smog was still surprised: "Straw Hat Luffy is the son of the revolutionary Dorag!?" Faced with this amazing news, his mind couldn't turn for a while.

No wonder he got such a high reward as soon as he went to sea, it was an evil engraved in his blood! Smog thought so.

Want to enter the Great Route? Straw Hat Kid. Even if you chase you to the ends of the earth, I, the "White Hunter", must bring you to justice.

Luffy ran several streets before he saw Solon and saw him circling the square.

"Damn, how come this road is so long, and I haven't seen the end after running for so long!" Solon is spitting on the road beneath his feet.

"Hey! Solon" Luffy shouted, then stretched out his hands and grabbed Solon.

Luffy took Solon and flew quickly towards the port.


It is said that when Yamaji Akin and the others came to the Meili, they saw about a dozen sailors guarding the ship, and Akin Sanji put down his things without saying a word and quickly walked towards the sailors.

It only took the two more than ten seconds to stun the group of sailors.

"Everyone get on board, the storm is coming." Nami shouted.

So several people quickly took things and climbed on the boat, then raised anchor and prepared to set sail.

Everyone waited for a long time, but Luffy and Solon were nowhere to be seen.

"They won't be caught by the Navy." Usopp said.

"Don't say stupid things, they are monster-level, how can they be caught so easily!" Nami is full of confidence in Luffy.

Just then, Luffy arrived with Solon.

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